Final Project Progress + NEW PROPOSAL!!


Jump Jump Revolution game controlled by the DDR physical platform did not work unfortunately. Two pressure sensors were lost (& all the labs in the university decided to run out of them :(( ) resulting in the whole project being canceled, while both the game and the physical platform were ready. As a result, I had to do a last minute change of plans for my final project idea.

The new concept is the following: “WILL THE NYUAD KID SURVIVE”, an interactive story where YOU decide!!


I had the idea to make this interactive story in the middle of the pressure of finals week as a result of idea changing. Hence, my synopsis was very much influenced by what I wished I could do/have in this final week. What if I could snooze my alarm? skip that exam? go to a party?  WHAT IF I CAN JUST DITCH THE PRESSURE 🙁 I know many of my fellow peers feel the same, hence what if we could actually make crazy choices without worrying about the consequences? “WILL THE NYUAD SURVIVE?- short for WILL THE NYUAD SURVIVE THE FINALS WEEK?” is an interactive story where the user is presented with two choices in different scenarios. The user has to make a decision each time that will affect the ending of the story. N.B: The decision may be fatal => causing the story to end.

Of course, there are many outcomes and many endings to the story because each decision is followed by a different flow of events. I made a tree of events explaining the flow of events that I will share in the final project documentation with the full explanation (just in case I end up changing something in the story).

UI design:

=> Aesthetic graphics corresponding to each scenario.

=> Text to narrate the story

=> Sound to make the experience immersive.


I chose to make a DIY TV controller with buttons. The TV controller will have 3 buttons each controlling something in the sketch: a button for start/restart to not physically start the p5 sketch each time, a button for pausing the sketch, 2 buttons corresponding to each of the two choices.

The next post will be my final project documentation, documenting my final project from A to Z, with some user testing!

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