Midterm & Midterm documentation – Shereena AlNuaimi

Catch The Dates

Why not use the “Fruit Ninja” game, which I spent years of my childhood playing, serve as the inspiration for this minigame? With little consideration, “Catch the dates” turned into a mini game.

Dates and explosives will begin to fall from the NYUAD  palm trees that serve as the game’s backdrop as soon as you begin playing. The objective is to avoid receiving a score of zero or below. The player can score two points on dates, but their score will be reduced by three if they catch the bomb in the basket.

One thing that I’m most proud of is the game itself as a whole. Being an extremely indecisive person, it was hard for me to just stick with one idea. However, with careful consideration I came to being excited to code this small game itself while including a part of my childhood in it while embedding culture and symbolizing the UAE’S culture and heritage by using dates instead of fruits.

One challenge I have encountered when coding this midterm, was the basket leaving a trace at the bottom as well as the background being not too flexible with height and fit on the screen.

However, I solved that issue with adjusting the image width and height in order to fit perfectly. 

In conclusion, this midterm really made me step out of my comfort zone. In reality I am not too proud of the work that I achieve nor do I like to share it, however, with this course, I was able to achieve that and step out of my comfort zone a little bit and be proud of the work I have accomplished especially when creating this little game. 

// Declare variables
let titleSize = 35
let bg;
let basketImg;
let dates = [];
let bombs = [];
let score = 0;
let gameStarted = false;
let gameOver = false;
let basket;
let basketScale = 0.5; // Adjust basket scale
let basketSpeed = 7;
let nextDateFrame = 0; // Frame count for next date
let nextBombFrame = 0; // Frame count for next bomb
let scoreBoxWidth = 200; // Width of score box
let scoreBoxHeight = 50; // Height of score box

// Preload images
function preload() {
  bg = loadImage('palm trees.png');
  basketImg = loadImage('basket.png');

// Setup canvas and game state
function setup() {
  createCanvas(800, 800); // Larger canvas size
  textAlign(RIGHT, TOP);

// Reset game state
function resetGame() {
  score = 0;
  gameStarted = false;
  gameOver = false;
  dates = [];
  bombs = [];
  basket = createVector(width / 2, height - basketImg.height * basketScale); // Adjusted basket size
  nextDateFrame = 0; // Reset frame count for next date
  nextBombFrame = 0; // Reset frame count for next bomb
// Main game loop
function draw() {
  // Display background
  image(bg, 0, 0,width *1.5 , height*1.5);

  // Display instructions if game not started
  if (!gameStarted) {

  // Display game over screen if game is over
  if (gameOver) {
  // Display basket
  image(basketImg, basket.x, basket.y, basketImg.width * basketScale, basketImg.height * basketScale); // Adjusted basket size

  // Move basket continuously when arrow keys are held down
  if (keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW) && basket.x > 0) {
    basket.x -= basketSpeed;
  if (keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW) && basket.x < width - basketImg.width * basketScale) {
    basket.x += basketSpeed;
  // Move and display dates
  if (frameCount >= nextDateFrame) {
    let date = new FallingObject('dates');
    nextDateFrame = frameCount + int(random(120, 240)); // Randomize next date appearance
  for (let date of dates) {
    if (date.checkCollision(basket.x, basket.y, basketImg.width * basketScale, basketImg.height * basketScale)) {
      score += 2;

  // Move and display bombs
  if (frameCount >= nextBombFrame) {
    let bomb = new FallingObject('bomb');
    nextBombFrame = frameCount + int(random(120, 240)); // Randomize next bomb appearance
  for (let bomb of bombs) {
    if (bomb.checkCollision(basket.x, basket.y, basketImg.width * basketScale, basketImg.height * basketScale)) {
      score -= 3;
      if (score <= 0) {
        score = 0;
        gameOver = true;

  // Display score
  fill(0, 0, 255);
  rect(width - scoreBoxWidth, 0, scoreBoxWidth, scoreBoxHeight);
  textAlign(RIGHT, TOP);
  text(`Score: ${score}`, width - 10, 10);

