midterm project


For my midterm project, I created a spooky juggling game called Morbid Juggler. I thought of the concept in week 2, and for the project involving arrays and classes I made a simple game that lets users add balls using the keyboard and juggle them using the cursor. Morbid Juggler version 2 is built on top of the same motion logic, but instead of using standard input (mouse and keyboard), players have to use their webcam and their hands to interact with the game. To add a new ball, the user makes the “🤘” gesture with their left hand. The balls automatically move in a parabolic trajectory, and the goal of the game is to not drop the balls, i.e. catch them before they leave the screen. To catch a ball, users can use any hand and pinch their fingers and drag a ball across the screen. To throw the ball again, they just have to release the pinch.

How it works

The following explains the balls’ motion and is from my documentation for my week 2 project:

I save the initial time when an (eye)ball is created, and measure the time that has passed since. This allows me to use values of elapsedTime as a set of x values, which, when plugged into a quadratic equation, give a parabola. Changing the coefficients in the equation allows me to modify the shape of the parabola and thus the trajectory of the (eye)ball, such as how wide the arc created by its motion is. I played around with the coefficients and decided to use (0.4x)(2-x), which works nicely for a canvas of this size.

A more detailed explanation of how the balls are stored in memory and moved with each frame update can be found here.

For tracking hands using the webcam, I used a Javascript library called Handsfree.js. I was initially going to use PoseNet, but I realized it wasn’t the best for this use case. PoseNet’s landmark model tracks 17 points on the human body, but for my game, I didn’t need all that. I just needed to track the user’s fingers, and PoseNet only returns one keypoint for the user’s wrist. So, I looked up other libraries and found Handsfree.js, which is built on the same framework, Google’s Mediapipe, as PoseNet, but it is more geared towards hand tracking. It tracks all fingers and knuckles and even has built in gesture recognition to detect pinches, which is what my users would need to do to drag balls around the screen. Furthermore, it was very easy to train the model to recognize new gestures using the website. It lets you collect your own data and create a gesture model to plug into your code. For example, this is the code for recognizing the “🤘” gesture.

    name: "addBall",
    algorithm: "fingerpose",
    models: "hands",
    confidence: "9",
    description: [
      ["addCurl", "Thumb", "HalfCurl", 1],
      ["addDirection", "Thumb", "DiagonalUpRight", 1],
      ["addDirection", "Thumb", "VerticalUp", 0.19047619047619047],
      ["addCurl", "Index", "NoCurl", 1],
      ["addDirection", "Index", "VerticalUp", 0.3888888888888889],
      ["addDirection", "Index", "DiagonalUpLeft", 1],
      ["addCurl", "Middle", "FullCurl", 1],
      ["addDirection", "Middle", "VerticalUp", 1],
      ["addDirection", "Middle", "DiagonalUpLeft", 0.47058823529411764],
      ["addCurl", "Ring", "FullCurl", 1],
      ["addDirection", "Ring", "VerticalUp", 1],
      ["addDirection", "Ring", "DiagonalUpRight", 0.041666666666666664],
      ["addCurl", "Pinky", "NoCurl", 1],
      ["addDirection", "Pinky", "DiagonalUpRight", 1],
      ["addDirection", "Pinky", "VerticalUp", 0.9230769230769231],

Then I can use this information like so:

function addBall() {
  const hands = handsfree.data?.hands;
  if (hands?.gesture) {
    if (hands.gesture[0]?.name == "addBall") {
      let x = sketch.width - hands.landmarks[0][9].x * sketch.width;
      let y = hands.landmarks[0][9].y * sketch.height;
      console.log(x, y);
      balls.push(new Ball(x, y));
      canAddBall = false;
      // go to sleep for a second
      setTimeout(() => {
        canAddBall = true;
      }, 1000);

The hardest part of this project was working with Handsfree.js. There is criminally limited documentation available on the website, and I had to teach myself how to use it by looking at the few demo projects the author of the library had created. For hand tracking, there was a piece of code that closely approximated what I wanted to do. It loops through the hands in the object returned by handsfree.data, and for each hand, it loops through all the fingers. Each finger can be identified using its landmark, and its location and other information can be used elsewhere in the program. For example, in handsfree.data.landmarks[handIndex][fingertips[finger]], handIndex=0 and finger=8 represents the tip of the left index finger. In Morbid Juggler, when handsfree.data.pinchState for any hand or finger becomes held near a ball, the ball sticks to the tip of the pointer finger. When it becomes released, the ball restarts its parabolic motion.

