Assignment 4 – Data Visualization


This assignment required  to make some sort of data visualization, or create a generative text output. This project was quite interesting to work on as it was hands-on practice for most of the concepts we have learnt so far. The design was  inspired  by  some pretty cool  videos  by weidi on Youtube. The project originally started with having them aim of visualizing data for World Cup searches over the past months, since it is coming soon. However, very limited data for that could be found hence the change to the world population dataset.


The coding aspect of this assignment was very informative. It made use of many of the functions we have learnt and has enabled me to understand better how they work. Some of the functions and methods include the transformations, the map() method, as well as loops and conditions. Among the parts of the code which I am proud of is the hovering logic, which makes the data presentation a tad bit interactive with the user’s actions.

 //calculates distance between pointer and circles
    let distance = dist (mouseX, mouseY, pointx, pointy);
    let circlesize;
  //this condition changes the circles to green when hovered over
    if(distance < 3){
      fill ("green");
      circlesize = 7;
      circle(pointx, pointy, circlesize);
    //this block prints the countries and populations
      translate(width/2, 0)
      rect(0, 0, 300, 200);
      text(population[i], 0, 90);
      text(country[i], 0, 60);
      text(abbrev[i], 0, 30);
      circlesize = 3;
      circle(pointx, pointy, circlesize);


Reflection / Future Improvements

I am quite proud of the progress I am making with p5js and creative art in general. I feel like I am starting to get the hang of things and actually enjoying doing cool stuff with it. As for the piece itself, the visualization was meant to be a bit cooler with varying lengths of lines depending on how large the numbers are relatively. However I am not quite sure if the fault was in my map function or just the fact that there were huge variations in my dataset hence the failure to portray the effect intended. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to improving further and making better use of different capabilities in p5js.

Generative text output


F0r my piece this week, I designed a generative text output sort of like madlibs. I made 3 strings of text files: adjectives, nouns, verbs, and one array: settings. Each of these strings/ arrays contained words I would refer to in function draw to randomly construct a sentence based on the formula I arranged.

The sentence structure was as follows:

  • the ‘adjective’ ‘noun’ ‘verb’ ‘setting’

For example:

  • the nutty professor danced into the night

Code highlight

function preload() {
  helveticaFont = loadFont("Helvetica-Bold-Font.ttf"); // downloaded font from online

  // loads text files as strings
  adjectives = loadStrings("english-adjectives.txt");
  nouns = loadStrings("english-nouns.txt");
  verbs = loadStrings("english-verbs.txt");

  // background i uploaded
  gradient1 = loadImage("gradient1.png");

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {

  // loop to generate random stars on the bottom portion of canvas
  for (let i = 55; i < 250; i++) {
    fill(200, 150); // color of stars and transparency
    circle(random(400), random(251, 400), random(1, 2));

Finally kinda figured out loops, also surprised I knew how to use loadStrings… lol. 

Embedded sketch

Click on the canvas to randomly generate sentences.

It’s fun, trust me! My personal favorite is:

  • the fat frog breakdanced into the metaverse

Reflection and improvements

  • Would have liked to have made it so that when a specific setting would pop up, I would be able to generate a design that correlates with it. For example, if the setting “into the snow” gets generated, a snowfall design would pop up to go with it.
  • The ‘settings’ string that referred to the text file I created would sometimes generate blanks, so I had to replace it with an array.
  • Some sort of visual representation of the sentence constructed instead of just displaying the text.
  • I’m still not fully competent using p5js, but I am getting more comfortable!

Bry on Twitter: "when u low key work with Michael Scott 😩🤘🏼" / Twitter

Assignment 1 – Self Portrait

My concept

As this was my first time coding or creating any type of output like this, I found this assignment to be slightly difficult, and tried to express myself as much as I could.

