Week 9: Digital and Analog


I tried to create an interactive traffic signal by integrating a push button and a potentiometer connected to two LEDs. Upon pressing the digital input push button, the red light illuminates, while the potentiometer, serving as the analog input, enables control over the brightness of the yellow light. This dual-input system represents a significant challenge, as initially, I could only manage them separately. 


Coding proved to be an inspiring task, particularly in merging both analog and digital components seamlessly. Despite the initial difficulty, this project served as a valuable learning experience, providing insights into the intricacies of combining different inputs and coding for a cohesive interactive system. As I look ahead, the incorporation of the third color, red, looms as the next exciting phase, promising further growth and mastery of interactive design.

Materials used: 

  1. Arduino board 
  2. Potentiometer 
  3. 2 LEDs (red and yellow)
  4. Resistors 
  5. Tactile push-button switch
  6. Breadboard 
  7.  jumper wires

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