To see the full code for the project, refer to the p5 web editor.

Playing the game

The game can be played here. When the project has loaded, click on ‘start game’. It takes a second for Handsfree to load. You can check if the game is fully loaded by waving your hands in front of your webcam. You should see the skeleton for your hand mapped on the canvas.

Make a “🤘” sign with your left hand (tuck in your thumb, and make your index and pinky straight!). You’ll see a new ball pop from between your fingers. Add a few more balls like this, but be quick! Don’t let them leave the screen, or the counter in the corner of the screen will tell you how badly you’re losing even after death. To keep the balls from falling off, pinch your fingers like you would pick up a real juggling ball, drag the ball you’re holding across the screen, and release your fingers somewhere near the bottom left corner of the screen, so the ball can travel again. You can add as many balls as you like — at your own risk.

Final thoughts

I think there’s still room to fine tune the hand tracking. If I were to upgrade the game, I would probably use a different library than Handsfree.js. The tracking information isn’t the most accurate, and neither is it consistent. For example, even when a hand is being held up still, the keypoints on screen are seen to jitter. Since during dragging, the balls stick to the tip of the pointer finger, the balls were jittering badly too. I later added some smoothing using the lerp() function to fix that. I also had to do a lot of trial and error when picking a gesture that would trigger the function to add a new ball. The model wasn’t very confident about a lot of the other gestures, and kept adding balls erroneously. The “🤘” sign was the final choice because it was explicit enough and did not resemble other gestures a user might inadvertently make while playing the game.

One thing worth special mention is the background music used in the game, which was produced by my friend by sampling my other friend’s vocals. I heard the track and liked the spooky yet playful feel to it and asked if I could use it in my project. My friend agreed, and now I have a bespoke, perfectly fitting music to accompany my project.

Week 5 – Midterm


“Remy the Rat” is a dark visual novel about a comical and relatable experience related to pets. It tells the story of a teenager that forgets to feed his brother’s rat, and his attempt in solving the issue.


All of the background drawings were made by me on Paint. They are extremely minimalistic, almost like they could have been made by a five year old, but truthly that was the aesthetic that I was trying to achieve. This rough look is also enhanced by the doodled dialogue boxes of the library p5.scribble. The background music was also done by me, being the recording of boiling meat tweaked on Audacity.

Below are some pictures:

Future Improvements

Unfortunately, I was not able to add some of the game mechanics that I wanted to, such as controlling the sprites of a character, or choosing your own paths, which could have improved the concept and the replayability of the game. Nonetheless, I am satisfied with the final product, and I believe that taking a more minimalistic approach was more effective.

Midterm Project- Pop Frenzy


I have developed a game using p5.js, in which random balls of varying speeds and diameters emerge across the screen. Our objective is to swiftly pop each ball before it diminishes and fades away. As each ball is lost, a ‘balllost’ counter increments, and after a certain count, the player loses. Many elements have been incorporated into the game to enhance the experience, including sound effects, the gradual reddening of the background as the ‘balllost’ count increases, and, of course, the shout button at the end of the game. While the game initially appears straightforward, it cultivates and refines various skills and abilities within the player. The foremost and pivotal skill that improves is the player’s tracking ability, accompanied by heightened reaction speed. This game effectively primes the player’s instincts and reflexes. Such games hold paramount importance and enjoy popularity in sports and activities demanding rapid reflexes, like F1 racing or high-speed shooting games. Ultimately, the game fosters cognitive development.

