MIDTERM Progress [week5]


This game is inspired by Google’s famous T-Rex, Run! game where the main objective is to steer clear from all the obstacles. The ‘2020 Saviour’ game follows a similar concept however we have incorporated more elements and features as compared to the original game in order to make it more captivating. 2020 Saviour is an interactive single-player game and the theme is related to the current global issue, the COVID-19 pandemic. Similar to the dinosaur in T-Rex, Run! here we have the main character named Saviour who has the ultimate solution to end the pandemic, the 100% effective vaccine! The main purpose of the game is to deliver the vaccine to the right destination which is the hospital. However, the path towards the hospital is not as easy as it sounds like, because on the way Saviour will encounter numerous amount of coronavirus and infected people who want the vaccination all to themselves, and the player should maneuver Saviour in an effective manner to dodge all the obstacles and while doing so Saviour should collect all the masks on the way in order to protect themselves as well as a move to the next level / win the game.

Main Character: Saviour, controlled by the player

Obstacles: Coronavirus and the infected people

Score increaser: The masks


Level 1 : The game starts with the Saviour running towards the right of the screen by itself. Keyboards of UP and DOWN will control the movement of the savior to jump for the masks that add up to the score(i.e. +10) and to slide from the virus objects that can decrease points(i.e. -10). Masks and Virus objects move the opposite way contrary to the Saviour with speed incrementing when Saviour contacts the virus and if Saviour manages to catch the mask speed decreases, i.e 0.25. Saviour can proceeds to Level 2 once the score is equal to 100. If Savior comes in contact with 3 viruses it loses the game, and the screen will display a message saying “Game Over” and in order to restart the game the player should click the start button with the mouse.

Level 2: The game background darkens into a more creepy apocalyptic setup. Now obstacles would be the coronavirus same as in level 1 in addition to the group of infected people standing as an object that player should jump over. This level doesn’t have a decrease in speed, which means it’s harder to reach the final destination as speed will be incremented similar to the first level. If Saviour passes all the obstacles unaffected she will reach the hospital where the cure(vaccine) is needed to end the global pandemic. Game over, Congrats screen will pop up after this indicating the end of the game. The player can restart the game by mouse clicking the start button.


Board dimensions: board of the game will hold a window size of 1000pixels in width and 600 pixels in height. The background image will include graphics related to the game’s theme: COVID-19, slowly fading from the light and bright urban landscape in Level1 to dark-toned almost apocalyptic background, finally reaching the last departure, hospital with a respective background image.

The game will include at least 6 classes:

1. The Game class holds all the functionalities of every object displayed on the screen.

2. The Creature class, superclass, will initialize all attributes for the latter classes.

3. The Savior class holds the object for the main character of the game, displayed as a female with cure for covid-19 in her hand. Savior class inherits Creature class’ properties.

4. The Obstacle class holds the object for an infected group of people standing still, which the main character jumps through. Obstacle class won’t inherit Creature class’ properties, since it’s static,non-movable object.

5. The Mask class holds the object for masks that are points for the main character that add up to player’s score. Once the score reaches 100, the character moves to Level2. Mask class inherits Creature class’ properties.

6. The Virus class holds the object of an enemy class that can harm the main character and decreases the player’s points when colliding with Savior. Virus class inherits Creature class’ properties.





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