This week, I adopted my production in week 2 – the dots silhouette according to the webcam input – to create a representation of the figure reflected in the webcam as well as the soul behind it in the background. It seems to me that the product in week 2 did lack some message/meaning – or whatsoever: What is the point of minoring the webcam with dots? Then, when it comes to the text generation of this week, the answer appeared to me to be the combination of text and my existent mechanism – as the mirroring mechanism symbolizes the entity, the phantom, the ghost, and the creator as well as the user, while the poems floating across the canvas reflects a piece of my soul. By doing so, the ghost of me (or you) becomes the exact pathway to discovering that piece of soul, adding incentives to the interaction.
I started simply by replacing the dots drawing in my week 2 product with text drawing – and obviously, the flashing of words can not stand for further meanings except for blinding the user even more compared to the dots, as we intuitively tend to read whatever the words presented in front of us.
Therefore, I tried another approach to displaying the poem’s lines anyway in the background and let the probability pixel matrix act as the alpha value matrix, this time to overlay on the text, thus resulting in the ghosty effect.
In the preload function, I’m ensuring that all external resources are loaded before the sketch runs – Using loadTable, I import lines of text from textLines.csv, which will be used to generate the floating texts dynamically.
function preload() { // Load the CSV file textLines = loadTable('textLines.csv', 'csv', 'header'); // Adjust the path and options as needed }
This time, I directly use the grayscale value as alpha value as they have the same range:
function drawAlphaFilter() { noStroke(); // Iterate through each cell in the grid for (let y = 0; y < k; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < j; x++) { let index = x + y * j; let grayValue = pixelArray[index]; // Calculate alpha value // Ensure alphaValue is within 0-250 for better visibility let alphaValue = constrain(grayValue, 0, 250); // Set fill color to background color with the calculated alpha for overlay effect fill(17, 38, 56, alphaValue); // Calculate the position and size of each rectangle let rectWidth = windowWidth / j; let rectHeight = windowHeight / k; let rectX = x * rectWidth; let rectY = y * rectHeight; rect(rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight); } } }
The RGB value used in this product is extracted from my personal website: Sloth’s Slumber | Xiaotian Fan’s Collection (
Then, the floating texts are managed through both class and helper functions, including:
function updateFloatingTexts() { // Update and display existing floating texts for (let i = floatingTexts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let ft = floatingTexts[i]; ft.update(); ft.display(); // Remove if off-screen if (ft.isOffScreen()) { floatingTexts.splice(i, 1); // Also remove from its slot let s = ft.slot; slots[s] = null; // Mark the slot as free } } // Iterate through each slot to manage floating texts for (let s = 0; s < totalSlots; s++) { if (slots[s] === null) { // If the slot is free, add a new floating text let newText = getNextText(); if (newText) { let ft = new FloatingText(newText, s); floatingTexts.push(ft); slots[s] = ft; // Assign the floating text to the slot } } else { // If the slot is occupied, check if the tail has entered the screen let lastText = slots[s]; if (lastText.direction === 'ltr') { // Left-to-Right // Check if the tail has entered the screen (x + width >= 0) if (lastText.x + lastText.getTextWidth() >= 0) { // Safe to add a new floating text let newText = getNextText(); if (newText) { let ft = new FloatingText(newText, s); floatingTexts.push(ft); slots[s] = ft; // Replace the old floating text with the new one } } } else { // Right-to-Left // Check if the tail has entered the screen (x - width <= windowWidth) if (lastText.x - lastText.getTextWidth() <= windowWidth) { // Safe to add a new floating text let newText = getNextText(); if (newText) { let ft = new FloatingText(newText, s); floatingTexts.push(ft); slots[s] = ft; // Replace the old floating text with the new one } } } } } }
Another important function is to concatenate lines in order to fulfill across the windowWidth:
function getNextText() { // Reset index if end is reached if (currentLineIndex >= textLines.getRowCount()) { currentLineIndex = 0; // Reset to start } let combinedText = ''; let estimatedWidth = 0; let tempIndex = currentLineIndex; let concatenationAttempts = 0; let maxAttempts = textLines.getRowCount(); // Prevent infinite loops // Loop to concatenate lines until the combined text is sufficiently long while (estimatedWidth < windowWidth * TEXT_MULTIPLIER && concatenationAttempts < maxAttempts) { let textLine = textLines.getString(tempIndex, 0); if (!textLine) break; // If no more lines available combinedText += (combinedText.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + textLine; tempIndex++; // Reset if at the end of the table if (tempIndex >= textLines.getRowCount()) { tempIndex = 0; } // Estimate text width using p5.js's textWidth textSize(24); // Set a default size for estimation estimatedWidth = textWidth(combinedText); concatenationAttempts++; // Break if the same index is on loop to prevent infinite concatenation if (tempIndex === currentLineIndex) break; } // Update the currentLineIndex to tempIndex currentLineIndex = tempIndex; return combinedText; }
Eventually, this time, when dealing with the full window canvas, I added a canvas resize function to respond to window resizing:
function windowResized() { resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); // Update Y positions of floating texts based on new window size for (let ft of floatingTexts) { let padding = 5; // Padding from top and bottom ft.y = map(ft.slot, 0, totalSlots - 1, padding, windowHeight - padding); } }
To do & reflection
While this product is germinated from my previous product, I believe it has the potential to be further polished, including the varying text aesthetics, responsive relation between text and webcam (or audio level), etc.
On the other hand, I would say that this product is indeed an improvement compared to week 2 as I started to incorporate my own message and character into the code instead of creating fancy (or not) demos.