Moreover, in a study published by Mathew and his colleagues titled “Increasing Speed of Processing With Action Video Games,” it was indicated that action-packed games, similar to this one, exert a significant impact on cognitive functions and reaction time. The intense gameplay demands split-second decision-making, thereby enhancing problem-solving abilities. Additionally, the fast-paced nature of these games has been associated with improved visual processing and heightened attention, ultimately resulting in an augmentation of overall cognitive abilities. The rapid stimuli and dynamic environments present in such games lead to notable improvements in reaction speed. Players are required to process visual information at an accelerated rate, a skill that transfers well into scenarios requiring quick decisions(Dye, Matthew W G et al.). In essence, Pop Frenzy not only provides an engaging and entertaining experience but also serves as a tool for cognitive development and honing crucial skills vital in high-demanding activities.

In the gaming world, popular warm-up games like AimLab are played, which incorporates a series of games similar to Pop Frency, here’s an example of one game: Same goal as Pop Frency, but this game depends on time. Whereas, Pop Frenzy depends on balls lost.


Link to the game: https://editor.p5js.org/Nasar/sketches/FlE0f_9MH

Mid-Game Screen:

Game Lost Screen:

Coding Logic:

I started by creating the ball class and putting it into the sketch. Then, I adjusted the speed and size of each ball to make the game challenging but not too hard. After that, I added screens for the menu and when you lose. Instead of using complex loops, I used if-else statements to keep the code organized. Once I had the basic structure in place, I made the game more interactive. I added buttons and sounds and even made it so you hear a sound when you hover over a ball. As I kept working on the code, things started to make more sense in terms of what I should add in order to make it better.

I made some changes along the way to make sure the game was fun and easy to play. For example, I decided to have only one ball on the screen at a time. It might be cool to have more, but it would make the game too complicated. I also chose a screen size of 400 x 400. This way, the balls are close together, and players can easily swipe to them. If the screen was bigger, it would be harder to play. I used everything we learned in class – like making classes, using functions, adding sounds and pictures, and controlling their volume and size. I also put in things like text and buttons. As an extra touch, I added a particle class to make the game look cooler and more fun.

Here’s an initial sketch of my game:

Initially, I  envisioned a game where the black ball shouldn’t be popped or else the player loses. Later I didn’t include it though because of the increased difficulty.

Challenges I overcame:

Throughout the process, I encountered several challenges. In some cases, I had to shift my perspective on how I approached the code. In others, I found it necessary to completely rework certain elements. One particularly intricate part of the code, in which I faced multiple hurdles but ultimately achieved a satisfying outcome, was the implementation of the escape screen. This screen allows the player to pause the game using the escape button. The challenge arose from the interplay between the ‘loop’ and ‘noLoop’ functions. The ‘noLoop’ function halts the continuous execution of the ‘draw’ function. However, there were instances where the code would stop without displaying the escape screen. After conducting research online and studying examples from other coders, I discovered that by encapsulating the ‘loop’ and ‘noLoop’ functions within another function and placing it at the end of the entire code, I could ensure that the pause screen would be displayed before the code ceased to loop. Here’s the snippet to it:

//Built-in function
function keyPressed() {
  //check if escape is pressed, if game is continuing, it would pause, if balllost is 8 then we cant go pause screen
  if (keyCode === ESCAPE)
    gamePaused = !gamePaused; // Toggle gamePaused variable
    if (gamePaused) {
      noLoop(); // Pause the game by stopping the entire loop through draw
    } else {
      loop(); // Resume the game by enabling draw function to continue

Another issue I encountered involved the sound that should play only once when the cursor hovers over a button. However, I found that the sound was persistently repeating. I resolved this by introducing an additional flag variable. This flag becomes ‘true’ when the cursor is hovered over the button, allowing the sound to be executed only once before reverting to ‘false.’ This adjustment guarantees that the sound is not played endlessly.

if(mouseX>150 && mouseX<269 && mouseY> 260 && mouseY<298)
  if (!menuButtonHovered) {
    menuButtonHovered = true;
} else {
  menuButtonHovered = false;

Future Improvements:

While I put in my best effort to enhance the gaming experience by incorporating extra elements like hovering sounds, there are certainly opportunities for refinement in the code. The same outcome could be achieved with simpler and more streamlined coding techniques. As for the game itself, I could introduce a time element where, as a ball is popped, the time increases. The objective could be to prevent the timer from reaching zero.

