[Week 10] Reading Response

< A Brief Rant on the Future of Interactive Design>

Looking at the video, I think my very shallow but instant impression was: cool. It definitely is close to what I’ve been picturing- something that’s been displayed to us through media (like Netflix Black Mirror series) until now, somewhat brainwashing this is what we have coming and this is all we could expect.

I love how the reading questions if the aspect of our future daily lives shown in the video is the next form of ‘technology’, or interaction, as the author focuses.

I think a big part of why technology has limited power to fascinate people and bring joy with the littlest thing is that lack of feeling. The reading talks about how if we were to read a book, we’d be able to feel it. With basic interactions with ‘Pictures Under Glass’, this is not possible. I think we’ve all felt this limitation with certain technology like e-books and simply visually satisfying games.

The author acknowledges that this is just a rant and that the current developments the world is showing are still great. It’s just a matter of how do we progress from here, using everything humans can do. Regardless of any statements that can be made around his opinion, I like how he approached the concept of ‘tool’ and what that can mean when we are inventing or developing a tool.

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