Final Project: Mar’s Pie Shop


I love baking, and I enjoy baking games. For my final project I decided to make a pie shop… Throughout my journey in Intro to IM, I made sure to always add a piece of me in every assignment and project. This final one is especially dear to me because I was able to finalize it after hard work. As well as being able to add my art in it (background and pie images). I think it goes well together and I’m proud of it.

FUN FACT: I have never had pie in my life!!!


Entire Code:

-Function to check the correct match

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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
function submitAnswer() {
// Define the expected ranges for each statement
const rawRange = [0, 200];
const undercookedRange = [201, 400];
const perfectRange = [401, 600];
const overcookedRange = [601, 800];
const burntRange = [801, 1023];
let expectedRange;
// Determine the expected range based on the current sentence
switch (currentSentence) {
case "I would like a raw pie to bake at home.":
expectedRange = rawRange;
case "I like my pie extremely soft.":
expectedRange = undercookedRange;
case "I want a perfect pie!":
expectedRange = perfectRange;
case "Crispy around the edges!!":
expectedRange = overcookedRange;
case "BURNT IT >:D":
expectedRange = burntRange;
// Check if the current image range matches the expected range
if (x >= expectedRange[0] && x <= expectedRange[1]) {
// Increment the score for a correct match
function submitAnswer() { // Define the expected ranges for each statement const rawRange = [0, 200]; const undercookedRange = [201, 400]; const perfectRange = [401, 600]; const overcookedRange = [601, 800]; const burntRange = [801, 1023]; let expectedRange; // Determine the expected range based on the current sentence switch (currentSentence) { case "I would like a raw pie to bake at home.": expectedRange = rawRange; break; case "I like my pie extremely soft.": expectedRange = undercookedRange; break; case "I want a perfect pie!": expectedRange = perfectRange; break; case "Crispy around the edges!!": expectedRange = overcookedRange; break; case "BURNT IT >:D": expectedRange = burntRange; break; } // Check if the current image range matches the expected range if (x >= expectedRange[0] && x <= expectedRange[1]) { // Increment the score for a correct match score++;;
function submitAnswer() {
  // Define the expected ranges for each statement
  const rawRange = [0, 200];
  const undercookedRange = [201, 400];
  const perfectRange = [401, 600];
  const overcookedRange = [601, 800];
  const burntRange = [801, 1023];

  let expectedRange;

  // Determine the expected range based on the current sentence
  switch (currentSentence) {
    case "I would like a raw pie to bake at home.":
      expectedRange = rawRange;
    case "I like my pie extremely soft.":
      expectedRange = undercookedRange;
    case "I want a perfect pie!":
      expectedRange = perfectRange;
    case "Crispy around the edges!!":
      expectedRange = overcookedRange;
    case "BURNT IT >:D":
      expectedRange = burntRange;

  // Check if the current image range matches the expected range
  if (x >= expectedRange[0] && x <= expectedRange[1]) {
    // Increment the score for a correct match

-Different screen pages:


Plain text
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if (gameState === "start") {
} else if (gameState === "playing") {
text("Score: " + score, width - 100, 30);
} else if (gameState === "end") {
// Display results in the end screen
text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height / 2);; // Show the button on the end screen
else {
// Draw other game elements here
playAgainButton.hide(); // Hide the button if not in the end state
if (gameState === "start") { drawStartScreen(); } else if (gameState === "playing") { displayFoodImage(); displayTimer(); textSize(24); fill(255); text("Score: " + score, width - 100, 30); } else if (gameState === "end") { // Display results in the end screen textSize(210); fill(255); text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height / 2);; // Show the button on the end screen } else { // Draw other game elements here playAgainButton.hide(); // Hide the button if not in the end state }
if (gameState === "start") {
} else if (gameState === "playing") {
  text("Score: " + score, width - 100, 30);
} else if (gameState === "end") {
  // Display results in the end screen
  text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height / 2);; // Show the button on the end screen
else {
  // Draw other game elements here
  playAgainButton.hide(); // Hide the button if not in the end state


-LED Button








  • Many challenges were faced with the coding part.
  • Button wasn’t working to confirm answers and also change the requests of the order.
  • Sometimes the images controlled by the potentiometer would not show, or not change.
  • I also had some issues with serial connection because of the wirings


  • I hoped to be able to make the game restart without having to exit full screen.
  • Make the prototype a little prettier
  • Fine-tune the difficulty level based on user feedback. Adjust timer durations, scoring mechanisms, or image recognition ranges to make the game challenging yet enjoyable.
  • Introduce new challenges or power-ups to add variety to the gameplay.
  • Ensure that the game is responsive and looks good on various screen sizes.
  • I wanted to add a leaderboard to display at the end


Final Project Second Draft: Mar’s Pie Shop


I love baking, and I enjoy baking games. For my final project I decided to make a pie shop… Throughout my journey in Intro to IM, I made sure to always add a piece of me in every assignment and project. This final one is especially dear to me because I was able to finalize it after hard work. As well as being able to add my art in it (background and pie images). I think it goes well together and I’m proud of it.

