Final Project Vision

Ah, the time has finally come. I can’t believe we are already very close to showcasing everything we’ve learned in this course!

For my final project, I thought I’d like to create a game and also combine the music element in it because I just couldn’t give up either one. And because I am already in my Christmas festive mood, I thought it’d be cute to display a Christmas-related game for the users to play during the showcase!

Because I love playing the dinosaur game, I was thinking of creating a Christmas version of that, as well as including Christmas music/sound effects in the game. I searched it up in case there’s a similar game, and I found one that’s called “Ginger Ninga,” which is pictured below:

(Here’s the link to the game.)

I would like to change some elements of the game while still going with the general idea of having gingerbread man as my main character and having the basic elements that are similar to the dinosaur game. My game will consist of:

  • Five tries (hearts) so that it goes on for longer
  • Christmas-themed background
  • Have presents as the prize icon while having icicles as obstacles
  • Will have the gingerbread man jump over from iceberg to iceberg
  • Each time the gingerbread man collects presents, the game will play a “ho-ho-ho” sound; on the contrary, each time the gingerbread man dies, a sound of “ahh!” will play.
  • Will also play Christmas lofi music in the background:)

I will also have to make sure that the user will be able to play the game by using Arduino instead of the keyboard, which is the part that I’m not too sure about – I’ll probably be using either the switch or the potentiometer to control the gingerbread man’s movement, but this is still up in the air as of now. I’m also thinking of incorporating a red and green LED light so that when the gingerbread man successfully collects “prizes,” the green light will turn on, while if it dies, the red one will turn on.

I’m very excited to get started, but I’m also a little worried about the logistics and the details of it as well. I’ll definitely have to seek out the professor to further discuss about my rough idea!

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