Assignment 4: Socializing

I was talking to a friend the other day who quoted Sartre: “Hell is other people.” Kanye summed it up when he said, “If you hang around people who act like you aren’t who you are, then you forget who you are.” We can’t control how we’re perceived, or force people to see us as we see ourselves. Consequently, a bit of ourselves is compromised in our interactions. You are who you’re perceived as as well as who you are. Isn’t that awful. So I wrote a fake-deep meme-inspired code about social awkwardness. To be honest, I’m not sure if the meaning translates.

I’ve attached a bit of my code below:

if (mouseIsPressed) {
   for(var i = -150; i < 200; i ++) {
     rotate(sin(frameCount + i)*100);
   text('GET ME OUT',-300,330);

The objective for this assignment was to write text, so I loaded the font I wanted (Impact) at the beginning, established the size and font in the set up, and then finally got it to show in the draw function after pressing my mouse.

I learned how to load the stock image watching this. It was very easy to follow and I know I’ll be using it a lot in the future. I learned how to make the lines here. However, you’ll notice after clicking on the video that the lines in my project look quite different from what the video shows. This is because I tried to speed up the movement of the object and my computer crashed. After getting P5JS up and running, I rewrote the code and these spiky bezier-like lines are what came out and, frankly, I have no idea why. I’m not complaining because they’re the coolest part of my project. But they’re the coolest part of my project-by far-and I have no idea how it’s happening. Yeah.

This is one of those projects where the more you look at it, the worse it gets. I really felt that the lines needed to be hot pink. It reminds me of a meme I’ve attached below:

I’m going to set aside time this long weekend to make some things that I’m genuinely proud of/think are cool. I should be doing this everyday given my computational limitations. It’s a daily pressure on my mind. I want to create a project using data visualization as well, since I didn’t explore it for this assignment. It’s more difficult than simply loading a font. I’m going to ask Professor Riad how the lines function and update the post with my personal explanation later, to prove that I know. You know, when you’re starting from the beginning, it’s so easy to get overwhelmed because you know how much there is to do. You question your motivations. Do you really love what you say you love? Hemming and hawing. Twiddling thumbs.

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