This picture represents who I am on multiple levels. I moved to the UAE when I was less than a year old, and grew up here. However, I always saw Egypt as home. I only visit Egypt for 2 months a year, yet every year, I build a stronger connection with it and I grow to become even more patriotic. This self portrait is a way for me to describe how I feel when I am away from Egypt: indifferent. I love living in the UAE, but Egypt will always be where I feel most comfortable, like I’m right where I’m supposed to be.

The line represents how disconnected I feel from my family over there when I am in the UAE. It feels like there is a barrier between us, and between my home and I. (The 3 triangles represent the pyramids 🙂 )

A highlight of some code that I’m particularly proud of

I am not necessarily proud of a specific part of my code, since it is mostly coding shapes and their dimensions, but finding accurate dimensions was very time-consuming and I’m proud that the dimensions ended up looking normal.

Reflection and ideas for future work or improvements

For my next assignment, I hope I will be able to add interactivity or movements in the code to make it look better and to be able to express myself more. For example, in this assignment, I wanted to move the stickman over to Egypt and back, with the indifferent face changing to a happy one, but I was unable to. Next time, I hope I can apply ideas like this.

Sketch- N/A.

Water Drops

I tried creating flower objects. To do that I would need to to arrange a few circles around a radius and to do that I followed the instructions here, I also tried to change the transparency of the petals for each instance and used this function
self.squareColor = color(clr);

I thought that it might be interesting to try to create flowers with rectangles that are rotated around its origin, but I realized that I would need to translate the shape to make sure that it stayed in place. I used 2 rectangles to create the “flowers” and then used the rotation code to make the “flower rotate. when I created more “flowers” I experiment with values in the rotation script but wasn’t able to make the other ones rotate in place. (update, after the class about translation I know why this is happening, push and pop would probably help here) for some reason, the shapes moved in circles rather than rotate around themselves like I wanted, however, it looked interesting and kind of resembled a roller coaster.

I ended up only having 1 on the screen but continuously increase the size. and once it reaches a certain size a new color starts to expand.

but I wanted the previous colors to continue expanding when new colors are added so I experiment with loops.
this kind of worked but constantly rebuilt all the elements in the array which made it slow. But it reminded me of clouds or cotton candy.

I also wanted to explore cases where it would be useful to create instances of an object multiple times and decided to create an interaction where when the user clicks the canvas a water drop is created and the canvas fills up with water.

some of the challenges I faces in included:
I wanted to create a water drop class that would have the properties of a single drop (speed, direction …) and a water class that created instances of the drop object. However, I had trouble displayed the water drop as it fill (it would instantly appeared at the bottom. I assume that this might have to do with the fact that the water function was called in the draw(which keeps updating) and the drop.display was called in the water class in a method that didn’t update for every y change.
I also wanted to inverse the background and water colors once the canvas filled up (so that the screen can be filled up with drops of a different color) but had trouble with that.

Aisha – OOP

Usually, when I physically paint, my go-to painting is the night sky. So I wanted to replicate that idea in this assignment. I created 4 classes: Rain, Moon, Sun, and Grass. The Rain class is the one I’m most proud of. With the help of the coding train, I displayed many drops falling from the sky using a fall function and a draw function at different x and y positions as well as different speeds. Here is the code:

class Rain {
  constructor(yspeed) {
    //random so drops dont fall in the same position/speed
    this.x = random(400);
    this.y = random(-500, -50);
    this.yspeed = random(5, 7); //how fast it falls
  // function for raindrops
  fall() {
    this.y = this.y + this.yspeed;
    //ensures that rain is constantly falling
    if (this.y > height) {
      this.y = random(-200, -100);
  //shows raindrop
  draw() {
    stroke(255, 255, 255);
    line(this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y + 10);

After this, I developed the moon and grass class. I then created a sun class that displays when the mouse is pressed. Furthermore, when the mouse is pressed it makes it turns from nighttime to daytime and stops the rain.  I also created two people to stand there and look at each other. I attempted to make a tree however after a few hours it still wasn’t working so I ended up just putting an image of a tree in the art to add more details.

