Final Project Proposal – Ons & Sarah

For the final project, Ons and I will be working together to build an interactive travel experience that brings together Arduino and Processing.


We’re thinking of doing a virtual trip around the world. The Arduino would be used to navigate “around the world” and the visuals would be through processing. The analog elements that we’re considering are:

  • A potentiometer: to control a servo motor.  (A small globe will be stuck onto the servo so that the user will be able to spin it using the potentiometer.)

NOTE: The location will probably be determined by the angle of the servo, but for the purpose of “visual clarity” and successful cognitive mapping we will have something pointing to the globe to indicate the current location.

  • A distance sensor: using it as a zoom tool so the user zooms in and out of the visuals on processing
  • Button: This could add an extra element to the idea, for example, if someone presses the button it would trigger some sort of activity that relates to the location such as generating art specific to the location (we’re still thinking this through)


  • The Scope: we’re not sure how far we should go with the features, is an interactive “exploration” experience enough, or should we add more (such as the suggestion of the button) 
    • Another element we’re confused about in the scope is should it be a “world tour” or should it be to a specific region 
  • Servo: how could we navigate the globe vertically? In this would a 2D map be better? 


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