Setup: Five Pads on the floor and an interface.
Operations: The note pads correspond to the pentatonic C scale: C, D, E, G, A. As shown on the pads, they represent all the things I hate, I assume you too, the most throughout this semester. To win the game, you must recreate a melody by smashing the pads.
Symbols: The things I hate the most this semester
- C note: COVID
- D note: Deadlines
- E note: course Enrollment
- G note: GPA
- A note: Anxiety
- Title Page
- Rules
- Practice: plays demo melody
- Test
- Win or Lose
video of im showcase:
Most people got it correct after 2-3 tries, around 3-5 succeeded on the first try (talk about music talents), and 3 people just gave up. People enjoyed it a lot more than I thought they would!
//Processing Codes /* name: Chi-Ting Tsai assignment: final project date: 12/07/2021 "Smash It!" is a music memory game where player would be instructed to memorize a melody and recreate it by stepping on the pads corresponding to notes on the pentatonic C scale. */ import processing.sound.*; SoundFile demoMelody; SoundFile recC; SoundFile recD; SoundFile recE; SoundFile recG; SoundFile recA; SoundFile winning; SoundFile losing; int size = 200; color frame = color(237, 168, 17); int stage; int noteC = 1; int noteD = 2; int noteE = 3; int noteG = 5; int noteA = 6; int[] correctMelody = {noteD, noteC, noteE, noteG, noteA, noteG, noteD, noteC}; void setup() { size (displayWidth, displayHeight); background(color(99, 144, 130)); String portname=Serial.list()[3]; println(portname); myPort = new Serial(this, portname, 9600); myPort.clear(); myPort.bufferUntil('\n'); demoMelody = new SoundFile (this, "/Users/chi-tingtsai/Downloads/5-seconds-of-silence_gcP1Vako.wav"); recC = new SoundFile (this, "/Users/chi-tingtsai/Downloads/C.wav"); recD = new SoundFile (this, "/Users/chi-tingtsai/Downloads/D.wav"); recE = new SoundFile (this, "/Users/chi-tingtsai/Downloads/E.wav"); recG = new SoundFile (this, "/Users/chi-tingtsai/Downloads/G.wav"); recA = new SoundFile (this, "/Users/chi-tingtsai/Downloads/A.wav"); winning = new SoundFile (this, "/Users/chi-tingtsai/Downloads/Winning Sound Effect.wav"); losing = new SoundFile (this, "/Users/chi-tingtsai/Downloads/The Price is Right Losing Horn - Gaming Sound Effect (HD).wav"); } void draw() { //scene change if (stage == 0) { rank(); } else if (stage == 1) { rules(); } else if (stage == 2) { practice(); } else if (stage == 3) { game(); } else if (stage == 4) { lose(); } else if (stage == 5) { win(); } }
//Processing codes void rank() { background(color(99, 144, 130)); PFont F = createFont("TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT", 1); noStroke(); fill(255); textAlign(CENTER); textFont(F, 50); text("Smash Your Memory!\nA Music Memory Game", width/2, height/2-50); text("Smash C note(COVID) to Begin", width/2, height*3/4); //frame noStroke(); rectMode(CENTER); fill(frame); rect(width/2, 10, width, 20); rect(width/2, height-60, width, 20); rect(10, height/2, 20, height); rect(width-10, height/2, 20, height); }
//Processing void rules() { background(color(99, 144, 130)); PFont F = createFont("TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT", 1); noStroke(); fill(255); textAlign(CENTER); //explain how to play textFont(F, 50); text("RULES: Memory Game", width/2, height/4); textFont(F, 30); text("INSTRUCTIONS:\n The note pads correspond to the pentatonic C scale: C,D,E,G,A.\n As shown on the pads, they represent all the things I hate,\nI assume you too, the most throughout this semester.\n To win the game, you must recreate a melody by smashing the pads.", width/2, height/2-120); textFont(F, 30); text("Smash Deadlines to play the melody ONCE(AND ONLY ONCE!) and practice!", width/2, height-200); //frame noStroke(); rectMode(CENTER); fill(frame); rect(width/2, 10, width, 20); rect(width/2, height-60, width, 20); rect(10, height/2, 20, height); rect(width-10, height/2, 20, height); }
//Processing Codes int i = 0; char[] refMelody = {' ', ' ', ' ', 'D', 'C', 'E', 'G', 'A', 'G', 'D', 'C'}; void practice() { background(color(99, 144, 130)); PFont F = createFont("TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT", 1); noStroke(); fill(255); textAlign(CENTER); //text textFont(F, 50); text("LISTEN CAREFULLY & PRACTICE (8 NOTES)", width/2, height/4); textFont(F, 30); text("Practice to familiarize with how the notes sound!\nRememer: your job is to smash the pads to recreate the melody!\n", width/2, height/2-120); textFont(F, 50); textFont(F, 50); text("Smash Space Bar to begin smashing!", width/2, height-170); //frame noStroke(); rectMode(CENTER); fill(frame); rect(width/2, 10, width, 20); rect(width/2, height-60, width, 20); rect(10, height/2, 20, height); rect(width-10, height/2, 20, height); //telling player which note it is if (frameCount%118 == 0 && i < 10) { i++; } text("Now playing: \n" + refMelody[i], width/2, height/2+75); }
