Midterm Progress

Concepts I had throughout:

Working on my midterm, I had multiple ideas for games. I thought of the snake game, and flappy bird, and the bouncing ball game. While the idea for the program for all the games didn’t seem too difficult, I wanted to focus more on the game rather than choose based on difficulty. I thought the snake game was too common and it wouldn’t be unique and wouldn’t really mean anything to anyone. Next, flappy bird was actually pretty cool and I think doing its code would’ve exposed me to different types of functions from the reference in p5js and I liked that. However, I settled on the bouncy ball game, especially because I thought it relates to most of the content we covered throughout the course and I liked that because it helped me review everything we did so far. The bouncing ball was also a concept covered in the video tutorials by TheCodingTrain which was really helpful to me.

Coding Process

I started my program by brainstorming what functions and variables I would need. I figured out which functions I needed for my code and then planned in which order I would code them in, and where exactly I would use each variable. This really helped the whole programming process as it helped me organize everything and figure out where exactly the bugs I ran into are. Moreover, it helped me learn from my mistakes. (I cannot post my code progress because I am doing this after finishing the final product).

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