I was inspired by the sport of frisbee golf to make a circuit that is only completed once the user successfully throws the frisbee into the goal. I accomplished this, by fitting a modified cardboard box with broad aluminum foil contact points, and placing a ring of copper tape around the frisbee, so that when the frisbee come into contact with both sides, it allows current to pass through.
Category: [Old] Your Work
Week 1 Slides
Week 1 Circuits
Series with Button
Parallel with Button
Lamp (Final Project)
For my final project, I have completed making a lamp. The design was hard for me to decide, but through some modification, it ended up like this.
Lights of Constellation
That is what my final project looks like at the December showcase. Continue reading “Lights of Constellation”
Ready, set, go!
For my final project I made a two-player running race game.
ELLIPSE (the supreme shape)
Discussion of my work process and how I worked out all my designs:
import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; Draw myDraw; Pulse myPulse; Random myRandom; Stretch myStretch; ArrayList<Sphere> mySphere; ArrayList<Flow> flows; boolean ellipse = true; float values ; float xPos; float yPos; float prevValues = 0; void setup() { background(0); fullScreen(P3D); // size(800, 800, P3D); myDraw = new Draw(width/2,width/2); myPulse = new Pulse(width/2,height/2); myRandom = new Random(width/2,height/2); myStretch = new Stretch(); mySphere = new ArrayList<Sphere>(); flows = new ArrayList<Flow>(); String portName = "/dev/cu.usbserial-DA01LJI0"; myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600); myPort.bufferUntil('\n'); } void draw() { noCursor(); println(values,xPos,yPos); if (values == 0) { central(); } if (values == 3) { ellipse = false; disco_ball(); } if (values == 5) { myDraw.shape_draw(); myDraw.update(xPos,yPos); ellipse = false; } if (values == 7) { ellipse = false; myStretch.stretch(); myStretch.update(xPos,yPos); } if (values == 9) { ellipse = false; myPulse.pulse(); myPulse.update(xPos,yPos); } if (values == 11) { ellipse = false; myRandom.random_circle(); myRandom.update(xPos,yPos); } if (values == 13) { ellipse = false; flows.add(new Flow()); for (int i = flows.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { Flow s = flows.get(i); s.update(xPos,yPos); s.render(); if (s.isDead()) { flows.remove(i); } } } if (values == 15) { ellipse = false ; myPulse.pulse(); myPulse.update(xPos,yPos); } if (values != prevValues){ clear(); } prevValues = values; } void central() { pushMatrix(); background(0); noFill(); stroke(255); strokeWeight(1.5); ellipse(width/2, height/2, 300, 300); popMatrix(); } void serialEvent(Serial myPort) { String inString = myPort.readStringUntil('\n'); inString = trim(inString); String[] james = split(inString, ','); if (james[0] != null) { values = float(trim(james[0])); } //X position if (james[1] != null) { james[1] = trim(james[1]); xPos = float(james[1]); // println(xPos); xPos = map(xPos,0,1023,0,width); } //Y position if (james[2] != null) { james[2] = trim(james[2]); yPos = float(james[2]); yPos = map(yPos,1023,0,100,height-100); } myPort.write('x'); } void disco_ball(){ pushMatrix(); background(0); translate(width/2,height/2,0); mySphere.add(new Sphere()); for (int i = mySphere.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { // manipulate the objects Sphere s = mySphere.get(i); s.update(xPos,yPos); s.render(); if (s.isDead()) { mySphere.remove(i); } } popMatrix(); }
ArrayList<Sphere> spheres; class Sphere { float xPos; float yPos; float xSpeed; float ySpeed; float diam; float alpha; float moving_x; float moving_y; Sphere() { alpha = random(127, 350); xPos = width/4-475; yPos = height/4-300; xSpeed = random(-10., 10.); ySpeed = random(-10., 10.); diam = 150; } boolean isDead() { if (alpha <= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } void render() { strokeWeight(2); alpha -=3; diam = diam-3.5; float yellow = map(diam,100,200,255,0); float interesting = map(moving_y,0,height,yellow,0); stroke(255, 255,interesting,alpha); float cool = map(moving_x,0,width,0,255); fill(0,cool); pushMatrix(); translate(xPos,yPos,yPos); sphere(diam); popMatrix(); } void update(float x, float y) { moving_x = x; moving_y = y; xPos+=xSpeed; yPos+=ySpeed; } }
