Creative Switch


Back home, my brothers would get frustrated whenever I borrowed something from their drawer and didn’t close it properly. To combat this, I decided to create a simple mechanism that has a light turn on whenever the drawer is fully closed.


To implement this, I created a circuit that was disconnected at one point. Connecting two wires would complete the circuit and light up the bulb. My initial idea was to have two wires taped to the insides of the drawer, but this failed since it was difficult lining up the two wires perfectly. As a result, I decided to use aluminum foil to extend the reach of the wires. Using a fat strip, I was able to establish a connection when the drawer was closed. Below is the circuit and a demonstration of the circuit.


I felt like the most difficult part of this was creating a seamless integration of the wires into the drawer. As of now, the drawer is only able to be opened about 10cm before it falls out of the breadboard, so being able to have a long wire could fix this. Furthermore, the wire should probably go underneath or through the side, since I can’t place or take anything from the drawer while its open. Moving forwards, I also want to add another color designating the drawer is open, so that it’s more obvious to the user that the drawer must be closed.

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