Final Project: PacXon Premium


For the purposes of the Final Project of Introduction to Interactive Media, we were presented the challenging task of connecting Software and Hardware. To achieve this, our team of three members, Zunair, Ishmal, and Abraiz, decided to create a game using P5Js as it seemed like a de-stressing activity. We also wanted to bridge it with hardware by producing an Arcade Game Controller. This led us to the creation of PacXon Premium and its accompanying controller.

Pac-Xon Premium is a game that is based on Pac-Man, and it was inspired by one of our team member’s childhood favorites. We started with Pac-Xon Deluxe, the original game, which was fairly simple but had numerous levels of increasing difficulty. However, the gradual increase in difficulty may lead to repetitiveness and lack of challenge, even in the most difficult levels. We also noticed that the classic graphics of the game were outdated, so we decided to give it a modern touch and feel and create a revamped and customized version.

Initially, we thought that coding the game would be a simple task. However, as we delved deeper into the logic and technical requirements of even the smallest details, we realized that it would require a relatively complex algorithmic approach. Simple Object Oriented Programming and Javascript Basics were not enough to achieve our goal of making almost all objects interact with each other. We decided to make it a tile-based game to add to the complexity.

In summary, Pac-Xon Premium is an updated and customized version of Pac-Xon Deluxe, a game inspired by Pac-Man. We added a modern touch and feel to the classic graphics and produced a tile-based game with a complex algorithmic approach. The game features numerous levels with increasing difficulty and challenges players to think strategically to progress through the game.

Link & Video

While there is a need for a Joystick Controller to utilize the Arcade feel of the game, keyboard will just work fine with the W,A,S,D keys at this link.

To cater to the possibility of any issues with the code, we have also recorded a video of the Game with the Joystick Controller that we produced:

Hardware and its Pictures:

For producing the Arcade Controller, we started off by connecting the Arcade Joystick to a breadboard and Arduino, and connecting its movement to corresponding movements in the P5Js Sketch which can be seen in the following picture:

Then, moving on, we added another breadboard with 3 LED Bulbs that demonstrated lights and also a Vibration Motor that gave sense of a Haptic Feedback response when a person died, level was completed or some significant event happened.

Then, to wrap the content of the Breadboard, we wanted a physically rigid controller, which was large enough to have the Joystick embedded, and also have LED lights and the Vibration Motor stuck inside. The box, in its initial stages, can be seen here:

The box is open from one end for debugging purposes, and also does not sway away from the looks of it with the back side being the only open section. We decided to translate our solderless breadboard design onto a soldered breadboard to complete our hardware in a rigid fashion. This was then installed inside the box as can be seen below:

All in all, we produced a controller:

How it Works:

As you have already seen what the project is, let us explain the intricacies of how it was developed and its functionalities (code is added at the very end):

p5.js Description

As our first step, using Javascript, and particularly the p5 JS library, we started off with creating a 2D Array/ List which was technically mapped over the entire canvas, or rather drawn over the area of the canvas, such that each index in the 2D Array/ List represented a 20px by 20px box on the canvas of the game. Then we took an approach such that a value 1 at any index would draw a solid blue tile (20px by 20px) on the canvas at the position corresponding to the index of the 2D Array/ List. Similarly, if the value was to be 0, nothing was to be drawn and if the value was to be -1, a different blue tile representing a ‘line’ would be drawn instead. Then we created functions which handled the filling of the array and included functionalities like initializing the array borders at the beginning of the game and those that checked for if any values in the 2D Array were modified and matched a certain criteria for a tile to be drawn at that position, or even to map the values of the x and y coordinates on the canvas to the array position and the tile at that very location.

Once we were satisfied with the Array functionality, we started off with creating the Player Class that drew the user controlled character on the screen. This was the class that we found to be the most challenging, since we had to incorporate the functionality of an object of a Player class with its movement being in accordance with the functionality of the 2D Array. Drawing, and moving the player was very simple, however when we changed the direction of the Pac-Xon, it was causing the Pac-Xon to be moving between two different tiles as shown below:

In order to solve this problem, we created a rounding function that checks the player’s position and checks the tile, from the two tiles that it intersects, on which the majority of the player’s body lies and forces the player to be pushed or pulled onto that tile as it changes its direction. We tried other approaches, including the reduction of FrameRate or increasing the speed by the size of the tile, however both of them resulted in reduced game play quality.

Moving on, we allowed for the player to draw connecting lines between two solid blocks. This was done mainly by using the position of the tile that the player is present at and then checking whether the player is at an empty area or a solid position, and then drawing a ‘line’ tile if the condition is fulfilled. We extended this approach to allow for checking the next tile and ensuring the player does not bump into the line that is being formed, we also somewhat extended the same approach to ensure restrict the movements when the player is forming the line or is within the solid block region.

However, the most difficult part of the project was to fill the appropriate ‘boxes’, which are certain enclosed regions in the canvas when the line connects between two solid tiles. A demonstration of this is:

The complications with this was not only the procedure to fill the region, but in fact the considerations to take into account when filling this. A brief overview of them include that the region should not fill if the enemy is present inside of the region, or if multiple regions are created, all of the smallest ones should fill up, and only the largest one and/or the ones including the enemy should remain empty such that:

The approach to solve this was using the following algorithms:

Flood Fill Algorithm
Max Area of an Island (LeetCode Problem)

We used the Max Area of an Island Algorithm, which compares the areas of all the individual regions and finds out the maximum of those, and modified it to instead return x and y coordinates of each of the regions. We then used these coordinates to find the areas of all the regions, with an intermediary step checking if the enemy was present in any of the regions then to not take it into consideration, and then from those areas we excluded the maximum area and used all the other coordinates to fill the smaller areas. In this manner, we were able to achieve the desired result through extensively comprehending the complex recursive algorithms.

After this, we implemented the enemy classes where each type of enemy had a class that inherited from the main enemy class for the features that were common amongst all enemies. The movement of the enemies used a similar approach of checking the tiles around it and reversing its speed if it encountered the solid tile; this was then extended to allow some enemies to eat the solid tiles when they bounced off of them as well. The enemy class interacted with the Player class to check for collisions with the player.

Moving on, we incorporated the Powerups class, where the various power ups were placed at certain positions, like the bomb was to only show up in the region with the solid tiles. The power ups then interacted with the Player and Enemy class both, where either of them could use the power ups effect.

The last complex step was to incorporate the various screens with state variables at certain positions. It produced a lot of variables and seemed like a logic gate problem solved with boolean variables instead of gates. The changing of states and ensuring that the correct screen appears after one another was challenging to keep track of.

The final touches were to add sound, fix any bugs with interactions and movements or any logical errors in the algorithm. With all the effort put in, the end product seemed very satisfactory and came up together better than our initial expectations!

Arduino Description

While most of the complexity was in having the game come together in P5Js, there was a decent amount of effort put into the Hardware connection with p5Js. We wanted to ensure that the game runs fast, to allow for the intended smoothness but also communicates over a Serial connection with the Arduino.

Therefore, we incorporated the vibration of the motor without using any delays and instead making use of timestamp millis, similar to the concept of Blink Without Delay that was taught in class. Moreover, we had a short version of a State Machine in our Arduino code as well which allowed the light up of the number of LED bulbs in correspondence to the number of lives left. Also, the Arduino was keeping track of the point where the lives were lost in order to start the Vibration Motor on its own, without any particular signal from p5Js.

Interaction Design

All in all, as part of our interactive design, we can outline a couple of features:

– Makes use of joystick, keyboard, as well as gestures as input from the user to move the pacman character
– There are LED lights as well as HTML elements that display the lives and progress of the levels
– A particular vibration motor, as well as sound effects, that highlight the different events taking place
– Powerups in the game which can either be utilized by the player, or even the enemies!
– Packaged box controller to utilize a direct interaction with P5Js in real time

What are we proud of:

Overall, we are very proud to have completed a project that saw much attention at the Interactive Media Showcase, and received complements from individuals! It is good to have overcome the difficulties with P5Js, as well as Arduino to create something that looks complete, and at Bug free (at least as of now!). While the game seems simple, if you think of reproducing it, you will begin thinking of the complexities involved, and we are happy to have achieved what we have.

However, in particular, as Computer Science students, we are very glad to bring to life examples from Leetcode and programming competitions, into real life. We had always questioned the necessity for these type of questions and their relevance in the practical world, but we have a live example to showcase the relevance of these complex algorithms now.

We are also particularly positive and happy about our code organization, commenting and file structure. The code is attached at the very end of this article to allow for better reading of content, however, the way all the images, sound files, and even the different pieces of code were divided into different files and organized for better understanding as well as debugging is something we really enjoyed doing. A quick glimpse into it can be seen below:

Moreover, it was very challenging to produce a detailed ‘menu’ in P5js. Therefore, we are particularly proud of having achieved that. It can be seen in the ‘Screens.js’ files below. This is an example of a very complex state machines, where images are shown depending on different click locations, which then only accepts clicks at certain different locations. For example, the ‘Start Game’ shows different levels which accepts clicks at different levels, and then there is a screen for completion or loss of each level, which then accepts click and then responds appropriately.

If you have played the game, you may have experienced the different types of enemies, or ghosts as we call them. These are created in run time through object oriented programming, as well as inheritance. There is a basic class for the Ghosts, and then there is an extension to it for the different types which builds upon the basic class. This is a proper utilization of the coding principles, and we are proud of having made use of this.

Lastly, as an added interactivity, we decided to use gestures. Initially, we had thought of this option to fail completely, however it did not turn out to be as bad if used very properly!


In any programming assignment, as well as hardware work, there is always difficulties. The first one was faced by us when we replaced the LED Bulbs in our controller with the Bigger LED Bulbs that could be inserted more appropriately into our Box. These are the ones available in one of the hardware boxes in the IM Lab. However, turned out that they were not working at all with the resistor – and this was after it had been soldered and put together. So we had to improvise and replace them with regular LED bulbs, and then laser cut the red circles to cover the light. Since the brightness of the lights were not that good anyways, we used glue gun on them while sticking the acrylic circles to have a ‘spread’ effect.

Then comes something we have mentioned earlier, and it is the algorithmic complexities in our code where we initially did not know where to begin and were completely stuck. However, determination helped us through!

Another particular challenge that we faced was with a connection of the Vibration Motor while there was a Serial connection with p5Js already happening for the JoyStick. We are still not sure what had happened at then, but eventually, somehow, with trial and error it worked and we did not want to go back and debug the root cause!


We believe the hardware could have been developed further wherein there should be no need for a mouse, even to select the levels. However, this would prove to be very complex in an already complex state machines for the Screens. However, an addition of buttons on our controller box, to replace some functionality of the mouse, could have been a good prospect.

Moreover, improving the gesture control by utilizing more advanced models for detection could also be possible. This is something we could do as an improvement should we choose to take this project further!


The code is divided into different files, with each file performing the functionality that is intuitive to the name of the file. The files that we have are:

– sketch.js (Brings all functionalities together with setup() and draw())
– screens.js (The state machines for the ‘Menu’)
– player.js (For managing the functionality of the PacMan)
– ghost.js (Handles all the ghosts/enemies)
– levels.js (Outlines the different levels that there are)
– level.js (Manages the common functionalities of each level – player movement, etc)
– fillblock.js (The algorithms that were needed to fill the blocks of the 2D Array)

Each file is separately attached below:


Plain text
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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
// A 2D list to store the tiles for the game board
let level = [];
// Stores the images
let tile, movingTile, rightPacXon, leftPacXon, upPacXon, downPacXon;
// Variables to store the ghosts/enemies
let redGhost, blueGhost, yellowGhost, pinkGhost;
// Variables to store the powerups
let bomb, ice, bolt, slow;
// Array to store all the powerups
let powerups = [];
// Store the tilesize for use throughout
let tileSize;
// Keeping a track of the area of an enclosed regions
let count = 0;
// Storing the count for a certain region
let c1 = 0;
// Storing the maxArea
let mArea;
// Variables to store the areas, and the coordinates for filling the enclosed regions.
let sVals = [];
let pVals = [];
let areas = [];
let tc;
// Sertting the timer for the game and initializing it to 100
let timer = 100;
// declaring and initializing the levels to be kept track of
let levels = 1;
// For storing all the enemies in the list
let enemy = [];
// Keeping track of the x and y positions of the ghost
let ghostx, ghosty;
// Checking if level should be up or not and initializing to false;
let level_up = false;
// State variables to keep track of the screens
let gamestart;
let checkMenuclick;
let load_level;
let loadhowtoplay;
let selectcontrols;
let joystickActive;
let loadcontrolsscreen;
let checkhowtoplay;
let gamebegin;
let checkforselectlevel;
let checkforStart;
let checkfornextLevel;
let levelupscreen;
let endscreen;
let checkforretry;
let gamecomplete;
let checkforfinish;
let mylevel;
// Variables to store all the images
let level1;
let level2;
let level3;
let level4;
let level5;
let level6;
let main_image;
let controlscreens;
let controlscreensbackup;
let joystickselectedscreen;
let howtoplay;
let clicktostart;
let levelup;
let endimg;
let finish;
let returnto;
// Variables for gesture detection
let video;
let handPose;
let hands;
let gestureActive = "";
let getVideo;
let videoSet;
let gestureDirection;
// Variables to store all the sounds
let gameoversound, movingsound, clickedsound, collectionsound, collisionsound, levelupsound, movement, bg;
// Declaring and initializingthe counter and max counter to calculate the percentage and keep track for the preloader
let counter = 1;;
let maxCounter = 34;
// joysrick variables
let joystickInput = 0;
// Function for initiating the Gesture Detection
function modelReady() {
console.log('hand pose loaded');
handpose.on('predict', results => {
// Storing the result based on hand gestures
hands = results;
// Pre Loading all the assets
// The updateCounter parameter is passed in each loadXYZ() function to call the updateCounter function for progressing the pre-loader
function preload() {
// Loading the tiles to be drawn
tile = loadImage('assets/Tiles/tile.png', updateCounter);
movingTile = loadImage('assets/Tiles/movingTile.png', updateCounter);
// Loading all Pac-Xon direction gifs
rightPacXon = loadImage('assets/Paxon/right_paXon.gif', updateCounter);
leftPacXon = loadImage('assets/Paxon/left_paXon.gif', updateCounter);
upPacXon = loadImage('assets/Paxon/up_paXon.gif', updateCounter);
downPacXon = loadImage('assets/Paxon/down_paXon.gif', updateCounter);
// Loading all the Ghosts/ Enemies
redGhost = loadImage('assets/Enemies/red-ghost.png', updateCounter);
blueGhost = loadImage('assets/Enemies/blue-ghost.png', updateCounter);
yellowGhost = loadImage('assets/Enemies/yellow-ghost.png', updateCounter);
pinkGhost = loadImage('assets/Enemies/pink-ghost.png', updateCounter);
// Loading all the screens
main_image = loadImage('assets/Screens/home.gif', updateCounter);
level1 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level1.png', updateCounter);
level2 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level2.png', updateCounter);
level3 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level3.png', updateCounter);
level4 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level4.png', updateCounter);
level5 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level5.png', updateCounter);
level6 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level6.png', updateCounter);
controlscreens = loadImage('assets/Screens/controls.png', updateCounter);
joystickselectedscreen = loadImage('assets/Screens/joystick_selected.png', updateCounter);
gestureselectedscreen = loadImage('assets/Screens/gestures_selected.png', updateCounter);
howtoplay = loadImage('assets/Screens/howtoplay.png', updateCounter);
clicktostart = loadImage('assets/Screens/clicktostart.png', updateCounter);
levelup = loadImage('assets/Screens/levelcompleted.png', updateCounter);
endimg = loadImage('assets/Screens/gameover.png', updateCounter);
finish = loadImage('assets/Screens/congrats.png', updateCounter);
returnto = loadImage('assets/Screens/returnmenu.png', updateCounter);
// Loading all the powerups
bomb = loadImage('assets/Extras/redbomb.png', updateCounter);
ice = loadImage('assets/Extras/ice.png', updateCounter);
bolt = loadImage('assets/Extras/lightning-bolt.png', updateCounter);
slow = loadImage('assets/Extras/snail.png', updateCounter);
// Loading all the sounds
gameoversound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/gameover.mp3', updateCounter);
movingsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/movingsound.wav', updateCounter);
clickedsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/clicked.wav', updateCounter);
collectionsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/collection.wav', updateCounter);
collisionsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/collision.wav', updateCounter);
levelupsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/levelup.wav', updateCounter);
bg = loadSound('assets/Sounds/bg.mp3', updateCounter);
function setup() {
// initializing the canvas and storing a reference to it
var canvasMain = createCanvas(760,500);
// set the ID on the canvas element"p5_mainCanvas");
// set the parent of the canvas element to the element in the DOM with
// an ID of "left"
// initializing all the state variables for the screens
gamestart = false;
checkMenuclick = false;
load_level = false;
loadhowtoplay = false;
loadcontrolsscreen = false;
selectcontrols = false;
gestureActive = false;
getVideo = false;
videoSet = false;
joystickActive = false;
gesturehighlight = false;
controlscreensbackup = controlscreens;
checkhowtoplay = false;
gamebegin = false;
checkforselectlevel = false;
checkforStart = false;
levelupscreen = false;
checkfornextLevel = false;
endscreen = false;
checkforretry = false;
gamecomplete = false;
checkforfinish = false;
// initializing the value of mylevels for the levels to be accessed.
mylevel = 1;
// making use of the local storage API and obtaining the stored value of the levels that were previously ever completed by the user
let user_levels = window.localStorage.getItem('levelsCompleted');
// Checking if there was any data stored,
if (user_levels) {
// If so, the data from the local storage is used, otherwised the above initalized value is used instead.
mylevel = int(user_levels)
// Declaring the tilesize
tileSize = 20;
// Populates the 2D Array with 0s
// Places 1s at the borders of the 2D Array
tc = 0;
player = new Player();
// powerup = new Powerup();
// Evening out the perlin noise
// Looping the background music
// Setting the volume of the background music to a minimal value
function draw(){
// Gets the User's Video if the Gesture Option is selected
if((getVideo == true)&& (videoSet==false)){
video = createCapture(VIDEO);
const options = {};
handpose = ml5.handpose(video, options, modelReady);
videoSet = true;
if (gestureActive){
// When this is false, the MENU or the Level Selection screen appears
if(gamestart == false){
// If this if false, the MENU Screen will appear, which it will initially
if (load_level == false){
// If the how to play screen is clicked, the menu screen is not shown and instead the how to play screen is shown in the else {
// When the how to play screen is closed, the menu screen appears again as the variable becomes false
if (loadhowtoplay == false && loadcontrolsscreen == false){
// Clicks for the menu screen are detected
checkMenuclick = true;
// The Start Screen is shown
else if (loadhowtoplay == true){
// The How To Play Screen is shown
// Clicks for that screen are detected
checkhowtoplay = true;
else if (loadcontrolsscreen == true){
// The How To Play Screen is shown
// Clicks for that screen are detected
selectcontrols = true;
controlscreens = joystickselectedscreen;
getVideo = true;
controlscreens = gestureselectedscreen;
// The Load Screen will appear instead of the Menu Screen
else if(load_level == true){
// When the load screen is loaded, the clicks for the Menu Screen are not detected
checkMenuclick = false;
// The Level Screen is showns
// Clicks for the Level Screen are detected after setting the next variable to true
checkforselectlevel = true;
// If the game start is true, the menu or any of the initial screens are not appearing
else {
// Fills the background with a black color
// Draws the level, which in the first instance only draws the borders
// If the game gets completed,
if(gamecomplete == true){
// The game complete screen is shown
image(finish, 0, 0);
// CLicks for that screen are detected
checkforfinish = true;
// If the game ends
if(endscreen == true){
// The game end screen is shown and
image(endimg, 0, 0);
// Clicks for that screen are detected
checkforretry = true;
// If the level gets incremented,
// The level up screen is shown
image(levelup, 0,0);
// CLicks for that screen are detected
checkfornextLevel = true;
// If the game has not begun yet, the click to start screen appears
image(clicktostart, 0, 0);
// Clicks for that screen are detected
checkforStart = true;
if(gamebegin == true){
// Shows the updated Lives on the HTML Page
let window_score = document.getElementById('current_lives')
window_score.innerHTML = player.lives;
// If there is an existing powerup, it draws it in every frame and ensures the effect() function runs
if (powerups.length > 0) {
//Iterates through all the enemies and then displays and moves them
for (let i = 0; i < enemy.length; i++){
// Shows the updated Progress on the HTML Page
let window_progress = document.getElementById('current_progress')
window_progress.innerHTML = completeLevel() + "%";
// Shows the updated Levels on the HTML Page
let window_level = document.getElementById('current_level')
window_level.innerHTML = levels;
// Makes the powerups appear after a certain time period and ensures only one powerup can appear at a time
if (frameCount % 600 == 0 && powerups.length == 0) {
// Adds a powerup to the list for powerups
powerups.push(new Powerup())
// Shows the updated Timer on the HTML Page
let window_timer = document.getElementById('current_timer');
window_timer.innerHTML = timer + 's';
// Decreases the timer every second until the timer is 0
if (frameCount % 60 == 0 && timer > 0) {
timer --;
// Calls the next level function to check if the level is complete, and if so, it increases the level
// If the timer or the player lives become 0, the game ends!
if (timer == 0 || player.lives == 0){
// The timer and the lives are updated on the HTML Page
let window_score = document.getElementById('current_lives')
window_score.innerHTML = player.lives;
let window_timer = document.getElementById('current_timer');
window_timer.innerHTML = timer + 's';
// The game end screen is trigerred
endscreen = true;
// The right image for the Pac Xon is loaded
player.graphic = rightPacXon;
// The direction and movement of the Pac-Xon is reset
player.currKeyCode = 0;
// The pacXon is repositioned at the first index of the array
player.x = 0;
player.y = 0;
// reset player speed
player.speed = player.pspeed;
// The levels are reset
// levels = 1;
// powerups are emptied
powerups = [];
// The level is reset and only the borders are drawn
// The lives of the player are reset
player.lives = 3;
// The timer is reset
timer = 100;
// The game over sound is played;
// The all levels function is called to choose the level
function mousePressed(){
// Checks for clicks on the Various screens
if(checkMenuclick == true){
else if(checkhowtoplay == true){
else if(selectcontrols == true){
else if(checkforselectlevel == true){
else if(checkforStart == true){
gamebegin = true;
// Checks for clicks on the level up screens
if(checkfornextLevel == true){
// If the next option is clicked, the screen disappears
if(mouseX>400 && mouseX <495 && mouseY>325&& mouseY<363){
levelupscreen = false;;
checkfornextLevel == false;
checkMenuclick = false;
// If the menu is clicked, the menu screen appears
else if(mouseX>250 && mouseX <345 && mouseY>325&& mouseY<363){
levelupscreen = false;
gamestart = false;
load_level = false;
checkforselectlevel = false;
checkfornextLevel == false;
checkMenuclick = false;;
// Almost the same thing happens for the Game over screen
if(checkforretry == true){
// If the retry option is pressed
if(mouseX>400 && mouseX <495 && mouseY>325&& mouseY<363){
endscreen = false;
checkforretry = false;
checkMenuclick = false;;
// Or if the menu option is pressed
else if(mouseX>250 && mouseX <345 && mouseY>325&& mouseY<363){
// endscreen = false;
endscreen = false;
gamestart = false;
load_level = false;
checkforselectlevel = false;
checkforretry = false;
checkMenuclick = false;;
// Checks for clicks on the 'Return to Menu' button on the screen that shows up when the game is completed
if(checkforfinish == true){
// rect(279, 318, 190, 45);
if(mouseX>279 && mouseX <469 && mouseY>318&& mouseY<363){
gamestart = false;
gamecomplete = false;
load_level = false;
checkforselectlevel = false;;
// Update counter function used within preload
function updateCounter() {
// increase our counter
// use the counter to set the style on the '#progress_bar' div
let progress_bar = document.querySelector('#progress_bar');
// The percentage is calculated = int(counter/maxCounter*100) + "%";
function getGestures(){
if (hands && hands.length > 0) {
for (let hand of hands) {
let annotations = hand.annotations;
let thumb = annotations.thumb;
let tx = thumb[3][0];
let ty = thumb[3][1];
let thumbsup = true;
let thumbsdown = true;
let thumbsleft = true;
let thumbsright = true;
let parts = Object.keys(annotations);
let count = 0;
for (let part of parts) {
for (let position of annotations[part]) {
let [x, y, z] = position;
if (part === 'thumb') {
if (x < tx) {
thumbsleft = false;
} else if (x > tx) {
thumbsright = false;
} else {
if (y < ty) {
thumbsup = false;
} else if (y > ty) {
thumbsdown = false;
if (thumbsup) {
gestureDirection = "up";
else if (thumbsdown) {
gestureDirection = "down";
else if (thumbsleft) {
gestureDirection = "right";
else if (thumbsright) {
gestureDirection = "left";
// A 2D list to store the tiles for the game board let level = []; // Stores the images let tile, movingTile, rightPacXon, leftPacXon, upPacXon, downPacXon; // Variables to store the ghosts/enemies let redGhost, blueGhost, yellowGhost, pinkGhost; // Variables to store the powerups let bomb, ice, bolt, slow; // Array to store all the powerups let powerups = []; // Store the tilesize for use throughout let tileSize; // Keeping a track of the area of an enclosed regions let count = 0; // Storing the count for a certain region let c1 = 0; // Storing the maxArea let mArea; // Variables to store the areas, and the coordinates for filling the enclosed regions. let sVals = []; let pVals = []; let areas = []; let tc; // Sertting the timer for the game and initializing it to 100 let timer = 100; // declaring and initializing the levels to be kept track of let levels = 1; // For storing all the enemies in the list let enemy = []; // Keeping track of the x and y positions of the ghost let ghostx, ghosty; // Checking if level should be up or not and initializing to false; let level_up = false; // State variables to keep track of the screens let gamestart; let checkMenuclick; let load_level; let loadhowtoplay; let selectcontrols; let joystickActive; let loadcontrolsscreen; let checkhowtoplay; let gamebegin; let checkforselectlevel; let checkforStart; let checkfornextLevel; let levelupscreen; let endscreen; let checkforretry; let gamecomplete; let checkforfinish; let mylevel; // Variables to store all the images let level1; let level2; let level3; let level4; let level5; let level6; let main_image; let controlscreens; let controlscreensbackup; let joystickselectedscreen; let howtoplay; let clicktostart; let levelup; let endimg; let finish; let returnto; // Variables for gesture detection let video; let handPose; let hands; let gestureActive = ""; let getVideo; let videoSet; let gestureDirection; // Variables to store all the sounds let gameoversound, movingsound, clickedsound, collectionsound, collisionsound, levelupsound, movement, bg; // Declaring and initializingthe counter and max counter to calculate the percentage and keep track for the preloader let counter = 1;; let maxCounter = 34; // joysrick variables let joystickInput = 0; // Function for initiating the Gesture Detection function modelReady() { console.log('hand pose loaded'); handpose.on('predict', results => { // Storing the result based on hand gestures hands = results; }); } // Pre Loading all the assets // The updateCounter parameter is passed in each loadXYZ() function to call the updateCounter function for progressing the pre-loader function preload() { // Loading the tiles to be drawn tile = loadImage('assets/Tiles/tile.png', updateCounter); movingTile = loadImage('assets/Tiles/movingTile.png', updateCounter); // Loading all Pac-Xon direction gifs rightPacXon = loadImage('assets/Paxon/right_paXon.gif', updateCounter); leftPacXon = loadImage('assets/Paxon/left_paXon.gif', updateCounter); upPacXon = loadImage('assets/Paxon/up_paXon.gif', updateCounter); downPacXon = loadImage('assets/Paxon/down_paXon.gif', updateCounter); // Loading all the Ghosts/ Enemies redGhost = loadImage('assets/Enemies/red-ghost.png', updateCounter); blueGhost = loadImage('assets/Enemies/blue-ghost.png', updateCounter); yellowGhost = loadImage('assets/Enemies/yellow-ghost.png', updateCounter); pinkGhost = loadImage('assets/Enemies/pink-ghost.png', updateCounter); // Loading all the screens main_image = loadImage('assets/Screens/home.gif', updateCounter); level1 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level1.png', updateCounter); level2 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level2.png', updateCounter); level3 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level3.png', updateCounter); level4 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level4.png', updateCounter); level5 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level5.png', updateCounter); level6 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level6.png', updateCounter); controlscreens = loadImage('assets/Screens/controls.png', updateCounter); joystickselectedscreen = loadImage('assets/Screens/joystick_selected.png', updateCounter); gestureselectedscreen = loadImage('assets/Screens/gestures_selected.png', updateCounter); howtoplay = loadImage('assets/Screens/howtoplay.png', updateCounter); clicktostart = loadImage('assets/Screens/clicktostart.png', updateCounter); levelup = loadImage('assets/Screens/levelcompleted.png', updateCounter); endimg = loadImage('assets/Screens/gameover.png', updateCounter); finish = loadImage('assets/Screens/congrats.png', updateCounter); returnto = loadImage('assets/Screens/returnmenu.png', updateCounter); // Loading all the powerups bomb = loadImage('assets/Extras/redbomb.png', updateCounter); ice = loadImage('assets/Extras/ice.png', updateCounter); bolt = loadImage('assets/Extras/lightning-bolt.png', updateCounter); slow = loadImage('assets/Extras/snail.png', updateCounter); // Loading all the sounds gameoversound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/gameover.mp3', updateCounter); movingsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/movingsound.wav', updateCounter); clickedsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/clicked.wav', updateCounter); collectionsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/collection.wav', updateCounter); collisionsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/collision.wav', updateCounter); levelupsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/levelup.wav', updateCounter); bg = loadSound('assets/Sounds/bg.mp3', updateCounter); } function setup() { // initializing the canvas and storing a reference to it var canvasMain = createCanvas(760,500); // set the ID on the canvas element"p5_mainCanvas"); // set the parent of the canvas element to the element in the DOM with // an ID of "left" canvasMain.parent("#center"); // initializing all the state variables for the screens gamestart = false; checkMenuclick = false; load_level = false; loadhowtoplay = false; loadcontrolsscreen = false; selectcontrols = false; gestureActive = false; getVideo = false; videoSet = false; joystickActive = false; gesturehighlight = false; joystickhighlight=false; controlscreensbackup = controlscreens; checkhowtoplay = false; gamebegin = false; checkforselectlevel = false; checkforStart = false; levelupscreen = false; checkfornextLevel = false; endscreen = false; checkforretry = false; gamecomplete = false; checkforfinish = false; // initializing the value of mylevels for the levels to be accessed. mylevel = 1; // making use of the local storage API and obtaining the stored value of the levels that were previously ever completed by the user let user_levels = window.localStorage.getItem('levelsCompleted'); // Checking if there was any data stored, if (user_levels) { // If so, the data from the local storage is used, otherwised the above initalized value is used instead. mylevel = int(user_levels) } // Declaring the tilesize tileSize = 20; // Populates the 2D Array with 0s initializeLevel(); // Places 1s at the borders of the 2D Array resetLevel(); tc = 0; player = new Player(); // powerup = new Powerup(); // Evening out the perlin noise noiseDetail(24); // Looping the background music bg.loop(); // Setting the volume of the background music to a minimal value bg.setVolume(0.3); } function draw(){ // Gets the User's Video if the Gesture Option is selected if((getVideo == true)&& (videoSet==false)){ video = createCapture(VIDEO); video.hide(); const options = {}; handpose = ml5.handpose(video, options, modelReady); videoSet = true; } if (gestureActive){ getGestures(); } // When this is false, the MENU or the Level Selection screen appears if(gamestart == false){ // If this if false, the MENU Screen will appear, which it will initially if (load_level == false){ // If the how to play screen is clicked, the menu screen is not shown and instead the how to play screen is shown in the else { // When the how to play screen is closed, the menu screen appears again as the variable becomes false if (loadhowtoplay == false && loadcontrolsscreen == false){ // Clicks for the menu screen are detected checkMenuclick = true; // The Start Screen is shown StartScreen(); } else if (loadhowtoplay == true){ checkMenuclick=false; // The How To Play Screen is shown HowToPlayScreen(); // Clicks for that screen are detected checkhowtoplay = true; } else if (loadcontrolsscreen == true){ checkMenuclick=false; // The How To Play Screen is shown SelectControlsScreen(); // Clicks for that screen are detected selectcontrols = true; if(serialActive==true){ controlscreens = joystickselectedscreen; } if(gestureActive==true){ getVideo = true; controlscreens = gestureselectedscreen; } } } // The Load Screen will appear instead of the Menu Screen else if(load_level == true){ // When the load screen is loaded, the clicks for the Menu Screen are not detected checkMenuclick = false; // The Level Screen is showns LevelScreen(); // Clicks for the Level Screen are detected after setting the next variable to true checkforselectlevel = true; } } // If the game start is true, the menu or any of the initial screens are not appearing else { // Fills the background with a black color background(0); // Draws the level, which in the first instance only draws the borders drawLevel(); // If the game gets completed, if(gamecomplete == true){ // The game complete screen is shown image(finish, 0, 0); // CLicks for that screen are detected checkforfinish = true; } else{ // If the game ends if(endscreen == true){ // The game end screen is shown and image(endimg, 0, 0); // Clicks for that screen are detected checkforretry = true; } else{ // If the level gets incremented, if(levelupscreen==true){ // The level up screen is shown image(levelup, 0,0); // CLicks for that screen are detected checkfornextLevel = true; } else{ // If the game has not begun yet, the click to start screen appears if(gamebegin==false){ image(clicktostart, 0, 0); // Clicks for that screen are detected checkforStart = true; } if(gamebegin == true){ // Shows the updated Lives on the HTML Page let window_score = document.getElementById('current_lives') window_score.innerHTML = player.lives; //player player.display(); player.move(); // If there is an existing powerup, it draws it in every frame and ensures the effect() function runs if (powerups.length > 0) { powerups[0].display(); powerups[0].effect(); } //Iterates through all the enemies and then displays and moves them for (let i = 0; i < enemy.length; i++){ enemy[i].display(); enemy[i].move(); } // Shows the updated Progress on the HTML Page let window_progress = document.getElementById('current_progress') window_progress.innerHTML = completeLevel() + "%"; // Shows the updated Levels on the HTML Page let window_level = document.getElementById('current_level') window_level.innerHTML = levels; // Makes the powerups appear after a certain time period and ensures only one powerup can appear at a time if (frameCount % 600 == 0 && powerups.length == 0) { // Adds a powerup to the list for powerups powerups.push(new Powerup()) } // Shows the updated Timer on the HTML Page let window_timer = document.getElementById('current_timer'); window_timer.innerHTML = timer + 's'; // Decreases the timer every second until the timer is 0 if (frameCount % 60 == 0 && timer > 0) { timer --; } // Calls the next level function to check if the level is complete, and if so, it increases the level nextLevel(); // If the timer or the player lives become 0, the game ends! if (timer == 0 || player.lives == 0){ // The timer and the lives are updated on the HTML Page let window_score = document.getElementById('current_lives') window_score.innerHTML = player.lives; let window_timer = document.getElementById('current_timer'); window_timer.innerHTML = timer + 's'; // The game end screen is trigerred endscreen = true; // The right image for the Pac Xon is loaded player.graphic = rightPacXon; // The direction and movement of the Pac-Xon is reset player.currKeyCode = 0; // The pacXon is repositioned at the first index of the array player.x = 0; player.y = 0; // reset player speed player.speed = player.pspeed; // The levels are reset // levels = 1; // powerups are emptied powerups = []; // The level is reset and only the borders are drawn resetLevel(); // The lives of the player are reset player.lives = 3; // The timer is reset timer = 100; // The game over sound is played; // The all levels function is called to choose the level allLevels(); } } } } } } } function mousePressed(){ // Checks for clicks on the Various screens if(checkMenuclick == true){ StartScreenClick(); } else if(checkhowtoplay == true){ HowToPlayClick(); } else if(selectcontrols == true){ SelectControlsClick(); } else if(checkforselectlevel == true){ LevelScreenClick(); } else if(checkforStart == true){ gamebegin = true; } // Checks for clicks on the level up screens if(checkfornextLevel == true){ // If the next option is clicked, the screen disappears if(mouseX>400 && mouseX <495 && mouseY>325&& mouseY<363){ levelupscreen = false;; checkfornextLevel == false; checkMenuclick = false; } // If the menu is clicked, the menu screen appears else if(mouseX>250 && mouseX <345 && mouseY>325&& mouseY<363){ levelupscreen = false; gamestart = false; load_level = false; checkforselectlevel = false; checkfornextLevel == false; checkMenuclick = false;; } } // Almost the same thing happens for the Game over screen if(checkforretry == true){ // If the retry option is pressed if(mouseX>400 && mouseX <495 && mouseY>325&& mouseY<363){ endscreen = false; checkforretry = false; checkMenuclick = false;; } // Or if the menu option is pressed else if(mouseX>250 && mouseX <345 && mouseY>325&& mouseY<363){ // endscreen = false; endscreen = false; gamestart = false; load_level = false; checkforselectlevel = false; checkforretry = false; checkMenuclick = false;; } } // Checks for clicks on the 'Return to Menu' button on the screen that shows up when the game is completed if(checkforfinish == true){ // rect(279, 318, 190, 45); if(mouseX>279 && mouseX <469 && mouseY>318&& mouseY<363){ gamestart = false; gamecomplete = false; load_level = false; checkforselectlevel = false;; } } } // Update counter function used within preload function updateCounter() { // increase our counter counter++; // use the counter to set the style on the '#progress_bar' div let progress_bar = document.querySelector('#progress_bar'); // The percentage is calculated = int(counter/maxCounter*100) + "%"; } function getGestures(){ if (hands && hands.length > 0) { for (let hand of hands) { let annotations = hand.annotations; let thumb = annotations.thumb; let tx = thumb[3][0]; let ty = thumb[3][1]; let thumbsup = true; let thumbsdown = true; let thumbsleft = true; let thumbsright = true; let parts = Object.keys(annotations); let count = 0; for (let part of parts) { for (let position of annotations[part]) { let [x, y, z] = position; if (part === 'thumb') { if (x < tx) { thumbsleft = false; } else if (x > tx) { thumbsright = false; } } else { if (y < ty) { thumbsup = false; } else if (y > ty) { thumbsdown = false; } } } } if (thumbsup) { console.log("UP"); gestureDirection = "up"; } else if (thumbsdown) { console.log("DOWN"); gestureDirection = "down"; } else if (thumbsleft) { console.log("RIGHT"); gestureDirection = "right"; } else if (thumbsright) { console.log("LEFT"); gestureDirection = "left"; } } } }
// A 2D list to store the tiles for the game board
let level = [];
// Stores the images
let tile, movingTile, rightPacXon, leftPacXon, upPacXon, downPacXon;
// Variables to store the ghosts/enemies
let redGhost, blueGhost, yellowGhost, pinkGhost;
// Variables to store the powerups
let bomb, ice, bolt, slow;
// Array to store all the powerups
let powerups = [];
// Store the tilesize for use throughout
let tileSize;
// Keeping a track of the area of an enclosed regions
let count = 0;
// Storing the count for a certain region
let c1 = 0;
// Storing the maxArea
let mArea;
// Variables to store the areas, and the coordinates for filling the enclosed regions.
let sVals = [];
let pVals = [];
let areas = [];
let tc;
// Sertting the timer for the game and initializing it to 100
let timer = 100;
// declaring and initializing the levels to be kept track of
let levels = 1;
// For storing all the enemies in the list
let enemy = [];
// Keeping track of the x and y positions of the ghost
let ghostx, ghosty;
// Checking if level should be up or not and initializing to false;
let level_up = false;
// State variables to keep track of the screens
let gamestart;
let checkMenuclick;
let load_level;
let loadhowtoplay;
let selectcontrols;
let joystickActive;
let loadcontrolsscreen;
let checkhowtoplay;
let gamebegin;
let checkforselectlevel;
let checkforStart;
let checkfornextLevel;
let levelupscreen;
let endscreen;
let checkforretry;
let gamecomplete;
let checkforfinish;
let mylevel;
// Variables to store all the images
let level1;
let level2;
let level3;
let level4;
let level5;
let level6;
let main_image;
let controlscreens;
let controlscreensbackup;
let joystickselectedscreen;
let howtoplay;
let clicktostart;
let levelup;
let endimg;
let finish;
let returnto;
// Variables for gesture detection
let video;
let handPose;
let hands;
let gestureActive = "";
let getVideo;
let videoSet;
let gestureDirection;
// Variables to store all the sounds
let gameoversound, movingsound, clickedsound, collectionsound, collisionsound, levelupsound, movement, bg;
// Declaring and initializingthe counter and max counter to calculate the percentage and keep track for the preloader
let counter = 1;;
let maxCounter = 34;
// joysrick variables
let joystickInput = 0;