I also envision the possibility of incorporating various difficulty levels such as easy, medium, and hard. With increasing difficulty, the speed at which the balls diminish could escalate. Additionally, multiple ball objects could potentially be in play simultaneously.

Lastly, I’ve noticed a slight delay when the balls are popped. Despite my efforts to minimize it and have the sound play immediately, there remains a small delay. This aspect is certainly something that could be refined in future iterations.


Dye, Matthew W G et al. “Increasing Speed of Processing With Action Video Games.” Current directions in psychological science vol. 18,6 (2009): 321-326. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8721.2009.01660.x

CATSAWAY- Midterm Project

  • some images:

  • concept of my project

As a student at NYUAD, I really love our campus cat, Caramel. She makes being here even better. I enjoy graphic design, and it’s fun for me to draw. I’m also getting into coding, and I want to learn more about it. So, I had this idea for a project I call “Catsaway.” It’s a game inspired by Caramel. In the game, she can fly around the campus without crashing into the pointy palm tree corners. Instead, she gracefully glides through the soft palm leaves. To make her fly, you just press the spacebar. It’s a way to enjoy a little adventure through our campus. This project lets me combine my love for art and my interest in coding, turning my fondness for Caramel into a fun game.

My Game starts with my landing page that have 2 options either to start the game directly or taking you into the instructions page.

  • how my project works and what parts you’re proud of (e.g. good technical decisions, good game design)

I’m happy with how I brought Caramel to life in the game. Players get to control Caramel as she gracefully flies around our campus, avoiding obstacles like pointy palm trees. I’ve also made sure the game feels like NYUAD by adding familiar buildings and fluffy clouds.

I’m proud of the technical choices I made. The game has different parts, like the start page and instructions, to make it easy to play. I even added sound effects, like a cheerful jump sound when Caramel takes off. Players can restart the game or go back to the start page with simple key presses.

  • Some areas for improvement and problems that you ran into (resolved or otherwise)

During the development of my project, I encountered a few challenges and areas for improvement. One major issue I faced was optimizing the game’s performance. As the game got more complex with added elements, like the buildings and clouds, I noticed some slowdowns. I had to spend time fine-tuning the code to make sure the game runs smoothly, especially on lower-end devices. This was a valuable lesson in optimizing game design.

I had to work on enhancing the game’s instructions. I realized that players might need clearer guidance on how to play, so I made improvements to ensure that the instructions are more user-friendly.

Another challenge was making sure that the game’s look and feel truly capture the essence of NYUAD and Caramel. It required some iterations to get the graphics just right and create that immersive atmosphere.

While these challenges arose during development, I’m happy to say that I addressed them, resulting in a game I’m proud to share. The process of tackling these issues taught me valuable lessons in game development and design.

  • Future plans:
  • Play on Phones: Right now, you can play the game on a computer P5.js, but it would be great to play it on your phone or tablet. I need to make sure it works well on all kinds of devices.
  • High Score List: Having a list that shows who has the highest scores can make the game competitive. People will want to beat each other’s scores and share their achievements.
  • Listening to Players: I’ll pay attention to what players say and try to make the game better based on their ideas. They’re the ones playing it, so their feedback is important.
  • Making Money: If I want to earn money from the game, I can think about ways like letting people buy things in the game or showing ads. But I’ll be careful not to make the game annoying with too many ads 🙂

My own checklist of the requirements:

  • At least one shape

The background was coded the exact same way as the first-ever assignment, The NYUAD building, clouds, highline, and trees. I’ve used plenty of shapes  

  • At least one image

The Cat is an imported image sketched by Hand using Procreate.  as well as the NYUAD logo 

  • At least one sound

When the cat is flying the moment you hit on the Up Arrow you will hear a jumping sound

  • At least one on-screen text

The Score and the final score is a screen on text 

  • Object Oriented Programming

The game is entirely made using OOP

  • The experience must start with a screen giving instructions and wait for user input (button / key / mouse / etc.) before starting

The landing page has 2 options either wait for the user input to click on the space bar to start playing immediately or press on the letter “i” (stands for instructions) to access the instructions page.