FUN FACT: I have never had pie in my life!!!

Highlight OF MY Code in P5.js:

-Function to check the correct match

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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
function submitAnswer() {
// Define the expected ranges for each statement
const rawRange = [0, 200];
const undercookedRange = [201, 400];
const perfectRange = [401, 600];
const overcookedRange = [601, 800];
const burntRange = [801, 1023];
let expectedRange;
// Determine the expected range based on the current sentence
switch (currentSentence) {
case "I would like a raw pie to bake at home.":
expectedRange = rawRange;
case "I like my pie extremely soft.":
expectedRange = undercookedRange;
case "I want a perfect pie!":
expectedRange = perfectRange;
case "Crispy around the edges!!":
expectedRange = overcookedRange;
case "BURNT IT >:D":
expectedRange = burntRange;
// Check if the current image range matches the expected range
if (x >= expectedRange[0] && x <= expectedRange[1]) {
// Increment the score for a correct match
function submitAnswer() { // Define the expected ranges for each statement const rawRange = [0, 200]; const undercookedRange = [201, 400]; const perfectRange = [401, 600]; const overcookedRange = [601, 800]; const burntRange = [801, 1023]; let expectedRange; // Determine the expected range based on the current sentence switch (currentSentence) { case "I would like a raw pie to bake at home.": expectedRange = rawRange; break; case "I like my pie extremely soft.": expectedRange = undercookedRange; break; case "I want a perfect pie!": expectedRange = perfectRange; break; case "Crispy around the edges!!": expectedRange = overcookedRange; break; case "BURNT IT >:D": expectedRange = burntRange; break; } // Check if the current image range matches the expected range if (x >= expectedRange[0] && x <= expectedRange[1]) { // Increment the score for a correct match score++;;
function submitAnswer() {
  // Define the expected ranges for each statement
  const rawRange = [0, 200];
  const undercookedRange = [201, 400];
  const perfectRange = [401, 600];
  const overcookedRange = [601, 800];
  const burntRange = [801, 1023];

  let expectedRange;

  // Determine the expected range based on the current sentence
  switch (currentSentence) {
    case "I would like a raw pie to bake at home.":
      expectedRange = rawRange;
    case "I like my pie extremely soft.":
      expectedRange = undercookedRange;
    case "I want a perfect pie!":
      expectedRange = perfectRange;
    case "Crispy around the edges!!":
      expectedRange = overcookedRange;
    case "BURNT IT >:D":
      expectedRange = burntRange;

  // Check if the current image range matches the expected range
  if (x >= expectedRange[0] && x <= expectedRange[1]) {
    // Increment the score for a correct match

-Different screen pages:

Plain text
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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
if (gameState === "start") {
} else if (gameState === "playing") {
text("Score: " + score, width - 100, 30);
} else if (gameState === "end") {
// Display results in the end screen
text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height / 2);; // Show the button on the end screen
else {
// Draw other game elements here
playAgainButton.hide(); // Hide the button if not in the end state
if (gameState === "start") { drawStartScreen(); } else if (gameState === "playing") { displayFoodImage(); displayTimer(); textSize(24); fill(255); text("Score: " + score, width - 100, 30); } else if (gameState === "end") { // Display results in the end screen textSize(210); fill(255); text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height / 2);; // Show the button on the end screen } else { // Draw other game elements here playAgainButton.hide(); // Hide the button if not in the end state }
if (gameState === "start") {
} else if (gameState === "playing") {
  text("Score: " + score, width - 100, 30);
} else if (gameState === "end") {
  // Display results in the end screen
  text("Your Score: " + score, width / 2, height / 2);; // Show the button on the end screen
else {
  // Draw other game elements here
  playAgainButton.hide(); // Hide the button if not in the end state

Arduino IDE Code:

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int potPin = A0; // Potentiometer connected to analog pin A0
int buttonPin = 2; // Digital button connected to digital pin 2
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Set the baud rate to the same value as in p5.js
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set the digital button pin as input with internal pull-up resistor
void loop() {
int potValue = analogRead(potPin); // Read potentiometer value (0 to 1023)
int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); // Read button state (HIGH or LOW)
Serial.print(potValue); // Send potentiometer value to p5.js
Serial.println(buttonState); // Send button state to p5.js
int potPin = A0; // Potentiometer connected to analog pin A0 int buttonPin = 2; // Digital button connected to digital pin 2 void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Set the baud rate to the same value as in p5.js pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set the digital button pin as input with internal pull-up resistor } void loop() { int potValue = analogRead(potPin); // Read potentiometer value (0 to 1023) int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); // Read button state (HIGH or LOW) Serial.print(potValue); // Send potentiometer value to p5.js Serial.print(','); Serial.println(buttonState); // Send button state to p5.js delay(550); }
int potPin = A0;      // Potentiometer connected to analog pin A0
int buttonPin = 2;    // Digital button connected to digital pin 2

