Week 5 – Midterm Progress

For my midterm game, I have decided to make the Starship Shooters game in p5 js!

It was a clicker shooter where you control a spaceship with your mouse allowing you to move and shoot the oncoming enemy attach. Your goal is to shoot them all and not let them get into your backline.

Here is the so far basic sketch of what I’ll be expanding upon:

Ill be designing classes for the ship, bullets, and enemies while defining functions for shooting and such. The game will track how many enemies you shoot essentially being the score for the player.

The most frightening thing I can imagine right now is accurately coding the collisions for the enemies and the bullets with respect to their individual hitboxes. I plan on using sprite so coding in their hitboxes may prove to be tricky. I will try utilizing the console.log or basically print debugging in order to test hitboxes and make sure collision works fine.

If all goes to plan, I’ll be able to make a retro-arcade styled shooter clicker game with a way to keep score!


Assignment 5 – Midterm Progress


Whenever I’m traveling to someplace new, driving around my hometown, or even walking down a new street, I am always intrigued by that one small, cozy cafe sitting at the corner of the street. The ones with soft, lo-fi music playing in the background with fairy lights hanging all around. For my midterm, I thought of replicating that thought and creating a similar experience but with one important addition: Interaction. I decided to sway away from making games for once and to try something new that i would enjoy just as much. So I came to the conclusion of making a small but interactive cafe experience in p5.

The whole concept behind my idea is to let the user explore the artwork on their own and immerse themselves in the calm environment of the cafe. The way I would make this work is to add small interactable elements in the cafe like books that the user can read, a menu that they can view, or a jukebox that they can use to change the music. All of these elements will be subtle but noticeable enough to make the user want to interact with them. This way, the user will be able to experience something new in every corner.


For this project, I’ve decided to keep the design simple but intuitive. The color scheme would be soft and pastel-like and the overall design of the objects in the canvas would replicate SVG images. I want my cafe to have a calm and relaxing feel to it with soothing music and close-to-real-life sound effects, such as the sound of opening a door when it is clicked, the sound of flipping a page when the user decides to interact with the book and turn its pages, and the familiar sound of brewing coffee in the background.

In order to visualize my design and concept, I started to draw the relevant wireframes on my iPad. These are very minimalistic for now but they give an idea of what the design and feel of the experience would be like.

Frightening / Challenging Aspects

  • Switching the user perspective from scene-to-scene. For example, displaying the outside of the cafe at first, and then changing the perspective to view the inside of the cafe when the user clicks on the cafe’s entrance.
  • Drawing! All the structures and objects, however big or small, will have to drawn using shapes in p5, this is a very time consuming task.
  • Implementing buttons / Highlighted objects on mouse hover: For instance, the cafe’s door would be highlighted in a darker color when the user hovers over it since it stores an interaction. Implementing the different interactable shapes on the canvas as buttons is challenging as well.

Risk Prevention

  • In order to tackle the “switching from scene-to-scene” challenge, I started creating layers to keep a track of the different scenes in the experience and to display them at the correct times. Boolean variables would dynamically keep a track of which scene the user is currently in and the relevant objects would be displayed to the user under that layer. For example, if the user is at the first scene, or layer1, the outside of the cafe would be displayed along with the sky and other background objects, but as soon as the user clicks on the cafe’s door, the first layer would be erased (or not be displayed) and the interior of the cafe (the second layer) would be displayed.
  • One of the most time-consuming parts of this project would be to design all the individual objects from scratch using basic shapes and lines. Although this seems daunting, I have started to work on different objects simultaneously on different canvases so that I can get them done faster, and also so that I don’t have to scroll endlessly just to find a particular object. In the end, I would combine the different canvases into one project, which would be easier since I’m designing all the layers separately.
  • Implementing different objects in the canvas as buttons is also a bit daunting since I would have to compare the mousePos with every single interactable object to see if it is inside the object. Since the objects are made up of different shapes, making the interactions and mouse hovers seem natural would consume a lot of time so I’ve given myself a head-start for working on those interactions as well.