  • After the experience is completed, there must be a way to start a new session (without restarting the sketch)

Again there are 2 options either to press on the space bar to replay or press on the letter B (stands for begin) to take you to the landing page again


let pipes = []; // An array to store information about the pipes in the game.
let score = 0; // Keep track of the player's score.
let gameOver = false; // A flag to check if the game is over.
let backgroundImage; // Not used in the code, possibly intended for a background image.
let backgroundX = 0; // The horizontal position of the background image.
let gameStarted = false; // Indicates whether the game has started.
let speed = 10; // The speed of the game elements, adjustable.
let gameState = 'landing'; // Tracks the current state of the game.

function preload() {
  // Loading images and sounds used in the game.
  // backgroundImage = loadImage('11.png');
  landing = loadImage('Catsaway(1).png');
  instruction = loadImage('instructions.png');
  caramel = loadImage("caramel.PNG");
  palm1 = loadImage("palm2-1.PNG");
  palm2 = loadImage("palm2 -2.PNG");
  ending = loadImage("score2.png");
  NYUAD = loadImage("NYUAD.png");
  // Load the jump sound
  jumpSound = loadSound('sfx_point.mp3');
  // hitSound = loadSound('sfx_hit.mp3');

function setup() {
// Set up the initial canvas for the game and create a bird object.
  createCanvas(800, 450);
  bird = new Bird(); 

function draw() {

  if (gameState === 'game') {
    // Code for the game state
    // Drawing buildings, clouds, and other elements on the canvas
    // Pipes are also created, and the game logic is implemented
    rect(150,150, 500, 300);
    ellipse(400,150, 490, 100)
    // strokes for the building 
   fill(169, 169, 169)
    rect(150, 220, 500, 10);
    rect(150, 235, 500, 10);
    rect(150, 250, 500, 10);
    rect(150, 265, 500, 10);
    rect(150, 280, 500, 10);
    rect(150, 295, 500, 10);
    // rect(200, 220, 10, 100);
    rect(260, 220, 10, 100);
    rect(320, 220, 10, 100);
    rect(380, 220, 10, 100);
    rect(440, 220, 10, 100);
    rect(500, 220, 10, 100);

    image(NYUAD, 55, 0);
    rect(150, 300, 510, 100);
    rect(150, 310, 500, 5);
    rect(150, 317, 500, 5);
    rect(150, 324, 500, 5);
    rect(150, 331, 500, 5);
    rect(150, 390, 500, 20);

    // the 2 buildings
    square(0, 250, 200);
    square(600, 250, 200);
    // windows 
    rect(20,260, 40, 50)
    rect(70,260, 40, 50)
    rect(120, 260, 40, 50)
    rect(640, 260, 40, 50)
    rect(690, 260, 40, 50)
    rect(740, 260, 40, 50)
    // First Cloud
    ellipse(200, 100, 80, 60);
    ellipse(240, 100, 100, 80);
    ellipse(290, 100, 80, 60);
    ellipse(220, 80, 70, 50);
    ellipse(260, 80, 90, 70);

    // Second Cloud
    ellipse(400, 80, 60, 40);
    ellipse(440, 80, 80, 60);
    ellipse(490, 80, 60, 40);
    ellipse(420, 60, 50, 30);
    ellipse(460, 60, 70, 50);

    // Third Cloud
    ellipse(600, 120, 90, 70);
    ellipse(640, 120, 110, 90);
    ellipse(690, 120, 90, 70);
    ellipse(630, 100, 80, 60);
    ellipse(670, 100, 100, 80);
    ellipse(0, 80, 60, 40);
    ellipse(40, 80, 80, 60);
    ellipse(90, 100, 60, 40);
    ellipse(140, 150, 50, 30);
    ellipse(100, 420, 90, 70);
    ellipse(60, 450, 90, 70);
    ellipse(140, 420, 110, 90);
    ellipse(190, 420, 90, 70);
    ellipse(130, 500, 80, 60);
    ellipse(170, 500, 100, 80);
    ellipse(600, 420, 90, 70);
    ellipse(640, 420, 110, 90);
    ellipse(690, 420, 90, 70);
    ellipse(630, 500, 80, 60);
    ellipse(670, 500, 100, 80);
    ellipse(0, 420, 90, 70);
    ellipse(40, 420, 110, 90);
    ellipse(90, 420, 90, 70);
    ellipse(30, 500, 80, 60);
    ellipse(70, 500, 100, 80);
    ellipse(670, 420, 90, 70);
    ellipse(700, 420, 110, 90);
    ellipse(740, 420, 90, 70);
    ellipse(750, 500, 80, 60);
    ellipse(760, 500, 100, 80);
    if (!gameOver) {
      for (let i = pipes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (pipes[i].hits(bird)) {
          gameOver = true;
        if (pipes[i].offscreen()) {
          pipes.splice(i, 1);
      if (frameCount % 15 === 0) {
        pipes.push(new Pipe());
      text(score, 100, 30);
      for (let i = pipes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (pipes[i].pass(bird)) {
    } else {
      image(ending, 0, 0, width, height);
      fill(255, 0, 0);
      text("", 200, height / 2 - 32);
      text("" + score, 450, height / 2);
      // Provide a restart option