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // Set the baud rate to the same value as in p5.js
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set the digital button pin as input with internal pull-up resistor

void loop() {
  int potValue = analogRead(potPin); // Read potentiometer value (0 to 1023)
  int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); // Read button state (HIGH or LOW)
  Serial.print(potValue); // Send potentiometer value to p5.js
  Serial.println(buttonState); // Send button state to p5.js



-LED Button


OveN Prototype and schematics:



User Testing:



  • Many challenges were faced with the coding part.
  • Button wasn’t working to confirm answers and also change the requests of the order.
  • Sometimes the images controlled by the potentiometer would not show, or not change.
  • I also had some issues with serial connection because of the wirings

Future Imporvements:

  • I hoped to be able to make the game restart without having to exit full screen.
  • Make the prototype a little prettier
  • Fine-tune the difficulty level based on user feedback. Adjust timer durations, scoring mechanisms, or image recognition ranges to make the game challenging yet enjoyable.
  • Introduce new challenges or power-ups to add variety to the gameplay.
  • Ensure that the game is responsive and looks good on various screen sizes.


Final Project Draft 1

My aim in this project was to try and make a game that allows the player to help sell pie.

Using the serial connectios the player should be able to use the potentiometer in order to get the wanted order. When one is chosen they press a button to confirm the choice.

The game goes for 2.5 minuts and the player must complete as many orders as possible.


So far I have this

P5.js sketch:

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let x = 0;
let backgroundImage;
let rawImage, undercookedImage, perfectImage, overcookedImage, burntImage;
function preload() {
// Load background image only for now
backgroundImage = loadImage('Background.jpg');
function loadFoodImages() {
// Load images after the serial connection starts
rawImage = loadImage('raw.jpg');
undercookedImage = loadImage('undercooked.jpg');
perfectImage = loadImage('perfect.jpg');
overcookedImage = loadImage('overcooked.jpg');
burntImage = loadImage('burnt.jpg');
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
// Display background image
image(backgroundImage, 0, 0, width, height);
// Display image based on the value of x
// Display serial connection status
if (!serialActive) {
text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
} else {
text("Connected", 20, 30);
function displayFoodImage() {
// Define the ranges for each image
const rawRange = [0, 200];
const undercookedRange = [201, 400];
const perfectRange = [401, 600];
const overcookedRange = [601, 800];
const burntRange = [801, 1023];
// Map x to the corresponding image based on the ranges
let currentImage;
if (x >= rawRange[0] && x <= rawRange[1]) {
currentImage = rawImage;
} else if (x >= undercookedRange[0] && x <= undercookedRange[1]) {
currentImage = undercookedImage;
} else if (x >= perfectRange[0] && x <= perfectRange[1]) {
currentImage = perfectImage;
} else if (x >= overcookedRange[0] && x <= overcookedRange[1]) {
currentImage = overcookedImage;
} else if (x >= burntRange[0] && x <= burntRange[1]) {
currentImage = burntImage;
// Display the current image
if (currentImage) { // Check if the image is defined
image(currentImage, width / 2 - 50, height / 2 - 50, 100, 100);
function keyPressed() {
if (key == " ") {
// Important to have in order to start the serial connection!!
// This function will be called by the web-serial library
// with each new *line* of data. The serial library reads
// the data until the newline and then gives it to us through
// this callback function
function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
x = int(trim(data));
// Load images only when the serial connection starts
if (serialActive) {
let x = 0; let backgroundImage; let rawImage, undercookedImage, perfectImage, overcookedImage, burntImage; function preload() { // Load background image only for now backgroundImage = loadImage('Background.jpg'); } function loadFoodImages() { // Load images after the serial connection starts rawImage = loadImage('raw.jpg'); undercookedImage = loadImage('undercooked.jpg'); perfectImage = loadImage('perfect.jpg'); overcookedImage = loadImage('overcooked.jpg'); burntImage = loadImage('burnt.jpg'); } function setup() { createCanvas(640, 480); textSize(18); } function draw() { // Display background image image(backgroundImage, 0, 0, width, height); // Display image based on the value of x displayFoodImage(); // Display serial connection status fill(0); if (!serialActive) { text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30); } else { text("Connected", 20, 30); } } function displayFoodImage() { // Define the ranges for each image const rawRange = [0, 200]; const undercookedRange = [201, 400]; const perfectRange = [401, 600]; const overcookedRange = [601, 800]; const burntRange = [801, 1023]; // Map x to the corresponding image based on the ranges let currentImage; if (x >= rawRange[0] && x <= rawRange[1]) { currentImage = rawImage; } else if (x >= undercookedRange[0] && x <= undercookedRange[1]) { currentImage = undercookedImage; } else if (x >= perfectRange[0] && x <= perfectRange[1]) { currentImage = perfectImage; } else if (x >= overcookedRange[0] && x <= overcookedRange[1]) { currentImage = overcookedImage; } else if (x >= burntRange[0] && x <= burntRange[1]) { currentImage = burntImage; } // Display the current image if (currentImage) { // Check if the image is defined image(currentImage, width / 2 - 50, height / 2 - 50, 100, 100); } } function keyPressed() { if (key == " ") { // Important to have in order to start the serial connection!! setUpSerial(); } } // This function will be called by the web-serial library // with each new *line* of data. The serial library reads // the data until the newline and then gives it to us through // this callback function function readSerial(data) { //////////////////////////////////// // READ FROM ARDUINO HERE //////////////////////////////////// if (data != null) { x = int(trim(data)); // Load images only when the serial connection starts if (serialActive) { loadFoodImages(); } } }
let x = 0;

