Week9: Mini DJ Player

My Arduino code simulates a mini DJ player by incorporating a potentiometer and a switch. The potentiometer, connected to analog input pin A1, emulates a DJ slider or knob, allowing you to control the brightness of an LED connected to PWM pin 11. This provides a visual representation of adjustments such as volume or fading effects.

Meanwhile, the switch, connected to digital input pin A2, mimics a button on the DJ player. When the button is pressed, a yellow light connected to pin 13 is activated briefly, creating a visual cue for a button press or an effect. The code establishes a loop that continuously reads the analog sensor value, and button state, and adjusts LED brightness accordingly, producing a dynamic and interactive simulation of a basic DJ player interface.

It does not look like DJ player in the bright light, and it was hard for me to take a video with one hand and simultaneously press the button with another hand.

int led = 11; //the PMW pin the LED is attached to

void setup(){
  //declare pin 11 to be output:
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //yellow light
  pinMode(A2, INPUT); //button
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  int sensorValue = analogRead(A1);

  int buttonState = digitalRead(A2); //button

  if (buttonState == 1) {
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

  } else {
    digitalWrite(13, LOW);

  //set the brightness of pin 11 according to the sensor value/4)
  analogWrite(led, sensorValue/4);

  //wait for 30 milliseconds to see the diming effect

One particularly interesting aspect of the code is the use of the analog input from a potentiometer to control the brightness of an LED. The line int sensorValue = analogRead(A1); reads the analog input from pin A1, representing a DJ slider or knob. The subsequent analogWrite(led, sensorValue/4); adjusts the brightness of an LED on pin 11 based on this input, creating a dynamic and interactive simulation of volume or fade control. This part of the code adds a tangible and intuitive user interface element to the mini DJ player simulation.

(I also refer to the slides from Professor!)

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