// Function for initiating the Gesture Detection
function modelReady() {
  console.log('hand pose loaded');
  handpose.on('predict', results => {
    // Storing the result based on hand gestures
    hands = results;

// Pre Loading all the assets
// The updateCounter parameter is passed in each loadXYZ() function to call the updateCounter function for progressing the pre-loader
function preload() {
  // Loading the tiles to be drawn
  tile = loadImage('assets/Tiles/tile.png', updateCounter);
  movingTile = loadImage('assets/Tiles/movingTile.png', updateCounter);
  // Loading all Pac-Xon direction gifs
  rightPacXon = loadImage('assets/Paxon/right_paXon.gif', updateCounter);
  leftPacXon = loadImage('assets/Paxon/left_paXon.gif', updateCounter);
  upPacXon = loadImage('assets/Paxon/up_paXon.gif', updateCounter);
  downPacXon = loadImage('assets/Paxon/down_paXon.gif', updateCounter);
  // Loading all the Ghosts/ Enemies
  redGhost = loadImage('assets/Enemies/red-ghost.png', updateCounter);
  blueGhost = loadImage('assets/Enemies/blue-ghost.png', updateCounter);
  yellowGhost = loadImage('assets/Enemies/yellow-ghost.png', updateCounter);
  pinkGhost = loadImage('assets/Enemies/pink-ghost.png', updateCounter);
  // Loading all the screens
  main_image = loadImage('assets/Screens/home.gif', updateCounter);
  level1 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level1.png', updateCounter);
  level2 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level2.png', updateCounter);
  level3 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level3.png', updateCounter);
  level4 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level4.png', updateCounter);
  level5 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level5.png', updateCounter);
  level6 = loadImage('assets/Screens/level6.png', updateCounter);
  controlscreens = loadImage('assets/Screens/controls.png', updateCounter);
  joystickselectedscreen = loadImage('assets/Screens/joystick_selected.png', updateCounter);
  gestureselectedscreen = loadImage('assets/Screens/gestures_selected.png', updateCounter);
  howtoplay = loadImage('assets/Screens/howtoplay.png', updateCounter);
  clicktostart = loadImage('assets/Screens/clicktostart.png', updateCounter);
  levelup = loadImage('assets/Screens/levelcompleted.png', updateCounter);
  endimg = loadImage('assets/Screens/gameover.png', updateCounter);
  finish = loadImage('assets/Screens/congrats.png', updateCounter);
  returnto = loadImage('assets/Screens/returnmenu.png', updateCounter);
  // Loading all the powerups
  bomb = loadImage('assets/Extras/redbomb.png', updateCounter);
  ice = loadImage('assets/Extras/ice.png', updateCounter);
  bolt = loadImage('assets/Extras/lightning-bolt.png', updateCounter);
  slow = loadImage('assets/Extras/snail.png', updateCounter);
  // Loading all the sounds
  gameoversound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/gameover.mp3', updateCounter);
  movingsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/movingsound.wav', updateCounter);
  clickedsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/clicked.wav', updateCounter);
  collectionsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/collection.wav', updateCounter);
  collisionsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/collision.wav', updateCounter);
  levelupsound = loadSound('assets/Sounds/levelup.wav', updateCounter);
  bg = loadSound('assets/Sounds/bg.mp3', updateCounter);


function setup() {
  // initializing the canvas and storing a reference to it
  var canvasMain = createCanvas(760,500);
    // set the ID on the canvas element"p5_mainCanvas");
  // set the parent of the canvas element to the element in the DOM with
  // an ID of "left"

  // initializing all the state variables for the screens
  gamestart = false;
  checkMenuclick = false;
  load_level = false;
  loadhowtoplay = false;
  loadcontrolsscreen = false;
  selectcontrols = false;
  gestureActive = false;
  getVideo = false;
  videoSet = false;
  joystickActive = false;
  gesturehighlight = false;
  controlscreensbackup = controlscreens;
  checkhowtoplay =  false;
  gamebegin = false;
  checkforselectlevel =  false;
  checkforStart = false;
  levelupscreen = false;
  checkfornextLevel = false;
  endscreen = false;
  checkforretry = false;
  gamecomplete = false;
  checkforfinish = false;
  // initializing the value of mylevels for the levels to be accessed.
  mylevel = 1;

  // making use of the local storage API and obtaining the stored value of the levels that were previously ever completed by the user
  let user_levels = window.localStorage.getItem('levelsCompleted');
  // Checking if there was any data stored,
  if (user_levels) {
    // If so, the data from the local storage is used, otherwised the above initalized value is used instead.
    mylevel = int(user_levels)
  // Declaring the tilesize
  tileSize = 20;
  // Populates the 2D Array with 0s

  // Places 1s at the borders of the 2D Array
  tc = 0;
  player = new Player();
  // powerup = new Powerup();

  // Evening out the perlin noise
  // Looping the background music

  // Setting the volume of the background music to a minimal value


function draw(){
  // Gets the User's Video if the Gesture Option is selected
  if((getVideo == true)&& (videoSet==false)){
    video = createCapture(VIDEO);
    const options = {};
    handpose = ml5.handpose(video, options, modelReady);
    videoSet = true;
  if (gestureActive){
  // When this is false, the MENU or the Level Selection screen appears
  if(gamestart == false){
    // If this if false, the MENU Screen will appear, which it will initially
    if (load_level == false){
      // If the how to play screen is clicked, the menu screen is not shown and instead the how to play screen is shown in the else {
      // When the how to play screen is closed, the menu screen appears again as the variable becomes false
      if (loadhowtoplay == false && loadcontrolsscreen == false){
        // Clicks for the menu screen are detected
        checkMenuclick = true;
        // The Start Screen is shown
      else if (loadhowtoplay == true){
        // The How To Play Screen is shown
        // Clicks for that screen are detected
        checkhowtoplay = true;
      else if (loadcontrolsscreen == true){
        // The How To Play Screen is shown
        // Clicks for that screen are detected
        selectcontrols = true;

          controlscreens = joystickselectedscreen;
          getVideo = true;
          controlscreens = gestureselectedscreen;
    // The Load Screen will appear instead of the Menu Screen
    else if(load_level == true){
      // When the load screen is loaded, the clicks for the Menu Screen are not detected
      checkMenuclick = false;
      // The Level Screen is showns
      // Clicks for the Level Screen are detected after setting the next variable to true
      checkforselectlevel = true;
  // If the game start is true, the menu or any of the initial screens are not appearing
  else {
    // Fills the background with a black color
    // Draws the level, which in the first instance only draws the borders

    // If the game gets completed,
    if(gamecomplete == true){
      // The game complete screen is shown
      image(finish, 0, 0);
      // CLicks for that screen are detected
      checkforfinish = true;
      // If the game ends
      if(endscreen == true){
        // The game end screen is shown and
        image(endimg, 0, 0);
        // Clicks for that screen are detected
        checkforretry =  true;
        // If the level gets incremented,
          // The level up screen is shown
          image(levelup, 0,0);
          // CLicks for that screen are detected
          checkfornextLevel = true;
          // If the game has not begun yet, the click to start screen appears
            image(clicktostart, 0, 0);
            // Clicks for that screen are detected
            checkforStart = true;
          if(gamebegin == true){
            // Shows the updated Lives on the HTML Page
            let window_score = document.getElementById('current_lives')
            window_score.innerHTML = player.lives;


            // If there is an existing powerup, it draws it in every frame and ensures the effect() function runs
            if (powerups.length > 0) {

            //Iterates through all the enemies and then displays and moves them
            for (let i = 0; i < enemy.length; i++){

            // Shows the updated Progress on the HTML Page
            let window_progress = document.getElementById('current_progress')
            window_progress.innerHTML = completeLevel() + "%";

            // Shows the updated Levels on the HTML Page
            let window_level = document.getElementById('current_level')
            window_level.innerHTML = levels;

            // Makes the powerups appear after a certain time period and ensures only one powerup can appear at a time
            if (frameCount % 600 == 0 && powerups.length == 0) {
              // Adds a powerup to the list for powerups
              powerups.push(new Powerup())

            // Shows the updated Timer on the HTML Page
            let window_timer = document.getElementById('current_timer');
            window_timer.innerHTML = timer + 's';
            // Decreases the timer every second until the timer is 0
            if (frameCount % 60 == 0 && timer > 0) {
              timer --;
            // Calls the next level function to check if the level is complete, and if so, it increases the level
            // If the timer or the player lives become 0, the game ends!
            if (timer == 0 || player.lives == 0){
              // The timer and the lives are updated on the HTML Page
              let window_score = document.getElementById('current_lives')
              window_score.innerHTML = player.lives;
              let window_timer = document.getElementById('current_timer');
              window_timer.innerHTML = timer + 's';
              // The game end screen is trigerred
              endscreen = true;
              // The right image for the Pac Xon is loaded
              player.graphic = rightPacXon;
              // The direction and movement of the Pac-Xon is reset
              player.currKeyCode = 0;
              // The pacXon is repositioned at the first index of the array
              player.x = 0;
              player.y = 0;
              // reset player speed
              player.speed = player.pspeed;
              // The levels are reset
              // levels = 1;
              // powerups are emptied
              powerups = [];
              // The level is reset and only the borders are drawn
              // The lives of the player are reset
              player.lives = 3;
              // The timer is reset
              timer = 100;
              // The game over sound is played
              // The all levels function is called to choose the level



function mousePressed(){
  // Checks for clicks on the Various screens
  if(checkMenuclick == true){
  else if(checkhowtoplay == true){
  else if(selectcontrols == true){
  else if(checkforselectlevel == true){
  else if(checkforStart == true){
    gamebegin =  true;
  // Checks for clicks on the level up screens
  if(checkfornextLevel == true){
    // If the next option is clicked, the screen disappears
    if(mouseX>400 && mouseX <495 && mouseY>325&& mouseY<363){
      levelupscreen = false;;
      checkfornextLevel == false;
      checkMenuclick = false;
    // If the menu is clicked, the menu screen appears
    else if(mouseX>250 && mouseX <345 && mouseY>325&& mouseY<363){
      levelupscreen = false;
      gamestart = false;
      load_level = false;
      checkforselectlevel = false;
      checkfornextLevel == false;
      checkMenuclick = false;;
  // Almost the same thing happens for the Game over screen
  if(checkforretry == true){
    // If the retry option is pressed
    if(mouseX>400 && mouseX <495 && mouseY>325&& mouseY<363){
      endscreen = false;
      checkforretry =  false;
      checkMenuclick = false;;
    // Or if the menu option is pressed
    else if(mouseX>250 && mouseX <345 && mouseY>325&& mouseY<363){
      // endscreen = false;
      endscreen = false;
      gamestart = false;
      load_level = false;
      checkforselectlevel = false;
      checkforretry =  false;
      checkMenuclick = false;;
  // Checks for clicks on the 'Return to Menu' button on the screen that shows up when the game is completed
  if(checkforfinish == true){
    // rect(279, 318, 190, 45);
    if(mouseX>279 && mouseX <469 && mouseY>318&& mouseY<363){
      gamestart = false;
      gamecomplete = false;
      load_level = false;
      checkforselectlevel = false;;

// Update counter function used within preload
function updateCounter() {
  // increase our counter

  // use the counter to set the style on the '#progress_bar' div
  let progress_bar = document.querySelector('#progress_bar');
  // The percentage is calculated = int(counter/maxCounter*100) + "%";

function getGestures(){
  if (hands && hands.length > 0) {
    for (let hand of hands) {
      let annotations = hand.annotations;
      let thumb = annotations.thumb;

      let tx = thumb[3][0];
      let ty = thumb[3][1];

      let thumbsup = true;
      let thumbsdown = true;
      let thumbsleft = true;
      let thumbsright = true;

      let parts = Object.keys(annotations);
      let count = 0;
      for (let part of parts) {
        for (let position of annotations[part]) {
          let [x, y, z] = position;

          if (part === 'thumb') {
            if (x < tx) {
              thumbsleft = false;
            } else if (x > tx) {
              thumbsright = false;
          } else {
            if (y < ty) {
              thumbsup = false;
            } else if (y > ty) {
              thumbsdown = false;

      if (thumbsup) {
        gestureDirection = "up";
      else if (thumbsdown) {
        gestureDirection = "down";
      else if (thumbsleft) {
        gestureDirection = "right";
      else if (thumbsright) {
        gestureDirection = "left";


