Assignment 4 – Explosion

When the Professor shared the “dispersing circles” sketch in class, I immediately thought of an explosion. With this assignment, I decided to implement a similar concept using text instead of those circles.

I created a class Mover for the moving objects, characters in this case. All the characters in the parent string are instances of this class in the program. Upon pressing the mouse button, these characters scatter in random directions and the colors change to mimic an explosion. When the characters slow (speeds less than 0.1 – update()) down significantly to the point of not moving, they come back to their original place in the center of the screen.

I decided to integrate most of the concepts I have learned in class in this assignment. For example, when the characters are aligned in the center of the screen, I add noise to them to make it seem like they are unstable and reading to go flying in different directions. Perhaps the most technical part of my implementation was to ensure that they return to the center after the explosion. I did this by the subtraction method the Professor has pointed out in class numerous times. Each character has a position element associated with it which indicates its position within the word. Based on that, the offset from the starting of the word is calculated and then every character is positioned in the right order in the word.

I have also made sure not to hardcode the string being used so anything can be used in place of the “BOOM!” in the code. Here is what I got:

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