// Handle key presses
function keyPressed() {
  // Start game on spacebar press
  if (!gameStarted && key === ' ') {
    gameStarted = true;

  // Reset game on 'r' press
  if (gameOver && key === 'r') {

// Display game instructions
function displayInstructions() {
  text("CATCH THE DATES", width/2 +190, height/2 -150);
  text('Instructions:',width / 2 +120 , height / 2 -90);
  text('Use arrow keys to move the basket',width / 2 + 300 , height / 2 -40);
  text('Catch dates to score points',width / 2 + 250 , height / 2);
  text('Avoid bombs',width / 2 + 120 , height / 2 + 40);
  text('Press space to start',width / 2 + 180 , height / 2 + 80);

// Display game over screen
function displayGameOver() {
  fill(255, 0, 0);
  triangle(width / 2, height / 2 - 100, width / 2 - 150, height / 2 + 150, width / 2 + 150, height / 2 + 150);
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  text('Game Over!', width / 2, height / 2 + 30);
  text('Press "r" to play again', width / 2, height / 2 +  118);

// FallingObject class
class FallingObject {
  constructor(type) {
    this.x = random(width);
    this.y = -50;
    this.speed = random(2.5, 3.5); // Adjusted speed
    this.type = type;
    this.image = loadImage(`${type}.png`);

  // Move the falling object
  move() {
    this.y += this.speed;
    if (this.y > height) {

  // Display the falling object
  display() {
    image(this.image, this.x, this.y, 50, 50);

  // Reset the falling object's position
  reset() {
    this.x = random(width);
    this.y = -50;
    this.speed = random(2.5, 3.5); // Adjusted speed

  // Check for collision with another object
  checkCollision(objX, objY, objWidth, objHeight) {
    return this.x > objX && this.x < objX + objWidth && this.y > objY && this.y < objY + objHeight;


Pi Midterm : The Deal

(Instructions : If you have a guitar, you can plug in your guitar and play the game. However, without a guitar, you can play with arrow keys. More instructions inside the game.)

Pi’s P5 Midterm : https://editor.p5js.org/Pi-314159/full/FCZ-y0kOM
If something goes wrong with the link above, you can also watch the full gameplay below.

Overall Concept

The Deal is a highly cinematic cyberpunk narrative I am submitting as my midterm project.

Meet Pi, the devil’s engineer, in a world where technology rules and danger lurks in every shadow. After receiving a mysterious call from a woman offering a lucrative but risky job., he’s plunged into a world of corporate espionage over brain-controlled robots.

The inspiration for this comes from my daily life, where I have to deal with tech clients, and … yes I actually do Brain controlled robots in my lab, you scan the brain waves through electroencephalogram (EEG) and use that feed that signal through a neural network to translate to robot movements. It’s in very early stage, but it is moving.

How the project works

The game is supposed to be played with the guitar. In fact, it is to be used not as a game, but as a storytelling tool by a guitar playing orator to a live audience. Below is the demonstration of the game.

A number of tools and a not so complicated workflow is used to create this game in a week. The full workflow is illustrated below.

For a midterm project, the project is rather huge. I have 16 individual Javascript Modules working together to run the player, cinematics, background music, enemies, rendering and parallax movements. Everything is refactered into classes for optimization and code cleanliness. For example, my Player class begins as follows.

class Player {
  constructor(scene, x, y, texture, frame) {
    // Debug mode flag
    this.debugMode = false;
    this.debugText = null; // For storing the debug text object
    this.scene = scene;
    this.sprite = scene.matter.add.sprite(x, y, texture, frame);
    // Ensure sprite is dynamic (not static)

    // Setup animations for the player

    // Initially play the idle animation
    this.sprite.anims.play("idle", true);

    // Create keyboard controls
    this.cursors = scene.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();

    // Player physics properties
    this.sprite.setFixedRotation(); // Prevents player from rotating

    // Modify the update method to broadcast the player's speed
    this.speed = 0;

    this.isJumpingForward = false; // New flag for jump_forward state

    // Walking and running
    this.isWalking = false;
    this.walkStartTime = 0;
    this.runThreshold = 1000; // milliseconds threshold for running
    // Debugging - Enable this to see physics bodies

  //Adjust Colors
  // Set the tint of the player's sprite
  setTint(color) {

What I am proud of

I am super proud that I was able to use a lot of my skills in making this.

