Week 10 Assignment (Mariam & Mudi)

Mariam & Mudi’s Magical Musical Instrument.

Concept :

For our musical instrument, we decided to craft an innovative instrument using an Ultrasonic sensor, a button, and a Buzzer. To kick off the musical vibes, just gently hold down the button. Now, here’s where it gets interesting when you wave your hand in front of the ultrasonic sensor at varying distances it unveils a different array of notes!

int trig = 10;

int echo = 11;

int buttonPin;

long duration;

long distance;

void setup() {

pinMode(echo, INPUT);

pinMode(trig, OUTPUT);



void loop() {

digitalWrite(trig, LOW); //triggers on/off and then reads data


digitalWrite(trig, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trig, LOW);

duration = pulseIn(echo, HIGH);

distance = (duration / 2) * .0344; //344 m/s = speed of sound. We're converting into cm

int notes[7] = {261, 294, 329, 349, 392, 440, 494}; //Putting several notes in an array

// mid C D E F G A B

buttonPin = analogRead(A0); 

if (distance < 0 || distance > 50 || buttonPin < 100) { //if not presed and not in front

noTone(12); //dont play music


else if ((buttonPin > 100)) { //if pressed

int sound = map(distance, 0, 50, 0, 6); //map distance to the array of notes

tone(12, notes[sound]); //call a certain note depending on distance





I wouldn’t call this one a challenge but more of a hiccup really was that we found ourselves repeatedly unplugging and replugging them due to connectivity issues and the Arduino kept on giving errors.


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