For this project, I got inspired by an animation of random skulls and so I decided to create random smiling faces since I find that using the arc function is somewhat of a challenge and I wanted to practice.The design is generated dynamically with each frame using random values for color and size to create a unique variation every time. The face is composed of basic shapes, including an ellipse for the head, a rectangle for the neck, and circles for the eyes.
My favorite part of this project was using variables to link the eyes and neck to the face so that they automatically adjust to the face’s size and position.
ellipse(skullX, skullY, skullW, skullH) let neckX = skullX - skullW/4 let neckY = skullY + skullH/4 let neckW = skullW/2 let neckH = skullH/2 rect(neckX, neckY, neckW, neckH) let eye1X= neckX let eye2X = neckX +neckW let eyeY = skullY - skullH/4
One challenge I faced was making the smile look natural. While the arc function works, I’d like to experiment with other approaches to create a more natural expression.
Things I’d like to improve is adjusting the background colour. Since, it is randomized, it sometimes blends too much with the skull, making it less visible. So refining how colors are assigned could enhance the contrast and visibility of the design. Also, I’d like to create random facial expressions instead of just a smile.