“Lights of journey” (Assignment 3)


I had a hard time coming up with the project I would like to create. I tried drawing bouncing random lines made from points, but I wasn’t satisfied with the result. The idea of implementing points as the main objects of artwork wasn’t leaving my head, and finally I came up with this:


The artwork reminds me of different things. Firstly, it reminds me of a picture of out-of-focus lights you may see at night when your eyes get tired. Another association I have is more philosophical. All the people have different paths in life, and while trying to figure out the path, they get to meet other people who are on the same journey. As time passes, there are fewer and fewer people around them, as they’re getting closer to figuring out their own unique path.

In my project, I combined different concepts I wanted to implement. The first one was background transparency, which gives a feel of points’ traces. Additionally, I decided to make the sketch more interactive; therefore, I added an opportunity to change color modes with a mouse click and an opportunity to stop a function with a click of the up arrow on the keyboard.


// Creating a model for generating points

class RandomPoints {
  constructor () {
      // Setting up random starting position on canvas
      this.xPos = random(0,600);
      this.yPos = random(0,600);}
  // The function generating the dots
  pointdraw (strokeWeightnumber, RGBcolor) {
      // Offset is used to make the change of y coordinate more smooth
      let offset = 0.0;
      offset = offset + .01;
      let n = noise(offset) * random(-55,55);
      // Change of x and y coordinates
      let xChange = random(-25,25);
      let yChange = random(- n - 15, n + 15);
      this.xPos += xChange;
      this.yPos += yChange;
      // Setting up different color modes
      if (RGBcolor == 'red'){
        stroke( 50 * random(4, 5), random(70,90),  random(80,150));

      if (RGBcolor == 'green'){
        stroke( random(100,200), 50 * random(3, 5),  random(100,200));

      if (RGBcolor == 'blue'){
        stroke( random(130,150), random(130,200), 50 * random(4,5));
      //The generation of points
      point(this.xPos, this.yPos);

In this part of the code, the class describes an object (a point) and controls its movements. Furthermore, in class, I described the color-changing modes. I thought about creating a palette of random colors, but decided to stop with three color modes. It enabled me to create a mouse click function that considers the current color option.


I feel that I’m getting more confident with coding and have more freedom in translating concepts from my head to P5. In the future, I would like to make my projects more interactive and give users a broader range of options and control over the things on Canvas.


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