Week 8 | Create an unusual switch: “Light up your step” Assignment

Light up your step:

The “Light Up Your Step” assignment involves creating a foil-based light switch integrated into a rug that activates when someone steps on it. When pressure is applied to the mat, the foil switch makes contact, turning on the lights connected to the breadboard. This concept aims to create a welcoming and surprising element for guests entering your living room, as the lights switch on when they step on the rug (if made into a real rug).

This assignment took some time to conceive, but during a visit to my home over the weekend, I found inspiration. Upon arriving in my living room, I was inspired to create something based on rugs. I thought that integrating this into my project would be a fantastic idea, and it turned out to be quite appealing.

IMG_5050 = demostration video of the rug being stepped on


The structure of the project involves printing two images of a rug and sandwiching a strip of foil between them. I attached one wire from the Arduino to the foil, and the other black wire to the foil, connecting them to the breadboard. The wires are secure with tape.




As this is my first time working with electrical components like Arduino, I’m feeling excited and enthusiastic about diving into this new experience. Despite my initial lack of knowledge, I took the time to revisit the required readings and carefully studied Professor Michael’s notes to reassemble the light switch correctly. I’m genuinely proud of how I interpreted the assignment and came up with a unique and enjoyable concept. I’m looking forward to the journey ahead!

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