For almost all the game resources, including the soundtrack, I either created it myself or generated it through AI, then plugged into the rest of the workflow for final processing. Here, in the image above, you can see me rigging and animating a robot sprite in Spine2D, where the original 2D art is generated in Midjourney.

Problems I ran Into

During the testing, everything went well. But during the live performance, my character got confused between moving left and moving right. When I played guitar notes for the character to move left, it moved right instead . This is because I declared the key mappings from the fft (Fast Fourier Transform) signal as frequency bands, which maps to right and left arrow keys accordingly.

In theory, it should work, but in practice, as in diagram below, once the left key mapping stops, the signal inadvertently passes through the right key mapping region (due to not having an exact vertical slope), causing unintentional right key presses.

I had to resort to the fft-> keymapping workflow since I cannot directly access the javascript runtime through my external C++ fft program. However, had the game been implemented as a native game (i.e. using Unity,Godot), then I can directly send unique UDP commands instead of keymapping regions. This would resolve the issue.

Rubric Checklist :

  • Make an interactive artwork or game using everything you have learned so far (This is an interactive Game)
  • Can have one or more users (A single player game, with the player acting as the storyteller to a crowd)
  • Must include

At least one shape

The “BEGIN STORY” button is a shape, in order to fulfill this requirement. Everything else are images and sprites.

At least one image

We have a whole lot of images and Easter Eggs. The graphics are generated in Midjourney, and edited in Photoshop.

At least one sound

Pi composed the original soundtrack for the game. It is in A minor pentatonic for easy improvisation over it. In addition there are also loads of ambience sounds. 

For the prologue monologue, I used this : https://youtu.be/Y8w-2lzM-C4

At least one on-screen text

We got voice acting and subtitles.

Object Oriented Programming

Everything is a class. We have 18 Classes in total to handle many different things, from Cinematics to Data Preloader to Background Music Manager to Parallax Background Management. Below is the Cinematic implementation.

class Cinematic {
  constructor(scene, cinematicsData, player) {
    this.scene = scene;
    this.cinematicsData = cinematicsData;
    this.player = player; // Store the player reference
    this.currentCinematicIndex = 0;
    this.subtitleText = null;
    this.isCinematicPlaying = false;
    this.collidedObject = null;
    this.lastSpawnSide = "left"; // Track the last spawn side (left or right)
    // Game objects container
    this.gameObjects = this.scene.add.group();
    this.phonecallAudio = null; // Add this line

  create() {
    // Create the text object for subtitles, but set it to invisible
    this.subtitleText = this.scene.add
      .text(this.scene.scale.width / 2, this.scene.scale.height * 0.5, "", {
        font: "30px Arial",
        fill: "#FFFFFF",
        align: "center",
      .setOrigin(0.5, 0.5)

    // Setup collision events

  executeAction(action) {
    switch (action) {
      case "phonecall":
        console.log("Executing phone call action");
        // Play the 'nokia' audio in a loop with a specified volume
        if (!this.phonecallAudio) {
          this.phonecallAudio = this.scene.sound.add("nokia", { loop: true });
          this.phonecallAudio.play({ volume: 0.05 });


  • The experience must start with a screen giving instructions and wait for user input (button / key / mouse / etc.) before starting (The main menu waits for the user click)
  • After the experience is completed, there must be a way to start a new session (without restarting the sketch) (After the story, it goes back to main menu)

Interaction design (is clear to user what they are controlling, discoverability, use of signifiers, use of cognitive mapping, etc.)