let backgroundImage;
let rawImage, undercookedImage, perfectImage, overcookedImage, burntImage;

function preload() {
  // Load background image only for now
  backgroundImage = loadImage('Background.jpg');

function loadFoodImages() {
  // Load images after the serial connection starts
  rawImage = loadImage('raw.jpg');
  undercookedImage = loadImage('undercooked.jpg');
  perfectImage = loadImage('perfect.jpg');
  overcookedImage = loadImage('overcooked.jpg');
  burntImage = loadImage('burnt.jpg');

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
  // Display background image
  image(backgroundImage, 0, 0, width, height);

  // Display image based on the value of x
  // Display serial connection status
  if (!serialActive) {
    text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
  } else {
    text("Connected", 20, 30);

function displayFoodImage() {
  // Define the ranges for each image
  const rawRange = [0, 200];
  const undercookedRange = [201, 400];
  const perfectRange = [401, 600];
  const overcookedRange = [601, 800];
  const burntRange = [801, 1023];

  // Map x to the corresponding image based on the ranges
  let currentImage;
  if (x >= rawRange[0] && x <= rawRange[1]) {
    currentImage = rawImage;
  } else if (x >= undercookedRange[0] && x <= undercookedRange[1]) {
    currentImage = undercookedImage;
  } else if (x >= perfectRange[0] && x <= perfectRange[1]) {
    currentImage = perfectImage;
  } else if (x >= overcookedRange[0] && x <= overcookedRange[1]) {
    currentImage = overcookedImage;
  } else if (x >= burntRange[0] && x <= burntRange[1]) {
    currentImage = burntImage;

  // Display the current image
  if (currentImage) {  // Check if the image is defined
    image(currentImage, width / 2 - 50, height / 2 - 50, 100, 100);

function keyPressed() {
  if (key == " ") {
    // Important to have in order to start the serial connection!!

// This function will be called by the web-serial library
// with each new *line* of data. The serial library reads
// the data until the newline and then gives it to us through
// this callback function
function readSerial(data) {
  if (data != null) {
    x = int(trim(data));
    // Load images only when the serial connection starts
    if (serialActive) {


Arduino sketch:

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int sensorPin = A0;
int sensorValue;
void setup() {
void loop() {
// Read the sensor value
sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);
// Print the sensor value to the serial port
int sensorPin = A0; int sensorValue; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { // Read the sensor value sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // Print the sensor value to the serial port Serial.println(sensorValue); delay(100); }
int sensorPin = A0;  
int sensorValue;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  // Read the sensor value
  sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);

  // Print the sensor value to the serial port




Video Player

My potineometer works just fine. I still need to

-Display the required image according the the divided readings of the potineometer

-work on the button as a submitted answer

-figure out how to add timer and end results (maybe a leadboard)

-add sounds

-Finalize Instructions

Alien Intelligence w/Professor Leach

Attending professor’s Leach conference about his opinion about AI is certainly an interesting experience. He mostly spoke about how AI is this extremely smart web that connects all human minds and thoughts into one place, making it smarter than 5 people combined. Professor Leach praises the concept that AI is an extremely helpful tool that is open to all. 

My thoughts were mostly concerned with ethics. Should we as a community come up with regulations and a set of requirements to not make others use AI for their advantage. As an artist who mostly uses digital art (tablet and pen) I think people need to realize how harmful it is to use AI tools without proper manners. In the end AI is made from people’s thoughts and work, if people get used to “creating” art whether it be a drawn piece or a song I personally would consider it theft. Because it uses copies of other artists to replicate what a person wants. It might be fine to have it for personal use, however publicly claiming their own hard work is a little shameful. 

I really think regulations should be set for AI, and people should be mindful of the type of work they do.

Week 11- Reflection

“All design is subject to constrain. Constrains arise both from what the design is required to do (including yser needs or desires) and how this might be achieved (usually technical feasibility or business viability).


