Final Project Concept

I brainstormed for a while on what I could create using both arduino and p5js. My first idea was to add some changes to my game that I created for the midterm project. I wanted to control the movement of the player in the game with sensors and add some extra features controlled with the help of the arduino kit. The second idea was to draw using a joystick. I was inspired by this video:
Since I really like the idea of drawing with the interaction of P5js and Arduino, I plan to do something connected with sketching. Also, I want my project to have a winter atmosphere and the concept to be related to the upcoming holidays. For instance :
To make my project more entertaining , I plan to make something like a game.The final version should include:
* Start/Finish Page
* Interactive background(probably will use experience from work with generative artworks in p5js)
* Sound
* Control from arduino with joystick/potentiometer/sensor/switch

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