MidTerm Progress – Infinite fall


For the midterm, I am planning to create a game in which a character falls and lands on different platforms that keep emerging from the bottom. The main goal is to stay on the platforms that are within the canvas dimensions for as long as possible and the time plus added components decide a player’s score for the round. It is a score based game and going above or below the top and bottom of the canvas respectively ends the game. 

I was intimidated by the code where I had to keep the ball (Player) on the platforms but by making separate classes of ball and platforms I was able to manage that as well. I still need to add more conditions to make the movement and fall of the ball smoother.

Further Work

I have only been able to get done with the basic idea of the game and still need to add the following features: 

  • Cause the ball to move as long as the key is pressed
  • Make the platforms appear in a more organized sequence
  • Fix the error where the ball seems to be passing through the platforms
  • Set conditions on how the game is lost (by touching the top of the canvas)
  • Add elements such as slowing down the speed etc. 

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