Midterm Progress – Snakes and Ladders


I wanted to create a game that represented my childhood and so I could share it with my sibling to create a feeling of nostalgia and hopefully play it when we meet. So, I decided to create Snakes and Ladders which was my go-to board game.

The code defines the size and spacing of the board, the layout of the board using an array, and the position of the ladders and snakes. It also defines the current player and their position on the board. The code draws the board, ladders, snakes, players, and dice roll. The drawBoard() function creates a grid of rectangles that represent the cells on the board, with each cell numbered from 1 to the total number of cells. The drawLadders() and drawSnakes() functions draw lines connecting the start and end points of each ladder and snake on the board. The drawPlayers() function draws a circle for each player at their current position on the board. The drawDice() function draws a rectangle to represent the dice and displays the result of the roll. The checkForWin() function checks if the current player has reached the last cell on the board, in which case it displays a message indicating the winner.

Future Improvements

I have the basic implementation for the game, I just have to make it more user friendly and add animations such as a dice showing the number which the player is moving. I also have to add a sound element for the game to make it more engaging e.g., a sound when u climb the ladder and a sound of the snake when the snake bites you. There is still a lot to do but the basic game is this which will be evolved into a much a better visually appealing game. I am also still designing the cover for the game, which will also have the instructions as well as the play button and have a nice background sound that goes with the theme.

The most frightening part

The problem I ran into was that I created functions for everything and did not use OOP which is why I will have to convert my code to fix this issue. This is stressful for me as I do not know object-oriented programming as such. I will have to work on this and figure it out. As a result, I must refactor my code to incorporate OOP and resolve this issue. However, this task is daunting for me as I am not well-versed in OOP, and it is causing me some stress. Nonetheless, I hope it will work out in the end.

MIDTERM: Progress


A 2-player maze chase game built on p5.js. Players are each assigned a role, the hunter and the prey. The maze is set in the nighttime, meaning that neither the prey nor the target can see the full maze. Each player is equipped with a flashlight, which spotlights them and allows them to see some surroundings. Prey’s goal is to escape the maze before the hunter chases them. Hunter’s goal is to catch the prey before they escape from the maze. Prey’s flashlight is stronger and hence allows us to see more of the maze because I feel like their goal may be more challenging to fulfill.


I identify my biggest challenge for this project as the building of the maze itself. I have the hardest time understanding the logic behind the building of anything that uses grids. Besides that, I have minimal knowledge of algorithms that allow for maze generation. To help myself with that, I will refer to the multi-part youtube tutorial by The Coding Train, in which they create a maze generator using a depth-first search algorithm with recursive backtracking. I have also found this page useful in introducing myself to the pros and cons of different maze-building algorithms.


I decided to start by addressing my biggest concern for this project, which is adding a self-generating maze. The tutorial that I have referred to uses a randomized depth-first search. After looking through other possible algorithms, I have settled on Kruskal’s algorithm, which generates more dead ends in the maze. So far, the code that I have generates a maze with one player and one maze exit. The player can move around the maze using WASD for controls. The maze exit doesn’t do anything yet.


Basically everything else (e.g. sound, player sprites, spotlight, intro window, player interaction, etc). As for the maze, I need to add another player to it, and possibly control the position of the maze exit so that it is closer to the “prey” than to the hunter. For now, it is pretty easy to get from the start to the end of the maze even with all of the dead ends. However, I think that the difficulty of the game won’t be a question once I have the spotlight feature implemented.


Midterm Project


I recently made a website whose theme is based on galaxies and its accompanying features. ie Gravity, rotation about a center etc. I draw inspiration from that idea to create a shooting game, one that obviously features a protagonist’s spaceship shooting enemies.

Resources: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XpSZpyi1ZLYHNcuS6oSnQvXkh0091LMh?usp=sharing

I anticipate adding a feature that will animated ellipses that imitate the movement of stars in the galaxy; so far, I think that is the task that may prove difficult.

