Pot control spin&viz

My physical controller for a previous processing sketch consists of one single potentiometer. I chose to use a pot primarily because it is more stable than many sensors, and it’s handy. The sketch I used is the spinning INTER letters. This time, instead of having the letters rotate by themselves,  the pot would control their rotation speed and visibility.


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FFTs and force sensors

For this project I recycled some code from an earlier project. Instead of distorting the webcam image using the position of the mouse on the screen, I input from a force sensor. One can also turn the Fourier transform plot on using a switch. Below is a .gif showing the images on the screen. I also have two photos of the physical setup. I would have taken a video but my phone doesn’t have any space left 🙁

For those who are interested, I’m actually using the method I’m employing in my Processing sketch for my capstone! By cutting away high frequency channels in the frequency-domain matrix, one can extract features. Even when I’m using about 100th of the original data, one can still see some of the main features in the spacial-domain image. In my capstone, I’m using this method to get rid of noise in signals from a dark matter detector.

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Diverse use of the pulse sensor

I did a simple example of getting data from the pulse sensor and then using the value of the heartbeat value as the size of the radius of the ellipses. The color is also determined using the heartbeat value. I thought it was a little funny when I jokingly put the pulse sensor against my speakers. It was creating a visual representation of the beat of the music.

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Physical Controller

I made a physical controller for my maze game. There are four momentary switches and one push button connected to the breadboard. The four momentary switches are used to control the direction of the dot moves, and the push button controls the fight mode. If I had a large breadboard, I would connect more buttons so that two players can play at the same time.

Physical Controller Physical Controller_bb

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INTER rotated

For this week’s assignment, I originally wanted to spell ” INTERACTIVE MEDIA” and have all the letters rotate and move within the sketch frame. I ended up doing just the first five letters and made them rotate in different( increasing from the centre to the outer space) speed to create some sense of a clockwise sequence of movement.

This is a screenshot of the moving INTER:

Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 10.52.51 PM

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