(We have a super simple Keyboard or Guitar input instructions)



Midterm – Saeed Lootah

For the midterm I wanted to do some kind of video game. I felt that it would be more fun and ironically more interactive than an interactive artwork. Originally I was stuck on the idea of Russian Roulette but that lead me to the idea of a Mexican Standoff. The premise of the game is that two players are facing each other and after a countdown they each have to shoot before the other player does. Furthermore, I wanted to prevent people from just holding down the shoot key so I made it so that if you shoot too early you fail.

I wanted the player to first see a main menu before they start the game. I was inspired by some of the previous works of students on their midterm and wanted something similar but also unique to my game. However, before I could start making it I had to find out how to do so. In class, I don’t remember which one exactly since it was a while ago now, I asked Pi about something to do with different pages/menus and he told me about a scene management class. That is a function or part of the code dedicated towards picking different menus. This ingenious solution was what I needed, and for that reason I put Pi in the credits menu for my game. Furthermore, Pi told me about game state machines and more about states in general in games, that concept helped me a lot during the creation of my project. I was proud of the code I made for the scene management class but not as proud as the code I made for the gameplay. A lot of work went into making the actual game itself and I wish I could show more of what I did without it being too boring but in any case; below is what I am most happy with.

function countdownFunctionality() {
  // frame rate is 60
    gameStarted = true;
    let x = 1;
    let xSecond = 60 * x; 
    let firstSecond =   initialFrameCount + xSecond * 1;
    let secondSecond =  initialFrameCount + xSecond * 2;
    let thirdSecond =   initialFrameCount + xSecond * (3+randomNumber)
    if(!(tooSoon1 || tooSoon2)) {
        // TODO sounds
      if(frameCount < firstSecond) {
      if(frameCount > firstSecond && frameCount < secondSecond) {
      if(frameCount > secondSecond && frameCount < thirdSecond) {
      if(frameCount > thirdSecond) {
        fire = true;

Above is the code for the countdown. I needed something that would (obviously) act like a normal countdown, going from 3 to 1 then to the words fire, but I also needed to have the program be able to detect a player firing at any point during the countdown. This meant I could not stop the program completely but still needed a way to add a delay. I chose to do this through essentially counting frames. Where when the function is called the frameCount at the time is kept and then the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and final seconds are kept as a number which the frameCount has to be greater than for the appropriate icon to show. Then at the end of the code you can see the line “fire = true”. Fire is a boolean variable that was initialized outside the function and it is used to keep track of the states of the game, like Pi taught me 🙂 When it is true the players are allowed to shoot.

There are also a lot of general things about my code that I’m happy about. Primarily the way that I organized the code. I created a separate javascript file for each menu as well as the scene management class. This made things easier to navigate. Furthermore, going into this project I decided to use visual studio code instead of the website editor, I wasn’t sure how to at first but after some figuring things out I learned I had to use extensions, I found the specific extensions then spent a while learning how to use the extensions in the first place.

While the program works now, there are A LOT of things I would change. I added a lot of files thinking and sometimes trying to add them but eventually giving up because I ran into some kind of bug. If you end up going through the files you will notice this, and if you go through the comments you will notice that I wanted to add some extra features. I originally wanted to add a best of five game-mode but because of time constraints I had to give up on it for this project but maybe next time. Another thing I wish I could get to work, and there is still time is music that plays specific to the play menu and not just the main menu music which plays all the time. I haven’t been able to figure it out just yet because I was experiencing some bugs but I unfortunately cannot put aside time to do it at the moment, perhaps in the future, maybe even before class. Anyways, that’s all I have to say about this project. I’m happy with it overall, it is the most effort I’ve put into a coding project and the most lines of code that I’ve ever written, and I think it shows. I hope people have fun playing it.

P.S. The credits to all the people that have helped me and all of the people that made the sprites, images, etc. are in the credits section which you can find from the main menu.



6th March 2024:
Fixed a bug where if player 2 shoots too soon then player 1 does as well it shows that player 1 shot too soon and not player 2.

