I wrote a code that reads from the billboard top 100 songs (not the most recent). I edit the .csv file I found online to remove redundant data that I did not need and I used the left data to draw circles at random locations for each of the top 100.
I added a small alpha value to show the layering of circles as they are random.
I had to deal with longer song names and make them wrap around.
Instead of trying to find a library that works, I decided to try to make the wrap work myself to explore and know what I can do to manipulate a string.
I started with a circle class to draw each circle at a random location and depending on circle details. I added an array to save the circles.
Plain text
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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
String names[];
int ranks[];
int weeks[];
boolean arrDone[] = new boolean[100];
boolean flag = false;
int counterDone = 0;
PFont myFont;
class Circles {
PVector pos ;
int col;
int diam;
String text;
// number of weeks on board gives color shade, and rank determines radius
Here, I declared the circle’s object array and then loaded and processed the data from the .csv file.
Plain text
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EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
String stuff[] = loadStrings("charts.csv");
String data[]= new String[3];
// Convert String into an array of integers using ',' as a delimiter
// string array is returned, which we cast to an int array
names = new String[stuff.length];
ranks = new int[stuff.length];
weeks = new int[stuff.length];
for(int i=1; i<stuff.length; i++){
data = split(stuff[i], ',');
//fill arrays with data
ranks[i] = int(data[0]);
names[i] = data[1];
weeks[i] = int(data[2]);
void readData() {
String stuff[] = loadStrings("charts.csv");
String data[]= new String[3];
// Convert String into an array of integers using ',' as a delimiter
// string array is returned, which we cast to an int array
names = new String[stuff.length];
ranks = new int[stuff.length];
weeks = new int[stuff.length];
for (int i=1; i<stuff.length; i++) {
data = split(stuff[i], ',' );
//fill arrays with data
ranks[i] = int(data[0]);
names[i] = data[1];
weeks[i] = int(data[2]);
void readData() {
String stuff[] = loadStrings("charts.csv");
String data[]= new String[3];
// Convert String into an array of integers using ',' as a delimiter
// string array is returned, which we cast to an int array
names = new String[stuff.length];
ranks = new int[stuff.length];
weeks = new int[stuff.length];
for (int i=1; i<stuff.length; i++) {
data = split(stuff[i], ',' );
//fill arrays with data
ranks[i] = int(data[0]);
names[i] = data[1];
weeks[i] = int(data[2]);
in the creat function here I added a boolean array to check if the song has been output on the screen or not to avoid repitition.
void create() {
int num = int(random(1, 99));
boolean flag = false;
if (arrDone[num]) {
flag= true;
} else {
arrDone[num] = true;
if (!flag && count<=100) {
// int weeks, int ranks, String _text){
circle[count] = new Circles(weeks[num], ranks[num], names[num]);
void create() {
int num = int(random(1, 99));
boolean flag = false;
if (arrDone[num]) {
flag= true;
} else {
arrDone[num] = true;
if (!flag && count<=100) {
// int weeks, int ranks, String _text){
circle[count] = new Circles(weeks[num], ranks[num], names[num]);
I only used the draw function for the text to appear at the beginning of the code running time. I generated the circles with mouse clicks instead to give time for the user to analyze each new circle.
Looks great Fatema. Nice job on figuring out the text wrap. Are the sizes related to the songs’ positions on the top 100?