Week 11 – Final project idea

I had two ideas for my final project but I’m still undecided on what I want to do

1. Pachinko machine 

Creating a pachinko machine that incorporates Arduino to add interaction, perhaps using servo motors to control some obstacles, or adding sound/lights whenever the ball hits a nail, or using Arduino to detect which hole the ball fell into. However, I can’t think of a good way of integrating P5.JS with this project without it being gimmicky like showing the score on P5.js, or shooting the balls from P5.js. I feel those interactions belong in the physical world and implementing them digitally takes away from it. Any interaction I can think of is better served physically, so I am not sure if I will proceed with this idea even though I personally like this idea more as it’s more fun.
Christmas Gift [Handmade DIY] Pinball Game Board Game Wooden Toy Handmade DIY - Shop jwoodgarden Wood, Bamboo & Paper - Pinkoi

2. Hello Kitty photobooth

A photobooth-type project, where the p5.js sketch is responsible for displaying the camera and taking the photos. The ‘twist’ is the usage of Arduino and the presence of a physical Hello Kitty that is sensed by the Arduino. By moving around the physical Hello Kitty it adjusts her location on the screen, so you can move her around and adjust her size, make her big so the viewer can stand next to her in the photo, or make her small and the viewer can hold her in the palm of their hands.

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