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// Function to load up the MENU Screen
function StartScreen(){
image(main_image, 0, 0);
// Pauses the gif on the MENU Screen after 3 seconds
if (frameCount % 180 == 0){
// Function to check for specific clicks on the MENU Screen
function StartScreenClick(){
// Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'New Game' button is clicked
if(mouseX>285 && mouseX <475 && mouseY>230&& mouseY<275){
// Sets the variables for the Levels screen to appear
load_level = true;
// Ensures that the positions for the clicks on the MENU page are not being checked
checkMenuclick == false;
// Plays the click sound;
// Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'How To Play' button is clicked
if(mouseX>285 && mouseX <475 && mouseY>285&& mouseY<330){
// Sets the variables for the How To Play screen to appear
loadhowtoplay = true;
// Ensures that the positions for the clicks on the MENU page are not being checked
checkMenuclick == false;
// Plays the click sound;
// Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'More Games' button is clicked
if(mouseX>285 && mouseX <475 && mouseY>340&& mouseY<385){
// Sets the variables for the 'Select Controls' screen to appear
loadcontrolsscreen = true;
// Ensures that the positions for the clicks on the MENU page are not being checked
checkMenuclick == false;
// Plays the click sound;
// Function to load the How To Play screen image
function HowToPlayScreen(){
image(howtoplay, 0, 0);
// Function to check if specific areas on the How to play screen have been clicked
function HowToPlayClick(){
// Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'Return to Menu button is clicked
if(mouseX>270 && mouseX <460 && mouseY>408&& mouseY<453){
// Sets the variables to stop showing the how to play screen
loadhowtoplay = false;
// Does not check for click on the areas for the buttons on the how to play screen
checkhowtoplay = false;
// Plays the sound;
// Function to load the How To Play screen image
function SelectControlsScreen(){
image(controlscreens, 0, 0);
// Function to check if specific areas on the How to play screen have been clicked
function SelectControlsClick(){
// Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'Return to Menu button is clicked
if(mouseX>155 && mouseX <340 && mouseY>265&& mouseY<360){
print("JoyStick Clicked")
// If a Serial Connection with the Arduino has not been established yet
// Initiates the establishment of a Serial connection with the JoyStick
gestureActive = false;
joystickActive = true;
// Plays the sound;
if(mouseX>400 && mouseX <580 && mouseY>265&& mouseY<360){
print("Gesture Clicked")
gestureActive = true;
joystickActive = false;
// Plays the sound;
if(mouseX>270 && mouseX <460 && mouseY>410&& mouseY<455){
// Sets the variables to stop showing the how to play screen
loadcontrolsscreen = false;
// Does not check for click on the areas for the buttons on the how to play screen
selectcontrols = false;
// Plays the sound;
// Shows the appropriateimage according to the number of levels that are completed by a user.
function LevelScreen(){
// Loads up the level one image if the user is on the first level
if (mylevel == 1){
image(level1, 0 ,0);
else if (mylevel == 2){
image(level2, 0 ,0);
else if (mylevel == 3){
image(level3, 0 ,0);
else if (mylevel == 4){
image(level4, 0 ,0);
else if (mylevel == 5){
image(level5, 0 ,0);
else if (mylevel == 6){
image(level6, 0 ,0);
// Loads the overlayed image for the 'Return to Menu' option
image(returnto, 0, 0);
// Function to check for any clicks on the Level Screen
function LevelScreenClick(){
// Checks if the box around 'Return to Menu' is clicked
if(mouseX>267 && mouseX <457 && mouseY>311&& mouseY<356){
// Sets up the counters for any other clicks to happen to be false
// Also sets the counters for the Level Screen to not be displayed anymore
load_level = false;
checkforselectlevel == false;;
checkhowtoplay = false;
loadhowtoplay = false;
// The condition checks the number of levels 'unlocked' by the user and so allows for the appropriate number of them to be clicked by the user.
if(mylevel >0){
// Checks if the box around a specific level is clicked
if(mouseX>118 && mouseX <193 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){
// Plays the click sound;
// Initates the game by changing the state of the game
gamestart = true;
// Does not let the level screen to load again
load_level = false;
// Does not allow for any click to work
checkforselectlevel = false;
// Sets the level to be displayed to be 1
levels = 1;
// Calls the function to load the appropriate enemies for that level
if(mylevel >1){
if(mouseX>205 && mouseX <283 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){;
gamestart = true;
load_level = false;
checkforselectlevel = false;
levels = 2;
if (mylevel >2){
if(mouseX>290 && mouseX <368 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){;
gamestart = true;
load_level = false;
checkforselectlevel = false;
levels = 3;
if (mylevel >3){
if(mouseX>375 && mouseX <453 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){;
gamestart = true;
load_level = false;
checkforselectlevel = false;
levels = 4;
if(mylevel >4){
if(mouseX>460 && mouseX <538 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){;
gamestart = true;
load_level = false;
checkforselectlevel = false;
levels = 5;
if(mylevel >5){
if(mouseX>545 && mouseX <623 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){;
gamestart = true;
load_level = false;
checkforselectlevel = false;
levels = 6;
// This function will be called by the web-serial library
// with each new *line* of data. The serial library reads
// the data until the newline and then gives it to us through
// this callback function
function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
joystickInput = data;
let sendToArduino = player.lives + "\n";
// Function to load up the MENU Screen function StartScreen(){ image(main_image, 0, 0); // Pauses the gif on the MENU Screen after 3 seconds if (frameCount % 180 == 0){ main_image.pause(); } } // Function to check for specific clicks on the MENU Screen function StartScreenClick(){ // Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'New Game' button is clicked if(mouseX>285 && mouseX <475 && mouseY>230&& mouseY<275){ // Sets the variables for the Levels screen to appear load_level = true; // Ensures that the positions for the clicks on the MENU page are not being checked checkMenuclick == false; // Plays the click sound; } // Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'How To Play' button is clicked if(mouseX>285 && mouseX <475 && mouseY>285&& mouseY<330){ // Sets the variables for the How To Play screen to appear loadhowtoplay = true; // Ensures that the positions for the clicks on the MENU page are not being checked checkMenuclick == false; // Plays the click sound; } // Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'More Games' button is clicked if(mouseX>285 && mouseX <475 && mouseY>340&& mouseY<385){ // Sets the variables for the 'Select Controls' screen to appear loadcontrolsscreen = true; // Ensures that the positions for the clicks on the MENU page are not being checked checkMenuclick == false; // Plays the click sound; } } // Function to load the How To Play screen image function HowToPlayScreen(){ image(howtoplay, 0, 0); } // Function to check if specific areas on the How to play screen have been clicked function HowToPlayClick(){ // Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'Return to Menu button is clicked if(mouseX>270 && mouseX <460 && mouseY>408&& mouseY<453){ // Sets the variables to stop showing the how to play screen loadhowtoplay = false; // Does not check for click on the areas for the buttons on the how to play screen checkhowtoplay = false; // Plays the sound; } } // Function to load the How To Play screen image function SelectControlsScreen(){ image(controlscreens, 0, 0); } // Function to check if specific areas on the How to play screen have been clicked function SelectControlsClick(){ // Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'Return to Menu button is clicked if(mouseX>155 && mouseX <340 && mouseY>265&& mouseY<360){ print("JoyStick Clicked") // If a Serial Connection with the Arduino has not been established yet if(!serialActive){ // Initiates the establishment of a Serial connection with the JoyStick setUpSerial(); } gestureActive = false; joystickActive = true; // Plays the sound; } if(mouseX>400 && mouseX <580 && mouseY>265&& mouseY<360){ print("Gesture Clicked") gestureActive = true; joystickActive = false; // Plays the sound; } if(mouseX>270 && mouseX <460 && mouseY>410&& mouseY<455){ // Sets the variables to stop showing the how to play screen loadcontrolsscreen = false; // Does not check for click on the areas for the buttons on the how to play screen selectcontrols = false; // Plays the sound; } } // Shows the appropriateimage according to the number of levels that are completed by a user. function LevelScreen(){ // Loads up the level one image if the user is on the first level if (mylevel == 1){ image(level1, 0 ,0); } else if (mylevel == 2){ image(level2, 0 ,0); } else if (mylevel == 3){ image(level3, 0 ,0); } else if (mylevel == 4){ image(level4, 0 ,0); } else if (mylevel == 5){ image(level5, 0 ,0); } else if (mylevel == 6){ image(level6, 0 ,0); } // Loads the overlayed image for the 'Return to Menu' option image(returnto, 0, 0); } // Function to check for any clicks on the Level Screen function LevelScreenClick(){ // Checks if the box around 'Return to Menu' is clicked if(mouseX>267 && mouseX <457 && mouseY>311&& mouseY<356){ // Sets up the counters for any other clicks to happen to be false // Also sets the counters for the Level Screen to not be displayed anymore load_level = false; checkforselectlevel == false;; checkhowtoplay = false; loadhowtoplay = false; } // The condition checks the number of levels 'unlocked' by the user and so allows for the appropriate number of them to be clicked by the user. if(mylevel >0){ // Checks if the box around a specific level is clicked if(mouseX>118 && mouseX <193 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){ // Plays the click sound; // Initates the game by changing the state of the game gamestart = true; // Does not let the level screen to load again load_level = false; // Does not allow for any click to work checkforselectlevel = false; // Sets the level to be displayed to be 1 levels = 1; // Calls the function to load the appropriate enemies for that level levelOne(); } } if(mylevel >1){ if(mouseX>205 && mouseX <283 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){; gamestart = true; load_level = false; checkforselectlevel = false; levels = 2; levelTwo(); } } if (mylevel >2){ if(mouseX>290 && mouseX <368 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){; gamestart = true; load_level = false; checkforselectlevel = false; levels = 3; levelThree(); } } if (mylevel >3){ if(mouseX>375 && mouseX <453 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){; gamestart = true; load_level = false; checkforselectlevel = false; levels = 4; levelFour(); } } if(mylevel >4){ if(mouseX>460 && mouseX <538 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){; gamestart = true; load_level = false; checkforselectlevel = false; levels = 5; levelFive(); } } if(mylevel >5){ if(mouseX>545 && mouseX <623 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){; gamestart = true; load_level = false; checkforselectlevel = false; levels = 6; levelSix(); } } } // This function will be called by the web-serial library // with each new *line* of data. The serial library reads // the data until the newline and then gives it to us through // this callback function function readSerial(data) { if (data != null) { console.log(data); joystickInput = data; let sendToArduino = player.lives + "\n"; writeSerial(sendToArduino); } }
// Function to load up the MENU Screen
function StartScreen(){
  image(main_image, 0, 0);
  // Pauses the gif on the MENU Screen after 3 seconds
  if (frameCount % 180 == 0){
// Function to check for specific clicks on the MENU Screen
function StartScreenClick(){
  // Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'New Game' button is clicked
    if(mouseX>285 && mouseX <475 && mouseY>230&& mouseY<275){
      // Sets the variables for the Levels screen to appear
      load_level = true;
      // Ensures that the positions for the clicks on the MENU page are not being checked
      checkMenuclick == false;
      // Plays the click sound;
    // Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'How To Play' button is clicked
    if(mouseX>285 && mouseX <475 && mouseY>285&& mouseY<330){
      // Sets the variables for the How To Play screen to appear
      loadhowtoplay = true;
      // Ensures that the positions for the clicks on the MENU page are not being checked
      checkMenuclick == false;
      // Plays the click sound;
    // Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'More Games' button is clicked
    if(mouseX>285 && mouseX <475 && mouseY>340&& mouseY<385){
      // Sets the variables for the 'Select Controls' screen to appear
      loadcontrolsscreen = true;
      // Ensures that the positions for the clicks on the MENU page are not being checked
      checkMenuclick == false;
      // Plays the click sound;
// Function to load the How To Play screen image
function HowToPlayScreen(){
  image(howtoplay, 0, 0);
// Function to check if specific areas on the How to play screen have been clicked
function HowToPlayClick(){
    // Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'Return to Menu button is clicked
    if(mouseX>270 && mouseX <460 && mouseY>408&& mouseY<453){
      // Sets the variables to stop showing the how to play screen
      loadhowtoplay = false;
      // Does not check for click on the areas for the buttons on the how to play screen
      checkhowtoplay = false;
      // Plays the sound;

// Function to load the How To Play screen image
function SelectControlsScreen(){
  image(controlscreens, 0, 0);
// Function to check if specific areas on the How to play screen have been clicked
function SelectControlsClick(){
  // Checks if the rectanglular area around the 'Return to Menu button is clicked

  if(mouseX>155 && mouseX <340 && mouseY>265&& mouseY<360){
    print("JoyStick Clicked")
    // If a Serial Connection with the Arduino has not been established yet
      // Initiates the establishment of a Serial connection with the JoyStick
    gestureActive = false;
    joystickActive = true;
    // Plays the sound;

  if(mouseX>400 && mouseX <580 && mouseY>265&& mouseY<360){
    print("Gesture Clicked")
    gestureActive = true;
    joystickActive = false;
    // Plays the sound;
  if(mouseX>270 && mouseX <460 && mouseY>410&& mouseY<455){
    // Sets the variables to stop showing the how to play screen
    loadcontrolsscreen = false;
    // Does not check for click on the areas for the buttons on the how to play screen
    selectcontrols = false;
    // Plays the sound;

// Shows the appropriateimage according to the number of levels that are completed by a user.
function LevelScreen(){
  // Loads up the level one image if the user is on the first level
  if (mylevel == 1){
    image(level1, 0 ,0);
  else if (mylevel == 2){
    image(level2, 0 ,0);
  else if (mylevel == 3){
    image(level3, 0 ,0);
  else if (mylevel == 4){
    image(level4, 0 ,0);
  else if (mylevel == 5){
    image(level5, 0 ,0);
  else if (mylevel == 6){
    image(level6, 0 ,0);
  // Loads the overlayed image for the 'Return to Menu' option
  image(returnto, 0, 0);
// Function to check for any clicks on the Level Screen
function LevelScreenClick(){
    // Checks if the box around 'Return to Menu' is clicked
    if(mouseX>267 && mouseX <457 && mouseY>311&& mouseY<356){
      // Sets up the counters for any other clicks to happen to be false
      // Also sets the counters for the Level Screen to not be displayed anymore
      load_level = false;
      checkforselectlevel == false;;
      checkhowtoplay = false;
      loadhowtoplay = false;
    // The condition checks the number of levels 'unlocked' by the user and so allows for the appropriate number of them to be clicked by the user.
    if(mylevel >0){
      // Checks if the box around a specific level is clicked
      if(mouseX>118 && mouseX <193 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){
        // Plays the click sound;
        // Initates the game by changing the state of the game
        gamestart = true;
        // Does not let the level screen to load again
        load_level =  false;
        // Does not allow for any click to work
        checkforselectlevel = false;
        // Sets the level to be displayed to be 1
        levels = 1;
        // Calls the function to load the appropriate enemies for that level
    if(mylevel >1){
      if(mouseX>205 && mouseX <283 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){;
        gamestart = true;
        load_level =  false;
        checkforselectlevel = false;
        levels = 2;
    if (mylevel >2){
      if(mouseX>290 && mouseX <368 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){;
        gamestart = true;
        load_level =  false;
        checkforselectlevel = false;
        levels = 3;
    if (mylevel >3){
      if(mouseX>375 && mouseX <453 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){;
        gamestart = true;
        load_level =  false;
        checkforselectlevel = false;
        levels = 4;
    if(mylevel >4){
      if(mouseX>460 && mouseX <538 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){;
        gamestart = true;
        load_level =  false;
        checkforselectlevel = false;
        levels = 5;
    if(mylevel >5){
      if(mouseX>545 && mouseX <623 && mouseY>215&& mouseY<293){;
        gamestart = true;
        load_level =  false;
        checkforselectlevel = false;
        levels = 6;

// This function will be called by the web-serial library
// with each new *line* of data. The serial library reads
// the data until the newline and then gives it to us through
// this callback function
function readSerial(data) {
  if (data != null) {
    joystickInput = data;
    let sendToArduino = player.lives + "\n";


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//class to draw player
class Player {
// set player's position, lives, speed, graphic
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.startMovingRight = false;
this.startMovingDown = false;
this.pKeyPress = 'None';
this.moving = 'not moving';
this.lives = 3;
this.speed = 3;
this.pspeed = this.speed;
this.graphic = rightPacXon;
// display player
image(this.graphic, this.x, this.y, 20,20)
// move player
// set up middle of player positions
this.middleX = this.x+tileSize/2;
this.middleY = this.y+tileSize/2;
// if a key is pressed
// if (keyIsPressed==true){
// when the first key of teh game is pressed, set previous key code
if (this.pKeyPress == 'None'){
this.pKeyPress = keyCode;
// if not first key press
else {
// set player to moving state
this.moving = 'moving';
// if the previous key press is not equal to the current keycode
if (this.pKeyPress != this.currKeyCode){
// prev key code = current
this.pKeyPress = this.currKeyCode;
// round the player's movement so it moves box to box only
// round x position
let roundx = this.x%20
if (roundx !=0){
if (roundx >= 10){
this.x = this.x + (20 - roundx);
else if(roundx < 10){
this.x = this.x - roundx;
// round y position
let roundy = this.y%20
if (roundy !=0){
if (roundy >= 10){
this.y = this.y + (20 - roundy);
else if(roundy < 10){
this.y = this.y - roundy;
// get the id of the tile where the middle if the player lies
let pos = getTile(this.middleX, this.middleY);
// if it is a solid tile
if(pos == 1){
// if keycode is right key (D)
if (joystickInput ==4 || keyCode ==68 || gestureDirection == "right") {
// set update keycode and change paxon graphic
this.currKeyCode = 68;
this.graphic = rightPacXon;
// if keycode is left key (A)
if (joystickInput ==3 || keyCode ==65 || gestureDirection == "left") {
// set update keycode and change paxon graphic
this.currKeyCode = 65;
this.graphic = leftPacXon;
// if keycode is up key (W)
if (joystickInput ==2 || keyCode ==87 || gestureDirection == "up") {
// / set update keycode and change paxon graphic
this.currKeyCode = 87;
this.graphic = upPacXon;
// if keycode is down key (S)
if (joystickInput ==1 || keyCode ==83 || gestureDirection == "down") {
// / set update keycode and change paxon graphic
this.currKeyCode = 83;
this.graphic = downPacXon;
// If the playeer is moving and creating blocks in the empty space, basically 'drawing the line'
// If the player is going left, it cannot move left
if ((joystickInput ==4 || keyCode ==68 || gestureDirection == "right") && this.currKeyCode!=65) {
this.currKeyCode = 68;
this.graphic = rightPacXon;
// If the player is going right, it cannot move right
if ((joystickInput ==3 || keyCode ==65 || gestureDirection == "left") && this.currKeyCode!=68) {
this.currKeyCode = 65;
this.graphic = leftPacXon;
// If the player is going down, it cannot move down
if ((joystickInput ==2 || keyCode ==87 || gestureDirection == "up") && this.currKeyCode!=83) {
this.currKeyCode = 87;
this.graphic = upPacXon;
// If the player is going up, it cannot move up
if ((joystickInput ==1 || keyCode ==83 || gestureDirection == "down") && this.currKeyCode!=87) {
this.currKeyCode = 83;
this.graphic = downPacXon;
// }
// if current key code is 68 and x is less than the width, move right
if (this.currKeyCode == 68 && this.x < width){
this.x += this.speed;
// if current key code is 65 and x is greater than 0, move left
if (this.currKeyCode == 65 && this.x > 0){
this.x -= this.speed;
// if current key code is 87 and y is greater than 0, move up
if (this.currKeyCode == 87 && this.y > 0){
this.y -= this.speed;
// if current key code is 83 and y is less than height, move down
if (this.currKeyCode == 83 && this.y < height){
this.y += this.speed;
// get id middle of tile
let id = getTile(this.middleX, this.middleY);
// declare next tile
let nt;
// Checks if the player is withing the empty space or is not in the border region
if((this.middleX>20 && this.middleY>20 && this.middleX<width-20 && this.middleY<height-20)){
// A few pixels to the right, left, up, and down are detected from the player
this.sensorLeft = this.x-10;
this.sensorRight = this.x+tileSize+10;
this.sensorTop = this.y-10;
this.sensorBottom = this.y+tileSize+5;
// If the player is moving right, the next tile to the right of it is checked
nt = getTile(this.sensorRight,this.middleY);
// If the player is moving left, the next tile to the left of it is checked
else if(this.currKeyCode==65){
nt = getTile(this.sensorLeft,this.middleY);
// If the player is moving up, the next tile above of it is checked
else if(this.currKeyCode==87){
nt = getTile(this.middleX,this.sensorTop);
// If the player is moving down, the next tile below of it is checked
else if(this.currKeyCode==83){
nt = getTile(this.middleX,this.sensorBottom);
// If the player comes into contact with the line that it is drawing itself
if(nt == -1){
// The position is reset
player.x = 0;
player.y = 0;
// The graphic is reset
player.graphic = rightPacXon;
// The speed is reset
player.currKeyCode = 0;
// A life is lost
player.lives -= 1;
// Collision sound is played;
// The canvas is reset to borders only
// If there is no tile at it's middle position
else if (id == 0){
// A blue tile for drawing the line is drawn
modifyTile(this.middleX, this.middleY)
// If a solid tile is encounter
else if (id == 1) {
// Checks if a line is created and gets completed.
// It does this by checking if the player just got stopped
if (this.moving == 'stopped'){
// Then it changes the state of moving to be 'not moving' which means it hasnt started creating any lines
this.moving = 'not moving';
// Makes a deep copy of the level array
var xyz = makeDeepCopy(level);
// Gets all the positions of the enemies and then sets the
// corresponding id in the Level array to be 2 to ensure that
// the enemies are not being taken into account
for (let i = 0; i < enemy.length; i++){
// Makes sure that the yellow enemy is not taken into account
if(enemy[i].type != "follow"){
ghostx = int(enemy[i].middleX/tileSize);
ghosty = int(enemy[i].middleY/tileSize)
level[ghosty][ghostx] = 2;
// Gets one coordinate from all the enclosed regions
mArea, sVals = maxAreaOfIsland(xyz);
// Gets a list of all the smaller regions' coordinates/ the ones to be removed
let vals = smallerPair(sVals);
// Resets the position where the enemies' corresponding positions were set to 2
for (let i = 0; i < enemy.length; i++){
if(enemy[i].type != "follow"){
ghostx = int(enemy[i].middleX/tileSize);
ghosty = int(enemy[i].middleY/tileSize)
level[ghosty][ghostx] = 0;
// Fills the level array, basically floods the enclosed region that meets the criteria
for (let i = 0; i < vals.length; i++){
fill_array(level, vals[i][0], vals[i][1], 1, 0);
// Contrains the x and y positions of the enemy to remain within the canvas width and onto the border tiles.
this.x = constrain(this.x, 0, width-20);
this.y = constrain(this.y, 0, height-20);
//class to draw player class Player { constructor(){ // set player's position, lives, speed, graphic this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.startMovingRight = false; this.startMovingDown = false; this.pKeyPress = 'None'; this.moving = 'not moving'; this.lives = 3; this.speed = 3; this.pspeed = this.speed; this.graphic = rightPacXon; } // display player display(){ image(this.graphic, this.x, this.y, 20,20) } // move player move(){ // set up middle of player positions this.middleX = this.x+tileSize/2; this.middleY = this.y+tileSize/2; // if a key is pressed // if (keyIsPressed==true){ // when the first key of teh game is pressed, set previous key code if (this.pKeyPress == 'None'){ this.pKeyPress = keyCode; } // if not first key press else { // set player to moving state this.moving = 'moving'; // if the previous key press is not equal to the current keycode if (this.pKeyPress != this.currKeyCode){ // prev key code = current this.pKeyPress = this.currKeyCode; // round the player's movement so it moves box to box only // round x position let roundx = this.x%20 if (roundx !=0){ if (roundx >= 10){ this.x = this.x + (20 - roundx); } else if(roundx < 10){ this.x = this.x - roundx; } } // round y position let roundy = this.y%20 if (roundy !=0){ if (roundy >= 10){ this.y = this.y + (20 - roundy); } else if(roundy < 10){ this.y = this.y - roundy; } } } // get the id of the tile where the middle if the player lies let pos = getTile(this.middleX, this.middleY); // if it is a solid tile if(pos == 1){ // if keycode is right key (D) if (joystickInput ==4 || keyCode ==68 || gestureDirection == "right") { // set update keycode and change paxon graphic this.currKeyCode = 68; this.graphic = rightPacXon; } // if keycode is left key (A) if (joystickInput ==3 || keyCode ==65 || gestureDirection == "left") { // set update keycode and change paxon graphic this.currKeyCode = 65; this.graphic = leftPacXon; } // if keycode is up key (W) if (joystickInput ==2 || keyCode ==87 || gestureDirection == "up") { // / set update keycode and change paxon graphic this.currKeyCode = 87; this.graphic = upPacXon; } // if keycode is down key (S) if (joystickInput ==1 || keyCode ==83 || gestureDirection == "down") { // / set update keycode and change paxon graphic this.currKeyCode = 83; this.graphic = downPacXon; } } // If the playeer is moving and creating blocks in the empty space, basically 'drawing the line' else{ // If the player is going left, it cannot move left if ((joystickInput ==4 || keyCode ==68 || gestureDirection == "right") && this.currKeyCode!=65) { this.currKeyCode = 68; this.graphic = rightPacXon; } // If the player is going right, it cannot move right if ((joystickInput ==3 || keyCode ==65 || gestureDirection == "left") && this.currKeyCode!=68) { this.currKeyCode = 65; this.graphic = leftPacXon; } // If the player is going down, it cannot move down if ((joystickInput ==2 || keyCode ==87 || gestureDirection == "up") && this.currKeyCode!=83) { this.currKeyCode = 87; this.graphic = upPacXon; } // If the player is going up, it cannot move up if ((joystickInput ==1 || keyCode ==83 || gestureDirection == "down") && this.currKeyCode!=87) { this.currKeyCode = 83; this.graphic = downPacXon; } } } // } // if current key code is 68 and x is less than the width, move right if (this.currKeyCode == 68 && this.x < width){ this.x += this.speed; } // if current key code is 65 and x is greater than 0, move left if (this.currKeyCode == 65 && this.x > 0){ this.x -= this.speed; } // if current key code is 87 and y is greater than 0, move up if (this.currKeyCode == 87 && this.y > 0){ this.y -= this.speed; } // if current key code is 83 and y is less than height, move down if (this.currKeyCode == 83 && this.y < height){ this.y += this.speed; } // get id middle of tile let id = getTile(this.middleX, this.middleY); // declare next tile let nt; // Checks if the player is withing the empty space or is not in the border region if((this.middleX>20 && this.middleY>20 && this.middleX<width-20 && this.middleY<height-20)){ // A few pixels to the right, left, up, and down are detected from the player this.sensorLeft = this.x-10; this.sensorRight = this.x+tileSize+10; this.sensorTop = this.y-10; this.sensorBottom = this.y+tileSize+5; // If the player is moving right, the next tile to the right of it is checked if(this.currKeyCode==68){ nt = getTile(this.sensorRight,this.middleY); } // If the player is moving left, the next tile to the left of it is checked else if(this.currKeyCode==65){ nt = getTile(this.sensorLeft,this.middleY); } // If the player is moving up, the next tile above of it is checked else if(this.currKeyCode==87){ nt = getTile(this.middleX,this.sensorTop); } // If the player is moving down, the next tile below of it is checked else if(this.currKeyCode==83){ nt = getTile(this.middleX,this.sensorBottom); } } // If the player comes into contact with the line that it is drawing itself if(nt == -1){ // The position is reset player.x = 0; player.y = 0; // The graphic is reset player.graphic = rightPacXon; // The speed is reset player.currKeyCode = 0; // A life is lost player.lives -= 1; // Collision sound is played; // The canvas is reset to borders only resetDrawing(); } // If there is no tile at it's middle position else if (id == 0){ // A blue tile for drawing the line is drawn modifyTile(this.middleX, this.middleY) } // If a solid tile is encounter else if (id == 1) { solidTiles(); // Checks if a line is created and gets completed. // It does this by checking if the player just got stopped if (this.moving == 'stopped'){ // Then it changes the state of moving to be 'not moving' which means it hasnt started creating any lines this.moving = 'not moving'; // Makes a deep copy of the level array var xyz = makeDeepCopy(level); // Gets all the positions of the enemies and then sets the // corresponding id in the Level array to be 2 to ensure that // the enemies are not being taken into account for (let i = 0; i < enemy.length; i++){ // Makes sure that the yellow enemy is not taken into account if(enemy[i].type != "follow"){ ghostx = int(enemy[i].middleX/tileSize); ghosty = int(enemy[i].middleY/tileSize) level[ghosty][ghostx] = 2; } } // Gets one coordinate from all the enclosed regions mArea, sVals = maxAreaOfIsland(xyz); // Gets a list of all the smaller regions' coordinates/ the ones to be removed let vals = smallerPair(sVals); // Resets the position where the enemies' corresponding positions were set to 2 for (let i = 0; i < enemy.length; i++){ if(enemy[i].type != "follow"){ ghostx = int(enemy[i].middleX/tileSize); ghosty = int(enemy[i].middleY/tileSize) level[ghosty][ghostx] = 0; } } // Fills the level array, basically floods the enclosed region that meets the criteria for (let i = 0; i < vals.length; i++){ fill_array(level, vals[i][0], vals[i][1], 1, 0); } } } // Contrains the x and y positions of the enemy to remain within the canvas width and onto the border tiles. this.x = constrain(this.x, 0, width-20); this.y = constrain(this.y, 0, height-20); } }
//class to draw player
class Player {
    // set player's position, lives, speed, graphic
    this.x = 0;
    this.y = 0;
    this.startMovingRight = false;
    this.startMovingDown = false;
    this.pKeyPress = 'None';
    this.moving = 'not moving';
    this.lives = 3;
    this.speed = 3;
    this.pspeed = this.speed;
    this.graphic = rightPacXon;
  // display player
    image(this.graphic, this.x, this.y, 20,20)

