Colorwall Update

Although I already managed to make my squares move by Wednesday, they still did not do what I initially planned so I went on trying. Eventually I managed to sort of get where I wanted, but I am glad it took me a while as the graphics that were created in the development process are actually more interesting.

Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 12.07.25 PM

Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 12.06.53 PM

Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 12.05.39 PM

Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 12.05.13 PM

Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 12.04.36 PM



Continue reading “Colorwall Update”

Distort Word Art

I went on to the site: to start finding interesting repetition patterns in animations. The videos on that page feature these subtle movements using the same shape over and over again, so I took my Snow code and essentially reworked it so that it made a simple distortion pattern across the screen. It looks like diagonal lines of dots moving around randomly, but it’s actually several columns of dots aligned together, and they move around in a synced way to give the illusion of these flowing lines. Then, I added some word art, because I thought this would be an interesting way to show a characteristic of the word “DISTORT”. By using animation and visualization, this word is kind of expressed through the piece.


class Snow {
  float ySpeed;
  float xPos;
  float yPos;
  float opacity;
  float snowflake;
  Snow() {
    ySpeed = 0;
    xPos = 1;
    yPos = 1;
  void snowball() {
    fill(240, opacity);
    for(float a = 0; a<=width;a=a+1){
      ellipse(xPos+a, yPos+a, 2, 2);
      ySpeed = random(-3,3);
      yPos += ySpeed;
    void bounds() {
      if (yPos >= height || yPos <= 0) {
        ySpeed = ySpeed * -1;
  void opacity(){
    opacity = map(yPos,0, height,255,0);

Snow[] unicorn;
String distort = "DISTORT";

void setup() {
  size(800, 600);
  unicorn = new Snow[20];
  for(int q = 0;q<unicorn.length; q++){
    unicorn[q] = new Snow(); 

void draw() {  
  PFont font = createFont("AppleSDGothicNeo-Thin-48",64);
 for(int q = 0;q<unicorn.length; q++){


Morse Code Converter

Based on the array and text functions we learnt in class, I made a morse code converter for this week’s assignment. The converter has two modes. In the first mode, the user can enter up to five letters or numbers. The program will convert the input into morse code. In the second mode, the program will automatically generate five lines of Morse Code. The user then needs to enter the corresponding letter or number for each line of code. The screen will print Correct! if the user’s input is accurate.

Morse Code Mode 1Morse Code Mode 1

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Solo Pong Beta!

I was bored the other day and started making a Pong-like game. And it was all fun and nice until I decided to add a second ball to the game. I realized coding a second ball the same way I coded the first one would be incredibly inefficient. So then objects happened. 😀

Using classes and objects, coding games becomes way easier because we can have many instances of the same thing happening independently. Thus, once I got the basics of classes down, adding more cool stuff to the game was a relatively simple matter.

Continue reading “Solo Pong Beta!”

Big&Small Pacmans

In this project, originally, I made a pacman animation. Red picman and yellow picman show in the screen at the same time with their mouths open and close alternatively. The yellow pacman goes beyond the red pacman and then disappears while the red pacman stays in the screen. Ocassionally, I found a game on the website which I mix my idea into it. There are two balls in the game, you can use your mouse to control one ball and catch up with the other ball. When the two balls meet, their sizes and speeds will change. My originally idea can help the game change simple balls into cute pacmans, in addition, the background of the game can be adjusted to a more colourful scene.

You can see the video here: Processing Game

Continue reading “Big&Small Pacmans”