Week 8- Unusual switch

  • Your concept

The unusual switch idea for my switch is an inspiration from the interaction between a football net and a ball. In this concept, the switch activates whenever the ball makes contact with the football net. To bring this idea to life, I utilized a combination of materials and components, including:

LED lights
Metal plate
Aluminum foil
Duct tape
Arduino board

By combining these elements, I was able to create a responsive and innovative switch design that engages users through the playful interaction between the ball and the net, triggering the LED lights to illuminate upon impact.

  • Embedded pics and videos

  • Reflection and ideas for future work or improvements

I’m really happy with how my Unusual circuit turned out. I like that it has a fun football theme and it was a creative project that I worked on, and I’m excited about what I’ve learned with Arduino, which is super cool. When I think about what I could do next, I’m thinking of making the circuit even more interactive and trying out other sports themes in my projects also maybe i can add a recorded sound of like someone saying GOOALL! when the ball hits the net.

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