Midterm – Fishing Simulator


In elementary school I played a lot of Club Penguin. In the club penguin world, there was a mini game based on fishing, and I’d always play because it was the quickest way to receive in-game money. Unfortunately Club Penguin has shut down now, so I made my version of the game to fill the void.  Welcome to Fishing Simulator!

Game Implementation

  1. I started by creating the fish class, and scolpted my game around it. I wanted to make them as random as possible, so each fish is given its own spawning location and speed. And each have their own boundaries, which after reaching, they will return back to their spawn location to start their journey again, until the user has caught them. The more fish the user catches, the higher their score is. I set the cap at 15 fishes, but this can be easily changed by varying the for loop containing the instantiation in the setup function. To my dissapointment, there was a lack of fish sprites online, so a png had to suffice.
  2. I chose backgrounds that I thought fit the theme of the game, and incorporated a lively outdoor-sy game music.
  3. Next I made the fishing line class. It was simple as it only constituants are a line and an arc shape. This is coupled with the catchFish() function to complete foundational game mechanics. In this function splice() is used to delete the fish objects that had been caught, by coming in contact with the fishing hook. At first I coded the fishing line to move according to mouseX and mouseY, but this made the game too easy, so I only allowed user to control the fishing line’s vertical movement. This way, users’ need to assess timings as well.
  4.  Subsequently, I created the Boot class. This didn’t take long as it had similar movement properties to the Fish class. The only difference is that if the user catches a boot, the game is over. This is checked by the catchBoot() function.
  5. With all this, the user is finally able to play the game with all the essential components incorporated. There are specific sound effects that play if the user catches any of the objects.
  6. Finally, I integrated the start and restart screens and their corresponding buttons. With these, the user doesn’t have to rerun the code everytime he/she wants to play again.

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