With the reading of this week’s Design Meets Disability  it is has been clear and clearly put how design is job that should be taken quite seriously in terms of serving others. He argues that designing for disability can invigorate design practices and inject different ways of thinking into the design community. Designing for disability encourages designers to consider a diverse range of perspectives and experiences. This can lead to innovative solutions that benefit not only individuals with disabilities but society as a whole. It challenges designers to think beyond traditional norms and consider a wider spectrum of user needs. This comes with the consideration of taking our time to think of others in order come up with something everyone can be satesfied with without disregarding anyone.

I do agree with the writer in this part, people who might think of themselves as different have the right the allow themselves to be included. A kids show called Bluey is an example of trying to include everyoneNot only being  a show for kids to enjoy, but also something for mothers AND dogs to watch. Many episodes are directed towards the appreciation of a mother’s hardwork by comforting her and telling her that her love is seen and she too deserves it. As for dogs, the show is desinged using specific colours that fits the vision of how the dogs view the world. Since dogs don’t see the colours we humans do, it was still applied for them to view and enjoy the colours too.

Assignment 11 (w/ Rujul)


While controlling the potentiometer the ellipse would move across the screen while changing the opacity of it.

P5.js Sketch:

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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
// variable to control x-coordinate
let x = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
// sets background
// draws ellipse on canvas
fill(0,255,0,map(x, 0, 1023, 0, 255))
ellipse(map(x, 0, 1023, 0, width), height / 2, 100, 100);
// checks if serial communication has been established
if (!serialActive) {
text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
} else {
text("Connected", 20, 30);
// sets up serial connection
function keyPressed() {
if (key == " ") {
// important to have in order to start the serial connection!!
// This function will be called by the web-serial library
// with each new *line* of data. The serial library reads
// the data until the newline and then gives it to us through
// this callback function
function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
x = int(trim(data));
// variable to control x-coordinate let x = 0; function setup() { createCanvas(640, 480); textSize(18); } function draw() { // sets background background(255); stroke(0); // draws ellipse on canvas fill(0,255,0,map(x, 0, 1023, 0, 255)) ellipse(map(x, 0, 1023, 0, width), height / 2, 100, 100); // checks if serial communication has been established fill(0) if (!serialActive) { text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30); } else { text("Connected", 20, 30); } } // sets up serial connection function keyPressed() { if (key == " ") { // important to have in order to start the serial connection!! setUpSerial(); } } // This function will be called by the web-serial library // with each new *line* of data. The serial library reads // the data until the newline and then gives it to us through // this callback function function readSerial(data) { //////////////////////////////////// //READ FROM ARDUINO HERE //////////////////////////////////// if (data != null) { x = int(trim(data)); } }
// variable to control x-coordinate
let x = 0;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
  // sets background

  // draws ellipse on canvas
  fill(0,255,0,map(x, 0, 1023, 0, 255))
  ellipse(map(x, 0, 1023, 0, width), height / 2, 100, 100);
  // checks if serial communication has been established
  if (!serialActive) {
    text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
  } else {
    text("Connected", 20, 30);

// sets up serial connection
function keyPressed() {
  if (key == " ") {
    // important to have in order to start the serial connection!!

// This function will be called by the web-serial library
// with each new *line* of data. The serial library reads
// the data until the newline and then gives it to us through
// this callback function
function readSerial(data) {
  if (data != null) {
    x = int(trim(data));


Arduino Sketch:

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void setup() {
// Start serial communication so we can send data
// over the USB connection to our p5js sketch
// We'll use the builtin LED as a status output..
void loop() {
// gets sensor reading
int sensor = analogRead(A0);
// indicates data transfer
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
// sends data to p5
// indicates data transfer
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
void setup() { // Start serial communication so we can send data // over the USB connection to our p5js sketch Serial.begin(9600); // We'll use the builtin LED as a status output.. pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // gets sensor reading int sensor = analogRead(A0); delay(5); // indicates data transfer digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // sends data to p5 Serial.println(sensor); // indicates data transfer digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); }
void setup() {
  // Start serial communication so we can send data
  // over the USB connection to our p5js sketch

  // We'll use the builtin LED as a status output..


void loop() {

  // gets sensor reading
  int sensor = analogRead(A0);

  // indicates data transfer
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);

  // sends data to p5
  // indicates data transfer
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);





Brightness of the LED changes when pressing the UP and DOWN key buttons

P5.js Sketch:

