Midterm Project Proposal – LoopMusicBox

For the midterm project, my ideas centers on creating an interactive piece using analog sensors and different sounds. The LoopMusicBox will be a an enclosed box with three labeled buttons for discoverability (SAVE, PLAY, RESET), a buzzer/disc, and a proximity sensor that allows the user to create music with notes decided with the user’s physical movement.

When the piece is powered, the buzzer will play a note where the user can simultaneously change the frequency of the note depending on the mapped value from the sensor – the close your hand is to the sensor, the higher the frequency of the played note.

When the user presses the SAVE button, the program will save the note with the respective frequency at the time the button is pressed and places in an array of saved notes. The user will continue the process until the PLAY button is pressed.

When the user presses the PLAY button, the program will play the notes that are saved in the array until the RESET button is pressed. Then, when the RESET button is pressed, the program resets and it restarts the process from beginning.

One thought on “Midterm Project Proposal – LoopMusicBox”

  1. Give some thought to how the user interface for this will be clear. It should be able to be used without any explanation from you. One thing that is fun about loops is layering things on top of other things you recorded before. Having more than one part available would be nice. Maybe there is a servo drum too?

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