This is my sketch:

Future Improvements:

  • I would like to build my own tree rather than upload an image from the internet.
  • I would like to animate the two people to make it seem like they are hugging/kissing
  • I’d also like to make the rain look more realistic (maybe have rain closer to the screen look bigger and rain in the back look smaller and splashes on the grass).

Assignment #3 (OOP) – Sugar cube!


Coffee is undoubtedly my favorite go-to drink, especially as a sleep-deprived college student. Everything about coffee is wonderful – whether it be the scent of the coffee beans, the warm, inviting atmosphere of cafes, or even its bitter aftertaste. So, naturally, I wanted to dedicate at least one of my projects to create an animation with coffee, although I wasn’t entirely sure what and how. Then an idea of having a coffee cup and a sugar cube being dropped inside it came randomly to me, so I decided to try and recreate that. It was perfect because it incorporated movement, which was something I wanted to try since day 1! Initially I wanted to create a kettle and have coffee pour out from it, but I quickly decided against it when I realized my skills weren’t that advanced enough to recreate that. Instead, I decided to create a simple clock to fill the empty space on the canvas.


I wanted my background to have a vintage vibe to it, so I decided to go with a slightly darker orange. Then I created the coffee cup, which took a while because I was still trying out and adjusting the position, length, etc. of the shapes. Eventually I was able to put the different shapes and lines together to create a mug with coffee inside, but then I had some trouble trying to empty the space between the handle and the mug’s body; because I colored the entire arc with white, it wasn’t letting me discolor the smaller arc space within it.

(it was this tiny space between the handle and the body of the mug.)

So in order to color that part as the same orange shade as the background, I simply decided to create an arc that will fit perfectly in that space and color it orange. Here’s the coding that I’ve used:

fill(230, 109, 69);
arc(93, 240, 77, 130, radians(37), radians(143), CHORD);

Once that was done, I moved onto creating the clock, which I initially visioned to also have a bit of animation in it because I wanted to move the clock’s hands. However, when I tried to animate the clock hands only, it instead hid most of my coffee cup’s body, which is an error/mistake that I’m still trying to figure out. So, unfortunately, the clock hands are fixed and frozen for now.

Now, the true challenge was creating a “class,” because I had no clue where to begin or what it would do. Thankfully, one of our Intro to IM upperclassman was kind enough to teach me the basics – once I understood that a “class” was simply a cookie cutter (using Professor Shiloh’s metaphor from class), it was a little easier to plug in the characteristics of whatever object that I wanted to create in the “class.”

I decided to name my class “Sugarcube,” true to the image and the role of the little white square that I was dropping into the coffee via animation. Here are all the codes that I used to create sugarcube:

let yPos = 30;
let sc1;

class Sugarcube {
  constructor() {
    this.yPos = 30;
    this.ySpeed = 2;

  move() {
    if (this.yPos < 250) {
      this.yPos = this.yPos + 2;

  draw() {
    square(120, this.yPos, 30);

Then, in order to move it, all I had to do is plug in the below:


And voilà, here’s the final product:


Although this was a pretty challenging assignment that I started off with very little knowledge in the function “class,” it definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone and learn new efficient skills! I realized just how convenient this function can be if it is used correctly, because all I need to do is plug in (variable name) move(); or (variable name) draw(); in order to reproduce the exact same variable.

Assignment 3: OOP-Based Art


Based on the ability to create multiple objects with ease using OOP and arrays, I envisioned colorful schools of fish swimming in the sea for my third assignment. One that looked something like:

Image courtesy of my Notes app.