//Processing Codes import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; int aSignal = 0; int prevASignal = 0; int val = 0; void game() { if (i == 10) { i = 0; } //background background(color(99, 144, 130)); PFont F = createFont("TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT", 1); noStroke(); fill(255); textAlign(CENTER); textFont(F, 50); text("Listen Carefully and Recreate!", width/2, height/4); textFont(F, 30); text("The things I hate the most this semester\nC note: COVID\nD note: Deadlines\nE note: course Enrollment\nG note: GPA\nA note: Anxiety\n", width/2, height/2-80); fill(frame); textFont(F, 50); text(val + "/8" + " Notes Correct! Keep smashing!", width/2, height-170); //frame noStroke(); rectMode(CENTER); fill(frame); rect(width/2, 10, width, 20); rect(width/2, height-60, width, 20); rect(10, height/2, 20, height); rect(width-10, height/2, 20, height); } void serialEvent(Serial myPort) { String s=myPort.readStringUntil('\n'); s=trim(s); if (s!= null) { aSignal = parseInt(s); //scene transition if (stage == 0 && aSignal == noteC) { stage = 1;; val = 0; } if (stage == 1 && aSignal == noteD) { stage = 2; demoMelody.amp(0.8);; } if ((stage == 4 || stage == 5) && aSignal == noteG) { stage = 0;; } //note playing and verification if ((stage == 2 || stage == 3) && prevASignal!= aSignal) { if (aSignal == noteC) {; } else if (aSignal == noteD) {; } else if (aSignal == noteE) {; } else if (aSignal == noteG) {; } else if (aSignal == noteA) {; } //verify note in array if (stage == 3 && aSignal != 0) { if (correctMelody[val] == aSignal) { val++; prevASignal = aSignal; if (val == 8) { delay(2000); stage = 5;; } } else { delay(2000); stage = 4; losing.amp(0.3);; } } prevASignal = aSignal; } } myPort.write('\n'); } void keyReleased() { if (key == ' ' && stage == 2) { stage = 3; game(); } }
//Processing Codes void lose() { background(color(99, 144, 130)); PFont F = createFont("TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT", 1); noStroke(); fill(255); textAlign(CENTER); textFont(F, 50); text("Awwww... Smash GPA to play again.", width/2, height*3/4); text("Not the right note!\nYou've reached the " + (val) + "th note in the melody!", width/2, height/2-80); //frame noStroke(); rectMode(CENTER); fill(frame); rect(width/2, 10, width, 20); rect(width/2, height-60, width, 20); rect(10, height/2, 20, height); rect(width-10, height/2, 20, height); }
//Processing void win() { background(color(99, 144, 130)); PFont F = createFont("TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT", 1); noStroke(); fill(255); textAlign(CENTER); textFont(F, 50); text("Congratulations! You have recreated the entire melody!", width/2, height/2); textFont(F, 50); text("Smash GPA to play again!", width/2, height/2+50); textFont(F, 30); fill(frame); text("Have you found your peace by smashing those that give off negative energy?", width/2, height/2-50); //frame noStroke(); rectMode(CENTER); fill(frame); rect(width/2, 10, width, 20); rect(width/2, height-60, width, 20); rect(10, height/2, 20, height); rect(width-10, height/2, 20, height); }
//Arduino codes //variable declaration const int C = 1; const int D = 2; const int E = 3; const int G = 5; const int A = 6; const int in_C = 2; const int in_D = 3; const int in_E = 4; const int in_G = 5; const int in_A = 6; const int led_C = 9; const int led_D = 10; const int led_E = 11; const int led_G = 12; const int led_A = 13; int switch_C, switch_D, switch_E, switch_G, switch_A = 0; int smash = 0; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: pinMode(in_C, INPUT); pinMode(in_D, INPUT); pinMode(in_E, INPUT); pinMode(in_G, INPUT); pinMode(in_A, INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("0"); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: switch_C = digitalRead(in_C); switch_D = digitalRead(in_D); switch_E = digitalRead(in_E); switch_G = digitalRead(in_G); switch_A = digitalRead(in_A); while (Serial.available()) { smash = 0; if ( == '\n') { //Note C if (switch_C == 1) { //released, if the two aluminum foils touch smash = C; } else if (switch_C && switch_D && switch_E && switch_G && switch_A == 0) { //released, if the two aluminum foils partLED smash = 0; } //Note D if (switch_D == 1) { //released, if the two aluminum foils touch smash = D; } else if (switch_C && switch_D && switch_E && switch_G && switch_A == 0) { //released, if the two aluminum foils partLED smash = 0; } //Note E if (switch_E == 1) { //released, if the two aluminum foils touch smash = E; } else if (switch_C && switch_D && switch_E && switch_G && switch_A == 0) { //released, if the two aluminum foils partLED smash = 0; } //Note G if (switch_G == 1) { //released, if the two aluminum foils touch smash = G; } else if (switch_C && switch_D && switch_E && switch_G && switch_A == 0) { //released, if the two aluminum foils partLED smash = 0; } //Note A if (switch_A == 1) { //released, if the two aluminum foils touch smash = A; } Serial.println(smash); } } }
After receiving feedback from classmates, I have made several improvements:
- Adding visual cues with the demo melody
- Informing players how many notes they have recreated correctly
At the beginning of the showcase, someone flagged out a few bugs in the interface but nothing major. They were removed swiftly and the rest of the show went by smoothly in back-to-back user testing!
last note
Thank you so much for the semester. Happy Christmas holidays and have a joyful New Year. Have a restful winter break as well.
Warms regards,