Reading Response: Author’s Response to Comments

I think that this article allows for the author to go more in-depth into what he wanted to explain in the original article. In the first article, there is a large build-up to his main argument that touchscreens should not be the future because of its restrictive nature. While he does not provide any absolute solutions to the problem he proposes, I found his analysis of different pathways that interactive technology might take in the coming years to be extremely interesting, and more interesting than the first because of his tackling of tangible examples of this technology he refers to.

I agree with all the major points the author makes, specifically about voice technology and “waving” technology, but he uses this article to reinforce his point in the previous: user interfaces, or the ones we believe the ones of the future will be like, do not provide an immersive experience for the user. It would be very interesting to read about his beliefs in research on user experience, because he merely states that he hopes his rant to inspire more interest in this research, not specific ways in which this research can take place to promote the creation of effective experiences.

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