Response – Week 5, Golan Levin’s Computer Vision for Artists and Designers

Golan Levin’s Computer Vision for Artists and Designers,  explains the concept computer vision for beginner programmers like myself, placing a emphasizing on utilizing vision-based detection and tracking techniques within interactive media. The initial section introduces the artistic applications of computer vision beyond industrial and military realms.

It was a very interesting read that almost shows history in interactive media through computer vision, at least in some way or the other. It is through computer vision the first computer interactive art performance was developed.

For example, ‘Standards and Double Standards’ by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer is something that intrigued me. Belts spinning around based on who’s passing by – visually cool, but there’s this metaphorical layer that adds depth. It’s the kind of stuff that makes you ponder. Which is what I would like to implement in my work.


Midterm: Feline Frenzy

For my midterm, I had to create a game primarily focused on cats, driven by my love for them. The game’s objective is to reach a score of 20 by catching as many cats as possible within thirty seconds. Additionally, there is a power-up cat that boosts your score. I encountered two unsuccessful attempts in executing my ideas, leading me to start over, which I believe turned out quite well.


My initial idea was to create a game inspired by “My Talking Tom,” a game I enjoyed playing while growing up. I aimed to introduce a twist by replacing the cat with a camel. However, when it came time to execute the idea, I was unsure of how to begin and could not find any examples to follow.


My second idea involved creating an interactive game using PoseNet, modeled after the classic “I’ve got your nose” game. The core code functioned well; however, implementing the menu and other deliverables proved difficult, as they interfered with the rest of the code’s functionality. If you’re interested in trying it out, I recommend visiting the actual sketch, as you’ll need your webcam.

Moving on to the actual game, I aimed to create something simple and easy to play. However, I do wish it offered more of a challenge to players. Perhaps increasing the speed or adding another character that reduces the score instead of offering power-ups could enhance the difficulty. Additionally, feedback from one of my classmates highlighted the importance of clear instructions. Given the potential for confusion, providing explicit instructions regarding the timeframe, the scoring system, and the power-up cat would make it easier for users to understand and enjoy the game.

In terms of challenges, I faced issues similar to those of my classmates, particularly with the sketch not accepting images. I was advised to either work on the code locally or clear my cache to resolve this issue. However, my main challenges were related to the stylistic aspects of the game and deciphering the keyPressed(); function. Additionally, linking all parts of the game—from the menu to the game itself, and then to the win or lose screen—before looping it all back to the menu was probably the most time-consuming aspect of this entire project.

The most enjoyable aspect of this project for me was creating the graphics. I utilized Canva and Vecteezy to source all the elements needed to achieve the pixelated Mario aesthetic I desired.

Code + Notes:

// Midterm Project by Amal Almazrouei
// Credit:
// Sound: https://www.voicy.network/
// Font: Google Fonts
// Images: https://www.vecteezy.com/ ; pinterest.com
// Graphics: canva.com
// Example Code: https://editor.p5js.org/simontiger/sketches/Dj7GS2035

// Flags to control game state
let started = false;
let gameEnded = true; // Treat game as ended initially to present start menu
let showingEndScreen = false; // Indicates if end screen is currently displayed

// Game timing and positioning variables
let startTime;
let x = 200;
let y = 200;
let powerX = 100;
let powerY = 200;

// Score and game dynamics variables
let score = 0;
let r = 48; // Radius for interactive elements
let interval = 60; // Controls frequency of game events
let frames = interval; // Countdown to trigger game events
let powerIsThere = false; // Flag for power-up appearance
let increase = 1; // Score increment
let increased = 0;

// Assets and sound variables
let img, powerImg, startScreenBg; // Image variables for game elements
let myFont; // Custom font variable
let backgroundMusic, catSound, powerUpSound, winSound, loseSound; // Sound variables

function preload() {
  // Preload all necessary media assets
  img = loadImage('Media/cat1.png'); // Main character image
  powerImg = loadImage('Media/cat2.png'); // Power-up image
  startScreenBg = loadImage('Media/startScreenBg.png'); // Start screen background image
  myFont = loadFont('assets/MyFont.ttf'); // Custom font
  // Loading sound assets
  backgroundMusic = loadSound('sounds/backgroundMusic.mp3');
  catSound = loadSound('sounds/catSound.mp3');
  powerUpSound = loadSound('sounds/powerUpSound.mp3');
  winSound = loadSound('sounds/winSound.mp3');
  loseSound = loadSound('sounds/loseSound.mp3');