Week 5: Midterm progress

For this midterm project, I decided to create a computer modification of a Ping Pong game. In this game, the two players control the two paddles on either side of the game window. They move the paddles up or down to hit the moving ball. The score of a player increases when he/she hits the ball.

Game features:

  • Player must bounce the ball in order to score points
  • Each player will have a paddle and an individual score counter
  • Players can move the paddle only vertically (along the initially specified y-axis)
  • Paddles will be in rectangular shape, the disc will be in circular shape
  • The control key for the player 1 will be “W” and “S” keys, for the player 2 – “UP” and “DOWN” keys


The Most Complex Part:

The most complex  and time-consuming part of this project was writing the code for checking the collision the paddle with the disk and making it bounce off as in the real life. In order to achieve this goal, I decided to rely on the physic’s law of collision: when the disk hits the surface, it will bounce with the same speed as before in the opposite direction(conservation of impulse) and it will also bounce off with the same angle (angle of incidence = angle of reflection). After a few trials and error , I succeeded in implementing this collision check and bouncing correctly.

The below code is where I implemented this logical check:

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//Code for managing Disk movement
this.disk_xc = this.disk_xc + this.disk_speed_x
this.disk_yc = this.disk_yc + this.disk_speed_y
//Code for managing Disk bouncing when it touches boundaries
//Code for bouncing off if disk hits the boundaries
//this if statement will be executed if the disk touches right-side boundaries of the table
if(this.disk_xc + this.disk_w/2 > RES_W){
this.disk_speed_x = - this.disk_speed_x
//this if statement will be executed if the disk touches left-side boundaries of the table
else if(this.disk_xc - this.disk_w/2 < 0){
this.disk_speed_x = - this.disk_speed_x
//this if statement will be executed if the disk touches upper or lower boundaries of the table
if(this.disk_yc + this.disk_h/2 > RES_H || this.disk_yc - this.disk_h/2 < 0){
if(RES_H/2 + 100 < this.disk_yc || this.disk_yc < RES_H/2 - 100){
this.disk_speed_y = - this.disk_speed_y
this.disk_xc = this.disk_xc + this.disk_speed_x
this.disk_yc = this.disk_yc + this.disk_speed_y
//Code for managing Disk movement Disk_movement(){ this.disk_xc = this.disk_xc + this.disk_speed_x this.disk_yc = this.disk_yc + this.disk_speed_y } //Code for managing Disk bouncing when it touches boundaries Disk_bouncing(){ //Code for bouncing off if disk hits the boundaries //this if statement will be executed if the disk touches right-side boundaries of the table if(this.disk_xc + this.disk_w/2 > RES_W){ this.disk_speed_x = - this.disk_speed_x } //this if statement will be executed if the disk touches left-side boundaries of the table else if(this.disk_xc - this.disk_w/2 < 0){ this.disk_speed_x = - this.disk_speed_x } //this if statement will be executed if the disk touches upper or lower boundaries of the table if(this.disk_yc + this.disk_h/2 > RES_H || this.disk_yc - this.disk_h/2 < 0){ if(RES_H/2 + 100 < this.disk_yc || this.disk_yc < RES_H/2 - 100){ this.disk_speed_y = - this.disk_speed_y } } this.disk_xc = this.disk_xc + this.disk_speed_x this.disk_yc = this.disk_yc + this.disk_speed_y }
//Code for managing Disk movement               
    this.disk_xc = this.disk_xc + this.disk_speed_x
    this.disk_yc = this.disk_yc + this.disk_speed_y

