Week 11 – Final Project Ideas

Idea 1:

For my first (and main) idea, I want to work with the concept of IOT and Home Automation. In this case, as cliche as it might sound, I would like to have a central control unit for every interactive part of our houses. What this allows is to have direct control over every item in the house, which at the same time allows me to make the main part of this project, which is an assistant that will be able to act on every interactive item of the house. The multiple ways of connecting to it will allow a variety of options and ideas.

Idea 2:

For this project, the idea is to create a combination between 2 of the most popular game genres this year: rhythm games and combination games. The concept is to create a rhythm game that every time you get a perfect hit, a  ball will fall, which will allow the user to drop the balls in order to combine them and achieve a higher score.

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