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  textFont(myFont); // Set the custom font
  backgroundMusic.loop(); // Play background music on loop

function keyPressed() {
  // Handles key presses for restarting or transitioning from end screen
  if (gameEnded && showingEndScreen) {
    showingEndScreen = false; // Exit end screen to show start menu
  } else if (!started && !showingEndScreen && gameEnded) {
    resetGame(); // Reset and start game from menu

function resetGame() {
  // Reinitialize game variables for a new session
  started = true;
  gameEnded = false;
  showingEndScreen = false;
  startTime = millis(); // Reset game timing and positioning
  x = 200;
  y = 200;
  score = 0;
  r = 48;
  interval = 60;
  frames = interval;
  powerIsThere = false;
  increase = 1;
  increased = 0;
  clear(); // Clear the screen before starting

function mousePressed() {
  // Handle player interactions with game elements
  if (started && !gameEnded && !showingEndScreen) {
    if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, x, y) < r) {
      // Random chance for score increase
      const rand = random(1);
      if (rand < 0.02) {
        increase = 50;
      } else if (rand < 0.1) {
        increase = 10;
      } else {
        increase = 1;
      score += increase;
      increased = 20;
    if (powerIsThere && dist(mouseX, mouseY, powerX, powerY) < r) {
      interval = 60;
      r = 48;
      powerIsThere = false; // Remove power-up after clicking

function draw() {
  // Main animation loop: Update game screen based on state
  if (!started && !showingEndScreen) {
    gameStartScreen(); // Show start screen if game hasn't started
  } else if (started && !gameEnded) {
    // Game play updates
    let currentMillis = millis();
    background(135, 206, 235); // Set background
    // Display power-up image if present
    if (powerIsThere) {
      image(powerImg, powerX - r, powerY - r, r * 2, r * 2);
    // Display main character image
    image(img, x - r, y - r, r * 2, r * 2);
    // Display score and time left
    textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
    fill(255, 0, 255); // Set text color
    text(score, 15, 15);
    let timeLeft = 30 - Math.floor((currentMillis - startTime) / 1000);
    text("Time: " + timeLeft, 15, 50);
    // Update positions and check for game end conditions
    if (frames <= 0) {
      frames = interval;
      x = random(width);
      y = random(height);
      if (random(1) < 0.07) {
        powerIsThere = true;
        powerX = random(width);
        powerY = random(height);
      } else {
        powerIsThere = false;
    if (score >= 20) {
      endGame(true); // Player won
    } else if (currentMillis - startTime > 30000) {
      endGame(false); // Time's up, player lost

function endGame(win) {
  // Handle game end: Show win or lose screen
  started = false;
  gameEnded = true;
  showingEndScreen = true;
  background(135, 206, 235); // Optionally reset background
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  // Display win or lose message
  if (win) {
    fill(0, 0, 128); // Blue color for win
    text("You Win!", width / 2, height / 2);
  } else {
    fill(0, 0, 128); // Blue color for lose
    text("You Lose!", width / 2, height / 2);
  fill(255, 0, 255); // Magenta color for subtitle
  textSize(24); // Smaller font size for subtitle
  text("Press any key to continue", width / 2, height / 2 + 20);

function gameStartScreen() {
  // Display start screen at game launch
  image(startScreenBg, 0, 0, 400, 400);

Credit + Resources:

Sound: https://www.voicy.network/
Font: Google Fonts
Images: https://www.vecteezy.com/ ; pinterest.com
Graphics: canva.com
Example Code: https://editor.p5js.org/simontiger/sketches/Dj7GS2035




