Response: Eyeo2012

Considering that this happened in 2012, I believe that this video shows numerous positive accomplishments that people like Casey Reas have made that are applied in our works today.

To begin with, I want to acknowledge the multi-dimensional aspect of processing. For instance, the work “Signals” done by Casey Reas is an artwork created by technology which portrays the biological procedure of proteins communicating in cancer cells. His artwork already crosses three fields of mastery: art, computer science, and biology. Even on the next example, Reas explains how for years he had been gathering information about certain architecture works before he starts coding. The fact that this individual is able to weave multiple seemingly unrelated works into creating a work that can amaze others is in my opinion very touching and inspiring. His creativity, I believe, is certainly something I can learn of and hopefully apply into my own work.

Michael Noll also contributes greatly to what tools we have today, because I agree with the statement that “the ability to use a rational device to create randomness is amazing”. And not only in military books, or in technical, mathematical programs, it is great to hear from Noll and Reas that randomness in fact can be used to generate creative pieces of work. The element of surprise that people receive when an unexpected result arrives due to randomness is also one of the aesthetics of what we now call a “cool” project.

Overall, Reas helped me re-visualize what kind of projects I would like to do in the future. Now that the lessons I have learned are ingrained within me, I know that IM is one of the few classes where I will be able to really express the creativeness inside me. And to do that, I will definitely refer to the key points of this video: traversing between multiple fields, and using randomness as a tool.

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