Week 2 – Art Work


Week 2: Art Work

For this assignment, I wanted to create a simple yet interactive artwork that users can engage with easily. My goal was for users to be able to click on the canvas to generate a new, random art piece, which ensures that each one remains unique and creative. I drew inspiration from the techniques and concepts we have been exploring in class and wanted to make this a fun interaction where people can experience various generative artworks.


One of my favourite parts of the code is the random colour generator, as it produces a new colour each time, making each piece visually dynamic and engaging. It also adds a layer of unpredictability and excitement to the art.

let c = color(random(255), random(255), random(255), random(200, 255)); // Random colors

(click to generate new art)

I am satisfied with how my art piece turned out, as it successfully achieves what I intended while allowing me to explore new coding concepts and functions. I liked how the random shapes and colours added variety, keeping the artwork interesting and different each time. The ability to regenerate a new art piece enhances user interaction, making the experience feel fun and creative. There are a few things I would improve on in the future including adding more details and complexity. This includes introducing more shape variations, such as complex shapes, lines, and curves, as they can help create a more intricate and detailed composition. Additionally, after reflecting on the project, I realised that enhancing user interactivity could make the experience even more engaging. For example, I could add a feature where users can contribute to the artwork by drawing their own elements would make it more personal and creative. Overall, this assignment was fun and rewarding to create and helped me better understand loops.



Reading Reflection: Casey Reas’ Eyeo talk on chance operations

Casey Reas’ Eyeo talk on chance operations examines the intersection between randomness and artistic control, especially in digital art. His discussion brings up an interesting reflection on the role of unpredictability in creative processes. While structured designs offer predictability and intentionality, bringing in random elements can lead to unexpected and innovative outcomes. His approach aligns with John Cage’s philosophy of chance operations, where the artist gives up some control to external forces, which allows for new interpretations and meanings. This raises questions regarding the limits of authorship in art, when does an artist stop being the sole creator if randomness plays a significant role in the final piece? His examples challenge the idea that randomness is naturally chaotic, but it can actually be utilised to create structured complexity.

In my own work, I see the potential to incorporate randomness as a way to explore new creative directions without sticking to preconceived outcomes. This is something I have already experimented with a little, for the artwork that I created. I made an artwork that generates various art pieces using random colours and shapes. However, I think that there is a balance between total randomness and complete control. Having too much unpredictability can make a design feel disconnected while having excessive control can suppress creativity. The challenge is in the ability to set parameters that allow for both structure and coincidence. This talk made me reconsider the extent to which I rely on controlled methodologies and has encouraged me to experiment more with random processes. One question that I still have is, how can we embrace randomness while ensuring the outcome still serves a practical purpose?

Week 1 – Portrait

For this portrait I wanted it to serve as an opportunity for me to explore p5.js and coding, while also making it represent myself. As this is my first time coding, I am still getting used to it and discovering new elements, which means that my portrait is not as elaborate and realistic as I would like it to be. However, I still made it meaningful by including some things that represent me such as making it colourful and adding a cake to represent my love for baking.

One part of this assignment that I’m particularly proud of is the code for the nose. It was a challenging part of the portrait that took me some time to figure out, but I’m glad I was able to execute it successfully.

noFill(); // nose
vertex(200, 200);
vertex(195, 220);
vertex(200, 220);

Reflecting on the portrait I created for this first assignment, I feel satisfied with the result. It helped me get more comfortable with how coding in p5.js works and gave me a foundation to build on. For the future, I’d like to focus on adding more detail to my projects. For example, I could experiment with creating more detailed hair, such as adding front strands, designing a more interesting shirt, or even making the portrait interactive. This can be done by conducting more research and experimenting with different shapes and techniques, which I’m excited to try.

–  Raghd