  // move player

    // set up middle of player positions
    this.middleX = this.x+tileSize/2;
    this.middleY = this.y+tileSize/2;

    // if a key is pressed
    // if (keyIsPressed==true){
      // when the first key of teh game is pressed, set previous key code
      if (this.pKeyPress == 'None'){
        this.pKeyPress = keyCode;
      // if not first key press
      else {
        // set player to moving state
        this.moving = 'moving';
        // if the previous key press is not equal to the current keycode
        if (this.pKeyPress != this.currKeyCode){
          // prev key code = current
          this.pKeyPress = this.currKeyCode;
          // round the player's movement so it moves box to box only
          // round x position
          let roundx = this.x%20
          if (roundx !=0){
            if (roundx >= 10){
              this.x = this.x + (20 - roundx);
            else if(roundx < 10){
              this.x = this.x - roundx;
          // round y position
          let roundy = this.y%20
          if (roundy !=0){
            if (roundy >= 10){
              this.y = this.y + (20 - roundy);
            else if(roundy < 10){
              this.y = this.y - roundy;
        // get the id of the tile where the middle if the player lies
        let pos = getTile(this.middleX, this.middleY);

        // if it is a solid tile
        if(pos == 1){
          // if keycode is right key (D)
          if (joystickInput ==4 || keyCode ==68 || gestureDirection == "right") {
            // set update keycode and change paxon graphic
            this.currKeyCode = 68;
            this.graphic = rightPacXon;
          // if keycode is left key (A)
          if (joystickInput ==3 || keyCode ==65 || gestureDirection == "left") {
            // set update keycode and change paxon graphic
            this.currKeyCode = 65;
            this.graphic = leftPacXon;
          // if keycode is up key (W)
          if (joystickInput ==2 || keyCode ==87 || gestureDirection == "up") {
            // / set update keycode and change paxon graphic
            this.currKeyCode = 87;
            this.graphic = upPacXon;
          // if keycode is down key (S)
          if (joystickInput ==1 || keyCode ==83 || gestureDirection == "down") {
            // / set update keycode and change paxon graphic
            this.currKeyCode = 83;
            this.graphic = downPacXon;
        // If the playeer is moving and creating blocks in the empty space, basically 'drawing the line'
          // If the player is going left, it cannot move left
          if ((joystickInput ==4 || keyCode ==68 || gestureDirection == "right") && this.currKeyCode!=65) {
            this.currKeyCode = 68;
            this.graphic = rightPacXon;
          // If the player is going right, it cannot move right
          if ((joystickInput ==3 || keyCode ==65 || gestureDirection == "left") && this.currKeyCode!=68) {
            this.currKeyCode = 65;
            this.graphic = leftPacXon;
          // If the player is going down, it cannot move down
          if ((joystickInput ==2 || keyCode ==87 || gestureDirection == "up") && this.currKeyCode!=83) {
            this.currKeyCode = 87;
            this.graphic = upPacXon;
          // If the player is going up, it cannot move up
          if ((joystickInput ==1 || keyCode ==83 || gestureDirection == "down") && this.currKeyCode!=87) {
            this.currKeyCode = 83;
            this.graphic = downPacXon;

    // }
    // if current key code is 68 and x is less than the width, move right
    if (this.currKeyCode == 68 && this.x < width){
      this.x  += this.speed;
    // if current key code is 65 and x is greater than 0, move left
    if (this.currKeyCode == 65 && this.x > 0){
      this.x  -= this.speed;
    // if current key code is 87 and y is greater than 0, move up
    if (this.currKeyCode == 87 && this.y > 0){
      this.y  -= this.speed;
    // if current key code is 83 and y is less than height, move down
    if (this.currKeyCode == 83 && this.y < height){
      this.y += this.speed;

    // get id middle of tile
    let id = getTile(this.middleX, this.middleY);
    // declare next tile
    let nt;

    // Checks if the player is withing the empty space or is not in the border region
    if((this.middleX>20 && this.middleY>20 && this.middleX<width-20 && this.middleY<height-20)){
      // A few pixels to the right, left, up, and down are detected from the player
      this.sensorLeft = this.x-10;
      this.sensorRight = this.x+tileSize+10;
      this.sensorTop = this.y-10;
      this.sensorBottom = this.y+tileSize+5;

      // If the player is moving right, the next tile to the right of it is checked
        nt = getTile(this.sensorRight,this.middleY);
      // If the player is moving left, the next tile to the left of it is checked
      else if(this.currKeyCode==65){
        nt = getTile(this.sensorLeft,this.middleY);
      // If the player is moving up, the next tile above of it is checked
      else if(this.currKeyCode==87){
        nt = getTile(this.middleX,this.sensorTop);
      // If the player is moving down, the next tile below of it is checked
      else if(this.currKeyCode==83){
        nt = getTile(this.middleX,this.sensorBottom);
    // If the player comes into contact with the line that it is drawing itself
    if(nt == -1){
      // The position is reset
      player.x = 0;
      player.y = 0;
      // The graphic is reset
      player.graphic = rightPacXon;
      // The speed is reset
      player.currKeyCode = 0;
      // A life is lost
      player.lives -= 1;
      // Collision sound is played;
      // The canvas is reset to borders only
    // If there is no tile at it's middle position
    else if (id == 0){
      // A blue tile for drawing the line is drawn
      modifyTile(this.middleX, this.middleY)
    // If a  solid tile is encounter
    else if (id == 1) {
      // Checks if a line is created and gets completed.
      // It does this by checking if the player just got stopped
      if (this.moving == 'stopped'){
        // Then it changes the state of moving to be 'not moving' which means it hasnt started creating any lines
        this.moving = 'not moving';
        // Makes a deep copy of the level array
        var xyz = makeDeepCopy(level);
        // Gets all the positions of the enemies and then sets the
        // corresponding id in the Level array to be 2 to ensure that
         // the enemies are not being taken into account
        for (let i = 0; i < enemy.length; i++){
          // Makes sure that the yellow enemy is not taken into account
          if(enemy[i].type != "follow"){
            ghostx = int(enemy[i].middleX/tileSize);
            ghosty = int(enemy[i].middleY/tileSize)
            level[ghosty][ghostx] = 2;
        // Gets one coordinate from all the enclosed regions
        mArea, sVals = maxAreaOfIsland(xyz);
        // Gets a list of all the smaller regions' coordinates/ the ones to be removed
        let vals = smallerPair(sVals);

        // Resets the position where the enemies' corresponding positions were set to 2
        for (let i = 0; i < enemy.length; i++){
          if(enemy[i].type != "follow"){
            ghostx = int(enemy[i].middleX/tileSize);
            ghosty = int(enemy[i].middleY/tileSize)
            level[ghosty][ghostx] = 0;

        // Fills the level array, basically floods the enclosed region that meets the criteria
        for (let i = 0; i < vals.length; i++){
          fill_array(level, vals[i][0], vals[i][1], 1, 0);
    // Contrains the x and y positions of the enemy to remain within the canvas width and onto the border tiles.
    this.x = constrain(this.x, 0, width-20);
    this.y = constrain(this.y, 0, height-20);


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// The Ghosts class
class Ghost {
// constructor to declare ghost x,y,graphic,speed
this.x = random(80, width-100);
this.y = random(80, height-80);
this.speedX = random(1, 3);
this.speedY = random(1, 3);
this.speed = 0.005;
this.graphic = blueGhost;
// previous speed so enemies can return to their original speed after being affected by powerups
this.pspeedX = this.speedX;
this.pspeedY = this.speedY;
this.pspeed = this.speed;
// displays the enemy
image(this.graphic, this.x, this.y, 20,20);
// detects players collisions with walls, player and powerups
collision () {
// set up sensor positions
this.sensorLeft = this.x-3;
this.sensorRight = this.x+tileSize+3;
this.sensorTop = this.y-3;
this.sensorBottom = this.y+tileSize+3;
this.middleX = this.x+tileSize/2;
this.middleY = this.y+tileSize/2;
// check the id of tiles in the 2d array at the sensor positions
let id = getTile(this.middleX,this.middleY);
let lid = getTile(this.sensorLeft,this.middleY);
let rid = getTile(this.sensorRight,this.middleY);
let uid = getTile(this.middleX, this.sensorTop);
let bid = getTile(this.middleX, this.sensorBottom);
// if enemies touch the walls (blue tiles), they bounce off
// top sensor
if (uid == 1) {
if(this.type != "follow"){
this.y += 3;
this.speedY *= -1;
this.pspeedY *= -1;
// bottom sensor
if (bid == 1) {
if(this.type != "follow"){
this.y -= 3;
this.speedY *= -1;
this.pspeedY *= -1;
// left sensor
if (lid == 1) {
if(this.type != "follow"){
this.x += 3;
this.speedX *= -1;
this.pspeedX *= -1;
// right sensor
if (rid == 1) {
if(this.type != "follow"){
this.x -= 3;
this.speedX *= -1;
this.pspeedX *= -1;
// detects collision with the player
this.playerCollision(rid, lid, uid, bid);
// detects collision with the snail and ice powerups
// add special wall eating effect of wall collision
// if enemy type is blue or red
if (this.type == "eat" || this.type == "duplicate"){, lid, uid, bid)
// wall eating effect function for blue and red enemies
eat(rid, lid, uid, bid) {
// if right tile is a wall but not a border, delete tile
if (rid == 1 && this.x < width-tileSize-30){
deleteTile(this.sensorRight, this.middleY);
// if left tile is a wall but not a border, delete tile
else if (lid == 1 && this.x > 30){
deleteTile(this.sensorLeft, this.middleY);
// if top tile is a wall but not a border, delete tile
else if (uid == 1 && this.y > 30){
deleteTile(this.middleX, this.sensorTop);
// if bottom tile is a wall but not a border, delete tile
else if (bid == 1 && this.y < height-tileSize-30){
deleteTile(this.middleX, this.sensorBottom);
// if enemy is blue, duplicate enemy when player comes in its radius
duplicate() {
// if player is within the radius of the enemy
if (player.x >= this.x-40 && player.x <= this.x+60 && player.y >= this.y-40 && player.y <= this.y+60) {
// this if condition is to ensure enemy only duplicates once even if the player stays in the radius
if (this.dup == true){
enemy.push(new BlueGhost());
this.dup = false;
// if player is out of the radius, and comes within it again, enemy can duplicate again
else {
this.dup = true
// move the enemy by determining all collisions
move() {
// pink enemy or red enemy bounces off walls
if (this.type == "bounce" || this.type == "eat"){
this.x += this.speedX;
this.y += this.speedY;
// yellow enemy follows player
else if (this.type == "follow"){
let distX = player.x - this.x;
let distY = player.y - this.y;
this.x += this.speed * distX;
this.y += this.speed * distY;
// blue enemy has a ring around it and it bounces
else if (this.type == "duplicate"){
ellipse(this.x + 10,this.y + 10, 100);
this.x += this.speedX;
this.y += this.speedY;
// if enemy collides with player
playerCollision(rid, lid, uid, bid) {
// if enemy comes in contact with "moving blue" tiles or the player itself
if(lid == -1 || rid == -1 || uid == -1 || bid == -1 || dist(this.x, this.y, player.x, player.y) < 20){
// play sound;
// reset player position, graphic, speed, lives
player.x = 0;
player.y = 0;
player.graphic = rightPacXon;
player.currKeyCode = 0;
player.lives -= 1;
// if it bounces off the left moving blue tiles and right tile is not equal to wall jump off 10 pixels to the right
if (lid == -1 && rid != 1){
this.x += 10;
// if it bounces off the right moving blue tiles and left tile is not equal to wall jump off 10 pixels to the left
else if (rid == -1 && lid != 1){
this.x -= 10;
// if it bounces off the top moving blue tiles and bottom tile is not equal to wall jump off 10 pixels to the bottom
else if (uid == -1 && bid != 1){
this.y += 10;
// if it bounces off the bottom moving blue tiles and top tile is not equal to wall jump off 10 pixels to the top
else if (bid == -1 && uid != 1){
this.y -= 10;
// if comes in contact with player, bounce in opposit direction if possible
if (dist(this.x, this.y, player.x, player.y) < 20) {
if (rid != 1 || rid != -1){
this.x += 10;
else if (lid != 1 || lid != -1){
this.x -= 10;
else if (uid != 1 || uid != -1){
this.y -= 10;
else if (bid != 1 || bid != -1){
this.y += 10;
// if the lives of player are less than or equal to zero
if (player.lives <= 0){
// display lives in html
let window_score = document.getElementById('current_lives')
window_score.innerHTML = player.lives;
// display lives in html
let window_timer = document.getElementById('current_timer');
window_timer.innerHTML = timer + 's';
// display game over screen
endscreen = true;
// reset player lives
player.lives = 3;
// reset player speed
player.speed = player.pspeed;
// reset timer
timer = 100;
// reset powerups
powerups = [];
// remove the blue moving tiles
// reset enemy array
// play sound;
// else if player lives are not yet zero but collision with enemy occurs then just remove the blue moving tiles
else {
// detect enemy collsions with powerups
powerupCollision() {
// if powerup array is not empty
// and the powerup is snail or ice
if (powerups.length != 0 && (powerups[0].graphic == slow || powerups[0].graphic == ice)) {
// if powerup collision with enemy
if (dist(this.x, this.y, powerups[0].x, powerups[0].y) < 20) {
// console.log("enemy touched ice/slow")
// set previous frame
this.pframe = frameCount;
// if the power up is snail, decrease player's speed
if (powerups[0].graphic == slow) {
player.speed = 1;
// if power up is ice, freeze player
else if (powerups[0].graphic == ice){
player.speed = 0;
// stop displaying powerup and change its location to outside canvas
powerups[0].disp = false;
// play sound;
// if current frame count - frame count when powerup was picked is 180 (3 sec)
if (frameCount - this.pframe == 180){
// return palyer's speed to normal and remove powerup from array
console.log("return to normal")
player.speed = player.pspeed;
powerups.splice(0, 1);
// this.pframe = 0;
// pink ghost class, inherits ghost class
class PinkGhost extends Ghost{
this.speedX = random(1.5, 3);
this.speedY = random(1.5, 3);
this.graphic = pinkGhost;
this.type = "bounce";
// blue ghost class, inherits ghost class
class BlueGhost extends Ghost{
this.graphic = blueGhost;
this.speedX = random(1.5, 3);
this.speedY = random(1.5, 3);
this.type = "duplicate";
// red ghost class, inherits ghost class
class RedGhost extends Ghost{
this.graphic = redGhost;
this.type = "eat";
// yellow ghost class, inherits ghost class
class YellowGhost extends Ghost{
this.graphic = yellowGhost;
this.type = "follow";
// The Ghosts class class Ghost { // constructor to declare ghost x,y,graphic,speed constructor(){ this.x = random(80, width-100); this.y = random(80, height-80); this.speedX = random(1, 3); this.speedY = random(1, 3); this.speed = 0.005; this.graphic = blueGhost; // previous speed so enemies can return to their original speed after being affected by powerups this.pspeedX = this.speedX; this.pspeedY = this.speedY; this.pspeed = this.speed; } // displays the enemy display(){ image(this.graphic, this.x, this.y, 20,20); } // detects players collisions with walls, player and powerups collision () { // set up sensor positions this.sensorLeft = this.x-3; this.sensorRight = this.x+tileSize+3; this.sensorTop = this.y-3; this.sensorBottom = this.y+tileSize+3; this.middleX = this.x+tileSize/2; this.middleY = this.y+tileSize/2; // check the id of tiles in the 2d array at the sensor positions let id = getTile(this.middleX,this.middleY); let lid = getTile(this.sensorLeft,this.middleY); let rid = getTile(this.sensorRight,this.middleY); let uid = getTile(this.middleX, this.sensorTop); let bid = getTile(this.middleX, this.sensorBottom); // if enemies touch the walls (blue tiles), they bounce off // top sensor if (uid == 1) { if(this.type != "follow"){ this.y += 3; } this.speedY *= -1; this.pspeedY *= -1; } // bottom sensor if (bid == 1) { if(this.type != "follow"){ this.y -= 3; } this.speedY *= -1; this.pspeedY *= -1; } // left sensor if (lid == 1) { if(this.type != "follow"){ this.x += 3; } this.speedX *= -1; this.pspeedX *= -1; } // right sensor if (rid == 1) { if(this.type != "follow"){ this.x -= 3; } this.speedX *= -1; this.pspeedX *= -1; } // detects collision with the player this.playerCollision(rid, lid, uid, bid); // detects collision with the snail and ice powerups this.powerupCollision(); // add special wall eating effect of wall collision // if enemy type is blue or red if (this.type == "eat" || this.type == "duplicate"){, lid, uid, bid) } } // wall eating effect function for blue and red enemies eat(rid, lid, uid, bid) { // if right tile is a wall but not a border, delete tile if (rid == 1 && this.x < width-tileSize-30){ deleteTile(this.sensorRight, this.middleY); } // if left tile is a wall but not a border, delete tile else if (lid == 1 && this.x > 30){ deleteTile(this.sensorLeft, this.middleY); } // if top tile is a wall but not a border, delete tile else if (uid == 1 && this.y > 30){ deleteTile(this.middleX, this.sensorTop); } // if bottom tile is a wall but not a border, delete tile else if (bid == 1 && this.y < height-tileSize-30){ deleteTile(this.middleX, this.sensorBottom); } } // if enemy is blue, duplicate enemy when player comes in its radius duplicate() { // if player is within the radius of the enemy if (player.x >= this.x-40 && player.x <= this.x+60 && player.y >= this.y-40 && player.y <= this.y+60) { // this if condition is to ensure enemy only duplicates once even if the player stays in the radius if (this.dup == true){ enemy.push(new BlueGhost()); this.dup = false; } } // if player is out of the radius, and comes within it again, enemy can duplicate again else { this.dup = true } } // move the enemy by determining all collisions move() { this.collision(); // pink enemy or red enemy bounces off walls if (this.type == "bounce" || this.type == "eat"){ this.x += this.speedX; this.y += this.speedY; } // yellow enemy follows player else if (this.type == "follow"){ let distX = player.x - this.x; let distY = player.y - this.y; this.x += this.speed * distX; this.y += this.speed * distY; } // blue enemy has a ring around it and it bounces else if (this.type == "duplicate"){ noFill(); stroke(0,255,255); ellipse(this.x + 10,this.y + 10, 100); this.duplicate(); this.x += this.speedX; this.y += this.speedY; } } // if enemy collides with player playerCollision(rid, lid, uid, bid) { // if enemy comes in contact with "moving blue" tiles or the player itself if(lid == -1 || rid == -1 || uid == -1 || bid == -1 || dist(this.x, this.y, player.x, player.y) < 20){ // play sound; // reset player position, graphic, speed, lives player.x = 0; player.y = 0; player.graphic = rightPacXon; player.currKeyCode = 0; player.lives -= 1; // if it bounces off the left moving blue tiles and right tile is not equal to wall jump off 10 pixels to the right if (lid == -1 && rid != 1){ this.x += 10; } // if it bounces off the right moving blue tiles and left tile is not equal to wall jump off 10 pixels to the left else if (rid == -1 && lid != 1){ this.x -= 10; } // if it bounces off the top moving blue tiles and bottom tile is not equal to wall jump off 10 pixels to the bottom else if (uid == -1 && bid != 1){ this.y += 10; } // if it bounces off the bottom moving blue tiles and top tile is not equal to wall jump off 10 pixels to the top else if (bid == -1 && uid != 1){ this.y -= 10; } // if comes in contact with player, bounce in opposit direction if possible if (dist(this.x, this.y, player.x, player.y) < 20) { if (rid != 1 || rid != -1){ this.x += 10; } else if (lid != 1 || lid != -1){ this.x -= 10; } else if (uid != 1 || uid != -1){ this.y -= 10; } else if (bid != 1 || bid != -1){ this.y += 10; } } // if the lives of player are less than or equal to zero if (player.lives <= 0){ // display lives in html let window_score = document.getElementById('current_lives') window_score.innerHTML = player.lives; // display lives in html let window_timer = document.getElementById('current_timer'); window_timer.innerHTML = timer + 's'; // display game over screen endscreen = true; // reset player lives player.lives = 3; // reset player speed player.speed = player.pspeed; // reset timer timer = 100; // reset powerups powerups = []; // remove the blue moving tiles resetLevel(); // reset enemy array allLevels(); // play sound; } // else if player lives are not yet zero but collision with enemy occurs then just remove the blue moving tiles else { resetDrawing(); } } } // detect enemy collsions with powerups powerupCollision() { // if powerup array is not empty // and the powerup is snail or ice if (powerups.length != 0 && (powerups[0].graphic == slow || powerups[0].graphic == ice)) { // if powerup collision with enemy if (dist(this.x, this.y, powerups[0].x, powerups[0].y) < 20) { // console.log("enemy touched ice/slow") // set previous frame this.pframe = frameCount; // if the power up is snail, decrease player's speed if (powerups[0].graphic == slow) { player.speed = 1; } // if power up is ice, freeze player else if (powerups[0].graphic == ice){ player.speed = 0; } // stop displaying powerup and change its location to outside canvas powerups[0].disp = false; powerups[0].x=-100; powerups[0].y=-100; // play sound; } // if current frame count - frame count when powerup was picked is 180 (3 sec) if (frameCount - this.pframe == 180){ // return palyer's speed to normal and remove powerup from array console.log("return to normal") player.speed = player.pspeed; powerups.splice(0, 1); // this.pframe = 0; } } } } // pink ghost class, inherits ghost class class PinkGhost extends Ghost{ constructor(){ super(); this.speedX = random(1.5, 3); this.speedY = random(1.5, 3); this.graphic = pinkGhost; this.type = "bounce"; } } // blue ghost class, inherits ghost class class BlueGhost extends Ghost{ constructor(){ super(); this.graphic = blueGhost; this.speedX = random(1.5, 3); this.speedY = random(1.5, 3); this.type = "duplicate"; } } // red ghost class, inherits ghost class class RedGhost extends Ghost{ constructor(){ super(); this.graphic = redGhost; this.type = "eat"; } } // yellow ghost class, inherits ghost class class YellowGhost extends Ghost{ constructor(){ super(); this.graphic = yellowGhost; this.type = "follow"; } }
// The Ghosts class
class Ghost {
  // constructor to declare ghost x,y,graphic,speed
    this.x = random(80, width-100);
    this.y = random(80, height-80);
    this.speedX = random(1, 3);
    this.speedY = random(1, 3);
    this.speed = 0.005;
    this.graphic = blueGhost;
    // previous speed so enemies can return to their original speed after being affected by powerups
    this.pspeedX = this.speedX;
    this.pspeedY = this.speedY;
    this.pspeed = this.speed;

  // displays the enemy
    image(this.graphic, this.x, this.y, 20,20);

  // detects players collisions with walls, player and powerups
  collision () {
    // set up sensor positions
    this.sensorLeft = this.x-3;
    this.sensorRight = this.x+tileSize+3;
    this.sensorTop = this.y-3;
    this.sensorBottom = this.y+tileSize+3;
    this.middleX = this.x+tileSize/2;
    this.middleY = this.y+tileSize/2;

    // check the id of tiles in the 2d array at the sensor positions
    let id = getTile(this.middleX,this.middleY);
    let lid = getTile(this.sensorLeft,this.middleY);
    let rid = getTile(this.sensorRight,this.middleY);
    let uid = getTile(this.middleX, this.sensorTop);
    let bid = getTile(this.middleX, this.sensorBottom);

    // if enemies touch the walls (blue tiles), they bounce off
    // top sensor 
    if (uid == 1) {
      if(this.type != "follow"){
        this.y += 3;
      this.speedY *= -1;
      this.pspeedY *= -1;
    // bottom sensor
    if (bid == 1) {
      if(this.type != "follow"){
        this.y -= 3;
      this.speedY *= -1;
      this.pspeedY *= -1;
    // left sensor
    if (lid == 1) {
      if(this.type != "follow"){
        this.x += 3;
      this.speedX *= -1;
      this.pspeedX *= -1;
    // right sensor
    if (rid == 1) {
      if(this.type != "follow"){
        this.x -= 3;
      this.speedX *= -1;
      this.pspeedX *= -1;
    // detects collision with the player
    this.playerCollision(rid, lid, uid, bid);
    // detects collision with the snail and ice powerups

    // add special wall eating effect of wall collision 
    // if enemy type is blue or red
    if (this.type == "eat" || this.type == "duplicate"){, lid, uid, bid)

  // wall eating effect function for blue and red enemies
  eat(rid, lid, uid, bid) {
    // if right tile is a wall but not a border, delete tile
    if (rid == 1 && this.x < width-tileSize-30){
      deleteTile(this.sensorRight, this.middleY);
    // if left tile is a wall but not a border, delete tile
    else if (lid == 1 && this.x > 30){
      deleteTile(this.sensorLeft, this.middleY);
    // if top tile is a wall but not a border, delete tile
    else if (uid == 1 && this.y > 30){
      deleteTile(this.middleX, this.sensorTop);
    // if bottom tile is a wall but not a border, delete tile
    else if (bid == 1 && this.y < height-tileSize-30){
      deleteTile(this.middleX, this.sensorBottom);
  // if enemy is blue, duplicate enemy when player comes in its radius
  duplicate() {
    // if player is within the radius of the enemy
    if (player.x >= this.x-40 && player.x <= this.x+60 && player.y >= this.y-40 && player.y <= this.y+60) {
      // this if condition is to ensure enemy only duplicates once even if the player stays in the radius
      if (this.dup == true){
        enemy.push(new BlueGhost());
        this.dup = false;
    // if player is out of the radius, and comes within it again, enemy can duplicate again
    else {
      this.dup = true
  // move the enemy by determining all collisions
  move() {
    // pink enemy or red enemy bounces off walls
    if (this.type == "bounce" || this.type == "eat"){
      this.x += this.speedX;
      this.y += this.speedY;
    // yellow enemy follows player
    else if (this.type == "follow"){
      let distX = player.x - this.x;
      let distY = player.y - this.y;

      this.x += this.speed * distX;
      this.y += this.speed * distY;
    // blue enemy has a ring around it and it bounces
    else if (this.type == "duplicate"){
      ellipse(this.x + 10,this.y + 10, 100);
      this.x += this.speedX;
      this.y += this.speedY;

  // if enemy collides with player
  playerCollision(rid, lid, uid, bid) {
    // if enemy comes in contact with "moving blue" tiles or the player itself
    if(lid == -1 || rid == -1 || uid == -1 || bid == -1 || dist(this.x, this.y, player.x, player.y) < 20){
      // play sound;
      // reset player position, graphic, speed, lives
      player.x = 0;
      player.y = 0;
      player.graphic = rightPacXon;
      player.currKeyCode = 0;
      player.lives -= 1;
      // if it bounces off the left moving blue tiles and right tile is not equal to wall jump off 10 pixels to the right
      if (lid == -1 && rid != 1){
        this.x += 10;
      // if it bounces off the right moving blue tiles and left tile is not equal to wall jump off 10 pixels to the left
      else if (rid == -1 && lid != 1){
        this.x -= 10;
      // if it bounces off the top moving blue tiles and bottom tile is not equal to wall jump off 10 pixels to the bottom
      else if (uid == -1 && bid != 1){
        this.y += 10;
      // if it bounces off the bottom moving blue tiles and top tile is not equal to wall jump off 10 pixels to the top
      else if (bid == -1 && uid != 1){
        this.y -= 10;

      // if comes in contact with player, bounce in opposit direction if possible
      if (dist(this.x, this.y, player.x, player.y) < 20) {
        if (rid != 1 || rid != -1){
          this.x += 10;
        else if (lid != 1 || lid != -1){
          this.x -= 10;
        else if (uid != 1 || uid != -1){
          this.y -= 10;
        else if (bid != 1 || bid != -1){
          this.y += 10;