class Draw { int num_vertex; float radius; float centerX; float centerY; float Xmove; float Ymove; float[] x = new float[num_vertex]; float[] y = new float[num_vertex]; float angle = radians(30); Draw(float _x,float _y) { Xmove = _x; Ymove = _y; smooth(); noFill(); centerX = width/2; centerY = height/2; num_vertex = 12; radius = 150; } void update(float xPos,float yPos){ Xmove = xPos; Ymove = yPos; } void shape_draw() { noFill(); stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); ellipse(width/2, height/2, 300, 300); for (int i=0; i<num_vertex; i++) { x = append(x, cos(angle*i) * radius); y = append(y, sin(angle*i) * radius); } stroke(255, 255, random(0, 250), 80); if (Xmove != 0 || Ymove != 0) { //WHERE I CHANGED OUT THE MOUSE X AND Y centerX += (Xmove-centerX) * 0.05; centerY += (Ymove-centerY) * 0.05; } for (int i=0; i<num_vertex; i++) { // cause random movements for verteces within these parameters x[i] += random(-1.25, 1.25); y[i] += random(-1.25, 1.25); } beginShape(); curveVertex(x[num_vertex-1]+centerX, y[num_vertex-1]+centerY); for (int i=0; i<num_vertex; i++) { // for every vertex make a point about the center curveVertex(x[i]+centerX, y[i]+centerY); } curveVertex(x[0]+centerX, y[0]+centerY); curveVertex(x[1]+centerX, y[1]+centerY); endShape(); } }
class Flow { // variables for the object float xPos; float yPos; float xSpeed; float ySpeed; float alpha; float size; float moving_x; float moving_y; Flow() { background(0); alpha = random(0, 255); xPos = 0; yPos = 0; xSpeed = random(-20,20); ySpeed = 20; } boolean isDead() { if (alpha <= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } void update(float new_x, float new_y) { moving_x = new_x; moving_y = new_y; xPos+=xSpeed; yPos+=ySpeed; } void render() { fill(0); noStroke(); ellipse(width/2,height/2,300,300); alpha -=1; size +=1; fill(255,255,alpha,alpha); for(float a = 0; a <=width;a=a+100){ pushMatrix(); float rotationx = map(moving_x,0,width,-PI/8,PI/8); float rotationy = map(moving_y,0,height,-PI/8,PI/8); rotateX(rotationx); rotateY(rotationy); ellipse(xPos+a,yPos,size,size); popMatrix(); } } }
class Pulse { float parameter_x; float parameter_y; float movex; float movey; Pulse(float movementsx, float movementsy){ movex = movementsx; movey = movementsy; } void update(float xPos,float yPos){ movex = xPos; movey = yPos; } void pulse(){ if((xPos <970 && xPos>964) &&(yPos<538 && yPos>534)){ parameter_x = random(50,350); parameter_y = height/2; }else{ parameter_x = movex; parameter_y = movey; if(parameter_x > 350){ parameter_x = 300; } } pushMatrix(); smooth(); frameRate(15); strokeWeight(2.5); stroke(255,255,random(0,300)); pushMatrix(); fill(0,20); rect(-100,-100,width+200,height+200); popMatrix(); translate(width/2,height/2); int resolution = (int)map(parameter_y,100,height-100,2, 30); float radius = parameter_x-width/2+400; float angle = TWO_PI/resolution; beginShape(); for (int i=0; i<=resolution; i++){ float x = cos(angle*i) * radius; float y = sin(angle*i) * radius; vertex(x, y); } endShape(); popMatrix(); } }
class Random{ float x_go; float y_go; Random(float movementx,float movementy){ x_go = movementx; y_go = movementy; } void update(float xPos,float yPos){ x_go = xPos; y_go = yPos; } void random_circle(){ smooth(); background(0); frameRate(45); pushMatrix(); fill(0,50); rect(0,0,width,height); popMatrix(); noStroke(); float fadeX = (float)x_go/width; float angle = radians(360/float(300)); for (int i=0; i<300; i++){ float circleX = width/2 + cos(angle*i)*150; float circleY = height/2 + sin(angle*i)*150; float randomX = random(0,width); float randomY = random(0,height); float x = lerp(randomX,circleX, fadeX); float y = lerp(randomY,circleY, fadeX); float blue = map(y_go,0,width-50,0,255); fill(255,255,blue,200); ellipse(x,y,random(0,20),random(0,20)); } } }
class Stretch{ float xmove; float ymove; void update(float xPos,float yPos ){ xmove = xPos; ymove = yPos; } void stretch(){ background(0); strokeCap(SQUARE); smooth(); noFill(); float rotationx = map(xPos,0,width,-PI/6,PI/6); float rotationy = map(yPos,0,height,-PI/6,PI/6); rotateX(rotationx); rotateY(rotationy); float blue = map(xPos,0,width,0,240); stroke(255,255,blue,100); translate(width/2,height/2); int circleResolution = (int) map(yPos, 0,height, 50,120); float radius = xPos-width/2 + 50; float angle = TWO_PI/circleResolution; strokeWeight(yPos/80+5); beginShape(); for (int i=0; i<=circleResolution; i++){ float x = cos(angle*i) * radius; float y = sin(angle*i) * radius; rect(0,0,x,y); line(0,0,x,y); } endShape(); } }
4 of my demos in video: