Assignment 4

My assignment is based on Generative text output. I liked the Professor’s example of text displayed in a circle and I wanted to do use images to make text (like in the example where circles are drawn as text). It was like using an exclamation mark image and displaying it for the word ‘hello’, I wanted the animation to scream ‘hello’ at the viewer!

However, when in this case, the for loop has to run for every point in the text letters. And every time I had to call the image. This made my program extremely slow and I couldn’t even type (I got really scared because the screen felt frozen).

So, I scrapped this idea and then was looking to display text in a circle and move it in a circular direction. I put my text ‘hello world’ and then divided it using the split function. The split function splits the string after the given parameter occurs. I used to rotate and translate functions to position the text to look like a triangular/star. Using speed, I made the text move. Here is what it looks like:

I saw an example on the web that used for-loop to display every letter in an array and split function as I did in mine which was also like an inspiration to do this one.
Here’s the link.

The Professor’s example of ‘circular orbit’ using sine and cosine was difficult to use here as I wanted the zig-zag pattern of ‘hello world'(it would have required me to create multiple objects and then manipulate the angles for each circle)

Overall, this was very fun to implement and tricky at certain points.




Assignment 3

For this assignment, we specifically had to use OOP and create a generative art piece. I drew inspiration from Professor’s code here and a generative spiral code online.

Professor’s example:

Generative Spiral:

I wanted to have circles moving in a spiral way around the screen. I initially planned to do have it circle spirals randomly across the screen, however, one issue that I faced was that the circles just randomly moved across the not in a spiral manner (something like the Professor’s example).

So I had to set the positions and size of the circles by myself.

The design is such that circles rotate in a spiral manner and their positions expand across the screen. Each circle comprises 20 circles, I used a for loop here to store these circles(objects) in an array and then pop them out of the array i.e. run them later.

This is what it finally looked like:

Some pictures of the design:

I manipulated a code a little when we are supposed to draw the ellipse/circle and this is how it looked:

Overall, it was fun to do it! What I found difficult was to come up with an idea but I am glad it worked in the end!

Assignment 2

This is assignment is based on using loops to design art and it was more of automating the designs rather than doing repetitive things again and again.

While I had completed this assignment with another design, I got another idea after seeing a filter on Instagram and I wanted to merge these. However, I kept them separately for the time being The idea was around optical illusion as well.

It required heart shapes, so I took the heart shape function code from here.
To figure out the pattern and visualize what I wanted, I created a non-iterative model:

After some time of playing around with the code, I figured out how to loop and draw the hearts. However, now what was challenging was to have different colors. I used if-else conditions to alternate the colors using the odd-even method. The next challenge was to make sure the colors changed and for that, I used a random function.

✨ Final Look ✨:

—first design—
I browsed the web for inspiration, and with the first search result, I came across this P5js code with a few lines halfway through the screen.

The reference/idea:

It is a pretty simple use of lines. That gave me the inspiration to create a moving illusion pattern like this:

Optical illusion lines background. EPS 10 vector illustration

I started playing around with the code, changing colors, the orientation of the lines and it turned out like this, pretty different than what I expected.

Final Look:

I basically used loops, to draw lines in different orientations and spacing, used if-else conditions to change their colors. I also added a circle that moves with the cursor using mouseX and mouseY functions that changes its color on every click (used mousePressed function).

Assignment 1: Self-Portrait

In this assignment, the task was to sketch out our self-portraits. I don’t really draw life forms with features so I choose to do something non-living. It’s a flower!

I started out with the Petals. I used the Ellipse function and drew reasonably sized petals. I then aligned them at one point by rotating them. Then I drew the middle part of the flower i.e. a circle. To add some detail, mainly so that it looks like a sunflower 🌻, I added a few lines and formed a crisscrossed pattern. The colors were changed accordingly. The petals blink after a certain time (actually they change their color). Then, the stem was drawn and leaves were added. I used an ellipse shape to make some grass at the bottom. Also, added some clouds and sun. My glowy sunflower is ready!