      // if the lives of player are less than or equal to zero
      if (player.lives <= 0){
        // display lives in html 
        let window_score = document.getElementById('current_lives')
        window_score.innerHTML = player.lives;
        // display lives in html 
        let window_timer = document.getElementById('current_timer');
        window_timer.innerHTML = timer + 's';
        // display game over screen
        endscreen = true;
        // reset player lives
        player.lives = 3;
        // reset player speed
        player.speed = player.pspeed;
        // reset timer
        timer = 100;
        // reset powerups
        powerups = [];
        // remove the blue moving tiles
        // reset enemy array
        // play sound;
      // else if player lives are not yet zero but collision with enemy occurs then just remove the blue moving tiles
      else {

  // detect enemy collsions with powerups
  powerupCollision() {
    // if powerup array is not empty
    // and the powerup is snail or ice
    if (powerups.length != 0 && (powerups[0].graphic == slow || powerups[0].graphic == ice)) {
      // if powerup collision with enemy
      if (dist(this.x, this.y, powerups[0].x, powerups[0].y) < 20) {
        // console.log("enemy touched ice/slow")
        // set previous frame
        this.pframe = frameCount;
        // if the power up is snail, decrease player's speed
        if (powerups[0].graphic == slow) {
          player.speed = 1;
        // if power up is ice, freeze player
        else if (powerups[0].graphic == ice){
          player.speed = 0;
        // stop displaying powerup and change its location to outside canvas
        powerups[0].disp = false;
        // play sound;
      // if current frame count - frame count when powerup was picked is 180 (3 sec)
      if (frameCount - this.pframe == 180){
        // return palyer's speed to normal and remove powerup from array
        console.log("return to normal")
        player.speed = player.pspeed;
        powerups.splice(0, 1);
        // this.pframe = 0;


// pink ghost class, inherits ghost class
class PinkGhost extends Ghost{
    this.speedX = random(1.5, 3);
    this.speedY = random(1.5, 3);
    this.graphic = pinkGhost;
    this.type = "bounce";
// blue ghost class, inherits ghost class
class BlueGhost extends Ghost{
    this.graphic = blueGhost;
    this.speedX = random(1.5, 3);
    this.speedY = random(1.5, 3);
    this.type = "duplicate";

// red ghost class, inherits ghost class
class RedGhost extends Ghost{
    this.graphic = redGhost;
    this.type = "eat";
// yellow ghost class, inherits ghost class
class YellowGhost extends Ghost{
    this.graphic = yellowGhost;
    this.type = "follow";


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// calculate and return the percentage of solid tiles in the array
function completeLevel() {
let count = 0
let totalcount = 0;
for (let i=1; i < (height/20) - 1; i++){
for (let j=1; j < (width/20) - 1; j++){
if (level[i][j] == 1){
count += 1;
totalcount = ((count/828)* 100);
return round(totalcount * 100) / 100;
// promotes player to next level
function nextLevel() {
// completeLevel();
// levelOne();
if (completeLevel() >= 80) {
// console.log(completeLevel());
// increment level
levels +=1;
// if all 6 levels completed,
// game has been completed
gamecomplete = true;
// else increment the number of levels unlocked
// Checks if the current reached level has become greater than the user stored level
if(mylevel < levels){
mylevel +=1;
// It then updates the local storage as well
if(mylevel <7){
window.localStorage.setItem('levelsCompleted', mylevel);
// display lives in html
let window_score = document.getElementById('current_lives')
window_score.innerHTML = player.lives;
// display lives in html
let window_timer = document.getElementById('current_timer');
window_timer.innerHTML = timer + 's';
// resetLevel();
player.x = 0;
player.y = 0;
// player.lives = 3;
player.graphic = rightPacXon;
player.currKeyCode = 0;
// timer = 100;
// allLevels();
// levelupscreen = true;
// display game over screen
levelupscreen = true;
// reset player lives
player.lives = 3;
// reset timer
timer = 100;
// reset player speed
player.speed = player.pspeed;
// reset powerups
powerups = [];
// remove the blue moving tiles
// reset enemy array
// function which contains all levels
function allLevels() {
// level 2
if (levels == 2) {
// level 3
else if (levels == 3) {
// level 4
else if (levels == 4) {
// level 5
else if (levels == 5) {
// level 6
else if (levels == 6) {
// level one enemy array declaration
function levelOne() {
enemy = [];
enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
// level two enemy array declaration
function levelTwo() {
enemy = [];
enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
enemy.push(new RedGhost());
// level three enemy array declaration
function levelThree() {
enemy = [];
enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
enemy.push(new RedGhost());
enemy.push(new RedGhost());
enemy.push(new YellowGhost());
// level four enemy array declaration
function levelFour() {
enemy = [];
enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
enemy.push(new BlueGhost());
enemy.push(new RedGhost());
enemy.push(new RedGhost());
enemy.push(new YellowGhost());
// level five enemy array declaration
function levelFive() {
enemy = [];
enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
enemy.push(new RedGhost());
enemy.push(new RedGhost());
enemy.push(new BlueGhost());
enemy.push(new YellowGhost());
enemy.push(new YellowGhost());
// level six enemy array declaration
function levelSix() {
enemy = [];
enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
enemy.push(new RedGhost());
enemy.push(new RedGhost());
enemy.push(new BlueGhost());
enemy.push(new BlueGhost());
enemy.push(new YellowGhost());
enemy.push(new YellowGhost());
// calculate and return the percentage of solid tiles in the array function completeLevel() { let count = 0 let totalcount = 0; for (let i=1; i < (height/20) - 1; i++){ for (let j=1; j < (width/20) - 1; j++){ if (level[i][j] == 1){ count += 1; } } } totalcount = ((count/828)* 100); return round(totalcount * 100) / 100; } // promotes player to next level function nextLevel() { // completeLevel(); // levelOne(); if (completeLevel() >= 80) { // console.log(completeLevel()); // increment level levels +=1; // if all 6 levels completed, if(levels>6){ // game has been completed gamecomplete = true; } // else increment the number of levels unlocked else{ // Checks if the current reached level has become greater than the user stored level if(mylevel < levels){ mylevel +=1; // It then updates the local storage as well if(mylevel <7){ window.localStorage.setItem('levelsCompleted', mylevel); } } } // display lives in html let window_score = document.getElementById('current_lives') window_score.innerHTML = player.lives; // display lives in html let window_timer = document.getElementById('current_timer'); window_timer.innerHTML = timer + 's'; // resetLevel(); player.x = 0; player.y = 0; // player.lives = 3; player.graphic = rightPacXon; player.currKeyCode = 0; // timer = 100; // allLevels(); // levelupscreen = true; // display game over screen levelupscreen = true; // reset player lives player.lives = 3; // reset timer timer = 100; // reset player speed player.speed = player.pspeed; // reset powerups powerups = []; // remove the blue moving tiles resetLevel(); // reset enemy array allLevels(); } } // function which contains all levels function allLevels() { // level 2 if (levels == 2) { levelTwo(); } // level 3 else if (levels == 3) { levelThree(); } // level 4 else if (levels == 4) { levelFour(); } // level 5 else if (levels == 5) { levelFive(); } // level 6 else if (levels == 6) { levelSix(); } } // level one enemy array declaration function levelOne() { enemy = []; enemy.push(new PinkGhost()); enemy.push(new PinkGhost()); } // level two enemy array declaration function levelTwo() { enemy = []; enemy.push(new PinkGhost()); enemy.push(new PinkGhost()); enemy.push(new RedGhost()); } // level three enemy array declaration function levelThree() { enemy = []; enemy.push(new PinkGhost()); enemy.push(new RedGhost()); enemy.push(new RedGhost()); enemy.push(new YellowGhost()); } // level four enemy array declaration function levelFour() { enemy = []; enemy.push(new PinkGhost()); enemy.push(new BlueGhost()); enemy.push(new RedGhost()); enemy.push(new RedGhost()); enemy.push(new YellowGhost()); } // level five enemy array declaration function levelFive() { enemy = []; enemy.push(new PinkGhost()); enemy.push(new RedGhost()); enemy.push(new RedGhost()); enemy.push(new BlueGhost()); enemy.push(new YellowGhost()); enemy.push(new YellowGhost()); } // level six enemy array declaration function levelSix() { enemy = []; enemy.push(new PinkGhost()); enemy.push(new PinkGhost()); enemy.push(new RedGhost()); enemy.push(new RedGhost()); enemy.push(new BlueGhost()); enemy.push(new BlueGhost()); enemy.push(new YellowGhost()); enemy.push(new YellowGhost()); }
// calculate and return the percentage of solid tiles in the array
function completeLevel() {
    let count = 0
    let totalcount = 0;
    for (let i=1; i < (height/20) - 1; i++){
        for (let j=1; j < (width/20) - 1; j++){
          if (level[i][j] == 1){
            count += 1;
    totalcount = ((count/828)* 100);
    return round(totalcount * 100) / 100;

// promotes player to next level
function nextLevel() {
    // completeLevel();
    // levelOne();
    if (completeLevel() >= 80) {
        // console.log(completeLevel());
        // increment level
        levels +=1;
        // if all 6 levels completed,
            // game has been completed
            gamecomplete = true;
        // else increment the number of levels unlocked
            // Checks if the current reached level has become greater than the user stored level
            if(mylevel < levels){
                mylevel +=1;
                // It then updates the local storage as well
                if(mylevel <7){
                    window.localStorage.setItem('levelsCompleted', mylevel);
        // display lives in html 
        let window_score = document.getElementById('current_lives')
        window_score.innerHTML = player.lives;
        // display lives in html 
        let window_timer = document.getElementById('current_timer');
        window_timer.innerHTML = timer + 's';
        // resetLevel();
        player.x = 0;
        player.y = 0;
        // player.lives = 3;
        player.graphic = rightPacXon;
        player.currKeyCode = 0;
        // timer = 100;
        // allLevels();
        // levelupscreen = true;

        // display game over screen
        levelupscreen = true;
        // reset player lives
        player.lives = 3;
        // reset timer
        timer = 100;
        // reset player speed
        player.speed = player.pspeed;
        // reset powerups
        powerups = [];
        // remove the blue moving tiles
        // reset enemy array
// function which contains all levels
function allLevels() {
    // level 2
    if (levels == 2) {
    // level 3
    else if (levels == 3) {
    // level 4
    else if (levels == 4) {
    // level 5
    else if (levels == 5) {
    // level 6
    else if (levels == 6) {

// level one enemy array declaration
function levelOne() {
    enemy = [];

    enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
    enemy.push(new PinkGhost());

// level two enemy array declaration
function levelTwo() {
    enemy = [];

    enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
    enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
    enemy.push(new RedGhost());

// level three enemy array declaration
function levelThree() {
    enemy = [];

    enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
    enemy.push(new RedGhost());
    enemy.push(new RedGhost());
    enemy.push(new YellowGhost());
// level four enemy array declaration
function levelFour() {
    enemy = [];

    enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
    enemy.push(new BlueGhost());
    enemy.push(new RedGhost());
    enemy.push(new RedGhost());
    enemy.push(new YellowGhost());

// level five enemy array declaration
function levelFive() {
    enemy = [];

    enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
    enemy.push(new RedGhost());
    enemy.push(new RedGhost());
    enemy.push(new BlueGhost());
    enemy.push(new YellowGhost());
    enemy.push(new YellowGhost());

// level six enemy array declaration
function levelSix() {
    enemy = [];

    enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
    enemy.push(new PinkGhost());
    enemy.push(new RedGhost());
    enemy.push(new RedGhost());
    enemy.push(new BlueGhost());
    enemy.push(new BlueGhost());
    enemy.push(new YellowGhost());
    enemy.push(new YellowGhost());



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// set all the blue moving tiles when the player loses a life to black tiles when the game restarts
function resetDrawing() {
for (let i=0; i < height/20; i++){
for (let j=0; j < width/20; j++){
if (level[i][j] == -1){
level[i][j] = 0;
// The following for loops populate the 2D list, level, dynamically and leaves it blank
function initializeLevel() {
let rows = []
for (let i = 0; i < height/20; i++){
rows = []
for (let j =0; j < width/20; j++){
// The following block populates the fixed borders of the board
function resetLevel() {
for (let i=0; i < height/20; i++){
for (let j=0; j < width/20; j++){
level[i][j] = 0;
if (i == 0 || i == height/20-1 || j == 0 || j == width/20-1 ){
level[i][j] = 1;
// function to draw the tiles
function drawLevel() {
for (let r = 0; r < level.length; r++) {
for (let c = 0; c < level[r].length; c++) {
if(level[r][c] == 1){
if(level[r][c] == -1){
// returns the id of the tile in the array
function getTile(x,y) {
x = int(x/tileSize);
y = int(y/tileSize);
return level[y][x];
function getCoord(x,y) {
x = int(x/tileSize);
y = int(y/tileSize);
return x,y;
// modifies the tile to a blue moving tile
function modifyTile(x,y) {
x = int(x/tileSize);
y = int(y/tileSize);
level[y][x] = -1;
// deletes a tile
function deleteTile(x,y) {
x = int(x/tileSize);
y = int(y/tileSize);
level[y][x] = 0;
// deletes multiple tiles when a bomb goes off
function deleteTiles(x,y){
// when the player reaches the border, tranform moving tiles to solid wall tiles
function solidTiles(){
let maxRow = 0, maxCol=0;
for (let r = 0; r < level.length; r++) {
for (let c = 0; c < level[r].length; c++) {
if(level[r][c] == -1){
// When a tile is changed from -1 to 1, it means the player created a line so the moving variable of the player is set to stopped
player.moving = 'stopped'
maxRow = max(maxRow, r);
maxCol = max(maxCol, c);
level[r][c] = 1;
// set all the blue moving tiles when the player loses a life to black tiles when the game restarts function resetDrawing() { for (let i=0; i < height/20; i++){ for (let j=0; j < width/20; j++){ if (level[i][j] == -1){ level[i][j] = 0; } } } } // The following for loops populate the 2D list, level, dynamically and leaves it blank function initializeLevel() { let rows = [] for (let i = 0; i < height/20; i++){ rows = [] for (let j =0; j < width/20; j++){ rows.push(0); } level.push(rows) } } // The following block populates the fixed borders of the board function resetLevel() { for (let i=0; i < height/20; i++){ for (let j=0; j < width/20; j++){ level[i][j] = 0; if (i == 0 || i == height/20-1 || j == 0 || j == width/20-1 ){ level[i][j] = 1; } } } } // function to draw the tiles function drawLevel() { for (let r = 0; r < level.length; r++) { for (let c = 0; c < level[r].length; c++) { if(level[r][c] == 1){ image(tile,c*20,r*20,20,20); } if(level[r][c] == -1){ image(movingTile,c*20,r*20,20,20); } } } } // returns the id of the tile in the array function getTile(x,y) { x = int(x/tileSize); y = int(y/tileSize); return level[y][x]; } function getCoord(x,y) { x = int(x/tileSize); y = int(y/tileSize); return x,y; } // modifies the tile to a blue moving tile function modifyTile(x,y) { x = int(x/tileSize); y = int(y/tileSize); level[y][x] = -1; } // deletes a tile function deleteTile(x,y) { x = int(x/tileSize); y = int(y/tileSize); level[y][x] = 0; } // deletes multiple tiles when a bomb goes off function deleteTiles(x,y){ deleteTile(x,y); deleteTile(x-20,y); deleteTile(x+20,y); deleteTile(x,y-20); deleteTile(x,y+20); deleteTile(x+20,y+20); deleteTile(x-20,y+20); deleteTile(x,y+40); } // when the player reaches the border, tranform moving tiles to solid wall tiles function solidTiles(){ let maxRow = 0, maxCol=0; for (let r = 0; r < level.length; r++) { for (let c = 0; c < level[r].length; c++) { if(level[r][c] == -1){ // When a tile is changed from -1 to 1, it means the player created a line so the moving variable of the player is set to stopped player.moving = 'stopped' maxRow = max(maxRow, r); maxCol = max(maxCol, c); level[r][c] = 1; } } } }
// set all the blue moving tiles when the player loses a life to black tiles when the game restarts
function resetDrawing() {
  for (let i=0; i < height/20; i++){
    for (let j=0; j < width/20; j++){
      if (level[i][j] == -1){
        level[i][j] = 0;
// The following for loops populate the 2D list, level, dynamically and leaves it blank
function initializeLevel() {
  let rows = []
  for (let i = 0; i < height/20; i++){
    rows = []
    for (let j =0; j < width/20; j++){

// The following block populates the fixed borders of the board
function resetLevel() {
  for (let i=0; i < height/20; i++){
    for (let j=0; j < width/20; j++){
      level[i][j] = 0;
      if (i == 0 || i == height/20-1 || j == 0 || j == width/20-1 ){
        level[i][j] = 1;

// function to draw the tiles
function drawLevel() {
  for (let r = 0; r < level.length; r++) {
    for (let c = 0; c < level[r].length; c++) {
      if(level[r][c] == 1){
      if(level[r][c] == -1){

// returns the id of the tile in the array
function getTile(x,y) {
  x = int(x/tileSize);
  y = int(y/tileSize);
  return level[y][x];
function getCoord(x,y) {
  x = int(x/tileSize);
  y = int(y/tileSize);
  return x,y;

// modifies the tile to a blue moving tile
function modifyTile(x,y) {
  x = int(x/tileSize);
  y = int(y/tileSize);
  level[y][x] = -1;
// deletes a tile
function deleteTile(x,y) {
  x = int(x/tileSize);
  y = int(y/tileSize);
  level[y][x] = 0;
// deletes multiple tiles when a bomb goes off
function deleteTiles(x,y){

// when the player reaches the border, tranform moving tiles to solid wall tiles
function solidTiles(){
  let maxRow = 0, maxCol=0;
  for (let r = 0; r < level.length; r++) {
    for (let c = 0; c < level[r].length; c++) {
      if(level[r][c] == -1){
        // When a tile is changed from -1 to 1, it means the player created a line so the moving variable of the player is set to stopped
        player.moving = 'stopped'
        maxRow = max(maxRow, r);
        maxCol = max(maxCol, c);
        level[r][c] = 1;


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// A recursive function with inspiration from
// The following function fills an enclosed region, basically some values bordered on all four sides by certain other value,
// with the new values that are provided.
// It basically replicates how the paint bucket system works in photoshop.
// The function is supposed to be given coordinates of a point in the region.
function fill_array(level, r, c, newColor, current){
// Checks if the values are out of bound
if(r < 0){
// Checks if the values are out of bound
if(c < 0){
// Checks if the values are out of bound
if(r > level.length){
// Checks if the values are out of bound
if(c > level[r].length){
// Checks if there is any enemy inside of the region, if so
// it increases the area count by a large amount in order to flag interval
// The value of 2 is placed wherever the enemies are present as this function executes.
if(level[r][c] === 2){
count = 10000;
// A different value is encountered
if(level[r][c] !== current){
// Changes the value at the array index
level[r][c] = newColor;
// Count to keep track of the 'area' of an enclosed region.
count = count + 1;
// the function recursivly calls itself t ensure all the neigbors are filled.
fill_array(level, r - 1, c, newColor, current);
fill_array(level, r + 1, c, newColor, current);
fill_array(level, r, c - 1, newColor, current);
fill_array(level, r, c + 1, newColor, current);
// Returns the 2D Array
return level
// Function to check all the coordinate pairs that have smaller area
function smallerPair(values){
// initialize two lists
areas = [];
pairs = [];
let enemfound = false;
// Loops over all the coordinates
for (let i = 0; i< values.length; i ++){
// Calls the fill array function ONLY TO COUNT the area of the region in which the point lies.
fill_array(level,values[i][0], values[i][1], 3, 0);
// Stores the count into a local variable
c1 = count;
// Calls the fill array function to reset the modified values back to normal in the level array
fill_array(level, values[i][0], values[i][1], 0, 3);
// updates the global variable count
count = 0;
// Checks if the enemy is present
// Marks the enemy to not be found
enemfound = true;
// If the previous condition was not passed, it means the enemy was present in this block.
if(enemfound == false){
// The index with the maximum value, an outlier wtih a value of 10000 is removed from the list
maxA = max(areas)
maxIndex = areas.indexOf(maxA);
// returns the pairs by excluding the biggest of the regions
return pairs;
// Inspired from the Leet Code Problem Solution:
// It returns one coordinate in each enclosed region
function maxAreaOfIsland(grid) {
// Sets the maximum area to be very high since we need to take the minimum
let maxArea = 10000
// Directions over which to check next
let compass = [[-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1]];
// Checks the previous row and previous columns
let prow;
let pcol;
// An array to store all the coordinate values
let smallVals = [];
// Runs for the entire grid and calls the flood function if each value meets a certain criteria.
for (let i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < grid[i].length; j++) {
if (grid[i][j] === 0) {
flood([[i, j]])
// Another flood function built differently for checking the enclosed box
return maxArea, smallVals
function flood(stack) {
// initializes the area
let currentArea = 0
while (stack.length) {
let [row, col] = stack.pop()
if (row < 0 || col < 0 || row >= grid.length || col >= grid[0].length || grid[row][col] === 1) {
// increases the area
grid[row][col] = 1
prow = row;
pcol = col;
for (const direction of compass) {
stack.push([row + direction[0], col + direction[1]])
// Pushes the row and column onto the list
// Gets the minium of all areas.
maxArea = Math.min(maxArea, currentArea)
// Function to make a deep copy of a 2D Array
function makeDeepCopy(g) {
// initializes a new list
var gridCopy = [];
// Runs for all the lists within the big list
for (var x = 0; x < g.length; x++) {
// initializes an intermediary/ temporary row
var newRow = [];
// Runs a loop for the length of each list within the bigger list
for (var y = 0; y < g[x].length; y++) {
// adds the values to the temporary row
// Pushes the copied row into the new bigger row
// returns a newly created 2D Array/ List with the old list.
return gridCopy;
// A recursive function with inspiration from // The following function fills an enclosed region, basically some values bordered on all four sides by certain other value, // with the new values that are provided. // It basically replicates how the paint bucket system works in photoshop. // The function is supposed to be given coordinates of a point in the region. function fill_array(level, r, c, newColor, current){ // Checks if the values are out of bound if(r < 0){ return; } // Checks if the values are out of bound if(c < 0){ return; } // Checks if the values are out of bound if(r > level.length){ return; } // Checks if the values are out of bound if(c > level[r].length){ return; } // Checks if there is any enemy inside of the region, if so // it increases the area count by a large amount in order to flag interval // The value of 2 is placed wherever the enemies are present as this function executes. if(level[r][c] === 2){ count = 10000; return; } // A different value is encountered if(level[r][c] !== current){ return; } // Changes the value at the array index level[r][c] = newColor; // Count to keep track of the 'area' of an enclosed region. count = count + 1; // the function recursivly calls itself t ensure all the neigbors are filled. fill_array(level, r - 1, c, newColor, current); fill_array(level, r + 1, c, newColor, current); fill_array(level, r, c - 1, newColor, current); fill_array(level, r, c + 1, newColor, current); // Returns the 2D Array return level }; // Function to check all the coordinate pairs that have smaller area function smallerPair(values){ // initialize two lists areas = []; pairs = []; let enemfound = false; // Loops over all the coordinates for (let i = 0; i< values.length; i ++){ // Calls the fill array function ONLY TO COUNT the area of the region in which the point lies. fill_array(level,values[i][0], values[i][1], 3, 0); // Stores the count into a local variable c1 = count; // Calls the fill array function to reset the modified values back to normal in the level array fill_array(level, values[i][0], values[i][1], 0, 3); // updates the global variable count count = 0; // Checks if the enemy is present if(c1<1000){ areas.push(c1); pairs.push(values[i]); // Marks the enemy to not be found enemfound = true; } } // If the previous condition was not passed, it means the enemy was present in this block. if(enemfound == false){ // The index with the maximum value, an outlier wtih a value of 10000 is removed from the list maxA = max(areas) maxIndex = areas.indexOf(maxA); pairs.splice(maxIndex,1); } // returns the pairs by excluding the biggest of the regions return pairs; }; // Inspired from the Leet Code Problem Solution: // It returns one coordinate in each enclosed region function maxAreaOfIsland(grid) { // Sets the maximum area to be very high since we need to take the minimum let maxArea = 10000 // Directions over which to check next let compass = [[-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1]]; // Checks the previous row and previous columns let prow; let pcol; // An array to store all the coordinate values let smallVals = []; // Runs for the entire grid and calls the flood function if each value meets a certain criteria. for (let i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < grid[i].length; j++) { if (grid[i][j] === 0) { flood([[i, j]]) } } } // Another flood function built differently for checking the enclosed box return maxArea, smallVals function flood(stack) { // initializes the area let currentArea = 0 while (stack.length) { let [row, col] = stack.pop() if (row < 0 || col < 0 || row >= grid.length || col >= grid[0].length || grid[row][col] === 1) { continue } // increases the area currentArea++ grid[row][col] = 1 prow = row; pcol = col; for (const direction of compass) { stack.push([row + direction[0], col + direction[1]]) } } // Pushes the row and column onto the list smallVals.push([prow,pcol]); // Gets the minium of all areas. maxArea = Math.min(maxArea, currentArea) } }; // Function to make a deep copy of a 2D Array function makeDeepCopy(g) { // initializes a new list var gridCopy = []; // Runs for all the lists within the big list for (var x = 0; x < g.length; x++) { // initializes an intermediary/ temporary row var newRow = []; // Runs a loop for the length of each list within the bigger list for (var y = 0; y < g[x].length; y++) { // adds the values to the temporary row newRow.push(g[x][y]) } // Pushes the copied row into the new bigger row gridCopy.push(newRow); } // returns a newly created 2D Array/ List with the old list. return gridCopy; };
// A recursive function with inspiration from
// The following function fills an enclosed region, basically some values bordered on all four sides by certain other value,
// with the new values that are provided.
// It basically replicates how the paint bucket system works in photoshop.
// The function is supposed to be given coordinates of a point in the region.
function fill_array(level, r, c, newColor, current){
  // Checks if the values are out of bound
    if(r < 0){
    // Checks if the values are out of bound
    if(c < 0){
    // Checks if the values are out of bound
    if(r > level.length){
    // Checks if the values are out of bound
    if(c > level[r].length){
    // Checks if there is any enemy inside of the region, if so
    // it increases the area count by a large amount in order to flag interval
    // The value of 2 is placed wherever the enemies are present as this function executes.
    if(level[r][c] === 2){
        count = 10000;
    // A different value is encountered
    if(level[r][c] !== current){
    // Changes the value at the array index
     level[r][c] = newColor;
     // Count to keep track of the 'area' of an enclosed region.
     count = count + 1;
     // the function recursivly calls itself t ensure all the neigbors are filled.
     fill_array(level, r - 1, c, newColor, current);
     fill_array(level, r + 1, c, newColor, current);
     fill_array(level, r, c - 1, newColor, current);
     fill_array(level, r, c + 1, newColor, current);
     // Returns the 2D Array
     return level
// Function to check all the coordinate pairs that have smaller area
function smallerPair(values){
    // initialize two lists
    areas = [];
    pairs = [];
    let enemfound = false;
    // Loops over all the coordinates
    for (let i = 0; i< values.length; i ++){
      // Calls the fill array function ONLY TO COUNT the area of the region in which the point lies.
      fill_array(level,values[i][0], values[i][1], 3, 0);
      // Stores the count into a local variable
      c1 = count;
      // Calls the fill array function to reset the modified values back to normal in the level array
      fill_array(level, values[i][0], values[i][1], 0, 3);
      // updates the global variable count
      count = 0;
      // Checks if the enemy is present
        // Marks the enemy to not be found
        enemfound = true;
    // If the previous condition was not passed, it means the enemy was present in this block.
    if(enemfound == false){
      // The index with the maximum value, an outlier wtih a value of 10000 is removed from the list
      maxA = max(areas)
      maxIndex = areas.indexOf(maxA);
    // returns the pairs by excluding the biggest of the regions
    return pairs;
// Inspired from the Leet Code Problem Solution:
// It returns one coordinate in each enclosed region
function maxAreaOfIsland(grid) {
  // Sets the maximum area to be very high since we need to take the minimum
    let maxArea = 10000
    // Directions over which to check next
    let compass = [[-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1]];
    // Checks the previous row and previous columns
    let prow;
    let pcol;
    // An array to store all the coordinate values
    let smallVals = [];
    // Runs for the entire grid and calls the flood function if each value meets a certain criteria.
    for (let i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
        for (let j = 0; j < grid[i].length; j++) {
            if (grid[i][j] === 0) {
                flood([[i, j]])
    // Another flood function built differently for checking the enclosed box
    return maxArea, smallVals
    function flood(stack) {
      // initializes the area
        let currentArea = 0
        while (stack.length) {
            let [row, col] = stack.pop()
            if (row < 0 || col < 0 || row >= grid.length || col >= grid[0].length || grid[row][col] === 1) {
            // increases the area
            grid[row][col] = 1
            prow = row;
            pcol = col;
            for (const direction of compass) {
                stack.push([row + direction[0], col + direction[1]])
        // Pushes the row and column onto the list
        // Gets the minium of all areas.
        maxArea = Math.min(maxArea, currentArea)
// Function to make a deep copy of a 2D Array
function makeDeepCopy(g) {
  // initializes a new list
  var gridCopy = [];
  // Runs for all the lists within the big list
  for (var x = 0; x < g.length; x++) {
    // initializes an intermediary/ temporary row
    var newRow = [];
    // Runs a loop for the length of each list within the bigger list
    for (var y = 0; y < g[x].length; y++) {
      // adds the values to the temporary row
    // Pushes the copied row into the new bigger row
  // returns a newly created 2D Array/ List with the old list.
  return gridCopy;

