Digital art

For this assignment, I practiced a lot with the new features and made different digital artworks, just to try and play with all the different features and possibilities of loops. Thus, looking at different patterns, I remembered stained glass windows. Stained glass is a special kind of monumental and decorative art. .Stained-glass windows can be considered transparent paintings, drawings, patterns made of glass or on glass.
In the process of getting to know “loop” I discovered the random() function (which is my favorite due to its unlimited possibilities). Before getting to the idea itself, I played around with different shapes and “for” loops.

I tried to recreate like a stained glass picture. As a base, I took an autumn illustration from the internet and uploaded it into my code, after which I created something similar to a stained glass painting using the “for” loop. There were some tutorials from “The Coding Train” and a couple of other sources that I found helpful(

Reflections&future improvements:
I think that this task helped me a lot to understand correctly the work of for loop, random(), role of each variable and the importance of deep analysis before work. With more experience and practice, I hope to create similar interactive patterns with animations. For example, so that different stained-glass windows change when clicked. In the next works, I want to learn more advanced animations, like creating moving waves (in the form of patterns. )

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