Final Project Progress


Finalize your idea,  determine whether it’s going to be a group/solo arrangement,  identify the materials/space you need, and identify what you think will be hardest to complete. Post your progress on the project so far.


For the final project, I would be creating music or sound visualizer.  There will be two forms of visualization. One on the screen and the other through a LED strip. The project will be reactive to sound made by the user or played by the user. I would be taking the input and analyzing the frequency to create the two visualizations. The LED strip will glow according to the rhythm of the music and the visualization will show the loudness or frequency of the music. Thinking of a very cool visualization.

Materials/ Space

  • A dark or low lit room
  • Laptop screen
  • Multicolored LEDs
  • Jump wires, Arduino, Transistor, Resistors

Hardest Part

Getting the Arduino and Processing to communicate. For now, I am going to use two different sources of input for both processing and Arduino. A sound sensor for Arduino and a computer’s microphone for Processing.


I have figured how to get input from the computer’s microphone and visualize. I have a ball which grows in size based on the amplitude of the sound

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