Arduino Code

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// joystick ports
int dirUp = 7;
int dirDown = 6;
int dirRight = 5;
int dirLeft = 4;
// lives lights ports
int lives3Pin = 11;
int lives2Pin = 10;
int lives1Pin = 9;
int lives = 3;
int prevlives = 3;
int vibrate = 0;
// int lives, prevlives = 3;
int motorPin = 3; //motor transistor is connected to pin 10
int motorState = LOW; // motorState used to set the Motor Vibration
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time LED was updated
const long interval = 1000; // interval at which to blink (milliseconds)
void setup()
pinMode( dirDown , INPUT);
pinMode( dirUp , INPUT);
pinMode( dirLeft , INPUT);
pinMode( dirRight, INPUT);
pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT);
while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
Serial.println("0"); // send a starting message
delay(300); // wait 1/3 second
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
void loop(){
while (Serial.available()) {
prevlives = lives;
lives = Serial.parseInt();
if(prevlives != lives){
if ( == '\n') {
if (digitalRead( dirDown ) == LOW ){
else if (digitalRead( dirUp ) == LOW ){
else if (digitalRead( dirLeft ) == LOW ){
else if (digitalRead( dirRight ) == LOW ){
// digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH); //vibrate
else {
if(vibrate == 1){
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
// save the last time you blinked the LED
previousMillis = currentMillis;
// if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa:
if (motorState == LOW) {
motorState = HIGH;
} else {
motorState = LOW;
// set the LED with the ledState of the variable:
digitalWrite(motorPin, motorState);
// else{
// vibrate=0;
// }
if (lives == 3) {
digitalWrite(lives1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(lives2Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(lives3Pin, HIGH);
else if (lives == 2) {
digitalWrite(lives1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(lives2Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(lives3Pin, LOW);
// digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH); //vibrate
else if (lives == 1) {
digitalWrite(lives1Pin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(lives2Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(lives3Pin, LOW);
else if (lives == 0) {
digitalWrite(lives1Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(lives2Pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(lives3Pin, LOW);
// digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH); //vibrate
// joystick ports int dirUp = 7; int dirDown = 6; int dirRight = 5; int dirLeft = 4; // lives lights ports int lives3Pin = 11; int lives2Pin = 10; int lives1Pin = 9; int lives = 3; int prevlives = 3; int vibrate = 0; // int lives, prevlives = 3; int motorPin = 3; //motor transistor is connected to pin 10 int motorState = LOW; // motorState used to set the Motor Vibration unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time LED was updated const long interval = 1000; // interval at which to blink (milliseconds) void setup() { pinMode( dirDown , INPUT); pinMode( dirUp , INPUT); pinMode( dirLeft , INPUT); pinMode( dirRight, INPUT); pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); while (Serial.available() <= 0) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data Serial.println("0"); // send a starting message delay(300); // wait 1/3 second digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(50); } } void loop(){ while (Serial.available()) { prevlives = lives; lives = Serial.parseInt(); if(prevlives != lives){ vibrate=1; } if ( == '\n') { if (digitalRead( dirDown ) == LOW ){ Serial.println(1); } else if (digitalRead( dirUp ) == LOW ){ Serial.println(2); } else if (digitalRead( dirLeft ) == LOW ){ Serial.println(3); } else if (digitalRead( dirRight ) == LOW ){ Serial.println(4); // digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH); //vibrate } else { Serial.println(0); } if(vibrate == 1){ unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) { // save the last time you blinked the LED previousMillis = currentMillis; // if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa: if (motorState == LOW) { motorState = HIGH; } else { motorState = LOW; vibrate=0; } // set the LED with the ledState of the variable: digitalWrite(motorPin, motorState); } // else{ // vibrate=0; // } } if (lives == 3) { digitalWrite(lives1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(lives2Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(lives3Pin, HIGH); } else if (lives == 2) { digitalWrite(lives1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(lives2Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(lives3Pin, LOW); // digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH); //vibrate } else if (lives == 1) { digitalWrite(lives1Pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(lives2Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(lives3Pin, LOW); } else if (lives == 0) { digitalWrite(lives1Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(lives2Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(lives3Pin, LOW); // digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH); //vibrate } } } }
// joystick ports
int dirUp = 7;
int dirDown = 6;
int dirRight = 5;
int dirLeft = 4;

// lives lights ports
int lives3Pin = 11;
int lives2Pin = 10;
int lives1Pin = 9;
int lives = 3;
int prevlives = 3;
int vibrate = 0;

// int lives, prevlives = 3;
int motorPin = 3; //motor transistor is connected to pin 10
int motorState = LOW;  // motorState used to set the Motor Vibration
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;  // will store last time LED was updated
const long interval = 1000;  // interval at which to blink (milliseconds)

void setup()
  pinMode( dirDown , INPUT);
  pinMode( dirUp , INPUT);
  pinMode( dirLeft , INPUT);
  pinMode( dirRight, INPUT);

  pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT);

  while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
    Serial.println("0"); // send a starting message
    delay(300);            // wait 1/3 second
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

void loop(){
  while (Serial.available()) {
      prevlives = lives;
      lives = Serial.parseInt();
      if(prevlives != lives){

      if ( == '\n') {
        if (digitalRead( dirDown ) == LOW ){
        else if (digitalRead( dirUp ) == LOW ){
        else if (digitalRead( dirLeft ) == LOW ){
        else if (digitalRead( dirRight ) == LOW ){
          // digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH); //vibrate
        else {

      if(vibrate == 1){
        unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
        if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
          // save the last time you blinked the LED
          previousMillis = currentMillis;

          // if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa:
          if (motorState == LOW) {
            motorState = HIGH;
          } else {
            motorState = LOW;

          // set the LED with the ledState of the variable:
          digitalWrite(motorPin, motorState);
        // else{
        //   vibrate=0;
        // }

      if (lives == 3) {
        digitalWrite(lives1Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(lives2Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(lives3Pin, HIGH);
      else if (lives == 2) {
        digitalWrite(lives1Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(lives2Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(lives3Pin, LOW);
        // digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH); //vibrate
      else if (lives == 1) {
        digitalWrite(lives1Pin, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(lives2Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(lives3Pin, LOW);
      else if (lives == 0) {
        digitalWrite(lives1Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(lives2Pin, LOW);
        digitalWrite(lives3Pin, LOW);
        // digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH); //vibrate



Final Project Proposal – Arcade Games!

For the purposes of the Final Project, in order to satisfy the requirements of an interactive system which requires systems of listening, thinking, and speaking from at least 2 parties, and should make use of Arduino and P5Js, we have preliminarily thought of developing an ‘Arcade Game’ console.

While the intricacies are not fine tuned yet, the initial idea is to develop an Extensive Game in p5Js, not a simple one, but an elaborate game with multiple levels which is very challenging. For this, we have though of a childhood favorite called ‘PacXon’ which is similar to PacMan but involves a relatively free space with area to capture. To have a sense of a similar game, we can look here (

We believe creating this would require some algorithms, and extremely complex state machines with the utility of power-ups, and would develop our Object Oriented Programming skills in P5Js to an advanced level.

Moving forward, we would then develop a ‘JoyStick’ for this game, that would be designed for the purposes of this game. As an idea, the JoyStick would be a breadboard with multiple buttons for left, right, up, and down movements as well as a Potentiometer to control speeds, and a Piezo Buzzer to produce vibration like sounds on collisions for ‘Haptic Feedback’. We would also incorporate multiple LEDs and different notes of sounds with the state machines, realizing the mechanism to play the required tone at the appropriate time.

The idea is still in works and we are open to feedback!

The project is intended to be completed by Ishmal Khalid, Zunair Viqar, and Abraiz Azhar.

Assignment 7: Music Composer


As part of the 7th Assignment for Introduction to Interactive Media, we were tasked with producing a Musical Instrument with the usage of at least one digital sensor, and at least one analog sensor.

Given the requirements, we brainstormed the most sensible application of an analog sensor and concluded that utilizing a potentiometer as a versatile music mixer would be ideal. To add to its functionality, we also explored incorporating various DJ-inspired modes, which proved to be an exciting prospect.

As a result, we decided to pursue this idea further, making it to be somewhat of a mini make-do music composer – where you could produce sounds as well as play music!


We decided to start off with a button (red colored) that was solely for the purposes of changing, or flipping through the different modes of the composer. Then, there would be a Piezo Buzzer that produced sound, but controlled by 2 additional Buttons and a Potentiometer, alongside a Servo Motor which would act as a Drum Stick.

Since Arduino does not have any specific mode for switching ‘off’, we decided to have the first mode as an ‘inactive’ state. Then, when the button is pressed, it becomes a music player which plays Melodies that can be essentially changed by the potentiometer. For this, the values of the Potentiometer are mapped to a range of 100-1000, and then there are ‘if’ conditions to check if it is between certain ranges, and so corresponding music would play.

Moving forward, our next mode, the Creative Mode, is very intriguing. It activates the Servo Motor to function as a Drum Stick, and in our case, instead of drums, we utilized a steel mug and a ceramic mug to produce sounds of different quality and pitch. The other two buttons in our circuit would be controlling the direction of the stick, whether it would hit the ceramic, or the steel mug. On top of this, in this mode, the Potentiometer would have its Analog Values mapped to multiples of 50 in the range from 100-1000, and would subsequently have the capacity to produce additional sounds, adding some composure.

The last mode, is the Piano Mode, where the Two Buttons would simply act as Keyboard Keys, and would be limited to produce two types of sounds. However, the Potentiometer would essentially fluctuate these values using a formula. With this, we could fluctuate the Potentiometer like a Mixer and use the two buttons as keys to produce interesting continuous sounds.

With this, we have demonstrated how only the usage of 2 buttons, a Piezo Buzzer and a Potentiometer can be used in different permutations and produce varying types of sounds. The flexibility offered by the Arduino with a breadboard offers limitless opportunities.

Demo Video

A demo video, in detail, can be seen here:

Pictures of Circuit


The first difficulty that we faced was to replace the traditional usage of ‘delays’ to be replaced with a consistently running timer. This was particularly in the first mode, the music player mode, wherein we would have to switch to another mode by pressing the red button, however having pressed that during a delay would have caused issue. We catered to this using one of the Arduino’s standard examples of ‘BlinkWithoutDelay’ and utilized the millis() function to keep a track of time on our own.

Moreover, the project was becoming a complex state machine, and difficult to manage. We wanted to add more buttons for the Piano, however there was a choice between going for a complex looking and difficult to manage circuit, or actually utilizing minimal equipment in creative ways.

Being new to Arduino, we initially thought of keeping loose wires, instead of buttons, which would trigger the piano notes. However, after spending hours of trying out ways with which we would have loose pins connected to the arduino where a connection would play a not, we improvised the usage of the same buttons to play the notes.


With such a project, the perception becomes very subjective with multiple ways of improvement. However, something that we definitely see is making the project more easy to use and adding more options in each stage. More melodies in the first mode, more options to create in the second mode, and more piano buttons in the third mode.


Specific Segments

Starting off with the General State Machine, we have used the click of a button, tracked by a previous state and a current state which calculates if there is a change in the state of button (when its pressed again, not held). Once a change occurs, the value of the button state is set such that an appropriate mode is switched on:

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// To change the MODES of the Instrument
if(lastredButtonState == HIGH && currentredButtonState == LOW) {
Serial.print("RED Button is pressed: ");
// Change the state of LED
if(redButtonState == 0) {
redButtonState = 1;
Serial.println("Opening the Infinite Playing Mode");
else if (redButtonState == 1){
redButtonState = 2;
Serial.println("Changing to the Creative Mode");
else if (redButtonState == 2){
redButtonState = 3;
Serial.println("Changing to the Piano Mode");
redButtonState = 0;
Serial.println("Switching the Instrument off");
// To change the MODES of the Instrument if(lastredButtonState == HIGH && currentredButtonState == LOW) { Serial.print("RED Button is pressed: "); Serial.println(redButtonState); // Change the state of LED if(redButtonState == 0) { redButtonState = 1; Serial.println("Opening the Infinite Playing Mode"); } else if (redButtonState == 1){ redButtonState = 2; Serial.println("Changing to the Creative Mode"); } else if (redButtonState == 2){ redButtonState = 3; Serial.println("Changing to the Piano Mode"); } else{ redButtonState = 0; Serial.println("Switching the Instrument off"); } }
// To change the MODES of the Instrument
if(lastredButtonState == HIGH && currentredButtonState == LOW) {
  Serial.print("RED Button is pressed: ");


  // Change the state of LED
  if(redButtonState == 0) {
    redButtonState = 1;  
    Serial.println("Opening the Infinite Playing Mode");
  else if (redButtonState == 1){
    redButtonState = 2;
    Serial.println("Changing to the Creative Mode");
  else if (redButtonState == 2){
    redButtonState = 3;
    Serial.println("Changing to the Piano Mode");
    redButtonState = 0;
    Serial.println("Switching the Instrument off");

When a button state is set, there is another condition in the loop() function which repeatedly checks if that mode is switched on. In the case that the state is 1, we have to play music of two different melodies depending on the potentiometer’s value. However, the important thing is to ensure we dont use delays since we could be changing the mode while the music is playing, and do not want to have to wait.

Therefore, the following piece of code makes use of the millis() function and keeps track of an internal timer.

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if (redButtonState == 1){
// Beginning of an Infinite Playing Mode
val = map(val, 0, 1023, 100, 1000); // scale it for use with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
currentMillis = millis();
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= noteDuration + pauseBetweenNotes) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
// stop the previous note
if (val>450){
// play the next note
noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[noteIndex];
tone(8, melody[noteIndex], noteDuration);
pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 0.30;
// move to the next note
noteIndex = (noteIndex + 1) % melodyLength;
// play the next note
noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations2[noteIndex];
tone(8, melody2[noteIndex], noteDuration);
pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 0.30;
// move to the next note
noteIndex = (noteIndex + 1) % melodyLength2;
// add a small delay to avoid overloading the processor
// End of the Infinite Playing Mode
if (redButtonState == 1){ // Beginning of an Infinite Playing Mode val = map(val, 0, 1023, 100, 1000); // scale it for use with the servo (value between 0 and 180) currentMillis = millis(); if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= noteDuration + pauseBetweenNotes) { previousMillis = currentMillis; // stop the previous note noTone(8); if (val>450){ // play the next note noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[noteIndex]; tone(8, melody[noteIndex], noteDuration); pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 0.30; // move to the next note noteIndex = (noteIndex + 1) % melodyLength; } else{ // play the next note noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations2[noteIndex]; tone(8, melody2[noteIndex], noteDuration); pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 0.30; // move to the next note noteIndex = (noteIndex + 1) % melodyLength2; } } // add a small delay to avoid overloading the processor delay(1); // End of the Infinite Playing Mode }
if (redButtonState == 1){
  // Beginning of an Infinite Playing Mode
  val = map(val, 0, 1023, 100, 1000);     // scale it for use with the servo (value between 0 and 180)

  currentMillis = millis();
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= noteDuration + pauseBetweenNotes) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;
    // stop the previous note

    if (val>450){
      // play the next note
      noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[noteIndex];
      tone(8, melody[noteIndex], noteDuration);
      pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 0.30;
      // move to the next note
      noteIndex = (noteIndex + 1) % melodyLength;
      // play the next note
      noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations2[noteIndex];
      tone(8, melody2[noteIndex], noteDuration);
      pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 0.30;
      // move to the next note
      noteIndex = (noteIndex + 1) % melodyLength2;

  // add a small delay to avoid overloading the processor
  // End of the Infinite Playing Mode

For our creative mode, we simply move the motor in the specified directions with the following code, alongside playing a continuous tone that just varies with the value of the potentiometer.

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else if (redButtonState == 2){
// Serial.println("Creative Mode");
// check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
if (yelButtonState == HIGH) {
// print out the value you read:
Serial.println("YELLOW PRESSED");
else if (bluButtonState == HIGH)
// print out the value you read:
Serial.println("NOT YELLOW");
val = map(val, 0, 1023, 100, 1000); // scale it for use with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
val = 50 * ((val + 49) / 50);
tone(8, val, 200);
else if (redButtonState == 2){ // Serial.println("Creative Mode"); // BEGINNING OF CREATIVE MODE // check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH: if (yelButtonState == HIGH) { // print out the value you read: Serial.println("YELLOW PRESSED"); myservo.write(180); } else if (bluButtonState == HIGH) { // print out the value you read: Serial.println("NOT YELLOW"); myservo.write(0); } else { myservo.write(90); } val = map(val, 0, 1023, 100, 1000); // scale it for use with the servo (value between 0 and 180) val = 50 * ((val + 49) / 50); if(val>250){ tone(8, val, 200); } // END OF CREATIVE MODE }
else if (redButtonState == 2){
  // Serial.println("Creative Mode");

  // check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
  if (yelButtonState == HIGH) {
    // print out the value you read:
    Serial.println("YELLOW PRESSED");
  else if (bluButtonState == HIGH)
    // print out the value you read:
    Serial.println("NOT YELLOW");

  val = map(val, 0, 1023, 100, 1000);     // scale it for use with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
  val = 50 * ((val + 49) / 50);
    tone(8, val, 200);

Overall Code

While the specific segments are highlighted above, the entire code may give more insights of the project:

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Musical Instrument
Created 10 April, 2023
by Ishmal Khalid and Zunair Viqar
#include <Servo.h>
#include "pitches.h"
int melody[] = {
// Pink Panther theme
// Score available at
// Theme by Masato Nakamura, arranged by Teddy Mason
int noteDurations[] = {
// Pink Panther theme
// Score available at
// Theme by Masato Nakamura, arranged by Teddy Mason
4 ,8,8,4,8,8,
8 ,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8,
2 ,16,16,16,16,
2 ,4,8,4,
8,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8,
// notes in the melody:
int melody2[] = {
// note durations: 4 = quarter note, 8 = eighth note, etc.:
int noteDurations2[] = {
4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
// constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers:
const int yelButtonPin = 2; // the number of the yellow pushbutton pin
const int bluButtonPin = 4; // the number of the blue pushbutton pin
const int redButtonPin = 7; // the number of the red pushbutton pin
const int LIGHT_SENSOR_PIN = A0;
// variables will change:
int yelButtonState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
int bluButtonState = 0;
int redButtonState = 0;
int lastredButtonState; // the previous state of the light button
int currentredButtonState; // the current state of the light button
int potpin = A0; // analog pin used to connect the potentiometer
int val; // variable to read the value from the analog pin
int val2; // variable to map the val value to the piano
int pos = 90; // variable to store the servo position
// Declarations for playing the melodies, without using delay
unsigned long currentMillis = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time LED was updated
int noteDuration = 0; // Duration of each note to be played, taken from the array
int pauseBetweenNotes = 0; // duration between notes - arbitrary
int noteIndex = 0; // Keeping track of the note to play since we dont use for loop
// The lengths of each Melody
int melodyLength = sizeof(melody) / sizeof(int);
int melodyLength2 = sizeof(melody2) / sizeof(int);
void setup() {
myservo.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
// initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
pinMode(yelButtonPin, INPUT);
// initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
pinMode(bluButtonPin, INPUT);
// initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
pinMode(redButtonPin, INPUT);
currentredButtonState = digitalRead(redButtonPin);
// initialize the tone library
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
void loop() {
lastredButtonState = currentredButtonState; // Store Previous State of the light button
currentredButtonState = digitalRead(redButtonPin); // Get new state of the light button
// read the state of the yellow pushbutton value:
yelButtonState = digitalRead(yelButtonPin);
// read the state of the blue pushbutton value:
bluButtonState = digitalRead(bluButtonPin);
val = analogRead(potpin); // reads the value of the potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023)
val2 = map(val, 0, 1023, 50, 5000); // scale it for use with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
// To change the MODES of the Instrument
if(lastredButtonState == HIGH && currentredButtonState == LOW) {
Serial.print("RED Button is pressed: ");
// Change the state of LED
if(redButtonState == 0) {
redButtonState = 1;
Serial.println("Opening the Infinite Playing Mode");
else if (redButtonState == 1){
redButtonState = 2;
Serial.println("Changing to the Creative Mode");
else if (redButtonState == 2){
redButtonState = 3;
Serial.println("Changing to the Piano Mode");
redButtonState = 0;
Serial.println("Switching the Instrument off");
if (redButtonState == 1){
// Beginning of an Infinite Playing Mode
val = map(val, 0, 1023, 100, 1000); // scale it for use with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
currentMillis = millis();
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= noteDuration + pauseBetweenNotes) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
// stop the previous note
if (val>450){
// play the next note
noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[noteIndex];
tone(8, melody[noteIndex], noteDuration);
pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 0.30;
// move to the next note
noteIndex = (noteIndex + 1) % melodyLength;
// play the next note
noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations2[noteIndex];
tone(8, melody2[noteIndex], noteDuration);
pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 0.30;
// move to the next note
noteIndex = (noteIndex + 1) % melodyLength2;
// add a small delay to avoid overloading the processor
// End of the Infinite Playing Mode
else if (redButtonState == 2){
// Serial.println("Creative Mode");
// check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
if (yelButtonState == HIGH) {
// Moves the motor in the one direction
Serial.println("YELLOW PRESSED");
else if (bluButtonState == HIGH)
// Moves the motor to the other direction
Serial.println("NOT YELLOW");
// otherwise brings the motor to the center
// Maps the value read from the Analog Sensor
val = map(val, 0, 1023, 100, 1000); // scale it for use (value between 100 and 1000)
// Takes multiples of 50s only, this is used since we needed distinguishable notes, not a linear shift in the notes.
val = 50 * ((val + 49) / 50);
// Allows us to switch the Potentiometer notes to be 'off'
tone(8, val, 200);
else if (redButtonState == 3){
// Serial.println("Add Piano Mode");
// The yellow button tone played in the PIANO Mode
if (yelButtonState == HIGH) {
tone(8, 4000-val2, 5); // the 4000-val2 was done by trial and error to reach a value that varies
// The blue button tone played in the PIANO Mode
else if (bluButtonState == HIGH)
tone(8, 1000+val2, 5); // the 1000+val2 was done by trial and error to reach a value that varies
else if (redButtonState == 0){
Serial.println("Switched Off");
/* Musical Instrument Created 10 April, 2023 by Ishmal Khalid and Zunair Viqar */ #include <Servo.h> #include "pitches.h" int melody[] = { // Pink Panther theme // Score available at // Theme by Masato Nakamura, arranged by Teddy Mason REST, REST, REST, NOTE_DS4, NOTE_E4, REST, NOTE_FS4, NOTE_G4, REST, NOTE_DS4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_FS4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_C5, NOTE_B4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_B4, NOTE_AS4, NOTE_A4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_E4, REST, REST, NOTE_DS4, NOTE_E4, REST, NOTE_FS4, NOTE_G4, REST, NOTE_DS4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_FS4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_C5, NOTE_B4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_B4, NOTE_E5, NOTE_DS5, NOTE_D5, REST, REST, NOTE_DS4, NOTE_E4, REST, NOTE_FS4, NOTE_G4, REST, NOTE_DS4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_FS4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_C5, NOTE_B4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_B4, NOTE_AS4, NOTE_A4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_E4, REST, REST, NOTE_E5, NOTE_D5, NOTE_B4, NOTE_A4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_AS4, NOTE_A4, NOTE_AS4, NOTE_A4, NOTE_AS4,NOTE_A4,NOTE_AS4,NOTE_A4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_E4 }; int noteDurations[] = { // Pink Panther theme // Score available at // Theme by Masato Nakamura, arranged by Teddy Mason 2,4,8,8, 4 ,8,8,4,8,8, 8 ,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8, 2 ,16,16,16,16, 2 ,4,8,4, 4,8,8,4,8,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8, 1, 2,4,8,8, 4,8,8,4,8,8, 8,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8, 2,16,16,16,16, 4,4, 4,8,8,8,8,8,8, 16,8,16,8,16,8,16,8, 16,16,16,16,16,2 }; // notes in the melody: int melody2[] = { NOTE_C4, NOTE_G3, NOTE_G3, NOTE_A3, NOTE_G3, 0, NOTE_B3, NOTE_C4 }; // note durations: 4 = quarter note, 8 = eighth note, etc.: int noteDurations2[] = { 4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 }; Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo // constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers: const int yelButtonPin = 2; // the number of the yellow pushbutton pin const int bluButtonPin = 4; // the number of the blue pushbutton pin const int redButtonPin = 7; // the number of the red pushbutton pin const int LIGHT_SENSOR_PIN = A0; // variables will change: int yelButtonState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status int bluButtonState = 0; int redButtonState = 0; int lastredButtonState; // the previous state of the light button int currentredButtonState; // the current state of the light button int potpin = A0; // analog pin used to connect the potentiometer int val; // variable to read the value from the analog pin int val2; // variable to map the val value to the piano int pos = 90; // variable to store the servo position // Declarations for playing the melodies, without using delay unsigned long currentMillis = 0; unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time LED was updated int noteDuration = 0; // Duration of each note to be played, taken from the array int pauseBetweenNotes = 0; // duration between notes - arbitrary int noteIndex = 0; // Keeping track of the note to play since we dont use for loop // The lengths of each Melody int melodyLength = sizeof(melody) / sizeof(int); int melodyLength2 = sizeof(melody2) / sizeof(int); void setup() { myservo.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input: pinMode(yelButtonPin, INPUT); // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input: pinMode(bluButtonPin, INPUT); // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input: pinMode(redButtonPin, INPUT); currentredButtonState = digitalRead(redButtonPin); // initialize the tone library pinMode(8, OUTPUT); // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second: Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { lastredButtonState = currentredButtonState; // Store Previous State of the light button currentredButtonState = digitalRead(redButtonPin); // Get new state of the light button // read the state of the yellow pushbutton value: yelButtonState = digitalRead(yelButtonPin); // read the state of the blue pushbutton value: bluButtonState = digitalRead(bluButtonPin); val = analogRead(potpin); // reads the value of the potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023) val2 = map(val, 0, 1023, 50, 5000); // scale it for use with the servo (value between 0 and 180) // To change the MODES of the Instrument if(lastredButtonState == HIGH && currentredButtonState == LOW) { Serial.print("RED Button is pressed: "); Serial.println(redButtonState); // Change the state of LED if(redButtonState == 0) { redButtonState = 1; Serial.println("Opening the Infinite Playing Mode"); } else if (redButtonState == 1){ redButtonState = 2; Serial.println("Changing to the Creative Mode"); } else if (redButtonState == 2){ redButtonState = 3; Serial.println("Changing to the Piano Mode"); } else{ redButtonState = 0; Serial.println("Switching the Instrument off"); } } if (redButtonState == 1){ // Beginning of an Infinite Playing Mode val = map(val, 0, 1023, 100, 1000); // scale it for use with the servo (value between 0 and 180) currentMillis = millis(); if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= noteDuration + pauseBetweenNotes) { previousMillis = currentMillis; // stop the previous note noTone(8); if (val>450){ // play the next note noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[noteIndex]; tone(8, melody[noteIndex], noteDuration); pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 0.30; // move to the next note noteIndex = (noteIndex + 1) % melodyLength; } else{ // play the next note noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations2[noteIndex]; tone(8, melody2[noteIndex], noteDuration); pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 0.30; // move to the next note noteIndex = (noteIndex + 1) % melodyLength2; } } // add a small delay to avoid overloading the processor delay(1); // End of the Infinite Playing Mode } else if (redButtonState == 2){ // Serial.println("Creative Mode"); // BEGINNING OF CREATIVE MODE // check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH: if (yelButtonState == HIGH) { // Moves the motor in the one direction Serial.println("YELLOW PRESSED"); myservo.write(180); } else if (bluButtonState == HIGH) { // Moves the motor to the other direction Serial.println("NOT YELLOW"); myservo.write(0); } else { // otherwise brings the motor to the center myservo.write(90); } // Maps the value read from the Analog Sensor val = map(val, 0, 1023, 100, 1000); // scale it for use (value between 100 and 1000) // Takes multiples of 50s only, this is used since we needed distinguishable notes, not a linear shift in the notes. val = 50 * ((val + 49) / 50); // Allows us to switch the Potentiometer notes to be 'off' if(val>250){ tone(8, val, 200); } // END OF CREATIVE MODE } else if (redButtonState == 3){ // Serial.println("Add Piano Mode"); // BEGINNING OF PIANO MODE // The yellow button tone played in the PIANO Mode if (yelButtonState == HIGH) { tone(8, 4000-val2, 5); // the 4000-val2 was done by trial and error to reach a value that varies } // The blue button tone played in the PIANO Mode else if (bluButtonState == HIGH) { tone(8, 1000+val2, 5); // the 1000+val2 was done by trial and error to reach a value that varies } // END OF PIANO MODE } else if (redButtonState == 0){ Serial.println("Switched Off"); } }
  Musical Instrument
  Created 10 April, 2023
  by Ishmal Khalid and Zunair Viqar

