Night-Light Daniel Basurto


The idea for this concept comes from a point of laziness,  as in my room, when I want to turn the lights off, I need to immediately go to sleep, as I don’t have a nightlight for when I want to sleep.

Therefore, with my little understanding of Arduino hardware and coding, I decided to do a simple enough project but also being functional.

When making the circuit I needed help, and I was looking into many YouTube videos in order to find a way to properly understand it, I took what I could from the videos and made my circuit and code accordingly.


Here is the schematic for the circuit:

And here is the project in action:

There weren’t many problems with the circuit working, however, I do wish I could have added more to make it more complex, however that will only come as I get more experienced with Arduino and coding for it.


I was lost as to how to write the code, and found a code in one of the videos I found.

  LDR sensor

void setup() {
void loop() {
  float sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
  // Reads the analog input ranging from 0 to 1023

Now that I am looking back to the project after days of making it, I realize that the code is not as complex as I thought as the beginning. I do comprehend it now, however at the time I made the circuit I did not know.

Further Improvements

I would have preferred for this project to have taken less time, however I am satisfied with what I did. Maybe I’d like to add a kill-switch or a way for the circuit to end after amount of time.


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