week 10 – reading reflection

The first reading was definitely intriguing and despite its somewhat comical tone, I believe it highlights an important issue that is growing ever so prevalent in our contemporary times. Pictures under Glass technology, I believe, isn’t a so far-fetched notion and could potentially occur in the nearer future. Technological advancements are facilitated for human convenience and so ultimately, I feel as though it’s used to increasingly replace human capabilities. In the case of the first reading, ‘pictures under glass’ undermines human capability of touch and it overlooks the importance of tactile richness. Stimulation, especially new stimulation, is vital for strengthening neural pathways and promoting cognitive growth and as such, these novel experiences contribute to cultivating a shaper mind, creating a foundation for a more resilient and adaptable cognitive capacity. However if such experiences are massively condensed to something homogenous like this picture under glass technology, we lose such cognitive abilities. In this sense, whilst technological advancement is good, it is worrying as it feels like we are on a path of neurological de-evolution.

In delving into the second reading, the contrasting reactions among readers regarding the trajectory of interactive media resonates with the profound (aforementioned) notion. The shared call for a forward-thinking approach, aligning innovation with our human experiences, I believe, becomes even more relevant in this context. Such a notion ultimately strikes a chord with my concerns about the impact of technology on our lives. The discussion on the potential loss of creativity and emotional depth in a future dominated by touchscreens and voice commands prompts personal reflection on the role of technology in my own experiences. Navigating this dynamic landscape, the reflections serve as both a call to action and a personal invitation to consciously shape a future where technology enhances, rather than diminishes, the richness of both physical and emotional existence.

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