#include <Servo.h>
#include "pitches.h"

int melody[] = {
  // Pink Panther theme
  // Score available at
  // Theme by Masato Nakamura, arranged by Teddy Mason


int noteDurations[] = {
  // Pink Panther theme
  // Score available at
  // Theme by Masato Nakamura, arranged by Teddy Mason
  4 ,8,8,4,8,8,
  8 ,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8,   
  2 ,16,16,16,16,
  2 ,4,8,4,

  8,8, 8,8,8,8,8,8,   

// notes in the melody:
int melody2[] = {

// note durations: 4 = quarter note, 8 = eighth note, etc.:
int noteDurations2[] = {
  4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4

Servo myservo;  // create servo object to control a servo
// constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers:
const int yelButtonPin = 2;  // the number of the yellow pushbutton pin
const int bluButtonPin = 4;    // the number of the blue pushbutton pin
const int redButtonPin = 7;    // the number of the red pushbutton pin
const int LIGHT_SENSOR_PIN = A0;

// variables will change:
int yelButtonState = 0;  // variable for reading the pushbutton status
int bluButtonState = 0; 
int redButtonState = 0;
int lastredButtonState; // the previous state of the light button
int currentredButtonState; // the current state of the light button

int potpin = A0;  // analog pin used to connect the potentiometer
int val;    // variable to read the value from the analog pin
int val2;  // variable to map the val value to the piano
int pos = 90;    // variable to store the servo position

// Declarations for playing the melodies, without using delay
unsigned long currentMillis = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;  // will store last time LED was updated
int noteDuration = 0; // Duration of each note to be played, taken from the array
int pauseBetweenNotes = 0; // duration between notes - arbitrary
int noteIndex = 0; // Keeping track of the note to play since we dont use for loop
// The lengths of each Melody
int melodyLength = sizeof(melody) / sizeof(int);
int melodyLength2 = sizeof(melody2) / sizeof(int);

void setup() {
  myservo.attach(9);  // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object

  // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
  pinMode(yelButtonPin, INPUT);
  // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
  pinMode(bluButtonPin, INPUT);
  // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
  pinMode(redButtonPin, INPUT);
  currentredButtonState = digitalRead(redButtonPin);

  // initialize the tone library
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);

  // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:

void loop() {
  lastredButtonState  = currentredButtonState; // Store Previous State of the light button
  currentredButtonState = digitalRead(redButtonPin); // Get new state of the light button

  // read the state of the yellow pushbutton value:
  yelButtonState = digitalRead(yelButtonPin);
  // read the state of the blue pushbutton value:
  bluButtonState = digitalRead(bluButtonPin);

  val = analogRead(potpin);            // reads the value of the potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023)
  val2 = map(val, 0, 1023, 50, 5000);     // scale it for use with the servo (value between 0 and 180)

  // To change the MODES of the Instrument
  if(lastredButtonState == HIGH && currentredButtonState == LOW) {
    Serial.print("RED Button is pressed: ");

    // Change the state of LED
    if(redButtonState == 0) {
      redButtonState = 1;  
      Serial.println("Opening the Infinite Playing Mode");
    else if (redButtonState == 1){
      redButtonState = 2;
      Serial.println("Changing to the Creative Mode");
    else if (redButtonState == 2){
      redButtonState = 3;
      Serial.println("Changing to the Piano Mode");
      redButtonState = 0;
      Serial.println("Switching the Instrument off");

  if (redButtonState == 1){
    // Beginning of an Infinite Playing Mode
    val = map(val, 0, 1023, 100, 1000);     // scale it for use with the servo (value between 0 and 180)

    currentMillis = millis();
    if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= noteDuration + pauseBetweenNotes) {
      previousMillis = currentMillis;
      // stop the previous note

      if (val>450){
        // play the next note
        noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations[noteIndex];
        tone(8, melody[noteIndex], noteDuration);
        pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 0.30;
        // move to the next note
        noteIndex = (noteIndex + 1) % melodyLength;
        // play the next note
        noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations2[noteIndex];
        tone(8, melody2[noteIndex], noteDuration);
        pauseBetweenNotes = noteDuration * 0.30;
        // move to the next note
        noteIndex = (noteIndex + 1) % melodyLength2;

    // add a small delay to avoid overloading the processor
    // End of the Infinite Playing Mode
  else if (redButtonState == 2){
    // Serial.println("Creative Mode");

    // check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
    if (yelButtonState == HIGH) {
      // Moves the motor in the one direction
      Serial.println("YELLOW PRESSED");
    else if (bluButtonState == HIGH)
      // Moves the motor to the other direction
      Serial.println("NOT YELLOW");
      // otherwise brings the motor to the center
    // Maps the value read from the Analog Sensor
    val = map(val, 0, 1023, 100, 1000);     // scale it for use (value between 100 and 1000)
    // Takes multiples of 50s only, this is used since we needed distinguishable notes, not a linear shift in the notes.
    val = 50 * ((val + 49) / 50);
    // Allows us to switch the Potentiometer notes to be 'off'
      tone(8, val, 200);

  else if (redButtonState == 3){
    // Serial.println("Add Piano Mode");
    // The yellow button tone played in the PIANO Mode
    if (yelButtonState == HIGH) {
      tone(8, 4000-val2, 5); // the 4000-val2 was done by trial and error to reach a value that varies
    // The blue button tone played in the PIANO Mode
    else if (bluButtonState == HIGH)
      tone(8, 1000+val2, 5); // the 1000+val2 was done by trial and error to reach a value that varies

  else if (redButtonState == 0){
    Serial.println("Switched Off");


Assignment 6: Analog Input & Output (Mood Lamp!)

Concept & Inspiration

As part of the 6th Assignment of Intro to IM, we were tasked with the objective of reading input from at least one analog sensor, and at least one digital sensor (switch). This data would then be used to control at least two LEDs, one in a digital fashion and the other in an analog fashion, in some creative way.

I have always had a great emphasis on the ‘lighting’ around me, and therefore am fond of purchasing different lamps and setting them up to have a good ambiance. This brings me to an interesting lamp I saw once at the convenience store, called Mood Lamp. If you are not aware of what those are, the following video should help you get an idea of it:

Therefore, being inspired from the concept of a ‘switching’ light and wanting to add some additional functionality to it, I decided to test my Arduino and Circuit Making skills to implement a model Mood Lamp. The concept was to use the button or switch as the digital sensor and the light sensor as the analog sensor (controlled by another button) which modifies the brightness of the light. The primary button would be used to modify the color modes of the LED, and a secondary button would toggle the brightness functionality of the light sensor.


Pictures of Circuit

With this, I produced the following circuit:

Demo Video

A demo video, in detail, can be seen here:

The implementation of the Mood Lamp on the breadboard can be seen above. To make it clear, since the quality of Video did not allow the RGB LED Bulb to be captured to perfection, the Switch on the right, Yellow colored, is used to switch between the different modes of light. In our case, the modes are: Switched Off, Rainbow (Fading), Blue, Green, and Red. Alongside this, the blue button on the left, toggles the brightness adjustment option by making use of the light sensor. The meaning of this is, if the light in the room is brighter, the bulb will glow brighter, and if the light is less, it will grow lighter. Since it is a mood lamp, usually used at night, the purpose of it is to adapt with the light. At night, it should automatically adapt to the surrounding light to make its own light visible.


Since the Code cannot be linked with Arduino, unlike P5js, I will be pasting the entire code here for anyone’s reference!

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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
// Declaration of Constants
const int BUTTON_PIN_LIGHT = 7; // Connecting the Light Button to Pin 7
const int BUTTON_PIN_LDR = 8; // Connecting the Photoresistor Button to Pin 7
const int PIN_RED = 9; //Red LED connected on pin 9
const int PIN_GREEN = 10; //Green LED connected on pin 10
const int PIN_BLUE = 11; //Blue LED connected on Pin 11
const int LIGHT_SENSOR_PIN = A0; // Connecting the Photoresistor to Pin A0
//Color intensities and direction
//Initial Values for the Fading Rainbow Color Mode
int red = 254;
int green = 1;
int blue = 117;
int red_direction = -1;
int green_direction = 1;
int blue_direction = -1;
// Function to set the color of the RGB LED
void setColor(int R, int G, int B) {
analogWrite(PIN_RED, R);
analogWrite(PIN_GREEN, G);
analogWrite(PIN_BLUE, B);
// Declaration of changing variables
int ledState = 1; // tracks the current state of LED
int ldrState = 1; // tracks the current state of LED
int lastlightButtonState; // the previous state of the light button
int currentlightButtonState; // the current state of the light button
int lastLDRButtonState; // the previous state of the ldr button
int currentLDRButtonState; // the current state of the ldr button
int analogValue; // tracks the light intensity from the LDR
int brightness; // tracks the brightness extracted from the analog Input
void setup() {
// Settings the Inputs and Outputs of the previously specified pins
// Detect initial values of the buttons
currentlightButtonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN_LIGHT);
currentLDRButtonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN_LDR);
void loop() {
lastlightButtonState = currentlightButtonState; // Store Previous State of the light button
currentlightButtonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN_LIGHT); // Get new state of the light button
// Same for the LDR Button
lastLDRButtonState = currentLDRButtonState;
currentLDRButtonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN_LDR);
// Gets the Analog Value from the LDR Sensor
Serial.print("Light Sensor Value: ");
analogValue = analogRead(LIGHT_SENSOR_PIN); // read the input on analog pin
// Detects if there has been a change in the state of the switch - if it has been pressed
if(lastLDRButtonState == HIGH && currentLDRButtonState == LOW) {
Serial.println("LDR (Blue) Button is pressed: ");
// Change state of LDR Switch
if(ldrState == LOW) {
ldrState = HIGH;
Serial.println("Turning Brightness Variation on");
else {
ldrState = LOW;
Serial.println("Turning Brightness Variation off");
if (ldrState==HIGH){ // If the Brightness option has been switched on
brightness = map(analogValue, 0,1023, 0, 255);
else{ // Otherwise
brightness = 255;
// If the light button has been toggled
if(lastlightButtonState == HIGH && currentlightButtonState == LOW) {
Serial.print("Light (Yellow) Button is pressed: ");
// Change the state of LED
if(ledState == 0) {
ledState = 1;
setColor(0, 0, 0); //set LED to Off
else if (ledState == 1){
ledState = 2;
Serial.println("Turning LED Rainbow");
else if (ledState == 2){
ledState = 3;
Serial.println("Turning LED Blue");
else if (ledState == 3){
ledState = 4;
Serial.println("Turning LED Green");
ledState = 0;
Serial.println("Turning LED Red");
// Changing the colors of the LEDs depending on the State they should be in
if (ledState == 2){
red = red + red_direction;
green = green + green_direction;
blue = blue + blue_direction;
// Change direction for each color if it reaches 255
if (red >= brightness || red <= 0)
red_direction = red_direction * -1;
if (green >= brightness || green <= 0)
green_direction = green_direction * -1;
if (blue >= brightness || blue <= 0)
blue_direction = blue_direction * -1;
setColor(red, green, blue);
else if (ledState == 3){
setColor(0, 0, brightness); //set LED to Blue
else if (ledState == 4){
setColor(0, brightness, 0); //set LED to Green
else if (ledState == 0){
setColor(brightness, 0, 0); //set LED to Red
// References taken from:
// Declaration of Constants const int BUTTON_PIN_LIGHT = 7; // Connecting the Light Button to Pin 7 const int BUTTON_PIN_LDR = 8; // Connecting the Photoresistor Button to Pin 7 const int PIN_RED = 9; //Red LED connected on pin 9 const int PIN_GREEN = 10; //Green LED connected on pin 10 const int PIN_BLUE = 11; //Blue LED connected on Pin 11 const int LIGHT_SENSOR_PIN = A0; // Connecting the Photoresistor to Pin A0 //Color intensities and direction //Initial Values for the Fading Rainbow Color Mode int red = 254; int green = 1; int blue = 117; int red_direction = -1; int green_direction = 1; int blue_direction = -1; // Function to set the color of the RGB LED void setColor(int R, int G, int B) { analogWrite(PIN_RED, R); analogWrite(PIN_GREEN, G); analogWrite(PIN_BLUE, B); } // Declaration of changing variables int ledState = 1; // tracks the current state of LED int ldrState = 1; // tracks the current state of LED int lastlightButtonState; // the previous state of the light button int currentlightButtonState; // the current state of the light button int lastLDRButtonState; // the previous state of the ldr button int currentLDRButtonState; // the current state of the ldr button int analogValue; // tracks the light intensity from the LDR int brightness; // tracks the brightness extracted from the analog Input void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Settings the Inputs and Outputs of the previously specified pins pinMode(BUTTON_PIN_LIGHT, INPUT); pinMode(PIN_RED, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_GREEN, OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_BLUE, OUTPUT); // Detect initial values of the buttons currentlightButtonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN_LIGHT); currentLDRButtonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN_LDR); } void loop() { lastlightButtonState = currentlightButtonState; // Store Previous State of the light button currentlightButtonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN_LIGHT); // Get new state of the light button // Same for the LDR Button lastLDRButtonState = currentLDRButtonState; currentLDRButtonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN_LDR); // Gets the Analog Value from the LDR Sensor Serial.print("Light Sensor Value: "); analogValue = analogRead(LIGHT_SENSOR_PIN); // read the input on analog pin Serial.println(analogValue); // Detects if there has been a change in the state of the switch - if it has been pressed if(lastLDRButtonState == HIGH && currentLDRButtonState == LOW) { Serial.println("LDR (Blue) Button is pressed: "); // Change state of LDR Switch if(ldrState == LOW) { ldrState = HIGH; Serial.println("Turning Brightness Variation on"); } else { ldrState = LOW; Serial.println("Turning Brightness Variation off"); } } if (ldrState==HIGH){ // If the Brightness option has been switched on brightness = map(analogValue, 0,1023, 0, 255); } else{ // Otherwise brightness = 255; } // If the light button has been toggled if(lastlightButtonState == HIGH && currentlightButtonState == LOW) { Serial.print("Light (Yellow) Button is pressed: "); Serial.println(ledState); // Change the state of LED if(ledState == 0) { ledState = 1; setColor(0, 0, 0); //set LED to Off } else if (ledState == 1){ ledState = 2; Serial.println("Turning LED Rainbow"); } else if (ledState == 2){ ledState = 3; Serial.println("Turning LED Blue"); } else if (ledState == 3){ ledState = 4; Serial.println("Turning LED Green"); } else{ ledState = 0; Serial.println("Turning LED Red"); } } // Changing the colors of the LEDs depending on the State they should be in if (ledState == 2){ red = red + red_direction; green = green + green_direction; blue = blue + blue_direction; // Change direction for each color if it reaches 255 if (red >= brightness || red <= 0) { red_direction = red_direction * -1; } if (green >= brightness || green <= 0) { green_direction = green_direction * -1; } if (blue >= brightness || blue <= 0) { blue_direction = blue_direction * -1; } setColor(red, green, blue); } else if (ledState == 3){ setColor(0, 0, brightness); //set LED to Blue } else if (ledState == 4){ setColor(0, brightness, 0); //set LED to Green } else if (ledState == 0){ setColor(brightness, 0, 0); //set LED to Red } } // References taken from: // // //
// Declaration of Constants
const int BUTTON_PIN_LIGHT = 7;  // Connecting the Light Button to Pin 7
const int BUTTON_PIN_LDR = 8;  // Connecting the Photoresistor Button to Pin 7
const int PIN_RED   = 9; //Red LED connected on pin 9
const int PIN_GREEN = 10; //Green LED connected on pin 10
const int PIN_BLUE  = 11; //Blue LED connected on Pin 11
const int LIGHT_SENSOR_PIN = A0; // Connecting the Photoresistor to Pin A0
//Color intensities and direction
//Initial Values for the Fading Rainbow Color Mode
int red             = 254;
int green           = 1;
int blue            = 117;
int red_direction   = -1;
int green_direction = 1;
int blue_direction  = -1;
// Function to set the color of the RGB LED
void setColor(int R, int G, int B) {
  analogWrite(PIN_RED,   R);
  analogWrite(PIN_GREEN, G);
  analogWrite(PIN_BLUE,  B);

// Declaration of changing variables
int ledState = 1; // tracks the current state of LED
int ldrState = 1; // tracks the current state of LED
int lastlightButtonState; // the previous state of the light button
int currentlightButtonState; // the current state of the light button
int lastLDRButtonState; // the previous state of the ldr button
int currentLDRButtonState; // the current state of the ldr button
int analogValue; // tracks the light intensity from the LDR
int brightness; // tracks the brightness extracted from the analog Input
void setup() {
  // Settings the Inputs and Outputs of the previously specified pins
  pinMode(PIN_RED,   OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PIN_BLUE,  OUTPUT);
  // Detect initial values of the buttons
  currentlightButtonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN_LIGHT);
  currentLDRButtonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN_LDR);
void loop() {
  lastlightButtonState  = currentlightButtonState; // Store Previous State of the light button
  currentlightButtonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN_LIGHT); // Get new state of the light button
  // Same for the LDR Button
  lastLDRButtonState  = currentLDRButtonState;
  currentLDRButtonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN_LDR);

  // Gets the Analog Value from the LDR Sensor
  Serial.print("Light Sensor Value: ");
  analogValue = analogRead(LIGHT_SENSOR_PIN); // read the input on analog pin

  // Detects if there has been a change in the state of the switch - if it has been pressed
  if(lastLDRButtonState == HIGH && currentLDRButtonState == LOW) {
    Serial.println("LDR (Blue) Button is pressed: ");
    // Change state of LDR Switch
    if(ldrState == LOW) {
       ldrState = HIGH;  
       Serial.println("Turning Brightness Variation on");
    else {
      ldrState = LOW;
      Serial.println("Turning Brightness Variation off");

  if (ldrState==HIGH){  // If the Brightness option has been switched on
    brightness = map(analogValue, 0,1023, 0, 255);
  else{ // Otherwise
    brightness = 255;

  // If the light button has been toggled
  if(lastlightButtonState == HIGH && currentlightButtonState == LOW) {
    Serial.print("Light (Yellow) Button is pressed: ");

    // Change the state of LED
    if(ledState == 0) {
       ledState = 1;  
       setColor(0, 0, 0); //set LED to Off
    else if (ledState == 1){
      ledState = 2;
      Serial.println("Turning LED Rainbow");
    else if (ledState == 2){
      ledState = 3;
      Serial.println("Turning LED Blue");
    else if (ledState == 3){
      ledState = 4;
      Serial.println("Turning LED Green");
      ledState = 0;
      Serial.println("Turning LED Red");
  // Changing the colors of the LEDs depending on the State they should be in
  if (ledState == 2){
      red = red + red_direction;
      green = green + green_direction;
      blue = blue + blue_direction;
      // Change direction for each color if it reaches 255
      if (red >= brightness || red <= 0)
        red_direction = red_direction * -1;
      if (green >= brightness || green <= 0)
        green_direction = green_direction * -1;
      if (blue >= brightness || blue <= 0)
        blue_direction = blue_direction * -1;
      setColor(red, green, blue);
  else if (ledState == 3){
    setColor(0, 0, brightness); //set LED to Blue
  else if (ledState == 4){
    setColor(0, brightness, 0); //set LED to Green
  else if (ledState == 0){
    setColor(brightness, 0, 0); //set LED to Red

// References taken from:


The code is making use of complex state machines, particularly the ledState, and even the ldrState. These states are toggled with the pressing of buttons, and then ultimately control the modifications to other values

Difficulties & Improvements

As I am controlling the brightness, in the RGB LED, I was able to control the brightness when each individual light was switched on only itself with some discrete value. However, as the values fluctuated for the Rainbow mode, the implementation of the Brightness option did not go as planned:

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if (ledState == 2){
red = red + red_direction;
green = green + green_direction;
blue = blue + blue_direction;
// Change direction for each color if it reaches 255
if (red >= brightness || red <= 0)
red_direction = red_direction * -1;
if (green >= brightness || green <= 0)
green_direction = green_direction * -1;
if (blue >= brightness || blue <= 0)
blue_direction = blue_direction * -1;
setColor(red, green, blue);
if (ledState == 2){ red = red + red_direction; green = green + green_direction; blue = blue + blue_direction; // Change direction for each color if it reaches 255 if (red >= brightness || red <= 0) { red_direction = red_direction * -1; } if (green >= brightness || green <= 0) { green_direction = green_direction * -1; } if (blue >= brightness || blue <= 0) { blue_direction = blue_direction * -1; } setColor(red, green, blue); }
if (ledState == 2){
    red = red + red_direction;
    green = green + green_direction;
    blue = blue + blue_direction;
    // Change direction for each color if it reaches 255
    if (red >= brightness || red <= 0)
      red_direction = red_direction * -1;
    if (green >= brightness || green <= 0)
      green_direction = green_direction * -1;
    if (blue >= brightness || blue <= 0)
      blue_direction = blue_direction * -1;
    setColor(red, green, blue);

As shown above, I have tried to set the maximum values as the brightness, however, since the values are changing very fast, there is some issue with the brightness not being adjusted with the above code. I have tried to implement the usage of MOD, like red%brightness, but that has resulted in no effort either!

Assignment 5: Unusual Switch


As part of the 5th Assignment of Intro to IM, being tasked with using creativity to build a switch, I tried to think of a practical use case of such a switch. In the process of brainstorming, while I was having water in a mug, I tried to sip but realized the mug was empty. This triggered an idea for me to design a mug, which essentially indicates the level of water that remains within it.


With limitations of equipment available, I had to make do with the things I had around me and within the Kit provided.Hence, I decided to use three lights, which could intuitively indicate the level of water in the mug – Red (Low), Yellow (Medium), and Green (High). As for the mug, to demonstrate the idea, I decided to use a transparent container (which I got with my Iftar Meal from D2), and connected the + (Power/Positive) of the three LED Bulbs at different levels, and connected Ground at the lowest level. Hence, when there was water in the Container, the LED Bulbs would light up according to the level of water that was left in the container.

Pictures of Circuit

With this, I produced the following circuit:

Demo Video

A demo video, in detail, can be seen here:


While the existing version of the tool does not use any code, the utilization of the Arduino Coding Environment could make it more advanced, such that allowing us to only have the ‘highest level’ of LED switched on. In our case, when the water level is the highest, all three LEDs stay switched on, and with code we could reduce that to the light only on that level being switched on.

Midterm Project


As part of my Mid term project, the idea was to create a game that is similar to the traditional ‘space-ship’ games, combined with the ‘infinite-runner’ game ideology. This would essentially be a canvas, where a rocket starts from the bottom, has freedom to move around, with the background moving, depicting a running environment. The objective would be for the rocket to dodge some meteors falling from the sky, and also to fuel up with cans that become available in intervals.

The graphical objects that I used are:

How it functions?

The outcome, from the above mentioned ideology, is a single-player ‘Rocket Rage’ game, which starts off with the a screen to allow a user to choose the difficulty, and also lay out instructions. On top of this, it also keeps track of the Top Score so far (on the local machine), in both difficulty modes!

The following snippet shows how it will look on the canvas:

Once the user chooses their difficulty, they are progressed to the next phase where they can control the Rocket. The objective is to dodge everything that comes, except the Fuel. There is a running score, and decreasing fuel with only one chance to go!

How that would look like can be seen as follows:

Embedded Sketch:

The p5js final sketch is as follows:

Link to Sketch:


Something I really am proud of are the usage of the rotational ability of moving the rocket at angles, it was particularly challenging to figure out the logic for this. Moreover, I also learnt the usage of local storage, so that was another challenge initially.

Moreover, the appropriate usage and updating of boolean state variables was very challenging to keep track of. Pausing with the mouse click, and making sure the game has started for it to be paused. There were state variables used even for the first Menu Screen as well. This was something that I found to be a hassle to deal with!

