Assignment 4 – Oh! Annabel Lee

In this assignment, I knew that I wanted to combine the process of creating a poem and going through a huge data chunk. Moreover, I was repeating Edgar Allan Poe’s poem Annabel Lee, for some time before making this poem. That’s why I decided to make a alt version of the original poem. In order to find what kind of data to incorporate into the data, I have went through data sites, and found a data set for a range of colors (1500+) with their rgb values. Thus I have decided to choose 2 colors from this set randomly and put it inside the first and third line of the 4 lines I chose from the main poem.

However for me it was important to have a type of data visualization in, so I wanted to do that by mapping the two colors of each poem on the screen like a gradient where the bottom of the screen would have one of the colors and slowly as it went up the screen it would transition to the other color. I achieved this by using lerpcolor and mapping the height of the y position in comparison to the bottom color, and drawing that color on screen line by line.

It was fun to try out different ways of having the colors on the screen, with huge bands, with gradient, in response to the speed of the mouse in the y-direction.

I feel that the main challenge was having also the poem written on the screen. I got the feeling that commanding the text, in terms of font, and coloring and filling, was hard to navigate and hard to preserve in response to the mouse’s position. I feel that understanding the dynamics of text function in relation to rest of the drawing functions that are available in p5js will be my challenge.

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