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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
let brightness=0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
if (!serialActive) {
text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
} else {
text("Connected", 20, 30);
text("Brightness: "+str(brightness),width/2-50,height/2)
text("Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to adjust the brightness. ",width/2-220,height/2+50)
if (keyIsPressed) {
if (keyCode==UP_ARROW) {
if (brightness<255){
} else if (keyCode==DOWN_ARROW) {
if (brightness>0){
function keyPressed() {
if (key == " ") {
// important to have in order to start the serial connection!!
function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
let brightness=0; function setup() { createCanvas(640, 480); textSize(18); } function draw() { background(255); fill(0); if (!serialActive) { text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30); } else { text("Connected", 20, 30); } fill(255,0,0,brightness) square(width/2-150,height/2-30,50) fill(0) text("Brightness: "+str(brightness),width/2-50,height/2) text("Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to adjust the brightness. ",width/2-220,height/2+50) if (keyIsPressed) { if (keyCode==UP_ARROW) { if (brightness<255){ brightness+=5; } } else if (keyCode==DOWN_ARROW) { if (brightness>0){ brightness-=5; } } } } function keyPressed() { if (key == " ") { // important to have in order to start the serial connection!! setUpSerial(); } } function readSerial(data) { if (data != null) { writeSerial(brightness+"\n"); } }
let brightness=0;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {

  if (!serialActive) {
    text("Press Space Bar to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
  } else {
    text("Connected", 20, 30);
  text("Brightness: "+str(brightness),width/2-50,height/2)
  text("Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to adjust the brightness. ",width/2-220,height/2+50)

  if (keyIsPressed) {
    if (keyCode==UP_ARROW) {
      if (brightness<255){
    } else if (keyCode==DOWN_ARROW) {
      if (brightness>0){

function keyPressed() {
  if (key == " ") {
    // important to have in order to start the serial connection!!

function readSerial(data) {
  if (data != null) {


Arduino Sketch:

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int LedPin = 5;
void setup() {
// Start serial communication so we can send data
// over the USB connection to our p5js sketch
// We'll use the builtin LED as a status output..
// Outputs on this pin
pinMode(LedPin, OUTPUT);
// Blink them so we can check the wiring
digitalWrite(LedPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LedPin, LOW);
// start the handshake
while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
Serial.println("0"); // send a starting message
delay(300); // wait 1/3 second
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
void loop() {
// wait for data from p5 before doing something
while (Serial.available()) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // led on while receiving data
int brightness = Serial.parseInt();
if ( == '\n') {
analogWrite(LedPin, brightness);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
int LedPin = 5; void setup() { // Start serial communication so we can send data // over the USB connection to our p5js sketch Serial.begin(9600); // We'll use the builtin LED as a status output.. pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // Outputs on this pin pinMode(LedPin, OUTPUT); // Blink them so we can check the wiring digitalWrite(LedPin, HIGH); delay(200); digitalWrite(LedPin, LOW); // start the handshake while (Serial.available() <= 0) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data Serial.println("0"); // send a starting message delay(300); // wait 1/3 second digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(50); } } void loop() { // wait for data from p5 before doing something while (Serial.available()) { Serial.println("0"); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // led on while receiving data int brightness = Serial.parseInt(); if ( == '\n') { analogWrite(LedPin, brightness); } } digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); }
int LedPin = 5;

void setup() {
  // Start serial communication so we can send data
  // over the USB connection to our p5js sketch

  // We'll use the builtin LED as a status output..

  // Outputs on this pin
  pinMode(LedPin, OUTPUT);

  // Blink them so we can check the wiring
  digitalWrite(LedPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(LedPin, LOW);

  // start the handshake
  while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
    Serial.println("0"); // send a starting message
    delay(300);            // wait 1/3 second
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

void loop() {
  // wait for data from p5 before doing something
  while (Serial.available()) {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // led on while receiving data

    int brightness = Serial.parseInt();
    if ( == '\n') {
      analogWrite(LedPin, brightness);
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);




The LED glows up when the ball touches the ground. The ultrasonic sensor is used to change the direction of the wind.