      // Check for restart key press
      if (keyIsDown(32)) { // SPACE key
      } else if (keyIsDown(66)) { // 'B' key
        gameState = 'landing';
  } else if (gameState === 'landing') {
    // Code for the landing screen state
    // Displays the landing image and checks for keypress to start the game
    image(landing, 0, 0, width, height);
    textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
    text("", width / 2, height / 2);
    // Check for start key press (SPACE key) or 'i' key press for instructions
    if (keyIsDown(32)) { // SPACE key
    } else if (keyIsDown(73)) { // 'i' key
      gameState = 'instruction';
  } else if (gameState === 'instruction') {
    // Code for the instruction screen state
    // Displays instructions and checks for keypress to start the game
    image(instruction, 0, 0, width, height);
    textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
    if (keyIsDown(32)) { // Check for SPACE key press

function startGame() {
  // Function to start the game
  // Resets game variables and sets the game state to 'game'
  gameState = 'game';
  gameStarted = true;
  bird = new Bird();
  pipes = [];
  score = 0;
  gameOver = false;

function restart() {
  // Function to restart the game
  // Calls the startGame function to reset the game

function keyPressed() {
    // When the UP_ARROW key is pressed, the bird jumps (if the game is not over)
    // Plays a jump sound when the bird jumps
  if (keyIsDown(UP_ARROW) && !gameOver && gameState === 'game') {

function restartGame() {
  bird = new Bird();
  pipes = [];
  score = 0;
  gameOver = false;

class Bird {
  // Bird class to handle bird-related functionality
  constructor() {
    this.y = height / 2;
    this.x = 64;
    this.gravity = 0.6;
    this.lift = -15;
    this.velocity = 0;

  show() {
    ellipse(this.x, this.y, 32, 32);
    image(caramel, this.x - 70, this.y - 30, 150, 90);

  update() {
    this.velocity += this.gravity;
    this.velocity *= 0.9;
    this.y += this.velocity;
    if (this.y > height) {
      this.y = height;
      this.velocity = 0;
    if (this.y < 0) {
      this.y = 0;
      this.velocity = 0;

  jump() {
    this.velocity += this.lift;

class Pipe {
  // Pipe class to handle pipe-related functionality
  constructor() {
    this.top = random(height / 2.5);
    this.bottom = random(height / 2);
    this.x = width;
    this.w = 20;
    this.speed = speed; // Adjust the speed here as well
    this.highlight = false;

  show() {
    fill(106, 69, 46, 255);
    if (this.highlight) {
      fill(106, 69, 46, 255);
    rect(this.x - 8, 0, this.w + 6, this.top);
    rect(this.x, height - this.bottom, this.w + 2, this.bottom);
    const palmX = this.x - 82;
    const palmYTop = this.top - 250;
    const palmYBottom = height - this.bottom - 120;
    image(palm2, palmX - 20, palmYTop + 195, 200, 200);
    image(palm1, palmX, palmYBottom, 200, 200);

  update() {
    this.x -= this.speed;

  offscreen() {
    return this.x < -this.w;

  hits(bird) {
    if (bird.y < this.top || bird.y > height - this.bottom) {
      if (bird.x > this.x && bird.x < this.x + this.w) {
        this.highlight = true;
        return true;
    this.highlight = false;
    return false;

  pass(bird) {
    if (bird.x > this.x && !this.highlight) {
      return true;
    return false;