//Code for managing Disk bouncing when it touches boundaries 

    //Code for bouncing off if disk hits the boundaries
    //this if statement will be executed if the disk touches right-side boundaries of the table
    if(this.disk_xc + this.disk_w/2 > RES_W){
      this.disk_speed_x = - this.disk_speed_x
     //this if statement will be executed if the disk touches left-side boundaries of the table       
    else if(this.disk_xc - this.disk_w/2 < 0){
      this.disk_speed_x = - this.disk_speed_x
    //this if statement will be executed if the disk touches upper or lower boundaries of the table
    if(this.disk_yc + this.disk_h/2 > RES_H || this.disk_yc - this.disk_h/2 < 0){
        if(RES_H/2 + 100 < this.disk_yc  || this.disk_yc < RES_H/2 - 100){
            this.disk_speed_y = - this.disk_speed_y
    this.disk_xc = this.disk_xc + this.disk_speed_x
    this.disk_yc = this.disk_yc + this.disk_speed_y            


Future Improvements:

I still don’t have images and sounds, so I will work on integrating them to this game. Apart from the background music, I also want to add a collision sound for when the disk hits the paddle.  In addition, I’m still working on adding the restart feature to the game, and I also want to make this game consist of several rounds.



Midterm Progress “The Martian”

Concept & Design

For this Midterm Project I would like to create a game using everything I have learned so far in class. The game will be called “The Martian” and the objective of the game is to guide the Mars Rover through the treacherous terrain of Mars, collecting valuable resources and avoiding hostile alien spaceships and rocks on the surface. The player will have to navigate using keyboard and mouse as they progress through the game. In “The Martian” the player will experience the thrill of driving a Mars Rover on the surface of the red planet. With challenging terrain, hostile aliens, and valuable resources to collect, the game will offer hours of exciting gameplay. The use of p5.js will enable the creation of a visually stunning and engaging game.

Potential Design Elements

Complex part of midterm project

For me personally the most frightening  or complex part of this midterm project is to implement a collision detection algorithm. The idea is to detect the collision between Mars Rover and other objects like valuable resources and hostile alien spaceships or rocks. I also have to somehow come up with an algorithm to distinguish between these various collisions with different objects. Because if the Mars Rover collides with valuable resources the Score should increase and if it collides with the rock or alien spaceship it should end the game and display the restart button. Also because I didn’t have any previous background in using sound and animation libraries I would have to test them out.

Implementation & Reducing the risk

Here I wrote some code for the collision algorithm between Mars Rover and Rock:

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if(ufo$.isTouching(rover)||stone.isTouching(rover)) {
text("The End",width/2,height/2);
if(mousePressedOver(switchBtn)) {
if(sd==1) {
if(ufo$.isTouching(rover)||stone.isTouching(rover)) { console.log("end"); state="end"; ufo$.destroyEach(); stone.x=width+400; stone.velocityX=0; rover.visible=false; gmov.play(); textSize(30); textFont(font); fill("black"); text("The End",width/2,height/2); } if(mousePressedOver(switchBtn)) { sd=1; click.play(); } if(sd==1) { state="pause"; }
if(ufo$.isTouching(rover)||stone.isTouching(rover)) {

            text("The End",width/2,height/2);

        if(mousePressedOver(switchBtn)) {
        if(sd==1) {

I also tried to implement the spawn of Alien Spaceships:

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function spawnEnemy() {
function spawnEnemy() { ufo=createSprite(width+50,Math.round(random(xp-100,xp+20)),80,80); ufo.velocityX=-5; ufo.addAnimation("ufo",ufo_); ufo.scale=0.2; ufo.lifetime=Math.round(width/3)+15; //ufo.debug=true; ufo.setCollider("circle",0,0,200); ufo$.add(ufo); console.log(xp); cx-=4; }
function spawnEnemy() {





Midterm Progress | Survive the Semester


For the midterm, I want to develop a simple game “Survive the semester”. In this game, a player should catch different items to continue playing until time is over. In case time reaches 0, the player won. For now, my plan is to make game over in cases when player’s health or joy levels reaches 0. I intend to include 2 progress bars reflecting student’s health and joy. Different items will have different effects on the bars, e.g. catching sleep will increase player’s health. Though, the game logic is not yet finalized. I may do it the way that if student fails to catch something, health/joy is deducted.


I chose the NYUAD night picture as a background image. I am a kind of student who does a lot of study-related work at nights, so this choice was a bit relevant to me to reflect the game theme on studying.