P5.js Sketch

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let velocity;
let gravity;
let posit5
let acceleration;
let wind;
let drag = 0.99;
let mass = 50;
let LED=0;
let wind_speed=0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 360);
position = createVector(width/2, 0);
velocity = createVector(0,0);
acceleration = createVector(0,0);
gravity = createVector(0, 0.5*mass);
wind = createVector(0,0);
function draw() {
if (!serialActive) {
text("Press RIGHT key to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
} else {
text("Connected", 20, 30);
if (position.y > height-mass/2) {
velocity.y *= -0.9; // A little dampening when hitting the bottom
position.y = height-mass/2;
if (position.y==height-mass/2){
if (position.x>=width || position.x<=0){
function applyForce(force){
// Newton's 2nd law: F = M * A
// or A = F / M
let f = p5.Vector.div(force, mass);
function keyPressed(){
if (key==' '){
if (keyCode==RIGHT_ARROW){
function readSerial(data) {
if (data != null) {
let fromArduino = trim(data);
distance= int(fromArduino);
if (distance>10){
let sendToArduino = LED+"\n";
let velocity; let gravity; let posit5 let acceleration; let wind; let drag = 0.99; let mass = 50; let LED=0; let wind_speed=0; function setup() { createCanvas(640, 360); noFill(); position = createVector(width/2, 0); velocity = createVector(0,0); acceleration = createVector(0,0); gravity = createVector(0, 0.5*mass); wind = createVector(0,0); } function draw() { background(255); fill(0) if (!serialActive) { text("Press RIGHT key to select Serial Port", 20, 30); } else { text("Connected", 20, 30); } applyForce(wind); applyForce(gravity); velocity.add(acceleration); velocity.mult(drag); position.add(velocity); acceleration.mult(0); fill(205,104,219); ellipse(position.x,position.y,mass,mass); if (position.y > height-mass/2) { velocity.y *= -0.9; // A little dampening when hitting the bottom position.y = height-mass/2; } if (position.y==height-mass/2){ LED=1 } else{ LED=0 } if (position.x>=width || position.x<=0){ position.x=width/2 } } function applyForce(force){ // Newton's 2nd law: F = M * A // or A = F / M let f = p5.Vector.div(force, mass); acceleration.add(f); } function keyPressed(){ if (key==' '){ mass=random(15,80); position.y=-mass; velocity.mult(0); } if (keyCode==RIGHT_ARROW){ setUpSerial(); } } function readSerial(data) { //////////////////////////////////// //READ FROM ARDUINO HERE //////////////////////////////////// if (data != null) { let fromArduino = trim(data); distance= int(fromArduino); if (distance>10){ wind.x=2 } else{ wind.x=-2 } let sendToArduino = LED+"\n"; writeSerial(sendToArduino); } }
let velocity;
let gravity;
let posit5
let acceleration;
let wind;
let drag = 0.99;
let mass = 50;
let LED=0;
let wind_speed=0;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 360);
  position = createVector(width/2, 0);
  velocity = createVector(0,0);
  acceleration = createVector(0,0);
  gravity = createVector(0, 0.5*mass);
  wind = createVector(0,0);

function draw() {
  if (!serialActive) {
    text("Press RIGHT key to select Serial Port", 20, 30);
  } else {
    text("Connected", 20, 30);
  if (position.y > height-mass/2) {
      velocity.y *= -0.9;  // A little dampening when hitting the bottom
      position.y = height-mass/2;
  if (position.y==height-mass/2){
  if (position.x>=width || position.x<=0){

function applyForce(force){
  // Newton's 2nd law: F = M * A
  // or A = F / M
  let f = p5.Vector.div(force, mass);

function keyPressed(){
  if (key==' '){
  if (keyCode==RIGHT_ARROW){

function readSerial(data) {

  if (data != null) {
    let fromArduino = trim(data);
    distance= int(fromArduino);
    if (distance>10){
    let sendToArduino = LED+"\n";


Arduino Sketch:

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int LedPin = 2;
int trigPin = 9;
int echoPin = 10;
long duration;
int distance;
void setup() {
// Start serial communication so we can send data
// over the USB connection to our p5js sketch
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
// Outputs on these pins
pinMode(LedPin, OUTPUT);
// Blink them so we can check the wiring
digitalWrite(LedPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LedPin, LOW);
// start the handshake
while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
Serial.println("0,0"); // send a starting message
delay(300); // wait 1/3 second
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
void loop() {
// wait for data from p5 before doing something
while (Serial.available()) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // led on while receiving data
int LED = Serial.parseInt();
if ( == '\n') {
digitalWrite(LedPin, LED);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
// Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
// Calculating the distance
distance = duration * 0.034 / 2;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
int LedPin = 2; int trigPin = 9; int echoPin = 10; long duration; int distance; void setup() { // Start serial communication so we can send data // over the USB connection to our p5js sketch pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // Outputs on these pins pinMode(LedPin, OUTPUT); // Blink them so we can check the wiring digitalWrite(LedPin, HIGH); delay(200); digitalWrite(LedPin, LOW); // start the handshake while (Serial.available() <= 0) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data Serial.println("0,0"); // send a starting message delay(300); // wait 1/3 second digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); delay(50); } } void loop() { // wait for data from p5 before doing something while (Serial.available()) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // led on while receiving data int LED = Serial.parseInt(); if ( == '\n') { digitalWrite(LedPin, LED); digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); // Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); // Calculating the distance distance = duration * 0.034 / 2; Serial.println(distance); } } digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); }
int LedPin = 2;
int trigPin = 9;
int echoPin = 10;
long duration;
int distance;

void setup() {
  // Start serial communication so we can send data
  // over the USB connection to our p5js sketch
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

  // Outputs on these pins
  pinMode(LedPin, OUTPUT);

  // Blink them so we can check the wiring
  digitalWrite(LedPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(LedPin, LOW);