Raya Tabassum: Reading Response 4

The article provides a comprehensive examination of how computer vision technologies have evolved from highly specialized tools to accessible instruments for artistic expression and design. The inclusion of historical and contemporary examples of interactive art, such as Myron Krueger’s Videoplace and Golan Levin’s own Messa di Voce, serves not only to illustrate the potential applications of computer vision in art but also to inspire readers to think creatively about how they might employ these tools in their own work. The article does not shy away from addressing the challenges and ethical considerations inherent in surveillance and data collection, using projects like the Suicide Box by the Bureau of Inverse Technology to provoke critical thought about the implications of computer vision technology. The workshop example, LimboTime, serves as a tangible outcome of Levin’s pedagogic approach, demonstrating how novices can rapidly prototype and implement an interactive game using basic computer vision techniques. This example encapsulates the article’s core message: that with the right guidance and tools, computer vision can become a powerful medium for artistic exploration and expression.
By demystifying computer vision and providing practical tools and techniques for novices, Levin opens up new avenues for creative expression and interaction, reinforcing the idea that art and technology are not disparate fields but complementary facets of human creativity.

Week 5 : Midterm Progress

When I heard how the midterm would be to create a game, my mind immediately went to my favorite type of game: Rhythm Games. I wanted to try and recreate one of my favorite arcade games called Dance Dance Revolution where the player would have to stand on the arrows on the ground that would correspond to the rhythm of the background music.

This is the DDR Arcade Machine:

I successfully created three lives that would get lost when the player would miss a ball. I also managed to create a “Game Over” state which I have to modify. However, I need to work on the interactive part of it. The mechanics that I have currently are Mouse click based, meaning that a player would have to click on the target area in order to gain points. When I tried to play it using a mouse, it felt very awkward so I will probably change it to the arrow keys which would be way more convenient.

Update: Okay, turns out that It does not even work properly with the mouse no matter how hard I try. I will be switching the strategy to the arrow keys.  I found the exact arrows that I would want to use which are the following. Now I have to figure out how I could code the arrow keys and assign them to each of the targets.

This is what I would like it to look like:

Midterm Progress Check – Jihad Jammal


The core idea of my game reimagines the classic mechanics of the retro game Snake, introducing a playful twist where the protagonist is a dog on a mission to eat as much homework as possible. In this game, players navigate a dog around the screen, aiming to collect and consume homework pieces scattered across the play area. Each piece of homework the dog eats not only adds points to the player’s score but also visually enlarges the dog’s face, making the game increasingly challenging and humorous as the dog’s appearance grows comically large.

To add a layer of strategy and urgency, the game is set against a ticking clock. Players must race against time, strategizing to eat as much homework as they can before the timer expires. The score is a combination of two elements: the physical size of the dog’s face, which grows with each piece of homework eaten, and a numerical value that increases with the homework consumed. This dual scoring system provides immediate visual feedback and a quantifiable measure of success, engaging players in a quest to beat their own high scores or compete with others.

A highlight of some code that you’re particularly proud of:

function drawDog(x, y) {
  push(); // Start a new drawing state
  translate(x - width / 2, y - height / 2); // Center the drawing on the dog's position
  var colorW = color(255,255,255);
  var colorBL = color(0,0,0);
  var colorBR = color(160,82,45);
  var colorP = color(255,182,193);
  // Ears
    // Right ear
    ellipse(width/2, height/4, 150, 50);  

    // Left ear
    ellipse(width/2, height/4, 150, 50);
  // Base
  ellipse(width/2, height/2, 200, 200)
  // Mouth
  arc(50, 50, 80, 80, 0, HALF_PI + HALF_PI);
  // Tongue
  rect(width/2, height/2, 50, 35, 20)
  // Tongue detail
  ellipse(width/2, 277.5, 5, 25);
  // Nose
  triangle(30, 75, 58, 100, 86, 75);
  // Nose shine
  scale(0.5, 0.5);
  vertex(10, 20);
  vertex(35, 20);
  // Eyes
  rect(220, 160, 60, 60, 20, 30, 20, 40);
  ellipse(250, 190, 35, 35);
  ellipse(150, 190, 35, 35);


Embedded sketch:

Reflection and ideas for future work or improvements:

Progress on the game development is quite encouraging at this point. I’ve successfully tackled the challenge of scaling the dog’s head in a way that ensures all facial features remain proportionate, regardless of its size. This was a crucial step to maintain the visual consistency and appeal of the game, ensuring that as the dog “eats” more homework and its face grows, it still looks natural and retains the humorous charm intended for the game’s design.