Code Snippets:

For Rotating the Rocket:

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// store the current drawing matrix
// move the origin to where the rocket is
translate(rocketX, rocketY);
// rotate using our angle variable
rotate(radians(angle) )
image(rocket,0, 0, 80, 75.6)
// restore the previous drawing matrix
// ROTATING THE ROCKET // store the current drawing matrix push() // move the origin to where the rocket is translate(rocketX, rocketY); // rotate using our angle variable rotate(radians(angle) ) imageMode(CENTER) image(rocket,0, 0, 80, 75.6) // restore the previous drawing matrix pop()
// store the current drawing matrix
// move the origin to where the rocket is
translate(rocketX, rocketY);
// rotate using our angle variable
rotate(radians(angle) )
image(rocket,0, 0, 80, 75.6)
// restore the previous drawing matrix

Code for the Asteroids class:

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class Asteroid {
// Assigning random position and speed to the asteroid
this.x = random(60,590);
this.speed = random(2,5)
this.size = random(30,90);
this.y = 5+ this.size/2;
// Assigning random image to the asteroid
this.pic = random([asteroid_1, asteroid_2, fireball_1])
// Displaying the asteroid
image(this.pic, this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size);
// Setting the boundaries of each Asteroid
this.Top = this.y-this.size/2
this.Bottom = this.y+this.size/2
this.Right = this.x+this.size/2
this.Left = this.x-this.size/2+5
if(this.pic == asteroid_2){
this.Top = this.y-this.size/3+15
this.Bottom = this.y+this.size/3
this.Right = this.x+this.size/3
this.Left = this.x-this.size/2
if(this.pic == fireball_1){
this.Top = this.y-this.size/3+15
this.Bottom = this.y+this.size/3
this.Right = this.x+this.size/3-5
this.Left = this.x-this.size/3+5
// Moving thr asteroid
this.y += this.speed;
// Detecting if no collision between rocket and asteroid
if ((rocketTop > this.Bottom || rocketLeft > this.Right || rocketRight < this.Left || rocketBottom < this.Top)){
collision = false;
// Otherwise ending the game
class Asteroid { constructor(){ // Assigning random position and speed to the asteroid this.x = random(60,590); this.speed = random(2,5) this.size = random(30,90); this.y = 5+ this.size/2; // Assigning random image to the asteroid this.pic = random([asteroid_1, asteroid_2, fireball_1]) fill(255); } display(){ // Displaying the asteroid imageMode(CENTER); image(this.pic, this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size); imageMode(CORNER); // Setting the boundaries of each Asteroid this.Top = this.y-this.size/2 this.Bottom = this.y+this.size/2 this.Right = this.x+this.size/2 this.Left = this.x-this.size/2+5 if(this.pic == asteroid_2){ this.Top = this.y-this.size/3+15 this.Bottom = this.y+this.size/3 this.Right = this.x+this.size/3 this.Left = this.x-this.size/2 } if(this.pic == fireball_1){ this.Top = this.y-this.size/3+15 this.Bottom = this.y+this.size/3 this.Right = this.x+this.size/3-5 this.Left = this.x-this.size/3+5 } } move(){ // Moving thr asteroid this.y += this.speed; } collision(){ // Detecting if no collision between rocket and asteroid if ((rocketTop > this.Bottom || rocketLeft > this.Right || rocketRight < this.Left || rocketBottom < this.Top)){ collision = false; } else{ // Otherwise ending the game resetVariables(); } } }
class Asteroid {

    // Assigning random position and speed to the asteroid
    this.x = random(60,590);
    this.speed = random(2,5)
    this.size = random(30,90);
    this.y = 5+ this.size/2;
    // Assigning random image to the asteroid
    this.pic = random([asteroid_1, asteroid_2, fireball_1])

    // Displaying the asteroid
    image(this.pic, this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size);

    // Setting the boundaries of each Asteroid

    this.Top = this.y-this.size/2
    this.Bottom = this.y+this.size/2
    this.Right = this.x+this.size/2
    this.Left = this.x-this.size/2+5

    if(this.pic == asteroid_2){
      this.Top = this.y-this.size/3+15
      this.Bottom = this.y+this.size/3
      this.Right = this.x+this.size/3
      this.Left = this.x-this.size/2

    if(this.pic == fireball_1){
      this.Top = this.y-this.size/3+15
      this.Bottom = this.y+this.size/3
      this.Right = this.x+this.size/3-5
      this.Left = this.x-this.size/3+5

    // Moving thr asteroid
    this.y += this.speed;

    // Detecting if no collision between rocket and asteroid
    if ((rocketTop > this.Bottom || rocketLeft > this.Right || rocketRight < this.Left || rocketBottom < this.Top)){
      collision = false;
      // Otherwise ending the game



Areas of Improvement:

I think something that can be improved is having the ability to unlock more levels, or even choose different rockets. Having done the minimum viable product for the game, I tried to build on the functionality of choosing the rocket and it seemed to be breaking the other state variables. Therefore, I think planning out the different states of the games and then coding accordingly is something I can take away from this!

Midterm Project: Initial Documentation

Concept & Design

As part of my Mid term project, the idea is to create a game that is similar to the traditional ‘space-ship’ games, combined with the ‘infinite-runner’ game ideology. This would essentially be a canvas, where a rocket starts from the bottom, has freedom to move around, with the background moving, depicting a running environment. The objective would be for the rocket to dodge some meteors falling from the sky, and also to fuel up with cans that become available in intervals.

The graphical objects that I gathered so far are:

Code Structure & Progress

The code structure is intended to be Object Oriented and Modular. As of right now, I have a canvas with a background that repeats itself smoothly and a Rocket that moves around the canvas, wraps around the sides.

The Asteroids will be made to ‘spawn’ with time, and then as soon as they exit the screen, they will be respawned from the top end of the screen again.


There will be more clarity of the complexity as I start running into issues, however, the primary objective of mine is to provide controls to the rocket such that it is rotatable. I will have to use mathematical calculations with the ‘right’ and ‘left’ keys to ensure the rocket does not flip its image to the right and left directions, instead it bends at an angle as the right and left keys are pressed. This is a functionality that I shall experiment and figure out!

Another functionality that I envision to add is local storage on the Chrome Browser to keep track of a ‘score’, and record the highest score. Only the highest score shall be saved per device.

Assignment 4: Generative Text

Concept & Inspiration

Aaron Sherwood’s portfolio website had me impressed since the past 2 years, and it had been on my to-do list of things to learn just because of how addictive its animations were. Therefore, I decided to pursue this assignment in p5js to produce something similar and learn something new.

The website I took inspiration from is linked here

Embedded Canvas

The assignment outcome is attached as an embedded sketch as follows:


The methodology to convert the text to points:

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function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 400);
for (let i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) {
let points = font.textToPoints(texts[i], 50 + i * 150, height / 2,50, {sampleFactor: 0.75, simplifyThreshold: 0 });
for (let j = 0; j < points.length; j++) {
let p = new Particle(points[j].x, points[j].y);
function setup() { createCanvas(600, 400); textSize(64); textFont(font); for (let i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) { let points = font.textToPoints(texts[i], 50 + i * 150, height / 2,50, {sampleFactor: 0.75, simplifyThreshold: 0 }); for (let j = 0; j < points.length; j++) { let p = new Particle(points[j].x, points[j].y); particles.push(p); } } }
function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 400);

  for (let i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) {
    let points = font.textToPoints(texts[i], 50 + i * 150, height / 2,50, {sampleFactor: 0.75, simplifyThreshold: 0 });
    for (let j = 0; j < points.length; j++) {
      let p = new Particle(points[j].x, points[j].y);

Object Oriented Nature of the Particles!

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class Particle {
constructor(x, y) {
this.pos = createVector(x, y);
this.vel = createVector(random(-1, 1), random(-1, 1));
this.acc = createVector(0, 0); = createVector(x, y);
this.size = 2;
this.maxSpeed = 2;
this.maxForce = 0.1;
this.attractRadius = 50;
this.attractForce = 0.1;
this.color = color(255, 255, 255);
behaviors() {
let arrive = this.arrive(;
repel() {
let mouse = createVector(mouseX, mouseY);
let distance = p5.Vector.dist(this.pos, mouse);
if (distance < this.attractRadius) {
let repelForce = p5.Vector.sub(this.pos, mouse).normalize().mult(this.attractForce);
attract() {
let mouse = createVector(mouseX, mouseY);
let distance = p5.Vector.dist(this.pos, mouse);
if (distance < this.attractRadius) {
let attractForce = p5.Vector.sub(mouse, this.pos).normalize().mult(this.attractForce);
applyForce(f) {
arrive(target) {
let desired = p5.Vector.sub(target, this.pos);
let d = desired.mag();
let speed = this.maxSpeed;
if (d < 100) {
speed = map(d, 0, 100, 0, this.maxSpeed);
let steer = p5.Vector.sub(desired, this.vel);
return steer;
update() {
show() {
// Set the fill color based on the velocity of the particle
let vel = this.vel.mag();
if (vel < 0.5) {
this.color = color(255, 0, 0); // red
} else if (vel < 1) {
this.color = color(255, 255, 0); // yellow
} else {
this.color = color(255, 255, 255); // white
ellipse(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.size, this.size);
class Particle { constructor(x, y) { this.pos = createVector(x, y); this.vel = createVector(random(-1, 1), random(-1, 1)); this.acc = createVector(0, 0); = createVector(x, y); this.size = 2; this.maxSpeed = 2; this.maxForce = 0.1; this.attractRadius = 50; this.attractForce = 0.1; this.color = color(255, 255, 255); } behaviors() { let arrive = this.arrive(; this.applyForce(arrive); this.repel(); } repel() { let mouse = createVector(mouseX, mouseY); let distance = p5.Vector.dist(this.pos, mouse); if (distance < this.attractRadius) { let repelForce = p5.Vector.sub(this.pos, mouse).normalize().mult(this.attractForce); this.applyForce(repelForce); } } attract() { let mouse = createVector(mouseX, mouseY); let distance = p5.Vector.dist(this.pos, mouse); if (distance < this.attractRadius) { let attractForce = p5.Vector.sub(mouse, this.pos).normalize().mult(this.attractForce); this.applyForce(attractForce); } } applyForce(f) { this.acc.add(f); } arrive(target) { let desired = p5.Vector.sub(target, this.pos); let d = desired.mag(); let speed = this.maxSpeed; if (d < 100) { speed = map(d, 0, 100, 0, this.maxSpeed); } desired.setMag(speed); let steer = p5.Vector.sub(desired, this.vel); steer.limit(this.maxForce); return steer; } update() { this.pos.add(this.vel); this.vel.add(this.acc); this.acc.mult(0); } show() { // Set the fill color based on the velocity of the particle let vel = this.vel.mag(); if (vel < 0.5) { this.color = color(255, 0, 0); // red } else if (vel < 1) { this.color = color(255, 255, 0); // yellow } else { this.color = color(255, 255, 255); // white } fill(this.color); noStroke(); ellipse(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.size, this.size); } }
class Particle {
  constructor(x, y) {
    this.pos = createVector(x, y);
    this.vel = createVector(random(-1, 1), random(-1, 1));
    this.acc = createVector(0, 0); = createVector(x, y);
    this.size = 2;
    this.maxSpeed = 2;
    this.maxForce = 0.1;
    this.attractRadius = 50;
    this.attractForce = 0.1;
    this.color = color(255, 255, 255);


  behaviors() {
    let arrive = this.arrive(;

  repel() {
    let mouse = createVector(mouseX, mouseY);
    let distance = p5.Vector.dist(this.pos, mouse);
    if (distance < this.attractRadius) {
      let repelForce = p5.Vector.sub(this.pos, mouse).normalize().mult(this.attractForce);
    attract() {
    let mouse = createVector(mouseX, mouseY);
    let distance = p5.Vector.dist(this.pos, mouse);
    if (distance < this.attractRadius) {
      let attractForce = p5.Vector.sub(mouse, this.pos).normalize().mult(this.attractForce);

  applyForce(f) {

  arrive(target) {
    let desired = p5.Vector.sub(target, this.pos);
    let d = desired.mag();
    let speed = this.maxSpeed;
    if (d < 100) {
      speed = map(d, 0, 100, 0, this.maxSpeed);
    let steer = p5.Vector.sub(desired, this.vel);
    return steer;

  update() {

  show() {
    // Set the fill color based on the velocity of the particle
    let vel = this.vel.mag();
    if (vel < 0.5) {
      this.color = color(255, 0, 0); // red
    } else if (vel < 1) {
      this.color = color(255, 255, 0); // yellow
    } else {
      this.color = color(255, 255, 255); // white

    ellipse(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.size, this.size);



The primary issue I faced was to discover the font.textToPoints() function and its complex usage. The other difficult bits was to repel or attract the points and adjust the speed and colors of it!

Assignment 3: Generative Art!


For the Third Assignment, my aim was to incorporate everything we have learned in class such as Arrays, collisions, and Classes, and use it to create an engaging piece of art. Initially, I planned to create a intricate animation, but realized that it was beyond the scope of the assignment. So, I settled on creating an animation that would pique the viewer’s interest and leave them wondering about how it was created.

I started off with replicating an in-class example of dropping snowflakes, which were reproduced, and I thought of replacing that with colored circles over a black background. This did look interesting, but seemed a bit basic – the circles were originally only rebounding from the walls (edges of the canvas). So I developed it further such that they collide with each other and exchange their speeds to seem interesting. Then, developing it further, I added a Neon Image on top of it and exchanged the images on collision as well.

I achieved a mixture of Chaos, but order. Everything had its set path – an order to follow. However, a lot of order among multiple objects that were not coordinated amongst each other caused Chaos. This is something I drew as an inspiration from an in-class discussion.

Embedded Canvas

The assignment outcome is attached as an embedded sketch as follows:

Try pressing the ‘m’ key! (In case it does not work, make sure to have clicked on the canvas)


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// Note: Press 'm' to view a messy functionality
let circles = []; //Array to store the circles
let noCircles = 20; //Number of circles that appear on the screen
let messup=false; //To enable the messy functionality
//Function to preload the graphics. This would load all the graphics before the setup function is run
function preload() {
purple_img = loadImage('purple.png');
green_img = loadImage('green.png');
red_img = loadImage('red.png');
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
// Create objects of the class Circle and store them in an array
for (let i = 0; i < noCircles; i++) {
// A random positioning and size of each circle
let r = random(10, 30);
let x = random(0, width-2*r);
let y = random(0, height-2*r);
// Check if a circle with the same position and size already exists
let overlap = false;
for (let j = 0; j < circles.length; j++) {
let distance = dist(x, y, circles[j].x, circles[j].y);
if (distance < r + circles[j].r) {
overlap = true;
// If there is no overlap, create a new circle
if (!overlap) {
circles[i] = new Circle(x, y, r);
} else {
// The above code blocks avoid any colliding circles being drawn in the initial stages
function draw() {
// Display objects in the array and update their position
for (let i = 0; i < circles.length; i++) {
// Check for collisions between circles
for (let j = i + 1; j < circles.length; j++) {
if (circles[i].collidesWith(circles[j])) {
// If the messup functionality has been set, a different collision resolve function is called
if (messup==true){
// Circle object
class Circle {
constructor(x, y, r) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.r = r;
this.speed = random(1, 5);
this.dx = random(-this.speed, this.speed);
this.dy = random(-this.speed, this.speed);
// A Number that checks the image_type to choose from the 3 types that we have
this.image_type = int(random(1,4));
display() {
// The circle image is displayed, depending on the image it got allotted in the constructor
image(green_img, this.x, this.y, this.r*2, this.r*2);
else if(this.image_type%3==2){
image(purple_img, this.x, this.y, this.r*2, this.r*2);
image(red_img, this.x, this.y, this.r*2, this.r*2);
update() {
this.x += this.dx;
this.y += this.dy;
// Check for collisions with the edges of the canvas
if (this.x + this.r*2 > width || this.x < 0) {
this.dx = -this.dx;
if (this.y + this.r*2 > height || this.y < 0) {
this.dy = -this.dy;
// Checks for collision with one another
collidesWith(other) {
// Calculates the distance between the current object and other objects
let distance = dist(this.x, this.y, other.x, other.y);
// If it is less than a threshold, it has collided!
return distance < this.r + other.r;
// Once a collision is detected from the above function, the following function is called. It changes the speed of each, changes the image type with the other
resolveCollision(other) {
let tempX = this.dx;
let tempY = this.dy;
this.dx = other.dx;
this.dy = other.dy;
other.dx = tempX;
other.dy = tempY;
other.image_type = this.image_type;
// The following block of code was a modification of the above function which did not seem to work as I wanted it to, however it actually did something more artsy and interesting that I wanted to keep it as a hidden functionality to play with!
resolveCollisionWeird(other) {
let angle = atan2(other.y - this.y, other.x - this.x);
let overlap =
(this.r + other.r) - dist(this.x, this.y, other.x, other.y);
this.x += cos(angle) * overlap / 2;
this.y += sin(angle) * overlap / 2;
other.x -= cos(angle) * overlap / 2;
other.y -= sin(angle) * overlap / 2;
let tempX = this.dx;
let tempY = this.dy;
this.dx = other.dx;
this.dy = other.dy;
other.dx = tempX;
other.dy = tempY;
// In the case that the key 'm' is pressed, the collision works differently.
function keyPressed(){
if (key == 'm'){
// Note: Press 'm' to view a messy functionality let circles = []; //Array to store the circles let noCircles = 20; //Number of circles that appear on the screen let messup=false; //To enable the messy functionality //Function to preload the graphics. This would load all the graphics before the setup function is run function preload() { purple_img = loadImage('purple.png'); green_img = loadImage('green.png'); red_img = loadImage('red.png'); } function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); // Create objects of the class Circle and store them in an array for (let i = 0; i < noCircles; i++) { // A random positioning and size of each circle let r = random(10, 30); let x = random(0, width-2*r); let y = random(0, height-2*r); // Check if a circle with the same position and size already exists let overlap = false; for (let j = 0; j < circles.length; j++) { let distance = dist(x, y, circles[j].x, circles[j].y); if (distance < r + circles[j].r) { overlap = true; break; } } // If there is no overlap, create a new circle if (!overlap) { circles[i] = new Circle(x, y, r); } else { i--; } // The above code blocks avoid any colliding circles being drawn in the initial stages } } function draw() { background(0); // Display objects in the array and update their position for (let i = 0; i < circles.length; i++) { circles[i].update(); circles[i].display(); // Check for collisions between circles for (let j = i + 1; j < circles.length; j++) { if (circles[i].collidesWith(circles[j])) { // If the messup functionality has been set, a different collision resolve function is called if (messup==true){ circles[i].resolveCollisionWeird(circles[j]); } else{ circles[i].resolveCollision(circles[j]); } } } } } // Circle object class Circle { constructor(x, y, r) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.r = r; this.speed = random(1, 5); this.dx = random(-this.speed, this.speed); this.dy = random(-this.speed, this.speed); // A Number that checks the image_type to choose from the 3 types that we have this.image_type = int(random(1,4)); } display() { // The circle image is displayed, depending on the image it got allotted in the constructor if(this.image_type%3==1){ image(green_img, this.x, this.y, this.r*2, this.r*2); } else if(this.image_type%3==2){ image(purple_img, this.x, this.y, this.r*2, this.r*2); } else{ image(red_img, this.x, this.y, this.r*2, this.r*2); } } update() { this.x += this.dx; this.y += this.dy; // Check for collisions with the edges of the canvas if (this.x + this.r*2 > width || this.x < 0) { this.dx = -this.dx; } if (this.y + this.r*2 > height || this.y < 0) { this.dy = -this.dy; } } // Checks for collision with one another collidesWith(other) { // Calculates the distance between the current object and other objects let distance = dist(this.x, this.y, other.x, other.y); // If it is less than a threshold, it has collided! return distance < this.r + other.r; } // Once a collision is detected from the above function, the following function is called. It changes the speed of each, changes the image type with the other resolveCollision(other) { let tempX = this.dx; let tempY = this.dy; this.dx = other.dx; this.dy = other.dy; other.dx = tempX; other.dy = tempY; other.image_type = this.image_type; } // The following block of code was a modification of the above function which did not seem to work as I wanted it to, however it actually did something more artsy and interesting that I wanted to keep it as a hidden functionality to play with! resolveCollisionWeird(other) { let angle = atan2(other.y - this.y, other.x - this.x); let overlap = (this.r + other.r) - dist(this.x, this.y, other.x, other.y); this.x += cos(angle) * overlap / 2; this.y += sin(angle) * overlap / 2; other.x -= cos(angle) * overlap / 2; other.y -= sin(angle) * overlap / 2; let tempX = this.dx; let tempY = this.dy; this.dx = other.dx; this.dy = other.dy; other.dx = tempX; other.dy = tempY; } } // In the case that the key 'm' is pressed, the collision works differently. function keyPressed(){ if (key == 'm'){ messup=true; } }
// Note: Press 'm' to view a messy functionality

let circles = []; //Array to store the circles
let noCircles = 20; //Number of circles that appear on the screen
let messup=false; //To enable the messy functionality

//Function to preload the graphics. This would load all the graphics before the setup function is run
function preload() {
  purple_img = loadImage('purple.png');
  green_img = loadImage('green.png');
  red_img = loadImage('red.png');


function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

  // Create objects of the class Circle and store them in an array
  for (let i = 0; i < noCircles; i++) {
    // A random positioning and size of each circle     
    let r = random(10, 30);
    let x = random(0, width-2*r);
    let y = random(0, height-2*r);

    // Check if a circle with the same position and size already exists
    let overlap = false;
    for (let j = 0; j < circles.length; j++) {
      let distance = dist(x, y, circles[j].x, circles[j].y);
      if (distance < r + circles[j].r) {
        overlap = true;

    // If there is no overlap, create a new circle
    if (!overlap) {
      circles[i] = new Circle(x, y, r);
    } else {
    // The above code blocks avoid any colliding circles being drawn in the initial stages

function draw() {

  // Display objects in the array and update their position
  for (let i = 0; i < circles.length; i++) {

    // Check for collisions between circles
    for (let j = i + 1; j < circles.length; j++) {
      if (circles[i].collidesWith(circles[j])) {
        // If the messup functionality has been set, a different collision resolve function is called
        if (messup==true){

// Circle object
class Circle {
  constructor(x, y, r) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.r = r;
    this.speed = random(1, 5);
    this.dx = random(-this.speed, this.speed);
    this.dy = random(-this.speed, this.speed);
    // A Number that checks the image_type to choose from the 3 types that we have
    this.image_type = int(random(1,4));

  display() {
    // The circle image is displayed, depending on the image it got allotted in the constructor
      image(green_img, this.x, this.y, this.r*2, this.r*2);
    else if(this.image_type%3==2){
      image(purple_img, this.x, this.y, this.r*2, this.r*2);
      image(red_img, this.x, this.y, this.r*2, this.r*2);

  update() {
    this.x += this.dx;
    this.y += this.dy;

    // Check for collisions with the edges of the canvas
    if (this.x + this.r*2 > width || this.x < 0) {
      this.dx = -this.dx;
    if (this.y + this.r*2 > height || this.y < 0) {
      this.dy = -this.dy;

  // Checks for collision with one another
  collidesWith(other) {
    // Calculates the distance between the current object and other objects
    let distance = dist(this.x, this.y, other.x, other.y);
    // If it is less than a threshold, it has collided!
    return distance < this.r + other.r;

  // Once a collision is detected from the above function, the following function is called. It changes the speed of each, changes the image type with the other
  resolveCollision(other) {
    let tempX = this.dx;
    let tempY = this.dy;
    this.dx = other.dx;
    this.dy = other.dy;
    other.dx = tempX;
    other.dy = tempY;
    other.image_type = this.image_type;
  // The following block of code was a modification of the above function which did not seem to work as I wanted it to, however it actually did something more artsy and interesting that I wanted to keep it as a hidden functionality to play with!  
  resolveCollisionWeird(other) {
    let angle = atan2(other.y - this.y, other.x - this.x);
    let overlap = 
        (this.r + other.r) - dist(this.x, this.y, other.x, other.y);
    this.x += cos(angle) * overlap / 2;
    this.y += sin(angle) * overlap / 2;
    other.x -= cos(angle) * overlap / 2;
    other.y -= sin(angle) * overlap / 2;
    let tempX = this.dx;
    let tempY = this.dy;
    this.dx = other.dx;
    this.dy = other.dy;
    other.dx = tempX;
    other.dy = tempY;

// In the case that the key 'm' is pressed, the collision works differently.
function keyPressed(){
  if (key == 'm'){



A small problem that I ran into was an issue where some of the images were colliding up to a point where an overlap could be observed. Since I started off with ellipses instead of the images, I was using their centre as a reference point, however, changing that to an image caused a shift in the reference point, which was now the top left of the image. This caused multiple issues including the one mentioned in the beginning of this paragraph.

It may not be noticeable to everyone, however I tried to resolve the issue and instead came up with something chaotic. You can press ‘m’ to see that!

The full canvas is linked here.

Assignment 2: Creative Piece!


As part of the second assignment, for which the task was to produce a creative piece, something that caught my attention was the following image from COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND ART Aug1977.

Therefore, I decided to replicate that, but not only replicate a single instance, but make it interactive such that I can essentially see every single one of the types of squares. Starting off with a basic Mouse Movement in the in-class exercise, I built upon it to make it move periodically over a speed as an automated animation. When that was done, I moved forward with adding more colors and making it playful! If you press the RIGHT ARROW, LEFT ARROW, or the ‘a’ key, you can add specific colors!

The reason I made the animation squares move automatically in the manner seen below was to replicate the old ‘DVD’ behavior in Screen Savers of Old Televisions!

Embedded Canvas

The final production for my assignment is as follows:


While the entire code is well commented, and very concise (linked below), one specific segment of it that I would like to share is the use of a single for loop with a map function to change the x and y directions of the animations. I started the usage of the map function to make the animation follow the mouse movement, however I later adapted it to be an automated sequence.

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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
// A loop to draw the different squares
for (let i = 0; i<230; i=i+20)
// Fill with the dark backgrounds in the pyramid style
// To add the different colors with the key presses, such that they are added in an incremental way
// For the Red Color
if (i==redColorCounter){
// For the Blue Color
if(i == blueColorCounter){
fill(0, 0, 255);
// For the Yellow Color
if(i == yellowColorCounter){
fill(255, 255, 0);
// Changing xPosition and the yPosition of the squares
xPos = i*(map(xInc, 250, 500, 1.0, 1.9))
yPos = i*(map(yInc, 250, 500, 1.0, 1.9))
rect(xPos,yPos, 500-(i*2))
// Make the colors 'climb' the different squares in the animation
// A loop to draw the different squares for (let i = 0; i<230; i=i+20) { // Fill with the dark backgrounds in the pyramid style fill(i,i,i); // To add the different colors with the key presses, such that they are added in an incremental way // For the Red Color if (i==redColorCounter){ fill(255,160,122) } // For the Blue Color if(i == blueColorCounter){ fill(0, 0, 255); } // For the Yellow Color if(i == yellowColorCounter){ fill(255, 255, 0); } // Changing xPosition and the yPosition of the squares xPos = i*(map(xInc, 250, 500, 1.0, 1.9)) yPos = i*(map(yInc, 250, 500, 1.0, 1.9)) rect(xPos,yPos, 500-(i*2)) } // Make the colors 'climb' the different squares in the animation redColorCounter+=20; blueColorCounter+=20; yellowColorCounter+=20; }
  // A loop to draw the different squares
  for (let i = 0; i<230; i=i+20)
      // Fill with the dark backgrounds in the pyramid style
      // To add the different colors with the key presses, such that they are added in an incremental way
      // For the Red Color
      if (i==redColorCounter){
      // For the Blue Color
      if(i == blueColorCounter){
        fill(0, 0, 255);
      // For the Yellow Color
      if(i == yellowColorCounter){
        fill(255, 255, 0);
      // Changing xPosition and the yPosition of the squares
      xPos = i*(map(xInc, 250, 500, 1.0, 1.9))
      yPos = i*(map(yInc, 250, 500, 1.0, 1.9))
      rect(xPos,yPos, 500-(i*2))
  // Make the colors 'climb' the different squares in the animation



As a future step, I really want to use a modular approach with functions and eliminate any and all duplications or repetitions of similar code pieces. One example would be the movement in the x & y directions by adding a function (which I tried but was not working the way I wanted it to!).

The full canvas is linked here.