Week 6 | Midterm Project

The Concept:
In this engaging “Chromamood” game, players take control of a catching hand, moving it through the game screen width. The objective is to collect words falling from the top of the screen. These words encapsulate various human moods, such as “happy,” “calm,” and “excited.” But the interesting part of the game lies in its categorization system. These words are neatly organized into distinct categories, with each category intimately linked to a unique display color and an associated score. As players adeptly gather these words, they trigger a series of cascading effects. The real magic happens as the words are seamlessly woven into the live video feed, enhancing the text display in the most visually enthralling way possible. The text dynamically updates, with its color shifting harmoniously, reflecting the precise word that the player has successfully captured.

Why “ChromaMood”?
The name “ChromaMood” is a fusion of two essential elements in the game. “Chroma” relates to color and represents the dynamic background shifts triggered by the words collected, where each mood category is associated with a distinct color. “Mood” encapsulates the central theme of the game, which revolves around collecting words that express various human emotions and moods

How the project works:
The game starts on a welcoming screen with the title “ChromaMood” and two options: “start” and “help.” Clicking “start” leads you to the main game screen. Here, you’ll see a hand-shaped object set against a black background, with words falling from the top. The game’s twist is in the words you catch. Each word represents a different mood, like “happy” or “angry,” and it impacts the background and your score. For example, catching words associated with anger turns the background red and gives you a score of 2. The words on the background change too. The goal is to get the highest score by collecting words that reflect positive moods within a limited time.

Welcoming Screen
Chromamood In-game Screenshot

Code Highlight I am proud of:
The part of the game I am proud of is developing the video display background as I had no idea of how to do it. It required somehow intricate coding to seamlessly integrate dynamic text updates with the live video feed, ensuring a cohesive and engaging user experience. The idea is that I am dealing with the sketch as pixels. So, I update the pixels with every character of the words the player catches. Honestly, it was challenging for me to do it but I watched some tutorials and managed to figure it out.

The video and sound effects are not working in the embedded iframe below. Open it on P5JS editor for better experience.

Soma areas of improvement:
A potential enhancement to consider is shifting the way we control the hand object. Instead of relying on traditional keyboard controls, we could explore the possibility of tracking the player’s movements in the live video feed. By doing so, we could introduce a new level of interactivity, allowing players to physically interact with the game. This change not only simplifies the game’s control mechanics but also aligns perfectly with its fundamental concept. It would create a more immersive experience, where players can use their own motions to catch the falling words, making the game even more engaging and unique.

Reading refection : Making art is like setting a trap

Philip Larkin, a poet, offers a straightforward perspective on the artistic process, particularly when it comes to creating poems. He simplifies it into three stages:

Step one: Intensely Feel Something
At the start of your creative journey, you need to be deeply connected to a specific emotion. It’s like having a passionate fire burning inside you, driving you to take action.

Step two: Convey that Emotion
The next phase involves using words and other forms of expression to enable others to feel the same emotion that’s so alive within you. However, this part can be quite challenging, as not everyone may easily grasp the feeling you intend to convey.

Step three: Let Others Experience It
Once you’ve crafted your artistic work, it’s time to share it with the world. When people engage with your poetry or observe your artwork, it should ignite the same emotions in them that you originally felt. This is when your art truly succeeds.

Although Larkin presents this process as simple, the creation of art often involves complexities, particularly in the stages between these steps. Crafting the actual artwork can be a time-consuming and mysterious journey.

Larkin suggests that to evoke the emotions in others, you must first find satisfaction within yourself. This means that while creating art, it should resonate with your inner self. If it does, it increases the likelihood that others will experience similar feelings when they interact with your work.

One very intresting concept in the text is that some artists dedicate their entire lives to expressing the same emotion in various ways. It’s as though they possess one profound sentiment they wish to share with the world.

While Larkin’s stages offer a simple framework for art, the true artistry often unfolds in the nuances between these phases. Having that one special feeling you want to convey can propel your creative journey throughout your lifetime.

reading response:Computer Vision for Artists and Designers: Pedagogic Tools and Techniques for Novice Programmers

This is one of my favorite readings so far and I have divided my reflections into bullet points as it was how I noted them down while reading the text :).