Coding Highlights

I first wanted to create a still picture before adding in the movement. Before coding in the fish, I sought to paint in the scenery they would soon inhabit. A highlight here was managing to give the sky and sea a nice gradient, which I achieved with the following code:

//Canvas size is 600 by 600.
//Sunset Sky
for (let i = 0; i < 200; i = i + 2){
  fill(255, 170 - i/1.5, 85);
  rect(0, i, 600, 5);
for (let i = 0; i < 400; i = i + 4){
  fill(100 - i/4, 130 - i/4, 255);
  rect(0, i + 200, 600, 5);
fill(255, 190, 40);
arc(300, 200, 200, 200, radians(180), radians(0));

Using two for() loops (one for the sky and the other for the sea), I painted in thin rectangles that slightly darken with each iteration of the loop, giving off the impression of a gradient. Upon the sunset sky, I drew in the setting sun using a simple arc function. Thus the scenery was complete, waiting for the fish to move in. Time to make these schools of fish an actual class.

//Create Class for Fish
class Fish{
    this.xPos = random(0, 600);
    this.yPos = random(230, 600);
  //Function for Drawing Fish
    fill(240, 145, 40);
    ellipse(this.xPos, this.yPos, 60, 30);
    triangle(this.xPos + 10, this.yPos, this.xPos + 40, this.yPos - 15, this.xPos + 40, this.yPos + 15);
    ellipse(this.xPos - 20, this.yPos - 4, 5);
    arc(this.xPos - 30, this.yPos, 15, 7, radians(0), radians(90));

With this class established, I could now make objects that could call upon the draw() function described in the class to draw in fish at random locations. I churned out these objects by creating an array, generating multiple values—and in turn objects—within the array using a for() loop in the setup() function, and then calling upon said objects with another for() loop in the draw() function:

//Only Included Code Pertaining to Fish Creation
//Create Array for Fish
let fish = [];

function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 600);
  //Generate Multiple Values in Array for Fish
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++){
    fish[i] = new Fish();

function draw() {
  //Draw In Fish
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++){

With these ingredients, the still-picture draft was done!

A school of 10 nice fish. This assignment was going swimmingly.

Now, to make the fish move. This meant that I would have to add a new function into the Fish() class. I did so by creating and using two new variables, this.xSpeed and this.ySpeed, for which I assigned random values to make the fish swim at different speeds.

//Only Included Movement Part of the Class

//Create Class for Fish
class Fish{
    this.xPos = random(0, 600);
    this.yPos = random(230, 580);
    //New Variables for Fish Movement
    this.xSpeed = random(-5, -1);
    this.ySpeed = random(-2, 2);
  //New Function for Fish Movement
    this.xPos += this.xSpeed;
    //Check to Stop Fish from Leaving Water
    if (this.yPos > 230){
      this.yPos += this.ySpeed;
    else {
      this.ySpeed = random(0, 1);
      this.yPos += this.ySpeed;
    //Check to Stop Fish from Staying Below Frame
    if(this.yPos < 610){
      this.yPos += this.ySpeed;
    else {
      this.ySpeed = random(-1, 0);
      this.yPos += this.ySpeed;

As described in the comments, this code continually moves the position of the fish and stops them from moving out of the water by checking for their y positions and adjusting their vertical “speed” as necessary.

To spice things up, I also decided to randomize the RGB values of the fish by making three new variables (for each value) within the constructor(), setting each of them to random(255), and incorporating them within the draw() function of the Fish() class.

All I needed now was one more function in the Fish() class, one that resets the position of the fish, to make them loop around back into the canvas:

//This function is within the Fish() class.

//Function for Resetting + Rerolling Values of Fish Out of Frame
  if(this.xPos < -50){
    this.xPos = 650;
    this.yPos = random(230, 580);
    this.xSpeed = random(-5, -1);
    this.ySpeed = random(-2, 2);
    this.rValue = random(255);
    this.gValue = random(255);
    this.bValue = random(255);

This code resets the x positions of the fish to the right of the canvas and ensures that they keep swimming within view. Their horizontal and vertical speeds, along with their RGB values, are also rerolled to keep things fresh. The fish were ready to swim.

There they go. You can click on the canvas to see them move smoothly!

And so they swam.


Yet another fun assignment to work on! The thrill of watching your code work the way you intended never gets old. It really does feel like solving a puzzle that I’ve presented for myself, one that yields tangible results when solved.

