week-2 reading response

For this week’s reading reflection for Casey Reas’ lecture about chance operations, I have considered how randomness can be utilized in my work. In my current work in VR, I have seen that randomness could introduce an added level of immersive experience in my work. For example, having unpredictable environment shifts and interactions could generate a sensation of uncertainty, amplify the level of engagement for the user, and make them even more engaged in the experience. Nevertheless, a delicate balancing act must take place between randomness and control, for excessive randomness could disorient, and a lack of randomness could make the experience too rigid and lifeless. In my work, I’d like to experiment with randomness in bounded structures—generating a level of surprise but not compromising purpose and clarity of the experience.

The lecture challenged my thinking about randomness in my work. As I have liked having a level of control over my work, having calculated unpredictability in my work opens doors for new avenues for investigation and inquiry. It’s posed questions for me about an excessive level of randomness and whether an ideal sweet spot can stimulate and maintain a level of creativity and an involved level of user experience. Can excessive randomness destroy the narrative and emotional impact of a VR experience, or can it generate new dimensions of meaning? I’m interested in exploring these questions in my continued development of my work.

week 2-Morphing Ripple


“My artwork is derived from early computer graphics, with its use of dynamically changing, concentric forms. I‘d prefer to utilize symmetry and repetition in an attempt to produce a hypnotic rhythmic effect, similar to early computer artwork.”

highlight of the codes:

I’m particularly enjoying the loop structure I designed for generating concentric shapes with iteratively altering colors and dimensions. That recursive algorithm generates a rich, multi-colored effect that looks complex but is achieved with relatively simple code.

function setup() {  
  createCanvas(400, 400);  

function draw() {  

  let x = width / 2;  
  let y = height / 2;  

  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {  
    translate(x, y);  
    rotate(frameCount * 0.01 + i * 0.1); // Rotate dynamically  
    stroke(0, 255, 255); // Cyan-colored square  
    rect(0, 0, 6, 6); // Small square inside the circle  


the sketch I indetened to use

Week 1-self portrait

Concept of the Self-Portrait
In this self-portrait, I tried to represent a more simplified and stylized version of me through emphasizing more geometric shapes and clean lines. The hijab is a very big part of my identity, and through soft curves and bold colors, I tried showing elegance. Therefore, the intention was to be harmonious and balanced in that composition-representative with minimum design. In the future, I would like to add more detailed features, such as patterns on the hijab or dynamic animations that could give it more personality. even making it seem more decent and realistic

The self-portrait uses a hijab which is drawn in arcs that wrap comfortably, gracefully around the face, I was trying my limits to make it creative. reflecting comfort and simplicity. The minimalist approach uses clean shapes for eyes, eyebrows, nose, and a subtle smile to show very expressive yet understated design. This artwork used soft, warm skin tone colors versus deep black from the hijab, which really exudes balance and harmony. It can be customized for any given user’s preference-for example, using a different-colored hijab color by calling fill(), complex patterns, or gradients for texturing. Future enhancements could include animating the hijab to simulate a fabric-like flow, adding a sunlit room or cultural motifs as a background to enrich the narrative, and introducing interactivity, such as clicking to change hijab colors or toggling facial expressions. These features and enhancements aim at creating a dynamic and meaningful representation of identity and creativity.

// Draw hijab
fill(0); // Black hijab
arc(200, 200, 150, 200, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI – QUARTER_PI); // Main hijab
arc(200, 230, 200, 280, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI – QUARTER_PI); // Outer hijab layer

this was the hardest dealing with this self-portrait since I couldn’t make it seem more realistic