For me, the most frightening part was to get an idea of what game I want to develop. I would not describe myself as creative, and creating original game takes a lot of effort and time to me. I was also concerned on the progress bars and updates to them. I did not finish their implementation now, but I got the idea on how to work on them and I believe I should be able to finish it well before submitting my work.

I have also implemented the main mechanical part of game – involving falling ball and catching figure. I will  change the image of falling objects and catching rectangle to adjust to my game design objectives. I kept it simple for now to test if it works as it should first.

Future Steps:

I got a lot of ideas on my mind and I am excited to see on what I will end up implemented for this game!

Yet, what I would definitely need to add to my implementation:

  • Sounds. Should be fun experience to select those =)
  • More images. Especially, for falling objects. Falling ball is irrelevant to my game now.
  • OOP. It should not be a problem.
  • Better visuals involving text. Now it is basic, I may need to make the visual part of game provide better UI and UX to the player
  • More enhanced game logic and progress bars!

Link to the sketch: https://editor.p5js.org/ds6058/sketches/1lbHkjJpV




Midterm Proposal

My idea for my midterm project is to develop a variation of the classic brick breaker game. Instead of breaking bricks, the objective of the game is to prevent the ball from dropping from the bottom of the screen. The game will feature various items that the ball can hit that the player must navigate to keep the ball in play.

One of the unique features of the game is that hitting an obstacle can affect the gameplay in various ways. For example, if the ball hits a “sizing” obstacle, the size of the bar at the bottom of the screen may increase or decrease. Another obstacle could change the speed of the ball, making it either faster or slower. Some obstacles may be stationary, while others may move back and forth, making it more challenging to keep the ball in play.

The game will have different levels, and as the player progresses through the levels, the game’s difficulty will increase, requiring the player to react quickly and adapt to the changing gameplay.

I will get a better understanding of the complexity of the game once I start coding it but some of the challenge I believe I could possibly run into are the following:

– One of the most crucial aspects of the game is the collision detection between the ball and the obstacles. I will need to create an algorithm that can detect when the ball hits an obstacle and determine the correct response, such as changing the bar size or ball speed.
– Integrating a continuous scrolling background in the game to add a dynamic and immersive element to the gameplay experience. I have looked into some code examples that I could use for this.
– Finding the right balance between challenging and enjoyable gameplay. For this I will need to playtest the game extensively to ensure that it provides enough challenge to keep the player engaged, but not too much to become frustrating.



For my midterm project, I decided to create a game out of the options from which we could choose any to create a project. A game that would use all the concepts learned in class so far. I got my inspiration from a game on the apple app store called “Hit the Island”. I always wondered how the game was created and how the developers got it to be interactive with the dynamic island on the iPhone 14 pro series. After taking this class, I have gained enough knowledge to know that the game doesn’t actually interact with the dynamic island but has a bar-shaped object behind the island with which the balls in the game interact.



The original game below was developed by Funn Media, LLLC.


This is the basic form which i want my game to take. On a surface level, the game basically consists of a paddle, a ball and another paddle on top of the screen which i call the island. In the game, the paddle is controlled using the left and right arrow keys. Every time the ball hits the island, the user gains a point. The game ends when the balls fall off the screen.  The game has three different pages. The intro page, the game page and the end page. In the intro page, the user has the option to start the game or quit the game. In the end page or game-over page, which shows after the user has lost the game, the user has the option to restart the game or quit as well.


So far, I have the basic game page set up with the balls and the user-paddle. I also have placeholders( which are basic color backgrounds ) set in place for the intro page and the end page which i am yet to design in either photoshop or illustrator.



I haven’t encountered any major challenges so far. This is my progress as at now and in the final version of my game, i intend to to have two paddles, the moveable one which i have now and a static one (the island) at the top of the screen just as the original game. Every time the ball hits the paddles, there will be a sound feedback to improve the overall experience of the game. There will also be a background sound and an option for the user to mute the sound in the game or to keep it playing.