If I had more time, I would have liked to make the fish stay within the water in a more natural way rather than bouncing off the surface boundary as they are now. The key here would be to devise a block of code that simulates acceleration/deceleration, a challenge to tackle at a later date for sure.

By working on this piece, I feel like I’ve gotten a better sense of OOP and a taste of what classes can do when paired with arrays. I eagerly look forward to the next step in our coding journey!



my self-portrait was based on me playing football. this is the first coding assignment that i have done and has been challenging. i used the diffrent shapes that we have been learning to come up with something that doesn’t really resemble me but, it kind of does what i would be doing on the weekends. i used diffrent things we learned in class to come up with the design.


I used the fill command to find the diffrent colors  that i wanted for my kit and shoes. and used the arc command for my hair. i used the loop function to make the ball move looking like i kicked it.



Lab Three- The Sun


My initial idea was to create this one with the hydrogen that is in a different color bouncing around. I enjoy the writing the code I had some challenges with adding the number of bouncing balls that I wanted inside of the ellipses since I would run into the problem of them being stuck either at the top or the bottom. I came up with this idea since in class only worked with a random bouncing ball bouncing around the screen, I initially wanted to look at it if it’s trapped in a certain area. this idea then developed and to thinking what artwork would work with this and I came up with the idea of this sun. the piece itself is interactive so if you click on the background it changes from day to night.

initial design

this evolved to my idea of the sun


I used the mouse background that we learned in class to change the background between day and night. I added an ellipse to form the sun and created a class for the bouncing balls to randomly bounce around the ellipse. I added array to control the amount of hydrogen that I wanted inside the sun

let ball= []; 
 let ball2

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  for (let i= 0; i< 3; i++){
    ball[i] = new BouncingBall(i+1, 2);
   ball1 = new BouncingBall(2, 2);
  ball2 = new BouncingBall(8, 10);

function draw() {
  if (mouseIsPressed ) {
  } else {
 // background("#33A1FD");
  ellipse (width/2, height/2, 200, 200)
  for (let i= 0; i< 3; i++){

class BouncingBall {
  constructor() {
    this.xPos = width / 2;
    this.yPos = random(100, 300);
    this.xSpeed = 4;
    this.ySpeed = 7;


  move() {
    this.xPos += this.xSpeed;
    this.yPos += this.ySpeed;

  collision() {
    if (this.xPos <= 150 || this.xPos >= (width - 150)) {
      this.xSpeed = -this.xSpeed;
    if (this.yPos <= 150 || this.yPos >= (height - 150)) {
      this.ySpeed = -this.ySpeed;
  draw() {
    circle(this.xPos, this.yPos, 30);

What i could improve 

I am happy with my work since my first-time coding, I feel like it’s something I wouldn’t have been able to achieve prior to this class. However, I would have liked the night sky to have some stars and I would have added lines to the sun to make it look more realistic. since hydrogen is usually arc shaped rather than balls that would have made it look more realistic and better.


assignment 3 oop – starlight

Exploring object oriented programming was fun and challenging. I struggled to find ideas on the artwork I want to do so I just started exploring with different shapes and playing with their movement using OOP. I started with small dots all around the screen jittering and thought of making them as stars. Then an idea of shining one of the stars’ light onto the ground sounded like a nice idea so I started playing with lines and their movement. I wanted to explore arrays and tried to incorporate that into the code which made the star light look nicer.

I wanted to incorporate a recursive tree and started exploring some codes online but I struggled to have something solid.

//star light movement
class movingLines1 {
  constructor() {
    this.x = random(width - width / 2);
    this.y = random(height - height / 2);
    this.z = 100;
    this.w = 100;
    this.speed = 2;

  move() {
    this.x += this.speed;
    this.y += this.speed;

  display() {
    line(this.x, this.y, this.z, this.w);

I am most proud of the star light as it took so much experimenting to get to the result I wanted. For future improvements, I would want to see how recursive trees work and incorporate that into the artwork.