  // start the handshake
  while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // on/blink while waiting for serial data
    Serial.println("0,0"); // send a starting message
    delay(300);            // wait 1/3 second
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

void loop() {
  // wait for data from p5 before doing something
  while (Serial.available()) {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // led on while receiving data

    int LED = Serial.parseInt();
    if ( == '\n') {
      digitalWrite(LedPin, LED);
      digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
      digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
      // Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds
      duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
      // Calculating the distance
      distance = duration * 0.034 / 2;
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);




Assignment 10: Travelling music. (w/ Minjae Kim)


Our Arduino project combines an ultrasonic distance measurement sensor, a switch button, and a buzzer to create an interactive music instrument. The ultrasonic sensor, consisting of a trig pin (connected to pin 10) and an echo pin (connected to pin 11), is utilized to measure the distance between the sensor and an object. The setup initializes the pins and sets up serial communication. In the loop function, the sensor is triggered to emit ultrasonic waves, and the duration of the wave’s round trip is measured. The distance is then calculated in centimeters based on the speed of sound. Additionally, a switch button connected to analog pin A0 turns on the music when I press the switch button.


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int trig = 10;
int echo = 11;
long duration;
long distance;
int force;
void setup() {
pinMode(echo, INPUT);
pinMode(trig, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(trig, LOW); //triggers on/off and then reads data
digitalWrite(trig, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trig, LOW);
duration = pulseIn(echo, HIGH);
distance = (duration / 2) * .0344; //344 m/s = speed of sound. We're converting into cm
int notes[7] = {261, 294, 329, 349, 392, 440, 494}; //Putting several notes in an array
// mid C D E F G A B
force = analogRead(A0); //defining force as FSR data
if (distance < 0 || distance > 50 || force < 100) { //if not presed and not in front
noTone(12); //dont play music
else if ((force > 100)) { //if pressed
int sound = map(distance, 0, 50, 0, 6); //map distance to the array of notes
tone(12, notes[sound]); //call a certain note depending on distance
int trig = 10; int echo = 11; long duration; long distance; int force; void setup() { pinMode(echo, INPUT); pinMode(trig, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { digitalWrite(trig, LOW); //triggers on/off and then reads data delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(trig, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(trig, LOW); duration = pulseIn(echo, HIGH); distance = (duration / 2) * .0344; //344 m/s = speed of sound. We're converting into cm int notes[7] = {261, 294, 329, 349, 392, 440, 494}; //Putting several notes in an array // mid C D E F G A B force = analogRead(A0); //defining force as FSR data if (distance < 0 || distance > 50 || force < 100) { //if not presed and not in front noTone(12); //dont play music } else if ((force > 100)) { //if pressed int sound = map(distance, 0, 50, 0, 6); //map distance to the array of notes tone(12, notes[sound]); //call a certain note depending on distance } }
int trig = 10;
int echo = 11;
long duration;
long distance;
int force;

void setup() {
  pinMode(echo, INPUT);

  pinMode(trig, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
  digitalWrite(trig, LOW); //triggers on/off and then reads data
  digitalWrite(trig, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trig, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echo, HIGH);
  distance = (duration / 2) * .0344;    //344 m/s = speed of sound. We're converting into cm

  int notes[7] = {261, 294, 329, 349, 392, 440, 494}; //Putting several notes in an array
  //          mid C  D   E   F   G   A   B

  force = analogRead(A0); //defining force as FSR data

  if (distance < 0 || distance > 50 || force < 100) { //if not presed and not in front

    noTone(12); //dont play music


  else if ((force > 100)) {  //if pressed

    int sound = map(distance, 0, 50, 0, 6);  //map distance to the array of notes
    tone(12, notes[sound]);  //call a certain note depending on distance






We used this video to properly correct out codes and build the circuit:

Watch how we did it here: MusicInsturment




Week 10- Reflection

The author, who used to design cool future stuff, isn’t really feeling the video about the future of how we interact with things. They’ve got hands-on experience, not just theory, so when they say they’re a bit skeptical about some things in the video, you gotta listen.  This vision of the future isn’t all that visionary. It’s like a tiny step from what we’ve got now.What the author really cares about is hands. They’re all about how our hands feel things and mess with stuff. But the video seems to be all about sacrificing that cool touchy-feely action for a flashy visual show.  They argue that real-world interactions, like opening a jar or making a sandwich, are way more expressive than what we do with touchscreens. They’re not on board with the idea that the future of how we interact should be less exciting than putting together a sandwich! Be inspired by what humans can do; it is just a reminder that big ideas come from people who dared to dream big. They’re pushing for more people to get on board with exploring what we can really do instead of settling for small improvements. the moral of it all is “Hey, let’s not be boring with the future. Let’s make it cool and interactive, using all our awesome human abilities!” It’s a call to think big and not settle for the same old stuff.

I also agree with old people when they complain about touch-screen. Buttons are not only fun, but they are right there. Remote controls are very usuful becuase of the clear button that are clearly visible. Unlike touch screen where it was made for the object to just look advanced and cool with unclear objective.