Unusual Switch – Yerkebulan Imanbayev


For my unusual switch, I was inspired by Grinch and his signature furrowed eyebrows. Specifically, I decided to create my circuit in a way that grimacing (or furrowing your brows) is equal to the action of turning over the switch.


I decided to create a simple circuit with a resistor and an LED. I have a wire that is connected to the power source and the LED. The LED is connected to a resistor, which, in turn, is connected to a wire. This wire is connected to a strip of aluminum foil, which is taped to one of my brows. I connected another wire to the ground and then taped aluminum foil on it as well, connecting it to my other brow. Now, if I furrow my eyebrows, the aluminum brows connect, conducting the electricity and turning the light bulb. If I do not make a Grinch face, the wires are disconnected, which does not conduct any electricity. Below, I created a simple diagram of the circuit:


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