The next significant hurdle I’m facing involves developing a robust logic system for the game. Specifically, I need to implement a mechanism where the growth of the dog’s head is directly tied to the action of consuming homework pieces (HW) within the game. This means creating a set of rules and conditions in the game’s code that accurately tracks each piece of homework the dog eats and translates that into proportional increases in the size of the dog’s head.

Week 5: Midterm Progress

Going into the midterm project I originally had the idea to make a two player game of Russian roulette, but eventually I changed my mind. I have now decided to make a two player, Mexican standoff game. Where there is a countdown and whoever presses the shoot button first wins. Player 1 will have a button on the left hand side of the keyboard like the letter ‘S’ and player 2 will have a button on the right hand side of the keyboard like the letter ‘L’ for example.

I spent most of my time working on the scene management. By that I mean the functionality around being able to switch to and from scenes. For example, going from the main menu to the tutorial screen or to the credits or game screen and back. I also decided for this project I would use visual studio code to program the code. It has worked perfectly up to this point where I have to now upload the code onto the website so that I can share it here. For some reason, as of writing this I am having the problem where whenever I run the code in the website editor the website decides to turn white. I thought this was a problem with chrome and maybe one of my extensions so I tried switching to Safari but had the same problem. Here is the sketch below. I managed to fix the issue and I explain the

I was having the issue of the website editor going blank, because one of my functions returns a console.error(). At the time when I had made the function return such a value I didn’t think it would be an issue in the first place because it would never happen, and it never did, but because a function could return such a value it crashed the editor. Note to self: don’t try to be fancy with the values you return

At the moment the program is very bare bones. In the future I plan to have the main title an image, and maybe the main menu background will be an animated one. Then for the game each player will be a pixelated version of a cowboy or something along those lines, and there will be some kind of background. I may also make the mexican standoff game a best of 5.

Lastly, thank you Pi for telling me about scene management, and thank you professor for helping with uploading the code from Visual Studio Code to the website editor.

Week 5 Reading Response – Saeed Lootah

I found the article to be very interesting, before reading I had a very primitive idea as to how a computer can recognize objects in a video or anything else to do with a computer processing a video. But, as I was reading I was reminded of examples of “computer vision” as the author put it. On the way to the Intro to IM class there is a screen and camera, and displayed on the screen is whatever is in front of the camera but the brightness of (nearly) every pixel is represented as a character. The end result is a black and white image but with characters to represent the brightness of most of the pixels. I was also reminded of a time where during the thunderstorm which had happened recently I met someone as I was walking to D2 who was having trouble photographing a lightning strike. In my head I thought that he could have benefited from some kind of program which could do all the work for him. I thought about it, and the idea I came up with was if the camera was recording all the time but deleting footage older than 30 seconds (to save space) then if the camera detects a spike in brightness it saves the last 30 seconds plus some footage after the lightning strike (this could be done by delaying the time between detecting the spike and saving the footage). Of course I don’t really know how to implement it but in theory it could work… I think.

I also learned a lot from the article. There were techniques mentioned, most of which which I would never be able to come up with myself. “Frame differencing,” “background subtraction,” and “brightness thresholding.” While I do not have a great idea of how to implement these techniques I think the most valuable thing I took away from the article were the names as I could always search them up and learn more afterwards. Fortunately they also linked some processing programs at the bottom that I could use to learn more.

Lastly, I noticed that the article was somewhat outdated. It was released in 2006. I felt it was worth mentioning because at the time machine learning was no where near as advanced as it is today so I would have liked to have learned more about how machine learning could be used to improve “computer vision.”