Assignment 4- Generative text


In this assignment, out of the two prompts which we could provide a submission for, I decided to go with the “generative text” one. As usual, coming up with what to do was a challenge for me. I spent a lot of time going through YouTube videos and existing samples to draw inspiration from them but could not get any.  While perusing YouTube, I saw a video about Apple’s next big event. That was when it dawned on me that every time I got a new Apple device, the first welcome screen would write the word “hello” in many different languages. See below:

After watching the above video, I decided to recreate something similar to it.


The code starts by initializing my variables and the array to hold the “hello” translations to be displayed. A word class is created. The Word object is initialized with the first word in the words array. Then, each time the display() method is called, the current word is displayed, and index is incremented. When the index reaches the end of the array, it is reset to 0 so that the words cycle through from the beginning again. Finally, in the draw() function, a new Word object is created every 100 frames using the update index value. To make the words look just like that of Apple’s I had to download and import the “California” font using the preload() and loadFont() functions.  I initially had the translations in so many languages including Japanese, Chinese and some other languages but the font-type I decided to use did not have support for writing in these languages so i had to take them out of my array.




In a future version, i intend to add more style to the written texts. I intend to make the display appear as though it is being written by hand just as it is in the original piece by Apple.



Assignment 3- Generative Arts OOP


In this third assignment, we were to Create a generative artwork using Object-Oriented Programming. Starting with the assignment, I struggled to find a source of inspiration. The artworks I came across that I could use as my inspiration were very difficult to create( at least to my liking ). I finally decided to create something off the ball example we saw in class; I could only think of a snowy scene(something more like a winter period scene).


My implementation basically makes use of shapes(ellipse), sound and an image. As required by the assignment, I used functions, classes, and arrays. I created a Snowflake class that represents a single snowflake. Each Snowflake object has an x and y position, a radius, and a speed that determines how fast it falls down the screen. In the setup() function, I create an array of 100 Snowflake objects with random positions, radii, and speeds. In the draw() function, I update and draw each Snowflake object by calling its move() and draw() methods. The move() method moves the snowflake down the screen and wraps it around to the top if it goes off the bottom. The draw() method simply draws the snowflake as an ellipse on the canvas. I also used the preload function to load a vector image as the background which I downloaded from “deposit photos” and included a piece of royalty-free background music which I downloaded from YouTube.



In a future version I hope to be able to include wind and its effect on the direction of the snowflakes. I also hope to add some clouds and other features to make the whole simulation resemble a real snowstorm.

Assignment 2- Art(Static Noise)


In this assignment, we were required to use the knowledge we acquired in class( mainly loops) to create an art of any form. At first, I tried out so many random combinations of shapes and loops to create a generative art drawing inspiration from so many online sources but I could not really come up with something very inspiring and aesthetically pleasing to me. As I kept on searching I came across the image below.

The image Image above is an image of what we term “Static noise”. It’s basically an output to a television screen when there is a bad signal.


I decided to recreate this using p5js. At first i tried out several shapes and finally settled on using rectangles. Using for loop, i generated several small rectangles to fill up the whole canvas and then used the random function to also give them color. The code is very simple and short. I used just two nested for loops in this assignment.


For me, my work for this assignment was very simple and less time consuming as compared to the first assignment. I think i am getting better at using p5js. I experimented on so many functions and was also able to add some sound to make the whole experience better.

Assignment 1- Self Portrait



In this Assignment we were to use p5Js to create a portrait of ourselves. I used basic shapes ( ellipses, rectangles, lines and arcs ) in creating my figure. I used hex color codes in generating the colors in my portrait. The diagram below shows the rough work and though process that went into producing my portrait( though it doe not look exactly like me ).


For the code, i used basic coding technique and involved no functions  on my own. In future, I intend to explore ways to make the portrait more interactive and dynamic. I intend make the eyes move relative to the position of the mouse, and also incorporate some objects into the background.