assignment 1 – self portrait


My main focus for this assignment was the aesthetics of it. Because I wanted to focus more on making something visually pleasing, I started off ambitious – I had made a cartoonish sketch of myself and was hoping to recreate it in Processing. It seemed possible if I broke down the drawing into small curves.

While it most certainly was possible, I underestimated the difficulty of doing so. However, as we discussed in class, even the way things fail can be inspirational in itself. As I was trying (and failing) to construct the initial sketch, I noticed that what I had looked very similar to minimalist line art. I realized a line art representation of myself was not only much more feasible but also more indicative of the features I see most representative of myself, like my glasses, my mole, and my often-worn heart-shaped earrings.

I also really love pastel color palettes, so I wanted to incorporate them into my portrait. I decided to make the background(s) of the portrait some of my favorite palettes. Every time the canvas is clicked, it changes the color palette. There are five in total.


Like I said, because I focused mostly on the aesthetics of it the technical implementation isn’t the most out-of-this-world. I, however, like the idea of having different sized blobs in the background (which I believe makes the whole portrait visually appealing). The mathematics of implementing the blob I learnt from this article, which I then modified a bit to have animated.

  for (let k = 0; k < blobs.length; k++) { 
    let blobPoints = []
    translate(blobs[k].x, blobs[k].y); 
    for(let i = 0; i < res; i++) {
      //make sure circle isn'getting too big or too small
      rad += random(-20,20);
      rad = constrain(rad, blobs[k].minRad, blobs[k].maxRad); 
      let x = rad * cos(angle * i);
      let y = rad * sin(angle * i);
      blobPoints.push([x, y])
    for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      curveVertex(blobPoints[j][0], blobPoints[j][1])

Reflections and Improvements

While I’m happy with the way my self-portrait turned out, I don’t like the way the curves were made. It was a lot drawing of lines with hard-coded coordinates, so it is not adjustable in anyway, so making the line art itself interactive in any capacity feels very difficult. For my next project, I want to focus more on using symmetry and geometry in the location of elements.


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