Arabic text

For this project we needed to create a data visualization. I wanted to explore Arabic text and how it could be displayed. I started by creating a list of the alphabet and playing around with how it looks with different transformations.

I started with some rotation and transformation

I then created a function that takes some of the alphabet and prints them, each would be rotated a little to create a circle and they would repeated across a line

I then added movement to the rotation to create a swirl like shape


I reversed the swirl and printed it on top. Then I experimented with colors, sizes and numbers.

I then tried to reprint the background in the draw

Then I thought it might be interesting to go back to the initial code and reverse the speed once the letters reach a certain position and re-add the background

This created something that was a little more readable. The next step would be to use Arabic text instead of random alphabets.

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