In the passage we read, we explored computer vision, a technology that allows machines to comprehend and engage with the visual world. This topic is intriguing due to its practical applications.

  1. Object Detection and Tracking:
    • An interesting aspect is how computer vision can identify people or objects in videos. It does this by comparing what it observes with an image of the background. When something stands out significantly from the background, it’s recognized as important. This capability is valuable, although it can be sensitive to variations in lighting.
    • Another fascinating aspect is the use of brightness to locate objects. Think about it like this: if something is significantly darker or lighter than its surroundings, computer vision can easily spot it.
    • Furthermore, there’s a straightforward method for monitoring an object in a video. It’s akin to pinpointing the brightest or darkest spot and keeping it in focus. This can serve various purposes.
  2. Basic Interactions and Their Function:
    • Computer vision isn’t solely about object recognition; it can also facilitate interactivity. For instance, there are interesting ways to interact with video games using body movements. These are like games where you see yourself in the virtual world, like a mirror.
  3. Computer Vision in Creative Tools:
    • Individuals are incorporating computer vision into tools for generating art, games, and more. This is captivating because it extends beyond web applications and is utilized in various imaginative ways.
  4. A Case Study: LimboTime:
    • We examined LimboTime, a game where computer vision tracks your actions. You can engage in a limbo contest with it. This demonstrates that anyone, even those who are new to the field, can craft enjoyable and interactive experiences using computer vision.

Midterm Project Progress 2: I’m Not/Too Bored

Progress update:

I have been trying to make the player move and engage with the NPC and show the engaging dioloage allowing them to choose certain option that gets saved to show a final result at the end.


Next step:

Add BGM and sound affect

As well as display the questions and the final results.


Week 5 Response

I found the idea of using computer vision to judge how intensely a person is smiling to be very intriguing. There is an animated short film by the name of Shehr-e-Tabassum which imagines a dystopian future where anyone who doesn’t smile is considered to be outcast and is immediately captured by the government. I can only wonder how computer vision technology in the future will be used for deep public surveillance and for penalizing those who don’t comply.

I wonder if cameras are the only way we can implement computer vision. I think things like heat sensors and sonar technology also has a space in the computer vision landscape. I also wonder if computer vision will ever be as advanced as a human eye and by extension will AI ever be able to process as much information as humans can or will it always be limited by what computer vision can achieve and have to rely on other sensors for getting a complete picture of what is happening. There is also anti computer vision technology which will massively undercut the effectiveness of computer vision and security systems in general.

Midterm Progress

For my midterm project, I’m attempting to avoid games in favor of creating something that involves experience and knowledge for the user to explore, as well as material that is helpful, positive, and reassuring. As a result, I decided to design something resembling an old museum with a theme resembling an underground archive, with some art pieces featuring positive words or advice from historical personalities, and another area of books containing Quran verses in Arabic and English. I’m going to try to provide calming and helpful verses. 

In my main page, I will try to add more aesthetics and try to have a mix of European, Greek and a bit of Arabic aspects since the underground museum would involve historical figures from different backgrounds as well as verses from the Quran. For example, the temples in the main page represent Doric Greek temples, and the lanterns can be considered part of many cultures but I initially associated it with the Arab / Islamic culture. The user would be able to click the “Enter” button and enter the museum, and they would be able to use arrows to move between the two sections in the museum. I’m also aiming to give the user the ability to click on the books and pictures to learn more about the historical background, take advice, or enjoy flipping through  positive quotes or reassuring and guiding verses from the Quran. I also plan to add fire sound, audio sounds for certain clicks and papers.

The 3 Orders of Ancient Greek ArchitectureVintage gold arabic lanterns realistic set Vector Image

Most frightening part 

I’m mostly worried about making the buttons take the user to another page or scene, I’m currently trying to do that for my main page which will take me to the first section of the museum. I’m not sure if I will be able to have two sections but it’s definitely something I’m aiming for. I’m also trying to figure out if I can make a book and the user will be able to flip through a few pages.