create a generative typography/text output
I originally started with making a speedometer, but found this idea more fun and interactive so went along with it.
It took a lot of maths! I started with a rough circle/ellipse for a path for my text to go about. Then I created the variable “arclength” to trace the text on the the circular path. Then I iterated the arclength with each letter of the string and divided it by 2 to make it monospaced on an average.
I then created a variable theta for every angle of the letter of the string. Then through push and pop, I copied the translate and rotate coordinates of the text and pasted it again. Through mouseX function, the arc moved sideways along with the mouse.
There was a little math, which was a bit challenging for me. But once it worked, it was fun to interact with. Initially, I used TWO_ PI as stop 2 value in map in translate, which gave it a 2D effect being the original plan. Then by just switching it to PI, the wheel switched to being 3D and it was fun so I let it be.
Here’s the video link to the assignment:
String message; PFont f; float r = 300;// The radius of a circle void setup() { size(800,800); // The message to be displayed message = "Steering wheel of the your car Steering wheel of your car Steering wheel of your car Steering wheel of your car Steering wheel of your car"; //Speed of your wheels Speed of your wheels Speed of your wheels "; // The text must be centered! textAlign(CENTER); f = createFont("Serif",32); textFont(f); textSize(36); } void draw() { background(#98EAF7); // Start in the center and draw the circle translate(width / 2, height / 2); //noFill(); //stroke(0); //ellipse(0, 0, r*2, r*2); // We must keep track of our position along the curve int arclength = 0; // For every letter for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++) { float w = textWidth(message.charAt(i)); arclength += w/2; float theta = PI + arclength / r; push(); translate(r*cos(theta + map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, PI)), r*sin(theta+map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, TWO_PI))); rotate(theta+PI/2 +map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, TWO_PI)); // rotation is offset by 90 degrees // Display the character fill(0); text(message.charAt(i),0,0); pop(); // Move halfway again arclength += w/2; } }
Nice job Shanaia, love the 3d effect!