Final Project Proposal

By: Fuad & Phoebe


For our final project, we were interested in making another game, but instead of a more action-based game, one that was a subtle, calming, yet visually pleasing game. We discussed the mobile game I Love Hue, which is a puzzle type game that tasks the player with organizing a grid of tiles of different colors into a gradient. We also discussed the meaning of good interaction design and how to create a system whose parts were meaningful, intentional, and effective.  Something that was simple, with few “gadgets,” and minimalistic but visually pleasing animations were two things we wanted to incorporate. As such, we came up with a “color matching” game.


Our color matching game consists of a series of “levels”, where each level displays a two squares side by, one square being the “target” color, and the other being the “test” square that the player must manipulate to match the target color. The player will be able to manipulate the color of the square by turning potentiometers on the Arduino board, each that correspond with the red, green, and blue values of the target color. The player will have a set amount of time to adjust the color of the test square and is scored based on how close the match is to the target color.

What Arduino will do 

As mentioned above, Arduino will provide the means for manipulating the color onscreen. Each potentiometer will be mapped to a value of 0 to 255, corresponding to RGB values. Other than perhaps clicking a key to start the game, the player shouldn’t need to use the keyboard or mouse.

What p5.js will do 

The sketch will provide almost all visuals of the game. However, we thought it would be interesting to include red, green, and blue LED’s on our board, whose brightness would change according to how close the user was to the values of the target color. Hence, the sketch would also communicate back to Arduino, adjusting the brightness of the LED’s.

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